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  • af John Hartig
    237,95 kr.

    This is my summertime reading anthology of poetry, excerpts from my novels and snippets from my diary. It's leisurely reading for your lawn chair or the beach. Even if it's winter and there's a raging snowstorm outside, it still is entertaining reading. I've included selections of my poetry, including some of my photography. Also several chapters of my different novels. The Tipperary Kid is my latest, a western, which takes you on the Chisholm Trail to Abilene and a riverboat ride down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. There is also a modern crime/romance novel about Sgt. Brett Wilson of the RCMP who runs a police station at Crooked Bay, Newfoundland. I hope you enjoy my anthology. Happy Reading - John Hartig

  • - Short Stories Battle of the Violins and Jean-Marie LeClair
    af John Hartig
    147,95 kr.

    This is a collection of 2 short stories by John Hartig. The first is Battle of the Violins which is science fiction, a time travel yarn about James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. His mission? To bring 6 of the best violinists in history back to the future to have a fiddle contest at the Hollywood Bowl in the year 2328 to see who is the best of the best of all time. The second story is a novella about a 1764 murder mystery. Violinist and composer of the Baroque Era, Jean-Marie Leclair, was stabbed to death just outside of his own house. Who done it? It could have been the nephew who was envious and wanted his uncle to promote his name before King Louis XV. It could have been the ex-wife, Louise Roussel, who was engraver and made money out of publishing Leclair's musical manuscripts. This is great reading for a rainy day...or anytime!

  • - Poems by John Hartig
    af John Hartig
    182,95 kr.

    This is an anthology of poems by Vineland author, John Hartig. Most of my poems do not rhyme; I prefer free verse. My definition of poetry is that the mood or theme has to involve deep emotion or a message of kindness or love or some kind of deep insight. The title, Poetry Like Raindrops, came from the title of Chopin's piano piece called, Raindrops. That music, like a poem, touches the soul and it is truly emotional.

  • - Quantz and Leclair, Flute and Violin
    af John Hartig
    322,95 kr.

    My research on Johann Joachim Quantz yielded about 35 pages of a biography with interesting dates and tidbits on the man. Not enough for a book on Johann Joachim Qantz! I had to come up with a plan to stretch my writings on the man to get a book out of my effort. I acknowledge taking license then, in mixing the facts in his life with the fiction of my imagination and inserting anecdotes on how things might have transpired in his private life. Quantz never really revealed anything about his private life in his autobiography which was written as a prim and proper account, listing his achievements, his progress and his increase in salaries. The autobiography was published in 1755 by Friedrich Wilhelm Marpurg. There was also a continuation in 1762 for Padre Martini. [source: Feike Bonnema website 2016] His life can be divided into four sections: his youth, life in Dresden, his tour of Europe, and his life in Berlin. Quantz was a true Baroque flute prodigy. He taught Frederick the Great! ***** Jean-Marie Leclair was one of the best 18th century violinists. He was also a respected composer who rightfully earned the title of "founder of the French school of violin" during the great Baroque Era of music. Sadly, he was stabbed to death either on October 22nd late at night, or October 23rd early morning, in 1764, when it was still dark. His body was found in the vestibule of his home which was located on the seedy side of Paris. Leclair was 67 years old. No one was ever accused or arrested in the case, despite strong suspicions. His murder was such a terrible tragedy, to snuff out the life of one of Baroque's finest violin prodigies.

  • - John's Photobook Series
    af John Hartig
    832,95 kr.

    Scenery photographer, John Hartig's two favourite seasons for photographing pictures are Spring and Autumn. Spring because of the emerging life and colour, the flowers, the orchards, the birds and the sun. Autumn because of the dying colours, the splendid hanging onto life, going out in a colourful blaze of glory, and again the warming sun before winter blows in. I love taking pictures during these times of year. Of course, that doesn't mean I ignore Winter and Summer. In Winter I wear my heavy jacket and snuggle my camera inside my coat ready for the next snowy picture. In Summer, I am inspired by the greenery and the heat of the sun and often sit in the back yard or near a bright beach watching boats go by and children play in the sand. Even with the comfort of the warmth, I anticipate the autumn and its magnificent change of colours to reds, greens, yellows and browns. Then there is only the Winter to sleep through to awaken my yearning for more picture-taking in Spring for another bout of beautiful flower and orchard photos. It's grand to be alive during this digital age when the camera can do so much! Spring and Autumn are indeed my favourite seasons for "john's Photobook series". John Hartig, Author, Scenery Photographerand Web Designer

  • - Civilizations in Outer Space
    af John Hartig
    112,95 kr.

    Outer space has always been a fascinating topic in my mind. How big is the universe? How many stars and galaxies are out there? Are we alone? The new discoveries of exoplanets suggests that we are not alone! Chances are that life of some sort is out there, only the distances to other star systems is so immense that we, or they, will never cross interstellar space to meet. SETI, the organization involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has actively been looking for signals from space. We have also used Voyager 1, launched in 1977, to send evidence of ourselves into outer space: a golden record containing greetings in 59 languages and one whale language and 116 pictures of Earth's cultures and science, our music including songs by Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. Will extraterrestrials in exoplanets be able to decipher what we've sent out there into space? There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way alone. It may be that there are 100 billion Galaxies in the observable universe. Maybe civilizations arise and fall all the time, but the urge of intelligent beings is to leave some evidence of their existence behind. In 1964, Nikolai Kardashev suggested that civilizations might exist at three levels: Type 1 where beings use fossil fuels, like we do on Earth, Type 2 where beings tap energy from their star, and Type 3 where beings tap energy from their galaxy. Since that time, other scientists have speculated that civilizations might go all the way up to a Type 7 civilization where beings have become pure energy.

  • - Origins and Aliens
    af John Hartig
    232,95 kr.

    There are 400 billion stars in the Milky Way alone. The observable universe may have 100 billion galaxies in it. It is unimaginable how many planets which are habitable may be in such a system.In 1964, Nikolai Kardashev suggested that civilizations might exist at three levels: Type 1 where beings use fossil fuels, like we do on Earth, Type 2 where beings tap energy from their star, and Type 3 where beings tap energy from their galaxy. Since that time, other scientists have speculated that civilizations might go all the way up to a Type 7 civilization where beings have become pure energy.Maybe civilizations arise and fall all the time, but the urge of intelligent beings is to leave some evidence of their existence behind. There is also the urge to seek out new life, let alone other civilizations.The Cosmos: Origins and Aliens is a summary of thoughts of several noted physicists on YouTube, as well as some of their books, on topics like the Big Bang, string theory, multiverses, possibility of alien life and what created the whole business, including the possibility of God.My objective is to summarize and translate all these complicated ideas into layman's language, hoping to get the general public interested in the new discoveries in outer space. When the James Webb Telescope sent back the first 5 pictures from what it saw a million miles away from Earth on July 12, 2022, without space dust in its way, I was elated. The reach of its infrared eyes goes back 13.6 billion years, almost to the time of the Big Bang which itself has been estimated to have taken place a mere 13.8 billion years ago. Who knows what civilizations have come and gone since then in the life of the universe?Outer space has always been a fascinating topic in my mind. How big is the universe? How many stars and galaxies are out there? Are we alone?The new discoveries of exoplanets suggests that we are not alone! Chances are that life of some sort is out there, only the distances to other star systems is so immense that we, or they, will never cross interstellar space to meet. Too bad, or is it?

  • af John Hartig
    182,95 kr.

    Love and Faith Trilogy: Book Three takes over in October 2014 with the last two months of Symon Schröder's life. He is dying of pancreatic cancer. ISIS is still a thriving entity in the overall scheme of things, alive and doing quite well in the Middle East and other parts of the world where they radicalize young people, often disillusioned with jobs and politics in the West. While Symon dies in Book Three, there is a lighter side, as individual romances are developed among the two main couples: fictional author, Christopher Unger, and his old flame, Lenya; and then, the other couple, Detective Spencer and Fahm, who fall in love. By Book Three, the relationship between Spencer and Fahm has blossomed. They court, become Christian, get married and decide to go to Paris [France of course] on their honeymoon. Going to Paris on a honeymoon is a romantic notion, but not at the time they choose! It is Wednesday January 7th, 2014! Saïd and Chérif Kouachi break into the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices with assault rifles. They shoot anybody in sight in revenge for their Prophet, Muhammad, being satirized in a cartoon. In total, the brothers kill 12 people that day, and then get away in a stolen car. They are on the loose for three days! Spencer and Fahm could have wished for a better honeymoon. But not all is lost...

  • af John Hartig
    177,95 kr.

    Symon Schröder, a scenery photographer, stumbles across a dead woman in the woods off The Bruce Trail, near Ball's Falls, Ontario. Khalisa is the victim of an honor killing committed by her own brother, Ahmad, because neither he nor the parents wanted her to date Christopher, a "white infidel". Ahmad gets away with the crime for almost 2 years. He takes computer classes at Mohawk College in Hamilton. During this time, he kills an older lady, Carmen, who was getting better marks than him in a class and who gets hired instead of him for a job. Symon, in the meantime, is also registered in a web design class at Mohawk College and gets to know Carmen at coffee breaks. At one point, Symon plucks up enough courage to go back to the scene of the crime at Ball's Falls where he pokes around in the dirt and digs up a silver necklace which belonged to Khalisa. The inscription reads, "To Khalisa, Love Christopher". This is enough of a clue which eventually leads to Ahmad as the killer. The parents empty their bank account and Ahmad escapes to Turkey where he crosses the border to join ISIS.

  • af John Hartig
    317,95 kr.

  • af John Hartig
    322,95 kr.

  • af John Hartig
    112,95 kr.

  • af John Hartig
    271,95 kr.

  • af John Hartig
    162,95 kr.

  • - A Baroque Murder Mystery
    af John Hartig
    167,95 kr.

  • - An 18th Century Murder Mystery
    af John Hartig
    131,95 kr.

  • - All We Are is Dust in the Wind
    af John Hartig
    167,95 kr.

  • - John's Violin Stories
    af John Hartig
    197,95 kr.

  • - Livre photo pour enfants
    af John Hartig
    133,95 kr.

  • - Children's Picture Book
    af John Hartig
    152,95 kr.

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