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  • - Lanning's Leap: Erotica Shapeshifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Graham was just trying to make her father happy. She didn't know what his obsession with the Lanning family was, but she would go with him to visit the Lannings to appease him. The last thing she expected to find there was a mate, and it seemed her father knew all along. Graham was beyond pissed-she was set up. Rider just wanted her to go away before he could claim her. It had been foretold that when he found his mate, that the one hunting them would find them and many of the Lanning family could die as a result. He didn't want to lose anyone, especially his mate. He would die himself before he let that happen. Their nemesis Sonya's reach was long, even from the grave. But even her death won't stop what's coming. She started the wheels of fate turning centuries ago, and they're picking up speed. Can all the Lannings come together to stop it before it's too late? Find out in the conclusion to the Lanning's Leap Series-Rider.

  • - Blood Brotherhood
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Richard James is a very old vampire and was already an immortal when he joined Rembrandt's team. Old grievances and heartaches, committed decades ago, still haunt him today. The murders of his mate and brother can be placed on a single culprit-Lucia Alverez. Ryiah isn't happy. It's do as her sister says or suffer the consequences. She can handle the beatings, but being locked up in a cell again with no sunshine or earth is more than she can bear. Ryiah is fae and needs these things to survive. So when her sister says to bring her her mate, Richard James, the second lord of the Highlands castle of Ireland, that's what Ryiah sets out to do. Vampires and fae are mortal enemies. The blood of the fae is like an intoxicating drug to a vampire, turning the vampire feral. Rick knows immediately that the beautiful woman is fae, but that's not the problem, there are other fae at Rembrandt's compound and Rick has no problems being around them. But this one...there is something different about her.... From the moment he touches her, he knows that she's his mate...the mate he didn't want...and to make matters worse, she is the sister to his mortal enemy-Lucia Alverez....

  • - Emerson Wolves
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    No matter how hard she tried, Kimber Gray always seemed to manage to get knocked back down a peg or two. She was a top rate chef and graduated at the top of her class, but no matter how hard she tried no one would acknowledge it. Now, blackballed in the only profession she knew, she was a failure to the one that mattered most-her daughter, Hannah. With no recourse left to her, she'd have to grovel and beg her aunt for help. Lee Emerson was glad to be back home for a while. He loved what he did, being a food critic and helping failing restaurants was a dream job come true. But he was tired of the traveling and just wanted to take care of things around the house and relax for a change. Slone, Hunter's mate, wanted to open a fancy restaurant and have Lee run it. He wasn't so sure about that, but he'd love nothing better than to hire that chef that had prepared the last meal he'd had in France before he left. It was the best meal he'd ever eaten, and he had been disappointed when he found out the man had left before he could tell him so. The slush claiming to cook the meal, wasn't the cook and he'd bet his last dollar on it. Kimber had had it. Her aunt had gone too far this time, and there was no way she'd expose her little girl to such meanness again. They'd live on the street first, and she was trying to tell Slone that she wasn't a charity case. That she could provide for her daughter somehow, when the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen cornered her, snarling that he'd protect her with his life. Ah, hell no. Who in the hell did he think he was?

  • - The Hunter Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    J. M. Hunter had signed the order for Joey's apartment building to be torn down. Every time Joey tried to get into the Hunter building to see the lawyer to plead their case, she could never get past the guard. Now, almost a year later, she was still homeless and working at a dead in job trying to save up enough money to get an apartment, one with heat, as well as electricity. Instead, she had to save Jesse's mom from dying in a fire and have the shit beat out of her by someone while doing it.Jesse couldn't understand why the woman wouldn't just shut up and do what he told her to do. It wasn't as if he was trying to hurt her, but she had saved his mom, and it was the least he could to do to make sure she had a job and a place to live. Of course, it had been pointed out to him several times already that he could have asked, but his way was much quicker.Joey wanted to knock the man on his ass every time he opened his mouth. She had hit him a couple of times, once to shove his nuts up around his ears, and the second time to break his nose. But the man just didn't seem to understand the word no.But when someone shot at her and killed her friend, she had no choice but to let the powerful Hunters help her. It was that, or she'd be dead the next time the loony woman at the fire came gunning for her.Then her grandmother came around welding her cane like it was an extension of her arm and accusing her of beating her. Joey had had just about enough of her when Jesse told her he was marrying her. Things should have been wonderfully tied up, but they seemed to be getting worse until she figured out she loved him. And she did.Jesse Hunter is a good man, but he is a little stubborn. Joey Foster is a lovely, wonderful woman who is a great deal stubborn. Together they could be amazing...but would they ever get that far?Jesse, the third book in the Hunter Series, and a love story for all time.

  • - Force of Nature Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    When Myles Kramer was human, he had been a good cop. He thought he'd been a good man too but lately he isn't sure. Now nothing seems to hold his interest and he is bored. As Phil, his maker, points out, that isn't a good thing in a vampire so young. An extended vacation in France is cut short by finding a dead body on the beach. Only the man isn't really dead and Myles wasn't supposed to find him. After calling the police, Myles goes back home to Ohio to his unfurnished house to resume his lonely unassuming life. He isn't sure what he wants to do with his life, but Phil showing up on his doorstep with a job isn't on his agenda. "You remember before you left that woman who came up missing? We all thought she was dead and her husband finally confessed?" Myles nodded knowing there was no hope for it. "Her sister has come up with something strange. She said she got a letter from her last week." Myles ends up at the hotel to meet with the missing woman's sister only to find her holding a gun to the head of a vamp. The woman has one of the smartest mouths he's ever heard, not to mention, tasty as hell. Chris Collier only wants to find her sister, Millie, settle her up with whatever she needs to get her out of her life. They aren't close at all, but she is still her stepsister, and the only family she has left. But Myles insisting on helping her is getting on her last nerve until some jerk shackles them together in a bedroom without any clothes. As mates, they can do so much more, but neither of them wants what comes with having someone in their lives full time. And as a vampire, the term 'a long life' takes on a whole new meaning. But once Myles tastes the tantalizing human, he knows that he'll never have enough of her. He only hopes he can convince her of that before she kills him. Myles and Chris were destined to be together, the Fates had decided. But there are forces trying to pull them apart, and neither of them are sure they can win against such odds. An ancient evil has set his sights on Chris and will stop at nothing to have her for his bed. She has been told she is destined to destroy him, but others have tried...and failed. Austin Force and his pack are ready to help, but it will take a force like no other to stop him. Will Chris be able to fulfill her destiny and defeat the beast? Or will she meet the same fate as her predecessors?

  • - McCullough's Jamboree
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Colin McCullough gets the phone call that all military families dread--his brother Hawkins has been shot. Colin only wants to thank Hawkins's commanding officer for saving his brother's life, but he can never seem to get past the guards in the hospital's hallway to personally thank the man. Major Lauren Burcher is all Army and head of a special task team usually sent in to clean things up. This time, her team is ambushed by friendlies, and Lauren and her best man Hawkins McCullough barely make it out alive--they were set up. Someone wants them both dead. Another attempt on Lauren's life in the hospital fails miserably, and when Colin scoops her up in his arms to place her back in the hospital bed, he finds a gun pointed at his forehead at point blank range. In that moment he realizes this bad-assed scary woman is his mate. Lauren wants no part of this mate business. Relationships get messy and this jerk is bossy as hell. And Lauren doesn't take orders...she gives them. But it will take all of them, his family and hers, to keep her and Hawkins alive....

  • - The Grant Brothers Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Connor had to get help for his momma. Mr. O had hurt them both bad this time but they still got away. And Connor was determined that he would never catch them again. Now if only he could get to the clinic to get some medicine they could move on. At seventeen, Charlotte or Charlie to her friends was tossed out of her home because she'd gotten 'soiled' her mother said. A slut like her didn't need to be around her good friends from the church. Charlie didn't care, she had Connor and that's all that mattered. Until one night a man decided that he wanted her. When he took her then five year old son hostage, she had no choice but to move in with him. Over the next few years she and Connor lived in horror. Damon just wanted to go to dinner with his brothers and celebrate his birthday. When a call from the lobby where his practice was came to tell him about a runaway, he simply let Morgan handle it. That was until an urgent call with her sobbing brought him to her. The little boy had been beaten and badly. And his momma he told Dr. Damon 'was way worser'. Charlie had no trust for the handsome doctor and the tight knit family. But no matter how hard she tried to not get close to them, they pulled both her and her son into their hearts. She was so afraid that when Mr. O found them he'd hurt the Grant Brothers as well. What she didn't expect was just how much the love of one man could do for you and the help of a family, especially one like the Grants could be so loving.

  • - Aaron's Kiss Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Shawn MacFarland is heading to Aaron MacManus home when he makes a stop at a bar in Columbus to feed. He wants to leave his master because he is a pretty bad guy. He wakes up to find blood on his clothes and a switchblade stuck in his ribs and can't remember how it got there and what has happened. Everything is a blur because now his memory is gone as well. What was he doing there? He knows it wasn't a robbery because he has all his credit cards and his id so he at least knows who he is. Shawn has gotten up and started walking till he comes to a deep cave and decides he needs to rest so he can find food and heal. Cade is a cook by trade. She works in a restaurant during the day and a bar maid during the night. She's got to pay her bills and make money so she can find a place to stay that has running water and heat before the winter. Her home has been a cave. She's shopping when she runs into Duncan and they start a conversation. He mentions to her that Ms. Penny, the cook they have at the MacManus home is going on vacation for two weeks and they need someone to cover. Cade offers because she could use the extra money. She's never been around a vampire that can be up during the day, wolfs, nymphs, and faeries. She's fine with that as long as she isn't dinner for anyone. She's exhausted after the past few days so she heads to her temporary home, the cave. She hears a noise after lying down, and before she knows it, there's a hand covering her mouth. This man wants to feed from her and terror fills her body. Once he feeds, he forgets to seal the wound and it is history in the making for them. She's weak and isn't positive of all the details anymore but when she gets to the MacManus home she collapses. Can Shawn save Cady from her brother and Gabriel? Will Cady learn to accept Shawn and be able to keep him and the MacManus family safe from harm?

  • - The Waite Family
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Does she always have to be so bossy, Andrew thought to himself? Quinn Waite was Cain's sister and worked for his wife, Alyssa as a secretary and her own personal security. Quinn owed Alyssa that much for saving her from being killed by her own father. Quinn had been married in the past to an abusive man and once her sister Sydney found out, she taught her self-defense causing the man to sign the papers for divorce. Andrew Miller works as an attorney for Alyssa at her company Howard Enterprises. They have been friends for years and he as well was there to protect Alyssa. She still has enemies that are out to get her. Quinn and Drew have an eye for each other but after a night of passion, she's accused him of taking advantage of her and cries rape. Drew is livid and takes off to Paris on a business trip to get away. Not remembering till too late that it was a mutual encounter, she finds out later that she is pregnant and isn't sticking around. How is Drew going to fix the mess he's gotten himself in? Will love prevail for them and can they live happily ever after? When Alyssa's mother Shannon and Guinevere, Cain's mother get together, things will never be the same. They both have their own reasons to have her eliminated and they would stop at nothing. But what tricks do these women have up their sleeves? Join us in our journey for the second installment of The Waite Family.

  • - The Waite Family
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Sydney was nothing if not direct. She was a captain in the military and had been sent on another assignment. Being in the Army was her life. She was one of Cain's sisters. On a fateful mission, Sin was injured and left for dead but it wasn't how the stars were aligned for her life to end. She had been shot 5 times on her right side, once in the right shoulder, and in her belly. The outcome didn't look good for her. Once recovered as best as she could be, she went to stay at one of Cain's and Alyssa's homes to decide what was left of her life and what she should do. Payton Cooperider was a detective and a good one at that but someone wanted him dead and would do anything to make that happen. He'd been shot in the gut and was now waiting for the lights to go out on his life when he made a phone call for someone to come to his rescue. While in the hospital, plans were made between him and his mother for him to go to Ohio to recuperate. His mom's cousin, Thomas Miller had made arrangements for him to stay at one of Cain's homes to get well while an investigation was going on for his attempted murder. After out running late at night, Sin stopped an intruder and managed to hurt her knee again. Back at the hospital she has her first encounter with her new roommate, Coop. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But someone is still out to get Coop and Sydney has a high price over her head. How are they going to be tied into each other's lives? Will Coop still want Sydney when he finds out that she can't give him what he wants? Join us in the third installment of the Waite family.

  • - Bentley Legacy
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Christiana McKenzie, Chris to her friends, was at her wits end. She and her sister, Angel, were born witches. Their mother had warned them that to use their powers would bring on another witch hunt, and they'd risk being burned, just like their ancestors. Her sister didn't heed their mother's warning and now Angel was dead. Angel had lived long enough to tell Chris that she'd left something for her with a man by the name of Bentley, then she died. Chris had to track down this Bentley no matter the cost.... Joseph Bentley almost had everything finished: the house, the barn...everything. In a few weeks it would be finished and he would be able to move into the house and get the ranch going. But the progress wasn't going fast enough to suit him--he was lonely. Micah had come out to tell him that the sister of the girl that died to protect him was coming to see him, and he was hoping that the nightmares since the incident would stop. Micah wanted him to come out to the main house and be there when she arrived. But the limo delivered the woman to Joey's house instead of Micah's. Joey couldn't believe it, the hostile woman was his mate...and more than he could have ever hoped for.... Whether or not Chris wanted a mate or not was irrelevant, Joey wasn't letting her out of his sight. And when she found out that her mother had lied to her--she wasn't an ordinary witch--and that others would come to try to possess her. If they couldn't do that, then they would kill her to possess her powers--she needed help. The Bentleys ban together to save one of their own, but will it be enough? Can they even fight the powerful magic that's targeting Chris and Joey?

  • - Aaron's Kiss Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Bailey Morrison isn't human. She is a beauty, with all the right parts to make up a stunning woman but there is so much more of her. She is also a hired killer to the Queen of all magick. Her DNA mixed up like a lethal cocktail gives her abilities unlike anyone has ever seen. And when she is to help Pete Marshall, computer wiz for a pack of wolves, she gets involved with Aaron and his kiss of vampires as well. Tristan St. James likes order. He lines things up in neat rows, sharpens pencils to the exact height and he wears a tie to everything. He is aghast with state of Aaron's office and won't even go inside. Bailey doesn't want a mate, especially one as uptight and anal as Tristan. He thinks his life is just peachy the way it is. But something so...primal about the young woman messes with his order and he isn't thrilled about it until he has a taste of her. She risks everything, including her life just to keep him safe. There's a contract out on the Alpha. Without Bradley's death then Aaron and his new family die. So Bailey does the only thing she can. She takes the life of one to save so many. What will Tristan do now that his mate is a wanted criminal?

  • - Dragon's Savior
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Two Men Joined By Fate... Asher and Kiaran were joined at birth by the dying decree of the Dragon King--literally. Asher had his own bit of magic as a 3,000 year old immortal, and Kiaran was his dragon shifter. Out in society Kiaran was a part of Asher--absorbed into Asher's body--only being able to separate in dragon form. At their birth home, the two men could exist apart from each other as men. They protected each other, and would until their dying breath if it ever came to that. They shared everything...that is until Essie came along.... Essie was doing her best to hide from a mother that didn't even recognize her own daughter. The witch had poisoned her with a scratch and if Essie wasn't healed soon she'd die.... Sick or not she didn't want anything to do with that handsome, overbearing barbarian, Asher, nor that rude dragon that protected him. She was doing just fine on her own. But Asher had other things on his mind and after a while brings Essie around to his way of thinking and makes her his wife, but Kiaran brought up a valid point--Essie was his mate too.... Could Essie find it in her heart to love both men equally? To share the bed of both--together? Asher's five brothers and their dragons watched the scenario unfold with bated breaths. The subject had never been broached, and all their futures hung on the outcome....

  • - The Stanton Pack-Paranormal Cougar Shifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    The Stanton Pack1.Brayden2.Christian3.Julian4.Colton5.Levi 6.Wyatt (coming 12/23/19)Rachel Spencer, Ray to those that knew her, was barely hanging on. She had called for help, but her father had nearly killed her before help had arrived. Unless Hailey could help her, with the magic given to her by Dane, Ray's prognosis for a normal life wasn't good. Levi Stanton had been talking to his sister-in-law, Hailey, through their link. She had told him all about Ray and that Ray might be his mate, or Wyatt's. Levi hoped she was, he had known Ray's grandmother and loved the woman, but he was also terrified to find out. It was the fear of the unknown.Levi was happy to find out that Ray was indeed his mate, but Ray's decision to get help from Hailey would be Ray's alone. Hailey, however, was afraid her blood wasn't strong enough to help Ray, so Dane stepped in. Ray would need all the strength she could get to face her Aunt Caroline.Caroline Spencer was on her way to town. No one told that woman no and lived to tell about it. And that was exactly what Ray was going to tell her too. There was no way on this earth that Ray was handing her little brother, David, over to that tyrant. She'd die before she let that happen.

  • af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    CJ's father, Charles Webber, had been a real bastard all her life. And when her mom died he'd told her that without Becky there to make him acknowledge CJ as his daughter, he was finished with her and she was never to darken his door again. The slap that bloodied her mouth at her mom's funeral had been more than enough to make his point. So she didn't, not even to come home to his funeral Austin Force wanted the property that the prick Webber owned. He wanted it for his pack and the house for his mom to call hers. But Webber dying had him dancing a jig and contacting the lawyer to make an offer. But finding that the man had a daughter and that she was his mate had Austin at his wits end. Austin didn't want to be impressed by her. He didn't want to like her. He wanted her to obey him, whelp a few pups so she wouldn't be bored and run his house for him. CJ wanted to do as she please which included maybe murdering the Alpha in his sleep. The two of them coming together is wonderfully steamy and sarcastic wit. Austin and CJ will make great alpha's...or will they?

  • - The Grant Brothers Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Spencer Grant, a man who has just about everything: an excellent job, money, and good looks. He is a man confident in himself, almost to the point of arrogant and isn't accustomed to hearing the word no. He lets very little intimidate him, especially the gorgeous gun toting detective, Caitlynne O'Malley. He wants her from the first moment he lays eyes on her. Caitlynne, a good copy shot in the line of duty, is on the mend and a relationship is at the bottom of her to do list. The problem is that Spencer refuses to take no for an answer, and she can't deny the hot passion they share. Good cops have old enemies that seek vendettas that could cost the man she's fallen in love with his only child. Is she a good enough cop to make everything right again? And at what cost to herself and the man she loves? Grant and O'Malley - A love story for all time.

  • - The Whitfield Rancher - Tiger Shapeshifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Shapeshifter Romance. This full-length novel can be read as a stand-alone.The Whitfield Rancher1.Evan2.David3.Joshua4.Adam 5.Adrian 6.Blake (Coming 11/4/2019)Mason Jane Barnhart had nothing left to live for. She was dying and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Rather than suffer a long agonizing death, she wanted it to be on her terms. She'd let the icy water claim her, and if she was lucky, she wouldn't suffer.Oliver Whitfield had been watching the girl. He couldn't believe that anything could be so bad as to want to take her own life. But when she jumped from the bridge he had to go in after her. His tiger, bigger and stronger, would have to save her. When they got her to shore, Evan said that changing her was the only thing that would save her. Oliver didn't want to, but he couldn't let her die. He had a strange feeling that she was supposed to be the mate to one of his sons.Adrian wasn't sure he was ready for a mate. The timing wasn't right. He still had so much left to do while running for public office, and if word got out that she tried to take her own life, he'd have that scandal to deal with too. But when he caught her scent, he knew, she was his and all thoughts of not being ready for a mate fled his mind.When Mason opened her eyes, she was fit to be tied. She wasn't supposed to be here, she was supposed to be dead. That's what she wanted. What had those meddling Whitfields done now?

  • - Aaron's Kiss Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Bradly Wolff is the Alpha were of his pack, and dealing with a couple of mischievous pups has his nerves on edge. He has an art show to host in his gallery for his favorite artist, Alastriona Bennett, and doesn't have time for their shenanigans. Depressed over the loss of her family and her life as she knows it, Alastriona Airic Bennett pours her heart and soul into her art. She hasn't left the house in eighteen months, not since her father and brother were killed, and she herself was turned into a were. The art show barely gets started when Bradley sees the Alpha Bitch that has invaded his turf and the fur flies. When the dust settles, Bradley not only discovers that she is the artist that he admires so much but his mate and an Alpha in her own right. He also discovers that the Alpha that turned her wants her back and he's dangerous. Airic doesn't need this, any of it. She wants Bradley to go back to his pack and leave her alone. Let the other Alpha find her and put her out of her misery. But Bradley ignites in her a sexual heat and passion she never knew existed. Can Bradley protect his reluctant Alpha from the Alpha male that turned her? Can he convince her that he is her true mate? Are they out of time?

  • - Justice Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Nick Stark had known Addison West for quite some time. Although they'd never met in person they shared the same nightmare--both were unwilling participants. However, through these dreams they had formed a bond between them. And a telepathic connection. So when out of the blue, Addie contacted Nick and told him she had seen some things that she shouldn't have and she was next on the killer's list, Nick didn't hesitate to come to her rescue. Nick had known for some time that Addie was to be his--why else would they share the same dream? But he was in no hurry to form emotional attachments. Never having much in the way of a decent family life, he didn't know much about love. And with the deep emotional scars he bore from an abusive childhood, he didn't want to bring that burden onto another soul--especially Addie. Addie had her own baggage. Her father had been forcing her to marry an abusive man--he told her it was her duty as his daughter to obey him. Addie wasn't having any part of it, so she ran.... She had been hiding for the last five years. Nick may not have wanted any attachments but he couldn't ignore the beauty he'd rescued. But there were things he had to tell her...about all of them...about Steele Bennett's group. He wasn't sure how she fit into all this....

  • - Robinson Destruction - Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Robinson Destruction1.Thatcher2.Morgan3.Houston4.Beckett5.Jonas6.DawsonA fresh start was what Rogan Hall needed. A small town, out of the way, where no one knew her or her brother was where they'd start over. She worked from home, and they kept to themselves. The only thing Rogan couldn't give up was her early morning run. Like clockwork, she ran every morning, and again, like clockwork, the same family would pass her on the country road heading to who knew where. The little boy in the back seat would wave at her with such enthusiasm, it made her heart melt. However, that morning, everything would change. Only moments after the car passed her and drove around the bend, she heard a loud commotion. Another car barreled past her, and she found the quaint family's car overturned and on fire. Rogan did the only thing she could do, she saved them.Thatcher Robinson was on duty at the hospital when his parents contacted him through their link and told him about the accident and what to expect when the ambulance arrived. Thatch, his dad, told him they had to save the woman by changing her, but her burns were severe, and his dad wasn't sure that the new tiger would survive.When Rogan regained consciousness, she was unsure where she was, but she knew she was different. She could feel the tiger move just beneath her skin. Rogan knew very little about shifters, but what she did know had her cringing. Why someone would take it upon themselves to change her, she didn't know, but when the young doctor, Dawson, said his brother was her mate, she was furious. If the big, bad, Thatcher thought he was going to order her around, he had another thing coming....

  • - The Grant Brothers Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Dane Wallace's psychic vision of a murder keeps her parked on a park bench night after night in order to rescue a hapless victim-a man whose face she can't see clearly. Her intensions are to rescue the man and get back to her private life. Jamie Grant, a strong, handsome college professor, is unaware of the danger lurking around the corner. He's taken by surprise by two assailants and an unlikely rescuer, a tall gorgeous stranger. Dane has had a hard life with people closest to her not believing in her abilities and punishing her for something she couldn't help. Dane may have foreseen the murder attempt, but couldn't foresee the consequences of her interference-losing her heart to Jamie. The hot sex is great, but can she really trust the man? Will her natural abilities that have caused her scorn and ridicule from others do the same with Jamie or bring them closer together?

  • - Queen's Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Queen's Birds of Prey Series1.Mercy2.Blaze3.Judith4.Piper5.Remington6.EsmereldaMercy and her warrior sisters had been around for several millennia, their time of fighting in wars and conquering kingdoms now a distant memory. Before Queen Dante passed, she'd graced her prized warriors-the falcon, hawk, eagle, phoenix, vulture, and owl-with humanity as well as immortality. A gift that Mercy, to this day, was having difficulty coming to terms with. Living as a human was not what she was born to do, nor what she wanted to do. Being an immortal in a life she didn't want left Mercy feeling angry at the world and turned her into a workaholic. As an intervention, Blaze arranged an extended vacation and guilted her into taking it. She made all the arrangements and wouldn't tell Mercy where she was going, just to be at the airport and do as she was told.Joel Oliver needed this job. Finances were tight, and Blaze said all he had to do was chauffer a rich woman around town. What he would receive would catch him up on the mound of bills piling up and keep the roof over his-and his thirteen-year-old daughter, Miley's-head for a few months longer. Miley was in a wheelchair-and as a result, had a lot of medical bills-but he loved her more than his own life. However, Joel was about to bite off more than he could chew.The woman was gorgeous, and he found her snarky, hateful, attitude amusing until she interfered with how he was raising his daughter. Now, all bets were off.Mercy would normally laugh in the man's face for his hurtful remarks, but for some reason, her heart shattered instead. After a night of the most mind-blowing sex she could've imagined, he was treating her like it all meant nothing.... She had just realized he was her mate, and he hated her....

  • - The Grant Brothers Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Byron has everything. Good looks, money, a great career as an artist and a secret he thinks his family doesn't share. Byron likes to play games, but not the kind you expect. He is owner of a specialized club called Tightly Bound and he enjoys playing the role of Dom. The only thing that is missing from his life is a submissive of his own and someone to love.

  • - House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    House of Wilkshire Series1.Devon2.Noah3.Jackson 4.Connor (Coming 8/5/19)5.Matthew (Coming Soon)6.Cole (Coming Soon)Jackson William hadn't seen his father in centuries. Now his father was dead, he was now king, and the dragon council wanted to hold him responsible for his father's crimes? And there had been many. The truth would be his salvation.Nicole needed a job. A job that would put a roof over her head as well. She hadn't had a decent meal in a week. But the ad didn't say there were faeries and witches. Where there were faeries, there were dragons and Nicole was petrified of them. And with good reason.The poison from the dragon bites flowing through Nicole's veins left her weak and in a lot of pain. She was a mere human, and her body's inability to heal from the bites left her vulnerable to new dragon attacks. Now this dragon, Jackson, was claiming to be her mate? Would this nightmare never end?

  • - Blood Brotherhood
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Vicki Carver had seen all the carnage from what appeared to be some kind of battle and just stopped long enough to see if the big man was alive or dead like the rest of them. That large broadsword in his hand had her keep her distance. Pitching a pebble or two at his face should arouse him if he was indeed still alive. Davis Brown was thoroughly exhausted, but he couldn't ignore the small stones pelting his face. If it was more malefactors to fight he'd just have to let them do him in. He was too tired to fight again so soon. To his surprise it was a woman--not just any woman--but a feisty vixen who was not only beautiful but could see the malefactors. That meant that she was either magical or one of them--a warrior--his mate.... Vicki had her own demons to battle and to be thrown into a mystical battle with Rembrandt's warriors to save their world from being overrun by malefactors wasn't anything she had planned for, much less this mate business. Who did he think he was anyway? But she couldn't seem to resist the hot, sexy man that brought her to the compound....

  • - Aaron's Kiss Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    "You either go to this appointment or so help me I'll make your life a living hell." Madison Harm glared at her boss. She didn't want to go, but short of him adding more time onto her contract there was little she could do about it. Little did she know that on the way there she'd run into her destiny. Kyle Dixon, a very old and powerful vampire is walking along minding his own business when all of the sudden he is being run down by a car. The woman who gets out to help him is a tad odd and she talks to herself. When she claims to have an appointment with his good friend Aaron, he decided to come along for the ride. Maddy doesn't believe in vampires, she doesn't believe in much of anything really. So when she find out that she herself is something much more, she takes a few days to get used to the idea. Kyle however wants her now. Morrigan the queen of all faires has been waiting for Maddy for millenniums. And now that she was found, another, a being so evil has decided that he too wants the magick that Maddy holds. So when he takes Kyle and holds him as a pawn, Maddy has no choice but to give him what he wants. She gives him her love and freedom with her last breath. Love can conquer all, but can it go beyond the bonds of death? Will there be enough love between the two to claim everything? Kyle and Maddy a love that transcends otherworlds.

  • - McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Demi Morgan was good at keeping her identity hidden, so when an attorney found her at a restaurant she owned, she was more than a little angry. Very few people knew how to find her, and she took her privacy seriously. His news that her mother had passed, several months ago, did nothing for her. Her family had never wanted her, and in turn she didn't want them either. He knew her family, and he understood her feelings, but the will had to be read.Reluctantly, Demi made her arrangements to travel back to her hometown in Ohio. Her intentions were to either decide to stay, or to sell the home her grandmother had left her. Living in the same town as her brother and sister didn't appeal to her at all. When her brother, Nathan, coldcocked her in the elevator, an unlikely savior came to her rescue, Madden McCray.Demi wanted to hire Madden to be her bodyguard while she was in town. Madden said as much as he could use the money, he told her he already had a job, but his brother, Lucian could use the work.Lucian wanted to meet Demi before he accepted the job, and when her scent hit him between the eyes, his bear rolled over him-she was his mate. But reality hit him like a freight train. She had money-a lot of money-and he and his family had always been dirt poor. He wanted his mate too-more than anything, but he'd have to get past his pride first....

  • - Force of Nature Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Another pack was moving into their land. Not because they were trying to take over but because they needed help, food and shelter. Dallas moved through the house trying to figure out what to do with so many families and to try his best to figure out how to get Stacy in his bed. Stacy didn't want to have anything to do with Dallas even though she knew he was her mate. But she was deformed and who wanted a mate that couldn't even give off scent. She told him this over and over but he would not listen to her. Then Rich Sterling came looking for his wayward pack. He needed them to breed numbers for him in way of young not try to join forces with the young pack down the road. And what the hell did Austin Force, Alpha have to offer them that he hadn't. But each of them had their own secrets. Secrets that would cost lives, love and maybe more than they could give up. Dallas and Stacy knew that the only way to get through this was to stay together but each of them were terrified of failing. Love conquers all. Does it? Will it? When the Force pack decides to care for their own, will it be enough to save the hundred people who need them?

  • - Lanning's Leap
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Thomas Lanning likes things neat and orderly. He bought the house he grew up in and just about has everything remodeled the way he wants it. He's happy with the house and wants a mate someday...that day isn't today. Linyah pops in to meet the Lanning Leap, she is expected, just not today. The last thing she expects to find is a huge handsome male who takes one look at her and he gets pissed off. "This day just went from good to shit in a matter of heartbeats, didn't it? I don't suppose you have a mate, do you?" She shook her head. "Of course not. That would just make it too nice and easy. I wonder what else is in store for me. Plague? The bank go belly up?" Linyah took a step back when he took one toward her. "I need to touch you." "Thomas?" He turned them both to his mom. "Thomas, is she your mate? Is this your mate?" Linyah isn't any happier than Thomas is. She has been very successful in avoiding any entanglements with a male until now. She has even managed to avoid, Timmer, a forced arrangement brought on by her sister, their Queen. Even though Thomas isn't happy about Linyah's arrival, he's even less happy about Timmer. Linyah's his mate... Timmer's been promised Linyah's hand by the Queen and isn't about to take "no" for an answer...

  • - The Hunter Series
    af Kathi S Barton
    132,95 kr.

    Royce Hunter is wealthy, happy, and a confirmed bachelor. He runs his family's multi-billion dollar corporation, lives life in the fast lane, and has a family that mostly irritates him, but he loves very much; including his mom. One day he is stopped from entering his own building by a security guard, Kasey York, who insists that he get badged in. He knew then that somehow his life would never be the same. Kasey doesn't have the time or the energy to deal with an overbearing man like Royce Hunter, who is clearly out of her league. Her mother is dying, her aunt needs special care, and she needs to move on with her life, but Royce won't leave her alone. A hot and passionate night of unprotected sex brings out the worst in Royce as he implies that she's out to trap him. When she finds out she's going to have a baby...neither of them are thrilled. Royce and Kasey have a love that extends over time and could make them very happy...if they don't kill each other first.

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