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  • af Josh Luberisse
    491,95 kr.

    "A Comprehensive Framework for Adapting National Intelligence for Domestic Law Enforcement" is a groundbreaking book that delves into the intricate process of integrating sophisticated national intelligence methodologies into domestic law enforcement practices. Authored by a seasoned expert in the field of private intelligence, this book emerges as a critical resource for military leaders, policymakers, members of the intelligence community, and law enforcement personnel. This insightful work begins by exploring the historical evolution of intelligence sharing, offering a thorough analysis of past and present strategies. It then seamlessly transitions into discussing the current challenges and opportunities faced in integrating national intelligence into domestic law enforcement. The book provides an in-depth examination of legal and ethical frameworks, ensuring that the proposed methods adhere to the highest standards of civil liberties and legal compliance. Central to the book is the development of a comprehensive framework that bridges the gap between national intelligence operations and local law enforcement requirements. This framework not only addresses operational aspects but also focuses on the technological advancements, such as AI and big data analytics, reshaping intelligence gathering and analysis. The author brings to light the importance of cross-sector collaboration, suggesting innovative ways to enhance cooperation between various sectors - government, private, and non-profit - in intelligence activities. Case studies of successful intelligence collaboration, both domestic and international, are meticulously analyzed, offering practical insights and lessons learned. Moreover, the book addresses the training and skill development necessary for effectively adapting national intelligence practices in a domestic context. It emphasizes the need for continuous professional development and the cultivation of a learning culture within law enforcement agencies. "A Comprehensive Framework for Adapting National Intelligence for Domestic Law Enforcement" concludes with strategic recommendations for policy and practice, advocating for a progressive approach towards intelligence integration. This book is an invaluable asset for anyone involved in or interested in the intersection of national security, intelligence, and domestic law enforcement, providing a comprehensive guide to navigating this complex and evolving landscape.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    501,95 kr.

    A Boydian Approach to Mastering Unconventional Warfare" is a seminal work that delves deeply into the strategic principles of John Boyd, a legendary military strategist, and applies them to the complex realm of unconventional warfare. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of Boyd's key concepts, most notably the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), and explores their application in the context of irregular and asymmetric conflicts that dominate the modern geopolitical landscape. The author meticulously explores how Boyd's principles of adaptability, speed, and fluidity in decision-making can be applied to unconventional warfare tactics such as guerrilla warfare, insurgency, counterinsurgency, and cyber warfare. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the psychological and moral dimensions of warfare, in addition to the physical aspect, a concept Boyd championed and which remains highly relevant in today's conflict scenarios. Through a blend of historical analysis, case studies, and contemporary examples, "A Boydian Approach to Mastering Unconventional Warfare" offers insightful strategies for dealing with non-traditional threats in a rapidly evolving global context. It addresses the challenges of combating non-state actors, the use of technology in irregular warfare, and the need for innovative and adaptive strategies in response to the unpredictable nature of modern conflicts. This book is not only a tribute to Boyd's groundbreaking work but also an essential guide for military strategists, policymakers, and security professionals who are grappling with the complexities of contemporary warfare. It provides a nuanced understanding of how unconventional warfare strategies can be developed and executed effectively, making it a crucial addition to the field of military strategy and national security studies

  • - Evolution of Espionage and Its Impact on Statecraft and Civil Liberties
    af Josh Luberisse
    500,95 kr.

    "From Roman Speculatores to the NSA: Evolution of Espionage and Its Impact on Statecraft and Civil Liberties" is an essential scholarly resource that meticulously traces the evolution of espionage from its ancient roots to its modern manifestations. This comprehensive study is indispensable for academics, historians, journalists, researchers, and national security professionals seeking a deeper understanding of the integral role of intelligence in shaping statecraft and its profound implications for civil liberties. The book offers a rigorous historical analysis of espionage tactics and strategies, providing insights into how intelligence gathering has influenced political and military decisions throughout history. It explores the transformation from rudimentary spying techniques in ancient times to sophisticated digital surveillance in the 21st century, providing a detailed account of technological advancements and their impact on intelligence operations. "From Roman Speculatores to the NSA" doesn't shy away from the dark side of espionage. It confronts the ethical quagmires, the personal sacrifices of those living double lives, and the impact of clandestine operations on individual freedoms. It's a thought-provoking exploration of how intelligence work, often glamorized in popular culture, grapples with issues like torture, privacy invasion, and the thin line between security and liberty. Beyond mere historical recounting, the book critically examines the ethical and moral dimensions of espionage. It delves into the contentious issues of privacy, civil liberties, and the ethical dilemmas faced by intelligence professionals, offering a nuanced perspective on the trade-offs between national security and individual rights. The narrative is enriched with case studies and real-world examples, making it a valuable resource for understanding the complexities and challenges of modern intelligence work. The book also addresses the legal frameworks and oversight mechanisms that govern espionage activities, providing a comprehensive overview of the contemporary intelligence landscape. For professionals and scholars in the fields of international relations, security studies, political science, and history, "From Roman Speculatores to the NSA" offers a scholarly yet accessible analysis. It invites readers to critically engage with the strategic, ethical, and legal aspects of espionage and consider its future trajectory in an increasingly interconnected and digital world. This book is a thought-provoking contribution to the discourse on espionage and national security, offering a well-researched and balanced perspective on a subject that continues to be relevant in the field of international affairs

  • - Expanding Your Business in the Digital Age
    af Josh Luberisse
    593,95 kr.

    In the age of digital disruption and boundless opportunities, "The Scalability Matrix: Expanding Your Business in the Digital Age" emerges as a seminal guide for businesses eager to navigate the complex waters of growth in an increasingly digital world. Harnessing his vast expertise and diverse experience, author Josh presents a comprehensive roadmap for understanding and mastering the dynamics of scalability, a critical factor that often differentiates fleeting success from enduring impact.Grounded in real-world examples and enlivened with insights from Josh's multifaceted career-from notable stints at financial powerhouses like Brown Brothers Harriman, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley to the establishment of groundbreaking startups such as Neuromorph Systems and OptimalOrbit-this book provides an exhaustive exploration of scalability. It delves into the nuances that influence scalable growth, from technical challenges and resource management to risk mitigation and the integration of cutting-edge technologies.The text illuminates the strategies employed by e-commerce giants and dissects the pivotal role of AI in healthcare scalability. By offering both a historical perspective and a forward-looking analysis replete with predictions and projections, the book ensures that readers gain a 360-degree understanding of scalability in the present digital era.But more than just theory and analysis, "The Scalability Matrix" is infused with actionable insights and pragmatic advice, catering to a spectrum of readers-from startups grappling with the initial challenges of growth to established enterprises seeking to rejuvenate their expansion strategies. With dedicated chapters on success stories, lessons from scalability mishaps, and a keen look at the future trends poised to shape the scalability discourse, the book is both a repository of knowledge and a catalyst for action.In "The Scalability Matrix," Josh doesn't just share a concept; he hands you a compass-equipping businesses and leaders with the tools, strategies, and mindset to journey confidently into the vast expanse of scalable growth in the digital age. Whether you're an entrepreneur at the helm of a burgeoning startup, a leader in a mid-sized enterprise, or a strategist in a global conglomerate, this book promises to be an invaluable companion in your quest to scale new heights.

  • - Strategic Thinking in Economics and Management
    af Josh Luberisse
    617,95 kr.

    In "Sun Tzu in the Boardroom," Josh, an esteemed entrepreneur and the innovative mind behind VC capital firm Other People's Capital and defense military contractor Fac Bellum Industries, casts a refreshing and enlightening gaze into the myriad ways ancient military strategies carve pathways to triumph in today's dynamic business terrains. Drawing from a well of timeless wisdom, the book molds the unyielding philosophies of Sun Tzu into a pragmatic guide tailored for the contemporary leader, entrepreneur, and strategist embedded in the enthralling world of economics and management.Josh's unique vantage point, sculpted by his ventures that intertwine the worlds of venture capital and defense, beckons readers into a compelling journey through the seamless integration of military sagacity and business acumen. Inspired significantly by the entrepreneurial journeys and philosophies of Palmer Luckey, founder of Anduril Industries, and Peter Thiel of Palantir Technologies, Josh elucidates the inextricable ties binding strategic thought in ancient battlefields to decision-making amid the volatility of modern markets."Sun Tzu in the Boardroom" takes you on an exploratory odyssey, amalgamating profound ancient Chinese military strategies with the robust, high-stakes world of contemporary business. Through rich, expansive content that spans topics from leadership, competitive advantage, and ethical considerations to organizational culture and beyond, Josh deciphers and applies Sun Tzu's doctrines, delivering them through a lens focused sharply on the economic and managerial landscapes of today.Whether diving into the subtle art of negotiation, peeling back layers on the ethical dimensions of strategic decisions, or meandering through the strategic corridors of marketing warfare, "Sun Tzu in the Boardroom" assures a compendium of wisdom that is as pragmatic as it is reflective, offering not just a lens to view the world of business, but a compass to navigate its multifaceted terrains.This tome is not merely a guide; it is an invitation. An invitation to comprehend, to reflect, and to deploy the ageless wisdom of Sun Tzu into the boardrooms, marketplaces, and beyond. Here, Josh weaves a narrative that is both timeless and urgently contemporary, an invaluable asset for anyone looking to harness the strategic sagacity of the past to navigate, conquer, and thrive amid the complex challenges of the modern business world.Embark on a journey through time, strategy, and business, and discover how the ancient can inform the present, shaping strategies, decisions, and pathways to success amid the ever-shifting sands of the economic and business environment.

  • - Advanced BLE Exploitation Techniques
    af Josh Luberisse
    592,95 kr.

    In "Hack the Airwaves," Josh, a seasoned cybersecurity expert, delves deep into the intricate world of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) security. As BLE devices become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the potential for vulnerabilities and threats grows exponentially. This comprehensive guide is designed for hackers, red team operators, pentesters, and other cybersecurity practitioners who seek both a foundational understanding and advanced knowledge of BLE's potential risks and defenses. Drawing from hands-on experiences, real-world case studies, and practical demonstrations, Josh offers readers a unique blend of theoretical insights and actionable techniques. From understanding the core protocols of BLE to crafting custom payloads and defending against sophisticated attacks, "Hack the Airwaves" covers the full spectrum of BLE security. Key features include: - A deep dive into the BLE protocol stack, including GATT, GAP, and other core protocols.- Techniques for signal interception, manipulation, and exploitation.- Practical guides on setting up labs, crafting malicious payloads, and executing advanced Man-in-the-Middle attacks.- Strategies for defending against BLE exploits, ensuring robust security for devices and systems.- Ethical considerations and best practices for responsible and collaborative BLE hacking. With a forward-thinking approach, Josh also explores the future landscape of BLE security, offering predictions and strategies for staying ahead of emerging threats. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the world of BLE hacking, "Hack the Airwaves" is an essential addition to your cybersecurity library.

  • - An Evolutionary Tale of Hunting, Warfare, and Human Survival
    af Josh Luberisse
    592,95 kr.

    "From Prey to Predator: An Evolutionary Tale of Hunting, Warfare, and Human Survival" is a riveting journey through time that marries anthropology, history, and survival science in a fresh and engaging way. Discover how the human species transformed from vulnerable prey into dominant predators, and explore the striking parallels between hunting and warfare as survival strategies.This captivating narrative unveils the vital role of preparedness in human survival, demonstrating why hope alone is not a survival strategy. Drawing on the rich tapestry of our ancestral past, this book explores the timeless cycle of life and death, revealing how our place within this cycle has shaped our strategies for survival.Perfect for history enthusiasts, survivalists, and anyone interested in human evolution, this book presents a thought-provoking examination of humanity's instinct for survival. Discover why physical fitness and mental toughness were - and remain - crucial for survival, and how community, adaptability, and innovation have played their parts in our survival story."From Prey to Predator" takes you on a thrilling journey from our humble origins to our place in the modern world, exploring how lessons from our past can guide our future. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, this book serves as a timely reminder of the resilience, ingenuity, and survival instinct that pulses through our veins. Dive into this intriguing exploration of human survival and uncover the story of humanity's relentless drive to survive and thrive.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    662,95 kr.

    Cognitive Warfare in the Age of Unpeace: Strategies, Defenses, and the New Battlefield of the Mind is a definitive examination of the emergent arena of cognitive warfare-a battlefield where consciousness and cognition are under siege. Rooted in the historical lineage of warfare, this seminal tome charts a course from the stratagems of yesteryear's influence operations to the digital subversions that define our current epoch.The book is structured to provide a layered understanding of the subject. Part I lays the foundation, explaining how the age of unpeace has given rise to a new form of warfare that exists between peace and war, where the battle for influence is paramount. Part II describes the modern tools at the disposal of state and non-state actors, including AI and neurotechnological advancements, and the ways in which these tools can manipulate and coerce on a mass scale.Through real-world case studies, Part III illustrates the practical application of cognitive strategies and the impact of such warfare on democracies, highlighting the need for robust countermeasures. In Part IV, the focus shifts to strategic insights, examining both offensive strategies for influence and subversion and the defensive strategies necessary to maintain cognitive sovereignty.The latter sections, Parts V and VI, provide a forward-looking perspective on building societal and governmental defenses against cognitive attacks. These include fostering societal resilience through public education, developing policy and governance frameworks, and addressing the ethical dimensions of cognitive defense.The final chapters speculate on the future trajectory of cognitive warfare, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and the establishment of 'cognitive peace'. With its conclusion and appendices providing a roadmap and additional resources, this book stands as an essential guide for policymakers, security experts, academics and citizens alike in understanding and countering the sophisticated threat of cognitive warfare in our increasingly interconnected world.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    627,95 kr.

    In "Sun Tzu in the Boardroom," Josh, an esteemed entrepreneur and the innovative mind behind VC capital firm Other People's Capital and defense military contractor Fac Bellum Industries, casts a refreshing and enlightening gaze into the myriad ways ancient military strategies carve pathways to triumph in today's dynamic business terrains. Drawing from a well of timeless wisdom, the book molds the unyielding philosophies of Sun Tzu into a pragmatic guide tailored for the contemporary leader, entrepreneur, and strategist embedded in the enthralling world of economics and management. Josh's unique vantage point, sculpted by his ventures that intertwine the worlds of venture capital and defense, beckons readers into a compelling journey through the seamless integration of military sagacity and business acumen. Inspired significantly by the entrepreneurial journeys and philosophies of Palmer Luckey, founder of Anduril Industries, and Peter Thiel of Palantir Technologies, Josh elucidates the inextricable ties binding strategic thought in ancient battlefields to decision-making amid the volatility of modern markets. "Sun Tzu in the Boardroom" takes you on an exploratory odyssey, amalgamating profound ancient Chinese military strategies with the robust, high-stakes world of contemporary business. Through rich, expansive content that spans topics from leadership, competitive advantage, and ethical considerations to organizational culture and beyond, Josh deciphers and applies Sun Tzu's doctrines, delivering them through a lens focused sharply on the economic and managerial landscapes of today. Whether diving into the subtle art of negotiation, peeling back layers on the ethical dimensions of strategic decisions, or meandering through the strategic corridors of marketing warfare, "Sun Tzu in the Boardroom" assures a compendium of wisdom that is as pragmatic as it is reflective, offering not just a lens to view the world of business, but a compass to navigate its multifaceted terrains. This tome is not merely a guide; it is an invitation. An invitation to comprehend, to reflect, and to deploy the ageless wisdom of Sun Tzu into the boardrooms, marketplaces, and beyond. Here, Josh weaves a narrative that is both timeless and urgently contemporary, an invaluable asset for anyone looking to harness the strategic sagacity of the past to navigate, conquer, and thrive amid the complex challenges of the modern business world. Embark on a journey through time, strategy, and business, and discover how the ancient can inform the present, shaping strategies, decisions, and pathways to success amid the ever-shifting sands of the economic and business environment.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    642,95 kr.

    In the age of digital disruption and boundless opportunities, "The Scalability Matrix: Expanding Your Business in the Digital Age" emerges as a seminal guide for businesses eager to navigate the complex waters of growth in an increasingly digital world. Harnessing his vast expertise and diverse experience, author Josh presents a comprehensive roadmap for understanding and mastering the dynamics of scalability, a critical factor that often differentiates fleeting success from enduring impact. Grounded in real-world examples and enlivened with insights from Josh's multifaceted career-from notable stints at financial powerhouses like Brown Brothers Harriman, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley to the establishment of groundbreaking startups such as Neuromorph Systems and OptimalOrbit-this book provides an exhaustive exploration of scalability. It delves into the nuances that influence scalable growth, from technical challenges and resource management to risk mitigation and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. The text illuminates the strategies employed by e-commerce giants and dissects the pivotal role of AI in healthcare scalability. By offering both a historical perspective and a forward-looking analysis replete with predictions and projections, the book ensures that readers gain a 360-degree understanding of scalability in the present digital era. But more than just theory and analysis, "The Scalability Matrix" is infused with actionable insights and pragmatic advice, catering to a spectrum of readers-from startups grappling with the initial challenges of growth to established enterprises seeking to rejuvenate their expansion strategies. With dedicated chapters on success stories, lessons from scalability mishaps, and a keen look at the future trends poised to shape the scalability discourse, the book is both a repository of knowledge and a catalyst for action. In "The Scalability Matrix," Josh doesn't just share a concept; he hands you a compass-equipping businesses and leaders with the tools, strategies, and mindset to journey confidently into the vast expanse of scalable growth in the digital age. Whether you're an entrepreneur at the helm of a burgeoning startup, a leader in a mid-sized enterprise, or a strategist in a global conglomerate, this book promises to be an invaluable companion in your quest to scale new heights.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    397,95 kr.

    In an ever-shrinking global landscape, "Beyond the Wall" dives deep into the future of border security, bridging the historical fortifications of the past with the digital guardians of tomorrow. With each page, readers are transported across time, from the towering walls of ancient civilizations to the cutting-edge surveillance technologies of the 21st century.As nations grapple with questions of security, sovereignty, and the preservation of individual freedoms, the roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Facial Recognition Technology emerge as pivotal players in the theater of international relations. These technologies, once the realm of science fiction, are now at the forefront, redefining what it means to protect a nation's boundaries.Through meticulously researched case studies, "Beyond the Wall" showcases global efforts to integrate traditional and tech-driven border security measures. The book delves into the successes and pitfalls of these integrations, presenting a balanced analysis that is both technically sound and geopolitically insightful.For tech enthusiasts, the detailed explorations of AI algorithms and the intricacies of facial recognition systems will provide a thorough understanding of the mechanics behind these revolutionary tools. Those keen on security and international relations will gain insights into how these technologies are reshaping global politics, alliances, and the very concept of national sovereignty."Beyond the Wall" isn't just a book; it's an invitation to envision a world where technology and humanity coalesce, forging a path for a more secure, intelligent, and interconnected global community.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    392,95 kr.

    In "Machinery of War: A Comprehensive Study of the Post-9/11 Global Arms Trade," Josh offers an exhaustive exploration into the intricate world of global armaments in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This seminal work probes the depths of the modern arms trade, revealing its multi-faceted nature, its key players, and its profound impact on the geopolitical landscape. Josh delves into the roles of state actors, private military companies, and non-state entities, underlining their intertwined relationships and the ensuing effects on global security dynamics. With a balanced, objective lens, he navigates through the complexities of cyber warfare, drone technology, and the emergence of autonomous weapons systems, as well as the rise of private military and security companies. Further, he scrutinizes the arms race in different regions, including the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, offering a nuanced understanding of their unique circumstances and their roles in the broader arms trade. The author also addresses the significant role of regulatory efforts in the global arms trade, investigating the successes and failures of arms embargoes and international regulations. Lastly, he gazes into the future, offering predictions and identifying trends that may shape the global arms trade in years to come. "Machinery of War" is an indispensable resource for policymakers, researchers, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the global arms trade in the 21st century. This in-depth study invites readers to ponder the geopolitical, ethical, and humanitarian implications of the arms trade, highlighting the urgent need for control and regulation in an increasingly interconnected world.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    822,95 kr.

    Buckle up and prepare to dive into the thrilling world of Zero-Click Exploits. This isn't your average cybersecurity guide - it's a wild ride through the dark underbelly of the digital world, where zero-click exploits reign supreme.Join Josh, a seasoned cybersecurity professional and the mastermind behind Greyhat Intelligence & Investigative Solutions, as he spills the beans on these sneaky attacks that can compromise systems without a single click. From Fortune 500 companies to the most guarded government agencies, no one is safe from the lurking dangers of zero-click exploits.In this witty and engaging book, Josh takes you on a journey that will make your head spin. You'll uncover the secrets behind these stealthy attacks, learning the ins and outs of their mechanics, and unraveling the vulnerabilities they exploit. With real-world examples, he'll keep you on the edge of your seat as you discover the attack vectors, attack surfaces, and the art of social engineering.But fear not! Josh won't leave you defenseless. He arms you with an arsenal of prevention, mitigation, and defense strategies to fortify your systems against these relentless zero-click invaders. You'll learn how to harden your systems, develop incident response protocols, and become a master of patch management.But this book isn't all serious business. Josh infuses it with his signature wit and humor, making the complex world of zero-click exploits accessible to anyone with a curious mind and a passion for cybersecurity. So get ready to laugh, learn, and level up your red teaming skills as you navigate this thrilling rollercoaster of a read.Whether you're a seasoned cybersecurity pro or just starting your journey, "Leave No Trace" is the ultimate guide to understanding, defending against, and maybe even outsmarting the relentless zero-click exploits. It's time to take the fight to the attackers and show them who's boss!So fasten your seatbelt, grab your favorite energy drink, and get ready to unlock the secrets of zero-click exploits. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, starts now!

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity Assessment
    af Josh Luberisse
    807,95 kr.

    Get ready to venture into the world of ethical hacking with your trusty guide, Josh, in this comprehensive and enlightening book, "The Ethical Hacker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity Assessment". Josh isn't just your typical cybersecurity guru; he's the charismatic and experienced CEO of a successful penetration testing company, and he's here to make your journey into the fascinating realm of cybersecurity as engaging as it is educational.Dive into the deep end of ethical hacking as Josh de-mystifies complex concepts and navigates you through the murky waters of cyber threats. He'll show you how the pros get things done, equipping you with the skills to understand and test the security of networks, systems, and applications - all without drowning in unnecessary jargon.Whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned professional, this book is filled with sage advice, practical exercises, and genuine insider knowledge that will propel you on your journey. From breaking down the complexities of Kali Linux, to mastering the art of the spear-phishing technique, to getting intimate with the OWASP Top Ten, Josh is with you every step of the way.Don't expect a dull textbook read, though! Josh keeps things light with witty anecdotes and real-world examples that keep the pages turning. You'll not only learn the ropes of ethical hacking, you'll understand why each knot is tied the way it is.By the time you turn the last page of this guide, you'll be prepared to tackle the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. You might not have started this journey as an ethical hacker, but with "The Ethical Hacker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity Assessment", you'll definitely finish as one. So, ready to dive in and surf the cyber waves with Josh? Your journey to becoming an ethical hacking pro awaits!

  • - A Red Teamer's Guide to Zero-Click Exploits
    af Josh Luberisse
    612,95 kr.

    Buckle up and prepare to dive into the thrilling world of Zero-Click Exploits. This isn't your average cybersecurity guide - it's a wild ride through the dark underbelly of the digital world, where zero-click exploits reign supreme. Join Josh, a seasoned cybersecurity professional and the mastermind behind Greyhat Intelligence & Investigative Solutions, as he spills the beans on these sneaky attacks that can compromise systems without a single click. From Fortune 500 companies to the most guarded government agencies, no one is safe from the lurking dangers of zero-click exploits. In this witty and engaging book, Josh takes you on a journey that will make your head spin. You'll uncover the secrets behind these stealthy attacks, learning the ins and outs of their mechanics, and unraveling the vulnerabilities they exploit. With real-world examples, he'll keep you on the edge of your seat as you discover the attack vectors, attack surfaces, and the art of social engineering. But fear not! Josh won't leave you defenseless. He arms you with an arsenal of prevention, mitigation, and defense strategies to fortify your systems against these relentless zero-click invaders. You'll learn how to harden your systems, develop incident response protocols, and become a master of patch management. But this book isn't all serious business. Josh infuses it with his signature wit and humor, making the complex world of zero-click exploits accessible to anyone with a curious mind and a passion for cybersecurity. So get ready to laugh, learn, and level up your red teaming skills as you navigate this thrilling rollercoaster of a read. Whether you're a seasoned cybersecurity pro or just starting your journey, "Leave No Trace" is the ultimate guide to understanding, defending against, and maybe even outsmarting the relentless zero-click exploits. It's time to take the fight to the attackers and show them who's boss! So fasten your seatbelt, grab your favorite energy drink, and get ready to unlock the secrets of zero-click exploits. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, starts now!

  • - A Primer for Lawyers and Business Professionals
    af Josh Luberisse
    422,95 kr.

    Over the past several decades, the financial landscape and its regulation have experienced unprecedented growth and transformation. This era has seen significant advancements in financial markets, along with cyclical periods of regulatory reform, often in response to crisis situations. The recent financial crisis has generated immense interest in financial regulation from policymakers, economists, legal practitioners, and academics alike, sparking comprehensive regulatory reforms.The Ultimate Guide to US Financial Regulations: A Primer for Lawyers and Business Professionals delivers an authoritative, up-to-date, and in-depth examination of the intricacies of financial regulation. With insights on banking, securities, derivatives, insurance, consumer financial protection, anti-money laundering, and international financial regulations, this comprehensive guide employs a contextual and comparative approach to explore academic, policy, and regulatory requirements. The initial sections of the guide delve into the foundational themes that underpin financial regulation: financial systems and their regulation; the structure of financial system regulation; the evolution of Financial Regulation; the role of regulatory agencies as well as their various enforcement mechanisms; as well as insurance, banking and securities regulations. The latter sections focus on the core objectives of financial regulation, and explore key topics such as deposit insurance, consumer protection regulations, safety and soundness requirements, insider trading, securities fraud, and investment advisor regulations. The Ultimate Guide to US Financial Regulations offers an indispensable resource for understanding and navigating the complex world of financial regulation, making it an essential read for professionals across the legal and business spectrum.

  • - The Brave New World of Private Military Companies
    af Josh Luberisse
    487,95 kr.

    Private Armies, Public Wars: The Brave New World of Private Military Companies is a groundbreaking exploration of the contemporary landscape of warfare, examining the rise and impact of private military companies (PMCs) on the global stage. Written by an esteemed geopolitics expert and military history researcher, this book provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking examination of the multifaceted world of private military operations.Drawing upon historical perspectives, legal frameworks, economic dynamics, and case studies from around the world, this book offers a nuanced and in-depth analysis of the complex relationship between states, armed conflicts, and the private entities that operate within them. It delves into the motivations, challenges, and implications of the growing presence of PMCs, shedding light on both the opportunities they present and the ethical dilemmas they raise.Private Armies, Public Wars presents a balanced and objective assessment of the forces driving the expansion of the PMC industry. It explores the historical roots of mercenaries and traces their evolution into modern-day private military companies. The book examines the economic appeal of outsourcing military capabilities and the potential implications for state sovereignty and the monopoly on the use of force.Through vivid case studies, the author uncovers the diverse roles that PMCs play in conflicts worldwide, from providing security and logistical support to participating in active combat. The author explores the impact of PMCs on local populations, human rights concerns, and the challenges of regulating an industry that operates beyond traditional legal frameworks.Moreover, the book delves into emerging trends and challenges in the PMC industry, including the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of biometric and identity verification technologies. It analyzes the potential benefits and risks associated with these technological advancements, providing valuable insights into the changing nature of warfare in the 21st century. It also addresses the growing importance of communication technologies, the role of private intelligence agencies in modern warfare and the implications of hybrid warfare and disinformation campaigns.Private Armies, Public Wars is a critical examination of the complex interplay between states, private entities, and the pursuit of military objectives. It challenges conventional notions of warfare and offers a fresh perspective on the evolving dynamics of global conflicts. The author provides a comprehensive and well-researched analysis, drawing on a wide range of sources and expertise to present a comprehensive overview of the PMC industry.This book is essential reading for scholars, policymakers, military professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the contemporary landscape of warfare and the evolving role of private military companies. It serves as a call to action, urging readers to engage in meaningful discussions and debates about the ethical, legal, and strategic implications of the growing influence of private actors in the world's conflicts.

  • - Espionage, Sabotage, and the Covert Battles in Cyberspace
    af Josh Luberisse
    557,95 kr.

    Silent Wars: Espionage, Sabotage, and the Covert Battles in Cyberspace delves into the shadowy world of covert cyber conflict, that unfold beyond the public eye. Scrutinizing the intricate balance between espionage and assault, the author, Josh, disentangles the convoluted web of digital warfare, where the line between intelligence-gathering and outright attack blurs.Silent Wars navigates the intricate landscape of covert cyber operations, examining a multitude of cases that shed light on the diverse tactics and strategies employed by nations in this modern arena of intangible warfare. Through a meticulous analysis of case studies, military doctrines, and technical underpinnings, Josh unveils the striking reality that contemporary cyber operations, while seemingly groundbreaking, still embody the age-old essence of conflict waged through non-physical domains such as information space and the electromagnetic spectrum.Silent Wars breaks down the multifaceted nature of offensive cyber operations, emphasizing the stark contrasts between various forms of cyberattacks. From the painstakingly slow and calculated infiltrations that demand unwavering discipline and patience, to the fleeting strikes designed to momentarily disrupt the adversary's tactics, Silent Wars scrutinizes the full spectrum of digital offensives.Venturing into the clandestine strategies of prominent state actors such as the United States, Russia, China, and Iran, Josh's examination of their distinct approaches, strengths, and challenges reveals the complexities of leveraging cyber operations for strategic advantage. Silent Wars unravels the veiled intricacies of this evolving domain, exposing the concealed dynamics that shape the future of covert cyber warfare.

  • - Navigating the Intricacies of Public and Private Offerings
    af Josh Luberisse
    597,95 kr.

    Navigate the intricate world of private equity and venture capital with "The Insider's Guide to Securities Law: Navigating the Intricacies of Public and Private Offerings." This comprehensive guidebook illuminates the complexities of the industry, serving as an essential resource for legal practitioners, investment professionals, and entrepreneurs alike.Venture into the fascinating domain of fund formation, understand the roles of limited and general partners, and uncover the strategic aspects of tax structuring. Get acquainted with the key regulatory authorities overseeing the industry, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).Delve deeper into the regulatory landscape, exploring crucial compliance requirements, the essentialities of fiduciary duty, and the impact of the JOBS Act and other significant laws. Grasp the essentials of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance, and learn how to navigate through the processes of sourcing and closing deals, conducting due diligence, and managing and exiting investments effectively."The Insider's Guide to Securities Law" offers practical insights, actionable strategies, and a detailed glossary of key terms, making the labyrinth of private equity and venture capital law accessible to both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Embark on a journey through the dynamic landscape of global finance with confidence and insight with this indispensable guide.

  • - A Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
    af Josh Luberisse
    312,95 kr.

    "From Tokenism to Inclusion: A Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace" is a comprehensive and practical guide for businesses and organizations seeking to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. This book offers actionable strategies and best practices for promoting diversity and inclusion, tackling implicit bias, breaking down barriers, and fostering an inclusive culture that empowers all employees.Drawing on the latest research and real-world examples, this book provides step-by-step guidance on creating and implementing a successful DEI plan, tailored to the specific needs of your organization. From identifying common barriers to creating an inclusive workplace to gaining stakeholder support and measuring progress, this guide covers all aspects of a successful DEI strategy.Whether you are a small business owner, HR professional, or executive, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Practical Guide for Creating a More Equitable Workplace" is a valuable resource for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in your workplace. With its clear and concise language, actionable advice, and emphasis on measurable outcomes, this book will help you create a workplace culture that values diversity and fosters inclusion."

  • af Josh Luberisse
    372,95 kr.

    "The Quest for Quiet: Cultivating Mindfulness and Solitude in a Noisy World" is an essential guide for those seeking to find balance, inner peace, and personal growth in the face of the challenges presented by modern society. It is an insightful exploration of the importance of quiet moments for introspection, reflection, and personal growth in today's fast-paced and interconnected society that provides readers with practical guidance on how to create space for solitude and mindfulness in their daily lives, amidst the distractions and demands of modern life.Drawing on a diverse range of disciplines, including mindfulness practices, meditation techniques, and psychological research, the author, Josh Luberisse discusses the effects of constant connectivity on mental well-being and the ways in which solitude and mindfulness can help individuals navigate the complexities of the contemporary world. Josh addresses the challenges posed by technology and offers practical solutions for reducing screen time, setting boundaries, and cultivating more meaningful connections with ourselves and the world around us.In "The Quest for Quiet," Josh examines the benefits of mindfulness for personal growth and well-being, highlighting the healing power of spending time in nature, the therapeutic effects of journaling, and the role of minimalism and decluttering in creating a serene environment. He also offers guidance on incorporating mindfulness practices into daily routines and establishing consistent rituals to support personal growth and well-being."The Quest for Quiet" is a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking to prioritize solitude and mindfulness in their lives. By providing practical guidance and evidence-based insights, "The Quest for Quiet: Cultivating Mindfulness and Solitude in a Noisy World" empowers readers to embark on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, resilience, and appreciation for the simple pleasures of life.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    512,95 kr.

    Autonomous weapons are changing the face of modern warfare, and their potential impact is both awe-inspiring and unsettling. "Algorithmic Warfare: The Rise of Autonomous Weapons" is a comprehensive analysis of the development, deployment, and ethical considerations of autonomous weapons systems in modern warfare.By speaking with leading experts in emerging weapons technologies, the author was able to draw in on their firsthand experience and proven expertise to examine the ethical, legal, and strategic implications of these next-generation weapons. From loitering munitions to homing missiles, this book explore how Autonomous Weapons are revolutionizing the battlefield and the way we fight wars.Through analysis of work written by defense experts, ethicists, and military leaders, this book analyzes the movement to ban autonomous weapons and the legal and ethical issues surrounding their use and spotlights the latest advancements in artificial intelligence in military technology and how they are being used to develop these autonomous systems.This book also examines the role of national and international regulations and the potential benefits and risks of Autonomous Weapons. With at least 30 countries already developing defensive autonomous weapons that operate under human supervision, it is clear that the ethical questions surrounding this topic grow more pressing each day.At the forefront of this game-changing debate, "Autonomous Weapons: The Future of Algorithmic Warfare" engages with military history, global policy, and cutting-edge science to argue that we must embrace technology where it can make war more precise and humane, but without surrendering human judgment. When the choice is life or death, there is no replacement for the human heart.This book is aimed at anyone interested in the future of warfare, from military personnel to policy-makers and concerned citizens alike. From the history of the DOD's Third Offset Strategy to the development of CBRN capable autonomous weapon systems, readers will gain a deep understanding of the current landscape of algorithmic warfare and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It is a must-read for those who want to gain a better understanding of the complex and ever-changing landscape of autonomous weapons and the impact they will have on our world.

  • af Josh Luberisse
    377,95 kr.

    Navigate the intricate world of private equity and venture capital with "The Insider's Guide to Securities Law: Navigating the Intricacies of Public and Private Offerings." This comprehensive guidebook illuminates the complexities of the industry, serving as an essential resource for legal practitioners, investment professionals, and entrepreneurs alike.Venture into the fascinating domain of fund formation, understand the roles of limited and general partners, and uncover the strategic aspects of tax structuring. Get acquainted with the key regulatory authorities overseeing the industry, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).Delve deeper into the regulatory landscape, exploring crucial compliance requirements, the essentialities of fiduciary duty, and the impact of the JOBS Act and other significant laws. Grasp the essentials of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance, and learn how to navigate through the processes of sourcing and closing deals, conducting due diligence, and managing and exiting investments effectively."The Insider's Guide to Securities Law" offers practical insights, actionable strategies, and a detailed glossary of key terms, making the labyrinth of private equity and venture capital law accessible to both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Embark on a journey through the dynamic landscape of global finance with confidence and insight with this indispensable guide.

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