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  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    127,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    117,95 - 185,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    185,95 kr.

    The bonds of family are tested in the wake of a profound tragedy, providing a look at the darker side of our society

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    113,95 kr.

    The unforgettable story of the rise, fall and ultimate redemption of an American family.The Mulvaneys are seemingly blessed by everything that makes life sweet. They live together in the picture-perfect High Point Farm, just outside the community of Mt Ephraim, New York, where they are respected and liked by everybody.Yet something happens on Valentine's Day 1976. An incident involving Marianne Mulvaney, the pretty sixteen-year-old daughter, is hushed up in the town and never discussed within the family. The impact of this event reverberates throughout the lives of the characters.As told by Judd, years later, in an attempt to make sense of his own past reveals the unspoken truths of that night that rends the fabric of the family life with tragic consequences. In 'We Were the Mulvaneys', Joyce Carol Oates, the highly acclaimed author of 'Blonde', masterfully weaves an unforgettable story of the rise, fall and ultimate redemption of an American family.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    165,95 kr.

    From the author of 'Blonde', 'The Falls' and 'We Were the Mulvaneys', this new novel takes in the themes of race, immigration, family and social mobility, and is Joyce Carol Oates at her storytelling best.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    155,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    135,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    148,95 kr.

    Two families. Two faces of America. An act of violence with far-reaching consequences.Gus Voorhees is a pioneer in the advancement of women's reproductive rights and a controversial abortion provider in the American Midwest. One morning as he arrives at his clinic, he is ambushed by a hardline Christian, Luther Dunphy, and shot dead.The killing leaves in its wake two fatherless families: the Voorheeses, who are affluent, highly educated, secular and pro-choice, and the Dunphys, their opposite on all counts.When the daughters of the two families, Naomi Voorhees and Dawn Dunphy, glimpse each other at the trial of Luther Dunphy, their initial response is mutual hatred. But their lives are tangled together forever by what has happened, and throughout the years to come and the events that follow, neither can quite forget the other...'The story of Trump's America'Daily Mail'The most relevant book of Oates's half-century-long career . . . a masterpiece' Washington Post'Oates's American saga captivates because it exists within an actual drama playing out across the country. A graceful and excruciating story of two families who do not live very far apart, but exist in different realities' USA Today

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    73,95 - 347,95 kr.

    "Foxfire" er de fiktive erindringer fortalt af Madeleine, eller Maddy, som hun kaldes, der i sine unge dage var med i pigebanden Foxfire. Gruppens leder er den karismatiske og idealistiske Margaret, der er god til at sætte gang i gaden. Nogle gange lidt for god. Pigerne bor sammen i et hus, men har svært ved at skaffe penge til dagen og vejen. Margaret kommer imidlertid på en lusket plan, hvor de skal bortføre en lokal rigmand. Men bortførelsen går ikke som planlagt, og pludselig står gruppen uden en leder.Joyce Carole Oats (f.1938) er en amerikansk forfatter, digter, dramatiker, litteraturanmelder og redaktør. Joyce Carole Oats har et stort og velrenommeret forfatterskab bag sig med over 100 titler i bagagen. Joyce Carole Oats er især kendt for sin skildring af det amerikanske samfund og den vold, der eksisterer mellem de forskellige sociale og etniske grupper og mellem kønnene. Hun er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med flere priser og norminereringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award og været normineret til en Pulitzer Prize hele fem gange.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    157,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Mit liv som rotte Hvilket valg er mest rigtigt: loyalitet over for familien eller loyalitet over for sandheden?    Mit liv som rotte følger Violet Rue Kerrigan, en ung kvinde, der ser tilbage på sit liv i eksil fra sin familie, efter at hun i en alder af tolv har aflagt vidnesbyrd om et racerelateret mord på en sort, amerikansk dreng begået af hendes ældre brødre.   Med uhyggelig præcision opruller Mit liv som rotte et liv i eksil – forvist fra forældre, søskende og kirken; et liv der tvinger Violet til at opbygge sin egen identitet, til at bryde ud af den tryghed og fortryllelse som dét at være en del af en familie giver. Kan Violet finde vej ud af sit livslange eksil som ”rotten” og komme helskindet ud på den anden side?   Mit liv som rotte er en tankevækkende roman om familie, loyalitet, racisme, identitet, seksualitet og svigt. ”Denne roman vil glæde Oates’ trofaste fans og sikre hende nye.” - Publishers Weekly Joyce Carol Oates er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med et væld af priser og nomineringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award, og hun har været nomineret til Pulitzer-prisen hele fem gange. Senest er hun også blevet tildelt the Jerusalem Prize, som gives til en forfatter, som giver stemme til en vision om menneskelig frihed. Denne pris er tidligere givet til forfattere som Don DeLillo, Susan Sontag og J. M. Coetzee. Joyce Carol Oates er Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor på det humanistiske fakultet på Princeton University i USA.  

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    123,95 kr.

    El libro más personal e impactante de Joyce Carol Oates, firme candidata al Premio Nobel En una mañana gris de febrero, Joyce Carol Oates llevó a su marido Raymond Smith a urgencias aquejado de una neumonía; una semana después, ciertas complicaciones terminaban con su vida. Estas deslumbrantes páginas capturan el estado emocional de Oates tras la repentina muerte de su marido, y cómo se ve obligada a hallar el equilibrio sin la alianza que la había sostenido durante cuarenta y siete años y veinticinco días. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The most private and striking account written by Joyce Carol Oates. On a gray February morning in 2008, Joyce Carol Oates drove her ailing husband, Raymond Smith, to the emergency room of the Princeton Medical Center, where he was diagnosed with pneumonia. In less than a week, Ray died from a hospitalacquired virulent infection-- and Joyce was suddenly faced with the stunning reality of widowhood. A Widow's Story illuminates one woman's struggle to comprehend a life absent of the partnership that had sustained and defined her for nearly half a century.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    144,95 kr.

    En 1936, los Schwart, una familia de inmigrantes desesperada por escapar de la Alemania nazi, se instala en una pequeña ciudad de Estados Unidos. El padre, un profesor de instituto, es rebajado al único trabajo al que tiene acceso: sepulturero y vigilante de cementerio. Los prejuicios locales y la debilidad emocional de los Schwart suscitan una terrible tragedia familiar. Rebecca, la hija del sepulturero, comienza entonces su sorprendente peregrinación por la «América profunda», una odisea de riesgo erótico e intrépida imaginación que la obligará a reinventarse a sí misma. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In 1936 the Schwarts, an immigrant family desperate to escape Nazi Germany, settle in a small town in upstate New York, where the father, a former high school teacher, is demeaned by the only job he can get: gravedigger and cemetery caretaker. After local prejudice and the family's own emotional frailty result in unspeakable tragedy, the gravedigger's daughter, Rebecca, begins her astonishing pilgrimage into the heart of America, an odyssey of erotic risk and ingenious self-invention, and, in the end, a bittersweet--but very "American"--triumph.

  • - Stories of Mystery and Suspense
    af Joyce Carol Oates
    161,95 kr.

    These new, recent, and reformulated stories by Joyce Carol Oates, collected here for the first time, showcase a wide range of crime fiction and psychological suspense. A young, insecure woman finds her relationship changing as she grows more and more dependent on a man who likes to take her on long walks beside a dangerously roaring creek. Another woman, nervous around men, not quite knowing how to act when paid a compliment, becomes flustered when a doctor suggests they go out for coffee, or possibly a drink. She finally decides that she will join him when he suggests they meet at his home. A man is so forgetful that his wife panics and yells into his phone, asking where their daughter has gone. A young man is curious to see why sirens have filled the night and the police arrest him, beginning an unimaginable nightmare. A woman resents that a colleague has achieved greater success and thinks she ought to do something about it. It is impossible to know where a story by the creative genius of Joyce Carol Oates will end and what frightening paths will lead to that end.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    122,95 kr.

    "Later, I would think of it as crossing over. From a known territory into an unknown. From a place where people know you to a place where people only think they know you." Sometimes Franky Pierson has a hard time dealing with life. Like when her parents separate and her mother vanishes, Franky wants to believe that her mom has simply pulled a disappearing act. Yet deep within herself, a secret part of her she calls Freaky Green Eyes knows that something is terribly wrong. And only Freaky can open Franky's eyes to the truth.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    177,95 kr.

    IN THE HEART OF A LANGUID JULY, ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD JOHN REDDY HEART drives a traffic-stopping, salmon-colored Cadillac into the quiet upstate town of Willowsville, New York. His mother, Dahlia Heart, a blackjack dealer, has brought her family east from Las Vegas to claim the rambling mansion left to her by a wealthy suitor.But it is John Reddy--already growing into a heartbreaking hybrid of James Dean, Marlon Brando, and Elvis Presley--who will claim the town itself. It is John Reddy who will arouse the desire of Willowsville's teenage girls and the worship of its boys, the fear and envy of its men, and the yearning of its women. And it is John Reddy who will capture the town's soul forever on the night a prominent citizen is shot dead in Dahlia Heart's bedroom--and a statewide manhunt sweeps Willowsville's rebel outlaw into the realm of living myth.Over the course of thirty years, Broke Heart Blues charts the rise and fall--and the ultimate call to reckoning-- of John Reddy Heart, through the myriad voices of those who find him their whipping boy, savior, dream lover, and confessor. At once a scathing indictment of the cultlike nature of fame and celebrity in America and a deeply moving mediation on human need and longing, the novel explores loneliness, and the profound price we pay for our desires and dreams.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    182,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    212,95 kr.

    An engrossing early novel from Joyce Carol Oates explores a fraught and perilous relationship between two womenOriginally published in 1985, Solstice is the gripping story of Monica Jensen and Sheila Trask, two young women who are complete opposites yet find themselves irresistibly drawn to each other. Monica is a shy, modest, and recently divorced schoolteacher, while Sheila is a worldly, sophisticated, and nocturnal painter driven by the needs of her art. Over the months, their friendship deepens, first to love and then to a near-fatal obsession.Engaging, dark, and mysterious, Solstice is Joyce Carol Oates's psychological masterpiece of friendship and fixation.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    43,94 kr.

    Blondine er en storslået, litterær, men samtidig bredt fortalt biografisk roman om Marilyn Monroe (1926-62). Et bragende velskrevet og elementært spændende portræt af en kvinde med en usædvanlig skæbne. Men samtidig en kvinde, der var spejl for alle kvinder i vor tid. Joyce Carol Oates genskaber Norma Jeane som et menneske på godt og ondt, en kompliceret personlighed med en kolossal længsel efter kærligehd, som tabte sig selv i sit alias Marilyn Monroe.Norma Jeane vokser op på børnehjem og i plejefamilier - med en mor, der er indlagt på sindssygehospital og uden at kende sin far. Mens hun endnu er teenager, bliver hun model og starlet i Hollywood. Marilyn bliver hurtigt hele verdens sexbombe i en lang række filmroller som naiv, troskyldig og yppig blondine. Men bag glamouren og ægteskaberne med baseball-legenden Joe DiMaggio og dramatikeren Arthur Miller findes stadig det forladte barn Norma Jeane. Den Norma Jeane, der som "Marilyn" opløst af alkohol og stoffer synger fødselsdagssang for sin elsker, USA's præsident John F. Kennedy, foran tusindvis af mennesker. Kort efter bliver hun fyret fra filmstudiet og derefter fundet død i sit hjem.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    152,95 kr.

    Joyce Carol Oates assembles an outstanding cast of authors - including Margaret Atwood, Raven Leilani, and Cassandra Khaw - to explore, subvert, and reinvent one of the most vital subgenres of horror

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    317,95 kr.

    This rich compilation of Joyce Carol Oates's letters across four decades displays her warmth and generosity, her droll and sometimes wicked sense of humor, her phenomenal energy, and most of all, her mastery of the lost art of letter writing.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    162,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    192,95 kr.

    From one of our most accomplished storytellers, an extraordinary and arresting novel about a women’s asylum in the nineteenth century, and a terrifying doctor who wants to change the worldIn this harrowing story based on authentic historical documents, we follow the career of Dr. Silas Weir, “Father of Gyno-Psychiatry,” as he ascends from professional anonymity to national renown. Humiliated by a procedure gone terribly wrong, Weir is forced to take a position at the New Jersey Asylum for Female Lunatics, where he reigns. There, he is allowed to continue his practice, unchecked for decades, making a name for himself by focusing on women who have been neglected by the state—women he subjects to the most grotesque modes of experimentation. As he begins to establish himself as a pioneer of nineteenth-century surgery, Weir’s ambition is fueled by his obsessive fascination with a young Irish indentured servant named Brigit, who becomes not only Weir’s primary experimental subject, but also the agent of his destruction.Narrated by Silas Weir’s eldest son, who has repudiated his father’s brutal legacy, Butcher is a unique blend of fiction and fact, a nightmare voyage through the darkest regions of the American psyche conjoined, in its startling conclusion, with unexpected romance. Once again, Joyce Carol Oates has written a spellbinding novel confirming her position as one of our celebrated American visionaries of the imagination.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    317,95 kr.

    This is a work of fiction incorporating episodes from the lives of the historic J. Marion Sims, M.D. (1813-1883), "The Father of Modern Gynecology"; Silas Weir Mitchell, M.D. (1829-1914), "The Father of Medical Neurology"; and Henry Cotton, M.D. (1876-1933), Director of the New Jersey Lunatic Asylum, 1907-1930.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    117,95 kr.

    'Oates's imagination is as unique, dystopian and vivid as Lewis Carroll's' Rose Tremain

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    212,95 kr.

    The first novel from New York Times bestselling author Joyce Carol Oates, a thrilling, dark tale of family, revenge, and two souls intertwined by love and violence?now back in print for fans of America's most prolific storytellerWritten when Joyce Carol Oates was in her early twenties, and first published in 1964, With Shuddering Fall is her powerful debut novel.Following the turbulent story of two lovers who discover themselves mortal enemies, the author explores the struggle for dominance in erotic relationships that has become a predominant theme in her work, as well as the perils of patriarchal inheritance, and the ripple-effects of emotional loss in adolescence. The result is an unsentimental yet sympathetic rendering of a disastrous love affair in which hatred is nearly as powerful as love, and a yearning for destruction is an abiding and insatiable passion.Discover what prompted the New York Times to compare this young writer's debut to Shirley Jackson's famous short story ?The Lottery.? Readers looking for a place to start in Joyce Carol Oates's vast catalogue will be intrigued by the sheer narrative force of the young author, and her willingness to anatomize the darkest recesses of humanity in a search for redemption and resolution.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    117,95 kr.

    When a woman mysteriously vanishes from her small town home, her sister must tally up the clues to uncover the truth behind the mystery.Beautiful sculptor Marguerite has disappeared from her small town in upstate New York. But was foul play involved? Did she merely get away for some fun? Or did she finally make the decision to leave behind her claustrophobic life of limited opportunities?Younger sister Gigi wonders if the flimsy silk Dior dress, so casually abandoned on the floor, is a clue to Marguerite's vanishing. The police puzzle over the footprints made by her Ferragamo boots, which end abruptly close to her home.Bit by bit, revelations about both women are uncovered, as Gigi, not so pretty as her sister, reveals her true feelings about the perfect, much-loved Marguerite. The fate of the missing beauty slowly and subtly comes to light In this suspenseful story about the complex relationship between two sisters.48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister is an exquisitely suspenseful tale from Joyce Carol Oates, literary icon and author of Blonde and We Were the Mulvaneys.'This elegant, captivating tale is un-put-downable.' Publishers Weekly 'Perfect for all the Daisy Jones & the Six fans out there.' Katie Couric Media'Another masterpiece of storytelling.' Booklist'Not just a ripping good mystery, but a meticulous character study.' Los Angeles Magazine

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    182,95 - 221,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    192,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    192,95 kr.

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