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  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    422,95 kr.

    L'éducation virtuelle est née en 2002 d'un projet commun entre le Centro de Perfeccionamiento, Experimentación e Investigaciones Pedagógicas CPEIP et le Centro de Educación y Tecnología Enlaces. Le CPEIP a développé une ligne de formation à distance des enseignants par le biais d'Internet, en organisant plusieurs cours depuis 2002, et Enlaces a consacré ses efforts au cours des 15 dernières années à fournir aux enseignants et aux étudiants un accès aux possibilités éducatives associées aux nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication. Les deux institutions ont décidé d'unir leurs forces et de développer un projet commun qui intègre différentes stratégies de soutien à l'appropriation des TIC et à leur intégration dans le programme de formation à distance des enseignants du CPEIP, qui s'est jusqu'à présent concentré sur la mise à jour des programmes.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    542,95 kr.

    Virtual Education was born in 2002 as a joint project between the Centro de Perfeccionamiento, Experimentación e Investigaciones Pedagógicas CPEIP and the Centro de Educación y Tecnología Enlaces. CPEIP has developed a line of distance teacher training through the Internet, running several courses since 2002, and Enlaces has dedicated its efforts over the last 15 years to providing teachers and students with access to educational opportunities associated with new information and communication technologies. Both institutions decided to join forces and develop a joint project that integrates different strategies to support the appropriation of ICTs and their curricular integration into CPEIP's line of distance teacher training, which until now has been focused on curricular updating.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    542,95 kr.

    According to data provided by the Ministry of Education, over time, the detection of SEN in the Chilean school system has increased, which is reflected in the increase and use of various resources (human, economic and pedagogical) to respond to this need. If it is affirmed that the stimulation provided by the family in the first years of life has an impact on the presence of SEN, it can be established that by strengthening this stimulation, the number of students with SEN will decrease and work will be focused on the human person.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    547,95 kr.

    In the context of Technical Vocational Education, the Dual Mode has been a commitment of the Chilean Ministry of Education to improve Technical Vocational Education in Secondary Education. The change has involved a curricular innovation around the development of basic competences where, in addition to the teacher and the traditional classroom, other agents and other scenarios share the task of teaching. In this context, this research, according to its objectives and methodological formulation, describes the characteristics of the Dual Professional Technical Training of the Administration specialty of the Monseñor Guillermo Carlos Hartl Educational Complex in the commune of Pitrufquén, Chile. The aim is to investigate the effectiveness of the integrated curriculum through the evaluation of the achievement of the basic competences of students in the 4th year of that specialty (with Dual Modality), in direct relation to the required graduate and professional profile and in contrast, with that of students of the specialty of "Electricity", without the Dual Modality.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    532,95 kr.

    Les évaluations des politiques nationales réalisées présentent des éléments pertinents pour la prise de décision dans le cadre des importantes transformations et des processus de réforme éducative que connaît le Chili. Elle analyse le continuum éducatif et met en évidence des recommandations qui, si elles sont mises en ¿uvre, pourraient avoir un impact positif sur la qualité de l'apprentissage et l'équité du système dans son ensemble. Les politiques publiques doivent concevoir et gérer des environnements éducatifs qui favorisent la qualité, l'équité et l'inclusion, afin d'être des moteurs de la créativité et de l'innovation éducative dans le pays.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    532,95 kr.

    As avaliações das políticas nacionais realizadas apresentam elementos relevantes para a tomada de decisões no âmbito das importantes transformações e processos de reforma educativa que o Chile está a atravessar. Analisam o continuum educacional e destacam recomendações que, se implementadas, poderiam ter um impacto positivo na qualidade da aprendizagem e na equidade do sistema como um todo. As políticas públicas devem conceber e gerir ambientes educativos que promovam a qualidade, a equidade e a inclusão, a fim de serem motores da criatividade e da inovação educativa no país.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    532,95 kr.

    Le valutazioni delle politiche nazionali effettuate presentano elementi rilevanti per il processo decisionale nel quadro delle importanti trasformazioni e dei processi di riforma educativa che il Cile sta attraversando. Analizza il continuum educativo ed evidenzia le raccomandazioni che, se attuate, potrebbero avere un impatto positivo sulla qualità dell'apprendimento e sull'equità del sistema nel suo complesso. Le politiche pubbliche devono progettare e gestire ambienti educativi che promuovano la qualità, l'equità e l'inclusione, al fine di essere motori di creatività e innovazione educativa nel Paese.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    532,95 kr.

    Die durchgeführten Evaluierungen der nationalen Politiken stellen relevante Elemente für die Entscheidungsfindung im Rahmen der wichtigen Transformationen und Prozesse der Bildungsreform dar, die Chile durchläuft. Sie analysiert das Bildungskontinuum und hebt Empfehlungen hervor, die, wenn sie umgesetzt werden, positive Auswirkungen auf die Qualität des Lernens und die Gerechtigkeit des gesamten Systems haben könnten. Die öffentliche Politik muss ein Bildungsumfeld schaffen und verwalten, das Qualität, Gerechtigkeit und Inklusion fördert, um Kreativität und Bildungsinnovation im Land zu fördern.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    532,95 kr.

    The evaluations of the national policies carried out present relevant elements for decision making within the framework of the important transformations and educational reform processes that Chile is undergoing. It analyzes the educational continuum and highlights recommendations that, if implemented, could have a positive impact on the quality of learning and the equity of the system as a whole. Public Policies must design and manage educational environments that advance quality, equity and inclusion, in order to be drivers of creativity and educational innovation in the country.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    522,95 kr.

    The present work corresponds to a reflection about several theories and approaches to learning and their relevance in the training of social agents, a reflection that emerges from the practice of training, and attending to the fact that the meaning of what learning implies and how it is learned is not at the center of the discussion in universities in Latin America, in which the emphasis is more on what to teach rather than how to teach. The following research project aims essentially at a systematic review of the use of Smartphones in the development of brain plasticity in children aged 0 to 6 years.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    537,95 kr.

    An analysis of constructivism, considering the different variables and points of view from a philosophical, social and psychological conception, allows us to have a more complete vision of this position and its benefits to achieve a quality education with truly meaningful learning in our students. Having clear that all constructive learning involves a construction that is done through a mental process that ends with the acquisition of new knowledge, we can understand that the previous knowledge that the student possesses will be key to the construction of this new knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different situations where constructivism has been linked to the Educational Reform in Chile, as far as psychological and didactic aspects are concerned; however, it is worth mentioning the importance and transcendence of the constructivist theoretical and educational position, which cannot be reduced to its incidence in this reform process, basically because these usually involve numerous relations with educational policies that, logically, refer to political problems.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    537,95 kr.

    "The future has many names. For the weak it is the unattainable, for the fearful the unknown, for the brave it is opportunity." (anonymous)Innovation management, as well as public and private organizations in general, requires a continuous analysis and monitoring of the external context variables that impact it. In this sense, it is worth noting that educational agents are the ones who make innovation and that is why their management and direction play a key role. Education professionals, more than ever, need to know how to understand and comprehend the complexity of what external variables mean and their impact on the educational task. The following is a model and method for monitoring them. It is an invitation to know and position themselves as agents of change in the practice of creativity and innovation, without neglecting at any time, the impact of the external context of the school, as it occurs in the Dual Mode (school-company relationship).

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    244,95 kr.

    In the context of Professional Technical Education, Dual Modality has been a commitment of the Chilean Ministry of Education to improve Professional Technical training in High School. The change has involved a curricular innovation around the development of basic competences where, in addition to the teacher and the traditional classroom, other agents and other scenarios that share the work of teaching concur. In this context, the research consigned, according to its objectives and methodological formulation, describes the characteristics of the Dual Professional Technical training of the Administration specialty of the Monseñor Guillermo Carlos Hartl Educational Complex of the Pitrufquén commune, in Chile. It is intended to investigate the effectiveness of the integrated curriculum through the assessment of achievement of the basic competencies of students who are in the 4th Middle Year of said specialty (with Dual mode), in direct relation to the required graduate and professional profile and in contrast, with that of students of the specialty of "Electricity", without the Dual Modality.

  • af Jose Manuel Salum Tomé
    325,95 kr.

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