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  • af Kankati Muralidhar
    572,95 kr.

    In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde die Leistung eines Dieselmotors mit Direkteinspritzung mit der Kombination von zwei Ölen, nämlich Jatropha und Pong Amia, getestet. Diese beiden Öle wurden in unterschiedlichen Prozentsätzen mit diesen beiden Ölen und mit Diesel gemischt: Pong Amia 5%, Jatropha 5% und der Rest Diesel. Das Jatropha-Öl wird nur um 5 % erhöht, während das Pong Amia-Öl konstant bleibt; weitere Kombinationen werden in dem Papier ausführlich besprochen. Der maximale Prozentsatz an Jatrophaöl wurde auf 25% erhöht. Der Leistungstest wurde an einem stationären Zweizylinder-Dieselmotor mit Direkteinspritzung durchgeführt, der mit einem Schwingungsprüfstand gekoppelt war. Der Leistungstest bestand aus der Bremsleistung (BP), der verbrauchten Kraftstoffmasse (MFC), dem bremsspezifischen Kraftstoffverbrauch (BSFC), dem mechanischen Wirkungsgrad, dem thermischen Wirkungsgrad und dem indizierten thermischen Wirkungsgrad. Aus den Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Kombination der beiden Öle im Vergleich zu Diesel eine bessere Leistung aufweist. Von den meisten Pong Amia 5%, Jatropha 15% zeigte das beste Ergebnis.

  • af Kankati Muralidhar
    582,95 kr.

    L'utilità e le prestazioni della macchina di foratura radiale esistente saranno incrementate dalla progettazione di una testa di foratura multimandrino. Questo lavoro si occupa della progettazione e dello sviluppo di una testa di foratura multimandrino per l'ottimizzazione del tempo di ciclo del componente. La relazione presentata fornisce una panoramica dettagliata della realizzazione della macchina per impieghi speciali. Questa relazione tocca numerosi aspetti dell'ingegneria, che sono stati trattati nel curriculum dei programmi UG e PG di ingegneria meccanica. La relazione è stata redatta con un approccio semplice e facile da seguire per la costruzione di una macchina. Consiste nella progettazione di ingranaggi, alberi, cuscinetti, ecc.

  • af Kankati Muralidhar
    346,95 kr.

    The present investigation, performance of Direct injection diesel engine has been tested with the combination of two oils namely jatropha and pong Amia, this two oils are been mixed with different percentages with this two oils and with diesel, Pong Amia 5%, Jatropha 5% and remaining diesel. The jatropha oil is only increased by 5% making pong Amia oil as constant, further combination are detailed discussed in the paper. Maximum percentage of jatropha oil was taken up to 25%. The performance test was conducted on twin cylinder stationary direct injection diesel engine coupled to swinging field dynamometer. The performance test consist of break power (BP), mass of fuel consumed (MFC), Brake Specific Fuel consumption (BSFC), Mechanical Efficiency, Break thermal Efficiency and Indicated thermal efficiency. From the results it was observed that the combination of two oils are showing better performance comparing with diesel. Out of the most pong Amia 5%, jatropha 15% was showing the best result.

  • af Kankati Muralidhar
    346,95 kr.

    Usefulness and performance of the existing radial drilling machine will be increased by designing of multi spindle drilling head attachment. This paper deals with design and development of multi spindle drilling head for cycle time optimization of the component. The report presented here gives detailed overview of making of the Special purpose machine. This report touches to numerous aspects of engineering, which has been covered in the curriculum of UG and PG programs of Mechanical engineering. The report is compiled with a simple and easy to follow approach for building up of a machine. It consists of design of gear, shaft, bearing, etc.

  • af Kankati Muralidhar
    346,95 kr.

    Edible oils are receiving a lot of attention as an alternative fuel for engines as they are renewable and can be used in engines without any major modification. Their properties are closer to those of diesel except viscosity. The main problems of using corn oil in diesel engines are higher emission level and lower thermal efficiency due to higher viscosity and carbon residue compared to diesel. Transesterification of corn oil into biodiesel is the best method to overcome this problem. In the present study we are using corn biodiesel in different blends such as COME10, COME20, COME30, &COME100 are taken for the experiment from this blends COME20 gives good results and for this blend cerium oxide Nano particles is added as fuel additive with concentration of 25ppm, &50ppm. The Performance was improved, and emissions were reduced by using COME20+Ceo2 50ppm.

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