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  • af Jesse Bogner
    132,95 kr.

    In seinem Debüt "Der Egoist" lässt uns Jesse Bogner schonungslos in die eigenen Abgründe blicken. Hochbegabt, aber arbeitslos lebt er in New York und kämpft gegen seine Alkohol-, Drogen- und Tablettensucht an. Vergeblich versucht er in Entziehungskuren von seinen Süchten und Aggressionen frei zu werden, bis er von seinem reichen Vater als letzte Konsequenz vor die Türe gesetzt wird. Zuerst mehr widerwillig als begeistert, entdeckt er die Weisheit der authentischen Kabbala und schafft es mit ihrer Hilfe, der inneren Leere zu entkommen. Als kabbalistischer Student macht er sich auf den Weg, den wahren Sinn der menschlichen Existenz zu entdecken. Einen Spiegel auf die Natur der Welt und sich selbst gerichtet, zeigt uns Bogner, in welch großer Krise unsere Welt sich befi ndet und wie sehr sie der Erlösung bedarf. Sein Buch gibt Einblick in die missverstandene Welt der Kabbala, und zeigt, dass der kollektive Appell der Kabbalisten die enorme Kraft hat, das Ego jedes Einzelnen und damit zugleich die gesamte Welt zu korrigieren.

  • - A Memoir
    af Jesse Bogner
    157,95 kr.

    We are compelled to both escape from and find meaning in the emptiness stirring inside of us. Unfortunately, without a method to channel these frustrations, we will not find an escape." Have you ever asked yourself the famous question, "What is the meaning of my life?" Maybe you sensed the world as it appears in your senses is lacking something. A spiritual world that is blind to most people awaits you. In it you will find your true self. The Egotist's author, Jesse Bogner, felt the same need to search for something beyond what he could see with his own eyes. His earth-shattering debut tracks his development from a hedonistic New Yorker whose only solace from suffering comes in the form of aesthetic pursuits, drugs and alcohol to a Kabbalist on a path to find the meaning of life. Holding a mirror to the nature of the world and to his own life, Bogner illuminates the world in a state of crisis in need of redemption. This book offers a glimpse into the misunderstood world of Kabbalah and how the collective plea of Kabbalists has the power to correct the egos of individuals and the world at large.

  • - (Corrections)
    af Jesse Bogner
    167,95 kr.

    After the success of his spiritual memoir, The Egotist, Jesse Bogner used his tools of perception to write articles about the climate of the world. This compilation is more than merely the sum of its parts. It's a journey through the mind of someone's spiritual transformation commenting on the corporeal plane of existence. From Trump, to anti-Semitism, to Israel, Bogner uses the issues of his time to express the hidden nature of reality.In Bogner's words: I began writing articles about politics and the spiritual roots of a world in crisis. A world of contradictions that reveals the flawed development of man using rational systems. These rational systems that cannot cope with an irrational world and the seemingly irrational nature of the creatures that inhabit it. It began as supplemental work to the novel I was working on, before becoming an obsession, a calling from above.The more I explored political tropes, the more my perception changed. The earth is crying out for its correction and Kabbalah is its remedy. Kabbalah is the method to reveal "the world to come" in one's lifetime. A tool that connects the corporeal world to the spiritual plane that contains a memory of and all the force of all the great spiritual titans of Israel.

  • af Jesse Bogner
    137,95 kr.

    The Egotist tracks its author, Jesse Bogner's, development from a hedonistic New Yorker to a Kabbalist, on a path to find the meaning of life. This book offers a glimpse into the misunderstood world of Kabbalah and how the collective plea of Kabbalists has the power to correct the egos of individuals and the world at large. Never before has a Kabbalah student, in such excruciating detail, illuminated the nature of his own spiritual development.

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