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Bøger af John Seven

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  • - En Anarkistisk håndbog for børn
    af John Seven & Jana Christy
    127,95 kr.

    BANDLYST AF TEA PARTY BEVÆGELSEN I USA - NU ENDELIG PÅ DANSK !Med Anarkistiske ideer som at spise kage til aftensmad, samt at blive oppe hele natten, udfordrer REGLER SKAL BRYDES på finurlig vis samfundets normer for socialt samvær.I farverige tegninger og med opfordringer som: Sig din mening! - og - Gør hvad du har lyst til! bringer bogen et friskt og tankevækkende indspark i børneopdragelsesdebatten.Det positive, enkle og handlingsorienterede sprog er både sjovt og udfordrende, og gør denne bog til et ”must have” for børn i alle aldre ☺

  • af John Seven
    82,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af John Seven
    182,95 kr.

    Frankie Liked to Sing celebrates the life of Frank Sinatra, whose iconic voice changed popular music forever and influenced generations of listeners all over the world. From his early days in Hoboken, New Jersey, to making it big in New York City, Sinatra was determined to follow his dream of being a singer and moving people with his voice. And now, one hundred years after his birth, his legacy lives on with this spirited and loving tribute.

  • - A Counting Story
    af John Seven & Jana Christy
    157,95 kr.

    Happy Punks 1 2 3 is what happens when Richard Scarry collides with Joey Ramone

  • - Child's Guide to Anarchy, A
    af John Seven & Jana Christy
    137,95 kr.

    In a world with too many rules, Wild Child is free to be herself, doing and learning as she pleases.

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