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Bøger af John W. James

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  • - The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses including Health, Career, and Faith
    af John W. James
    125,95 kr.

    Updated to commemorate its 20th anniversary, this classic resource further explores the effects of grief and sheds new light on how to begin to take effective actions to complete the grieving process and work towards recovery and happiness.Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on the capacity for happiness. Drawing from their own histories as well as from others', the authors illustrate how it is possible to recover from grief and regain energy and spontaneity. Based on a proven program, The Grief Recovery Handbook offers grievers the specific actions needed to move beyond loss. New material in this edition includes guidance for dealing with:· Loss of faith· Loss of career and financial issues· Loss of health· Growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional homeThe Grief Recovery Handbook is a groundbreaking, classic handbook that everyone should have in their library. ?This book is required for all my classes. The more I use this book, the more I believe that unresolved grief is the major underlying issue in most people's lives. It is the only work of its kind that I know of that outlines the problem and provides the solution.??Bernard McGrane, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology, Chapman University

  • af John W. James
    147,95 kr.

    20周年を記念して改訂されたこの古典的な実用書は、グリーフの影響をさらに探り、グリーフに苦しむことを完結して回復し幸せに生きるための、効果的な行動の始め方に、新たな光を当てています。 グリーフからの回復が完全でないと、幸せを感じにくいまま人生を生きていくことになります。グリーフから回復し活力と自発性を取り戻す方法を、著者らは、自分や他者の体験をもとに示しています。 本書では、喪失を乗り越えるために必要な課題を、確立されたプログラムでご提供しています。 本書には新たに以下の喪失からの回復方法が追加されています。・信仰心の喪失・失業や経済的原因による喪失・病気やケガを原因とする喪失・アルコール依存を原因とする喪失・機能不全家庭を原因とする喪失 グリーフリカバリー・ハンドブックは、誰もが本棚に持っておくべき画期的で古典的な実用書です。

  • af John W. James
    177,95 kr.

    Mis à jour pour souligner son 20e anniversaire, ce guide classique explore davantage les effets du deuil et jette une lumière nouvelle sur les façons de commencer à prendre les mesures pour accomplir son deuil et pour prendre ses premiers pas vers le rétablissement et le bonheur.Un rétablissement incomplet du deuil peut avoir des répercussions permanentes sur la capacité de connaître le bonheur. Puisant dans leurs propres histoires ainsi que dans celles des autres, les auteurs illustrent comment surmonter un deuil tout en retrouvant son énergie et sa spontanéité.Fondé sur un programme éprouvé, Le guide de rétablissement du deuil offre les mesures précises pour aider les personnes en deuil à surmonter une perte. Cette édition comprend du nouveau contenu, y compris des conseils pour gérer :- la perte de la foi;- la perte d'une carrière et les problèmes financiers;- la perte de santé;- le fait de grandir au sein d'une famille alcoolique ou dysfonctionnelleLe guide de rétablissement du deuil est un guide classique et révolutionnaire que tous devraient avoir dans leur bibliothèque.

  • af John W. James
    187,95 kr.

    La primera, más comprensiva guía para ayudar de forma efectiva de ayudar a los niños a superar dolor emocional. Práctica, compasiva, amorosa los padres crean seguridad emocional y las acciones que ayudan a los niños a seguir con éxito.

  • - Real Answers to Real Questions from Real People-Featuring the Proven Actions of The Grief Recovery Method
    af John W. James & Russell Friedman
    134,95 kr.

    In October 2010 the authors became exclusive providers of grief- and grief-recovery-related content on a memorial website called, a site that receives approximately three million unique hits per month, and to which readers submit very personal and unique grief-related questions. Collected in this book are not only a bounty of personal and often moving questions but also the authors' equally compelling responses and tips for using the Grief Recovery Method to deal with broken hearts. The book not only deals with grief from loss of a loved one, but also the grieving that occurs following a divorce, a sudden downturn in health, the loss of a job, and even the loss of faith.

  • - Dump Your Relationship Baggage and Make Room for the Love of Your Life
    af John W. James & Russell Friedman
    147,95 kr.

    Shows readers how to move on from their unsuccessful past relationships and finally find the love of their lives. This work gives readers the strategies they need to effectively mourn the loss of the relationship, while opening themselves up to love in the future.

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