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  • - Staying Debt-Free or Becoming Capitalists?
    af Joshua King
    175,95 kr.

    We all want to teach our children healthy money habits. Even better, we want them to grow up and be able to give, save, and invest.There are two main methods in the media: staying debt-free and becoming a capitalist. They each have their time to shine in someone's life.I tried the debt-free way of life and could never get ahead financially. It wasn't until I became a capitalist that I enjoyed having extra resources.You can't run a household without maintaining a tight budget. However, becoming a capitalist will help you put more money into your account every month.If our kids can understand and leverage both methods, they can become happy, healthy, and well-adjusted adults. Good Luck!

  • - A Time for Grace and Passive Income
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    Having grace is one of the most essential parts of your passive income journey. And what better time to be thankful than Thanksgiving?This holiday season, ask yourself if you are where you want to be financially. If not, there's no need to get upset or angry-you have plenty of time to improve your situation.Now, it's time to become the financial genius that you can. If you want things to be different by next Thanksgiving, it starts today.Passive income is the only way to keep your family together. It allows you to have excess money AND time.If you want to position yourself and your family to better fortunes every Thanksgiving, you'll need to become a capitalist. You can do it. Good Luck!

  • - Make More Money Doing Less Work
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    I remember being stuck in the rat race as an employee. No matter how much my cost-of-living raises I received, they could never keep up with my lifestyle.I didn't know how to "break the cycle" and finally get ahead of my finances. However, in June 2019, I discovered the words "passive income" and "dividends." These words forever changed my life.Now, I am living the good life. I earn $1,500/month in dividends and can use them any way I like.I use my dividends to be generous to my family and friends. I can enjoy going to the movies or traveling the world.If you want to add some zest to your life as an employee, give dividends a chance. You can make more money by doing less work; It just takes a change in mindset. Good Luck!

  • - It's Time to Become a Capitalist
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    I thought once I achieved $100,000 per year in income, all my financial woes would disappear. However, in reality, it was almost the opposite.I was broke because I was on the credit cycle where I paid, and the balance never went down.I felt behind because everyone around me seemed to have command of their lives. I struggled to pay for the kids' school photos and other extras every day.I felt bullied at work because I needed the job. I couldn't walk away whenever I chose.All these things led me to make a massive change in 2019; I became a capitalist. I now leverage capital markets to build a fantastic life for my family. And you can, too. Good Luck!

  • - Cutting Up Your Credit Cards
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    To build wealth, we must control our spending. There are no other options than to resist the urge to spend with emotions.The good news is that we can take physical steps to prevent emotional spending until our mindset changes.One such step is cutting our credit cards and removing our financial data from online retailers.I removed my data from online retailers as my initial start to being a responsible spender, and I have no regrets.Today, I am financially independent and retired at age 42. Life is good, but it starts with the small things. Good Luck!

  • - How to Build a Fully Funded Emergency Fund
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    Most Americans don't have $1,000 in a high-yield savings account that they consider an emergency fund. Therefore, saving $30,000 to $60,000 in a HYSA seems daunting.The good part is we can take it one step at a time. Let's first get $1,000 into a HYSA. Next, we must pay down debt.Here, I differ from conventional wisdom by building an income investing portfolio that can help grow our emergency fund.When we go to work and save, we use no leverage. When we go to work, and our income works for us, we can get there twice as fast.The ultimate goal of an emergency fund is to give you the confidence to live the life of your dreams. You can get there with financial education, discipline, and grace. Good Luck!

  • - Create the Best Weekends of Your Life
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    I love my Dividend Debit Card, more than most things outside my family. However, spending money with my new Options Trading Debit Card is even more fun.I linked a checking account to my Charles Schwab brokerage account. I transfer money to my debit card whenever I profit from trading options.I can go to the store and spend money from options directly. I have never felt so free and alive in my life.Options trading presents a steep learning curve but is well worth the educational journey.My Options Trading Debit Card allows me to be the father and husband I always dreamed of being. It's extraordinary to create your own resources and then spend them. Good Luck!

  • - Via Real Estate
    af Joshua King
    175,95 kr.

    Real estate is one of the best ways to build generational wealth for your family. However, just owning a primary residence doesn't ensure your family will stay rich.To pass along wealth through real estate, you must leverage real estate as an asset, not just a place to live.You can turn real estate into multiple different streams of income, such as business, rental income, and dividends.First, you need a vision of how the future looks. Then, you must set yourself up as the CEO of the family business.As you host family town hall meetings, everyone will start to see your vision of the future and the role of real estate. Now, you are playing with power! Good Luck!

  • - Inflation Protection
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    How has inflation been on your wallet this year? It doesn't feel good to fall behind financially, does it?It's incumbent on us to stay ahead of inflation. Owning a home is a significant resource to overcoming our battle with higher prices.When we lock in a 30-year mortgage, we prevent someone else from dictating our principal and interest payments.However, that is only the start of the battle. We still must create passive income by renting rooms, starting an income-investing portfolio, and owning rental properties.We can stand the test of time when we have multiple streams of passive income and a fixed mortgage. Good Luck!

  • - #116 Learn how to create passive income through real estate, investments, and royalties
    af Joshua King
    175,95 kr.

    Begin or continue your Financial Independence journey via retirement planning, stock market investing, real estate, and business.In this month's magazine, we take a look at: 01 Balanced Books: Living By a Hardcore Budget is Empowering02 House Hacking to Defeat Credit Card Debt03 Getting Started with High-Yield Savings Accounts04 Stock & Bond Investing in Your 70s05 Become Debt-Free & Stress-Free06 The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing 207 I'm Living My Dream Life with Dividends08 The Magic of Income Investing 2Join us inside! Freedom of Time, Freedom for Family, Freedom to Travel, Freedom equals Peace, Be Free!

  • - Don't Buy Anything
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    Why do we love spending so much? The good news is that the capital world made us into consumers.The bad news is that we are still 100% in control of our spending habits. That means we need to be accountable for our actions.Learning to control your spending urges will take some time, but it is possible. I remember removing my credit card information from Amazon to curb my spending.There are many ways to gain control of your habits, and I review some inside. So, pull up a chair, and let's change your life. Good Luck!

  • - The Magic of High-Yield CD Reinvestment
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    I just received an email offering me 5.20% interest on a 12-month certificate of deposit. What a time to be alive.I have a high-risk appetite, so CDs don't do much for me; however, they can be essential to your portfolio.CDs can serve as your first step into a much larger world of investing. You can use the interest payments to invest in higher-yielding securities and strategies-I call it "High-Yield CD Reinvestment."There are so many ways to make your money earn more money, and certificates of deposit can open your eyes to the possibilities. Welcome to Investing! Good Luck!

  • - The Best Strategy for Beginners
    af Joshua King
    183,95 kr.

    So, you want to trade options? Be careful; there are many traps on the battlefield we call the options market.An excellent place to start your options trading journey is by selling covered calls and cash-secured puts.However, if you are not careful, you can easily acquire stocks with a high-cost basis. This will put you in a position where you can't trade until the stock price rises.To avoid this trap, you must use technical analysis to acquire shares at the low point in their pricing cycle.With a bit of planning, you can position yourself to make a good amount of passive income. The returns can be incredible. Good Luck!

  • - Via Dividends
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    Many people believe it is their struggles that made them who they are; I disagree.We struggled because we didn't have the information or assets to assist us through life. By giving our kids resources, they will still struggle, but at a much higher level.Dividends can play an essential part in the resources we give to our children. There is nothing more powerful than the gift of income.Dividends can help our kids pursue the career they want instead of choosing something just for money.If you want your kids to travel a different path, building generational wealth via dividend stocks is an excellent method to extend the power of compounding. Good Luck!

  • - The Benefits of Investing in Savings Bonds
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    Everywhere you look, you can find places paying you 5% interest on your deposits. However, this won't last forever.If you want to guarantee a great return over a long period, look no further than Series "I" Bonds.The government determines rates on Series "I" Bonds from inflation data, not current interest rates.This means that if inflation rises faster than rates, as it did in 2022, Series "I" bonds will be the best place to store your money.If you are new to the world of compounding interest, Series "I" Bonds are a great place to start building your portfolio. Good Luck!

  • - Leverage Capital Markets to Live Your Best Life
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    What's the difference between an employee and a capitalist? A capitalist can make money in any clime and place.Doesn't it suck to allow to apply for a job, send in a resume, and have an interview-just to put food on the table.What if you could control your life without having a job? Becoming a capitalist gives you more freedom than you can imagine.I was always broke, behind, and bullied as an employee. Now, I am my own boss. I want to pass this freedom down to my children as well. Good Luck!

  • - How to Earn $200 a Month in Passive Income
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    Passive income is challenging to create-but possible. Deciding which passive income path you will take is a personal decision.Dividends are passive and magically appear in your accounts overnight. Nothing is sweeter than having fresh money in your hand.You generate royalties from your creative works. They take a lot of talent to build, but nothing is more rewarding than someone buying your products.But why choose one when you can have both? By leveraging both, you diversify your income to protect against a downturn or calamity. They both rock!

  • - Implementing a Daily Budget
    af Joshua King
    184,95 kr.

    With all the advertising we receive, it's incredible we can save any amount of money. How can we spend responsibly in this commercial climate?I use a daily budget that gives me the freedom to control my destiny. It makes me think about my spending before I swipe my card.A daily budget sits outside of your bills, food, and gas but under your overall household budget. It gives you immediate feedback on how much you have to spend that day.I have used a daily budget for over two years, giving me more freedom than I can imagine. I no longer feel guilty when I purchase a video game or go to a movie.The daily budget accounts for everything and forces me to cut expenses elsewhere if I go over budget. A daily budget is my favorite way to control my spending habits. Good Luck!

  • - Budgeting and Investing for Everyone!
    af Joshua King
    176,95 kr.

    Are you ready to retire? Are you convinced you can be a better person if you don't have to commute to work every day?The first step to retiring early is determining how much it costs to run your household fully. Once you have this number, you are well on your way to changing your destiny.Now, it's time to replace your employment income with passive income. This part may take a few years, but each successive year becomes more enjoyable.We can replace our earned income with rents, royalties, business, options trading, and dividends. Before we know it, we can walk away from work and still have the lifestyle we love.Can this happen in real life? Yes. My wife and I retired in our early 40s using this Happy Cash Flow Retirement system. You can do the same. Good Luck!

  • - Graduate to the Next Phase of Investing
    af Joshua King
    237,95 kr.

    Why in the world would I compare risk-free assets to risky investments? Because average people can use both of these investment vehicles to reach their goals.Treasury Bonds are great assets to protect capital, use in emergency funds, and assist with savings goals. However, they won't save us from the expenses of the future.We need to generate steady yet high returns to save for college, purchase more homes, and start a business.We can use the discipline we learned while buying Treasuries on the options market. We can consistently earn 10% monthly on our invested capital without taking too much risk.Options trading and treasures should both hold a place inside our portfolios-if we can control our emotions. Leveraging them both can protect our present and our future. Good Luck!

  • - A Great Passive Options Trading Strategy
    af Joshua King
    237,95 kr.

    If you let it, trading options can be the most emotional way to earn money. We must put aside our temperaments for the greater good to achieve a consistent income.Long strangles aim to earn you profit no matter which direction your stock price moves. However, you'll need to take profits early because your options decay daily on the market.My goal is to earn 5-10% of my invested income on each trade. So, if I buy $8,000 worth of puts and calls, I want to make $400 to $800.You can make much more if you keep your money on the market longer, but I choose to enjoy my life and keep my earnings relatively passive. To each their own. Good Luck!

  • - Developing a Hardcore Budget
    af Joshua King
    237,95 kr.

    When we start budgeting, we usually follow very broad topics like "food" and "entertainment."However, once we get serious about getting ahead, we must divide those subjects into smaller sub-budgets to prevent slippage.I call this hardcore budgeting, and it is a way to ensure you spend money where you want, not on random things.After some trial and error, you will have a tight set of sub-budgets for food, gas, entertainment, and bills.Altogether, you will know exactly where your money goes and why it went there. You will have complete control, allowing you to have total freedom. Good Luck!

  • - Wealth Destruction
    af Joshua King
    227,95 kr.

    The housing industry wants you to spend every dime on your house. If you don't have a plan, that's precisely what will happen.Owning a home is expensive and can become even more costly when you attach emotions to the situation.Therefore, you must have an overall wealth plan before buying a home. Do you want to help your kids through college or with their wedding?Knowing these things is vital to understanding how much you can safely spend on your home while preserving your financial ability to provide for yourself and your kids. It's tough. Good Luck!

  • - Using the Envelope System
    af Joshua King
    237,95 kr.

    They taught us to spend before we learned to budget. Therefore, to learn how to budget, we have to return to our roots.The envelope system allows us to feel our money and see every dollar that enters our household.From there, we can divide our money into each category we need-every dollar has a mission.The envelopes force us to see our remaining balance and make great decisions as we spend money. In short, we must become responsible spenders. That's the goal. Good Luck!

  • - Wealth Creation
    af Joshua King
    227,95 kr.

    Can owning a home help you build wealth? Absolutely. However, wealth doesn't come free.Wealth costs information. You cannot simply buy a home and become wealthy. You must understand how to leverage your home to create cash flow.Wealth is having excessive income versus expenses. The more cash you generate and the less you spend, the easier it is to become wealthy.Your home provides ample opportunity to increase your cash flow while keeping your housing expenses flat.It's a great setup to build wealth with the right mindset. Good Luck!

  • - Understanding Closed-End Funds
    af Joshua King
    237,95 kr.

    I love paying bills because I have enough excess income to cover my expenses. Even in retirement, I still have many paychecks in my accounts.My primary source of consistent income (outside of my pension) is Closed-End Funds. These securities provide me with the high-yielding income I need to pay bills and beat inflation.Many retirees focus solely on capital preservation, leaving their income needs behind. Use an emergency fund to preserve capital and CEFs to generate revenue.Once you start generating CEF income, reinvest 25% to ensure your income grows every year, helping you stay ahead of the cost-of-living adjustment. Income Investing is an amazing life. Good Luck!

  • - with Dividends as a Backdrop
    af Joshua King
    232,95 kr.

    Most of us sold out our creative passions in favor of starting a career in a field where we could earn a livable wage. How did that work out for us?More importantly, how do we give our kids a chance to follow their hearts and dreams? The answer is dividend investing.Dividends remain in the background of our lives, feeding us income that is essential to our lives.It will take time to build a dividend portfolio to support our expenses, but each month, our income stream begins to turn into a river.Slow and steady wins the battle. Plus, our kids can build upon the excellent investing guidance we will teach them. Good Luck!

  • - Understanding Preferred Shares
    af Joshua King
    232,95 kr.

    Retirement comes for all of us; however, we must prepare relentlessly to succeed during our golden years.Income investing is the best way to create a sustainable income throughout the years.Investing in preferred shares can help you generate massive revenue to pay bills, go shopping, and visit family.Inside, I help you understand preferred shares and how to invest in them. They can be tricky to find but rewarding to own. Good Luck!

  • - The First Step to Living on Passive Income
    af Joshua King
    222,95 kr.

    How soon can you retire from the workforce? What is your magic number? How much income do you need to replace with passive income?You must discover your Bare Bones Budget to see how much your household needs to run.Once you have this number, you can replace your earned income (job) with passive income streams.Your BBB is a series of small budgets for bills, expenses, food, and allowances. The smaller the numbers, the faster you retire. Good Luck!

  • - You or Your Boss?
    af Joshua King
    222,95 kr.

    What would you do without going to your job every day? It seems people have never considered this question.My wife and I retired early (42 and 39), and people can't understand how we spend our time. Have we become a society that needs a boss to allocate our time?I, for one, don't need anyone to tell me what to do. I write, trade options, read, and review movies in my free time.I also get to spend quality time with my wife and kids. My life is amazing, all without working a job. So, who is a better steward of your time? You or your boss?

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