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Bøger af Kate Murphy

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  • - Sådan får du bedre relationer gennem bedre samtaler
    af Kate Murphy
    132,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Hvornår har du sidst lyttet til en anden person? Virkelig lyttet og ikke bare ventet på, at du selv kunne tage ordet igen, været distraheret af din telefon, eller blot ventet på chancen for at komme med din mening. Og hvornår har nogen sidst lyttet til dig? I en verden hvor der er så meget fokus på at lytte til sig selv, mærke efter og følge sig hjerte, er kunsten at lytte til et andet menneske lige så stille gledet i baggrunden. Og det gør os ensomme, mere isolerede og mindre tolerante end før. Den amerikanske journalist og forfatter Kate Murphy tager den manglende evne til at lytte under kærlig behandling i bogen, hvor hun på humoristisk vis dykker dybt ned i, hvorfor vi ikke lytter, hvad det gør ved os og hvordan denne tendens kan ændres. Med tråde til psykologien, neurovidenskaben og sociologiske undersøgelser ser Murphy nærmere på nogle, der faktisk er virkelig gode til at lytte: bl.a. CIA-agenten, bartenderen, radioproducenten, den dygtige sælger og fokusgruppe-moderatoren. Hvad kan vi lære af dem, så vi kan blive bedre til at lytte til folk? LYT viser, at det at lytte faktisk er den mest magtfulde position i kommunikationen. Vi lærer, når vi lytter. Vi skaber forbindelser til andre mennesker, vi samarbejder, vi skaber empati og vi bliver forelskede.

  • - What You're Missing and Why It Matters
    af Kate Murphy
    115,95 kr.

  • - What You're Missing and Why It Matters
    af Kate Murphy
    110,95 kr.

  • af Kate Murphy
    147,95 kr.

    Vita Sackville-West was infatuated with her. Virginia Woolf hated her. Sir John Reith resented her but couldn’t do without her skills: she transformed the BBC into a broadcaster for the people. Lady Astor was her close friend, making a way for her into the heart of Britain’s political, cultural and intellectual aristocracy. Hilda Matheson was one of the most important women behind the scenes in Britain’s public life between the wars and an influential networker between feminist, media and political powers. The life of Hilda Matheson is told by her first biographer Michael Carney and by BBC producer Kate Murphy. Her letters to Vita Sackville-West and the Astor papers form the heart of her story, revealing her candid and devoted nature.

  • af Kate Murphy
    249,95 kr.

    When was the last time you listened to someone, or someone really listened to you?"If you're like most people, you don't listen as often or as well as you'd like. There's no one better qualified than a talented journalist to introduce you to the right mindset and skillset-and this book does it with science and humor." -Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Originals and Give and Take**Hand picked by Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Daniel Pink for Next Big Ideas Club**"An essential book for our times."-Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to SomeoneAt work, we're taught to lead the conversation.On social media, we shape our personal narratives.At parties, we talk over one another. So do our politicians.We're not listening.And no one is listening to us.Despite living in a world where technology allows constant digital communication and opportunities to connect, it seems no one is really listening or even knows how. And it's making us lonelier, more isolated, and less tolerant than ever before. A listener by trade, New York Times contributor Kate Murphy wanted to know how we got here.In this always illuminating and often humorous deep dive, Murphy explains why we're not listening, what it's doing to us, and how we can reverse the trend. She makes accessible the psychology, neuroscience, and sociology of listening while also introducing us to some of the best listeners out there (including a CIA agent, focus group moderator, bartender, radio producer, and top furniture salesman). Equal parts cultural observation, scientific exploration, and rousing call to action that's full of practical advice, You're Not Listening is to listening what Susan Cain's Quiet was to introversion. It's time to stop talking and start listening.

  • af Kate Murphy, Mel Dixon & Amy Hughes
    275,95 kr.

  • - A History of Early Women at the BBC
    af Kate Murphy
    271,95 kr.

    Behind the Wireless tells the story of women at the BBC in the 1920s and 30s. Three women held Director level posts, Hilda Matheson (Director of Talks), Mary Somerville (Director of School Broadcasting), and Isa Benzie (Foreign Director).

  • - Modernity, Gender, and the Rural-Urban Divide
    af Kate Murphy
    837,95 kr.

    Fears and Fantasies

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