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  • - Photographs by Kathy Smith
    af Kathy Smith
    252,95 kr.

    Key West in Plain View: Photographs by Kathy Smith is the third addition to Smith's In Plain View Series of travel photography books, following Savannah in Plain View (2000) and In Plain View Seattle (2006.) Traveling with her Classic Diana Camera Smith takes us along as she explores her chosen locations and recording images, "the types of images that mythologize a city," as said by the Seattle Weekly after reviewing Smith's first book, In Plain View Seattle: Photographs by Kathy Smith. Smith's use of the Diana Camera lends a timeless quality to her images that combines splendidly with her keen eye for capturing the essence of a city. Light leaks produced by the Diana complement Smith's quick and steady eye resulting in a body of work capable of living up to the idea of time-travel.

  • - A Comprehensive Guide of Delicious Fermenting Recipes of Fruits and Beverages
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Have you always wanted to learn more about fermenting? Do you want to learn how to ferment fruit and vegetables at home? Have you always wanted to try the process of fermenting at home? If yes, you have come to the right place. This book has everything you need to know about fermenting. People all over the world are looking for different ways to improve their health through food. One of the best ways to do this is to eat fermented food. Most people find the process of fermenting quite easy, but most beginners know they cannot do it in the blink of an eye. When you ferment food, you must carefully plan the ingredients you are going to use. It is important for you to do your research and know what fermentation is. You also need to know about the benefits of the process. In this book you will be introduced to the concept of fermentation and also the benefits of it. You will discover...What fermentation isThe benefits of fermentation What prebiotics and probiotics areThe side effectsTips Amazing recipes with the fermentation time and necessary ingredients Fermentation must be done correct for the best outcome. When you do not stick to the right temperature or choose the wrong ingredients, you will spoil the end product. The food can also harmful. Make sure to stick to the fermentation time, quantity of ingredients and the steps mentioned in the book. So, if you are keen on learning more about fermenting and enjoying some simple recipes, then click the Buy Now button to get started!

  • af Kathy Smith
    197,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • - Guía Completa de Deliciosas Recetas de Fermentación de Frutas y Bebidas
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    ¿Siempre ha querido aprender más sobre la fermentación? ¿Quieres aprender a fermentar frutas y verduras en casa? ¿Siempre has querido probar el proceso de fermentación en casa? Si es así, ha venido al lugar correcto. Este libro tiene todo lo que necesita saber sobre la fermentación.Personas de todo el mundo buscan diferentes formas de mejorar su salud a través de la alimentación. Una de las mejores formas de hacer esto es comer alimentos fermentados. La mayoría de las personas encuentran el proceso de fermentación bastante fácil, pero la mayoría de los principiantes saben que no pueden hacerlo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Cuando fermente alimentos, debe planificar cuidadosamente los ingredientes que va a utilizar. Es importante que investigue y sepa qué es la fermentación. También necesita conocer los beneficios del proceso.En este libro se le presentará el concepto de fermentación y también los beneficios de la misma. Descubrirás ...Que es la fermentacionLos beneficios de la fermentaciónQué son los prebióticos y probióticosLos efectos secundariosConsejosRecetas increíbles con el tiempo de fermentación y los ingredientes necesarios.La fermentación debe realizarse correctamente para obtener el mejor resultado. Si no mantiene la temperatura adecuada o elige los ingredientes incorrectos, estropeará el producto final. La comida también puede ser perjudicial. Asegúrese de ceñirse al tiempo de fermentación, la cantidad de ingredientes y los pasos mencionados en el libro.Entonces, si está interesado en aprender más sobre la fermentación y disfrutar de algunas recetas simples, haga clic en el botón Comprar ahora para comenzar.

  • - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn the Art of Raised Bed Gardening From A-Z
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    If you've always wanted to grow plants in raised garden beds but didn't understand how to get started, then keep reading...Are you sick and tired of gardening on in-ground beds with poor soil?Have you tried endless other solutions, but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?Do you finally want to say goodbye to in-ground gardening and discover something that works for you?If so, then you've come to the right place.Raised bed gardening doesn't have to be difficult.Even if you've tried to build raised garden beds before and failed.In fact, it's easier than you think!More and more gardeners are starting to realize the amazing advantages of raised-bed gardening.And people who own yards with low-quality soil and limited space are enjoying gardening thanks to raised beds.This means you can have a great garden without having a yard with high-quality soil.Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover: Learn the basics of gardening and the needs of garden plantsDiscover the benefits that gardening offersPrepare yourself against common gardening challengesDiscover different types of gardensLearn about soil and its attributes that affect gardeningClearly understand why good drainage is important for gardensLearn what raised-bed gardening is and how to optimize your space for a higher yieldPros and cons of raised garden beds14 helpful tips for building exceptional raised garden beds8 tips on how to properly place raised beds in your gardenAn 11-step guide to building your own raised garden bedsCommon mistakes gardeners make when building raised bedsProper watering and soil maintenance of raised garden bedsHow to plan for proper drainageDiscover how to be creative through gardeningFind out all you need to know about raised-bed gardening on paved surfaces...and much, much more!Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you build your own raised garden bed and grow plants on it, and how your family and friends will react when they see your lush garden and its fresh yields. Creating raised beds is a fun and rewarding experience so if you have a burning desire to be the owner of an outstanding raised-bed garden, enjoy fresh and healthy produce, and beautiful flowers, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" button to get started today

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Delicious Fermenting Recipes for Vegetables and Herbs
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Are you a fermenting enthusiast? Do you always have fermented food like kimchi and sauerkraut as a staple in your pantry? Have you ever thought about fermenting your food at home? If yes, look no further. This book is packed with information that will turn you into a fermenting pro in no time. It will teach you everything about fermenting from scratch. You will have lots of recipes to try that range from beginners to an advanced level.In this book, you will discover...- How to ferment almost any kind of vegetable and herb- The tools and equipment needed to ferment veggies- Everything about starter cultures and how these affect the fermentation process- The importance of choosing the right type of starter culture- An explanation of how fermentation works- How to prepare brine for fermentation- How different climatic and environmental conditions affect fermentation- Ways to use your fermented veggies and herbs- Everything you need to know to store your fermented veggies - Recipes that provide a detailed description for fermenting different types of veggies- Subcategories of various fermented foods and how to make them- How to choose your veggies based on the climate and fermentation requirements- The right way to prepare and cut your veggies to achieve maximum taste and texture- Techniques to invent your own fermented recipesThis book covers everything you need to know about fermenting vegetables and herbs - the tools and equipment needed, preparing your veggies and herbs for fermentation, starter cultures, preparing the brine, and a step by step method to ferment almost any vegetable. In other words, this book has all the information you need to turn every fermenting novice into a professional.Grab your copy now to learn everything about fermenting and become a fermenting expert today!

  • - Guía definitiva para principiantes para aprender el arte de la jardinería en camas elevadas de la A a la Z
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Si siempre ha querido cultivar plantas en canteros elevados de jardín, pero no sabía cómo empezar, siga leyendo ...¿Está enfermo y cansado de cultivar un huerto en camas enterradas con suelo pobre?¿Ha probado un sinfín de otras soluciones, pero nada parece funcionar durante más de unas pocas semanas?¿Por fin quiere despedirse de la jardinería enterrada y descubrir algo que funcione para usted?Si es así, ha venido al lugar correcto.La jardinería en camas elevadas no tiene por qué ser difícil.Incluso si ha intentado construir camas de jardín elevadas antes y ha fallado.De hecho, ¡es más fácil de lo que piensas!Cada vez más jardineros están comenzando a darse cuenta de las increíbles ventajas de la jardinería en camas elevadas.Y las personas que poseen patios con suelo de baja calidad y espacio limitado disfrutan de la jardinería gracias a las camas elevadas.Esto significa que puede tener un gran jardín sin tener un patio con tierra de alta calidad.Aquí hay solo una pequeña fracción de lo que descubrirá Aprenda los conceptos básicos de jardinería y las necesidades de las plantas de jardín.Descubra los beneficios que ofrece la jardineríaPrepárese para los desafíos comunes de jardineríaDescubre diferentes tipos de jardines.Aprenda sobre el suelo y sus atributos que afectan la jardinería.Entender claramente por qué un buen drenaje es importante para los jardines.Aprenda qué es la jardinería en camas elevadas y cómo optimizar su espacio para un mayor rendimientoPros y contras de las camas de jardín elevadas14 consejos útiles para construir camas de jardín elevadas excepcionales8 consejos sobre cómo colocar correctamente las camas elevadas en su jardínUna guía de 11 pasos para construir sus propios canteros de jardín elevadosErrores comunes que cometen los jardineros al construir camas elevadasRiego adecuado y mantenimiento del suelo de las camas de jardín elevadas.Cómo planificar un drenaje adecuadoDescubra cómo ser creativo a través de la jardineríaDescubra todo lo que necesita saber sobre la jardinería en camas elevadas sobre superficies pavimentadas...¡y mucho, mucho más!Tómese un segundo para imaginar cómo se sentirá una vez que construya su propio lecho de jardín elevado y cultive plantas en él, y cómo reaccionarán su familia y amigos cuando vean su exuberante jardín y sus frescas cosechas.Crear camas elevadas es una experiencia divertida y gratificante, por lo que si tiene un deseo ardiente de ser el dueño de un jardín de camas elevadas excepcional, disfrute de productos frescos y saludables y hermosas flores, luego desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en el botón "Agregar al carrito" para ¡empiece hoy!

  • - Advanced Guide for Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Raised Bed Gardens Month by Month
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to grow your own food? Or perhaps you already know the answer to that question, but you would like to improve your gardening conditions using a raised bed gardening system? This book will guide you with a detailed explanation of why you should start making your own raised beds for your garden, immediately. Here, you will also learn about the types of crops you can have, how to plant and harvest them, how you can do companion planting, and how you can improve your soil's health by planting intelligently. Gardening is often seen as something unattainable and difficult. But it is only perceived this way because we are losing touch with our roots, and it almost seems like we have forgotten how our ancestors used to live just a couple of decades ago.Back then, it was customary for people to have a vegetable garden, which was usually hidden in their backyard. Nowadays, it is normal, actually, it is even advisable to use all the available space you have to optimize both space and your yields.I can guarantee your life will change after reading this book because you will understand how nature works, but, most importantly, you will learn how you need to work to grow healthy and organic food. Are you ready to start your new life? Are you conscious that this is the first step you must take towards a complete life overhaul? Are you excited to see the results? If you are, start your raised bed gardening using the techniques and tips you will find in this book. In this book you'll discover...How to create a raised bedHow to optimize space and yieldWhere to place your gardensHow to create the best soil for healthy plantsThe best crops for each seasonCommon mistakesFrequently asked questionsAnd lots more!!Even if you don't have enough space (or you think you don't have enough), you can still read this book and fill your head with creative and effective ways of growing your own food. Raised bed gardening will make your crops healthier, it will improve your soil's condition, and it will give you an advantage over annoying weeds and land pests that will, undoubtedly, come after your veggies and fruits! Do be afraid. Growing your own food can be relatively easy if you pay close attention to nature's process. Have fun growing and enjoy your sustainable and organic produce! You will not regret trying a raised bed gardening system! Grab your copy today and start your journey to growing healthy, organic food right outside your door!

  • - Guía avanzada para cultivar frutas y verduras en jardines de camas elevadas mes por mes
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    En este libro descubrirás ...Cómo crear una cama elevadaCómo optimizar el espacio y el rendimientoDónde colocar tus jardinesCómo crear el mejor suelo para plantas saludablesLas mejores cosechas para cada temporadaErrores comunesPreguntas frecuentes¡¡Y mucho más !!Incluso si no tiene suficiente espacio (o cree que no tiene suficiente), aún puede leer este libro y llenar su cabeza con formas creativas y efectivas de cultivar su propia comida. La jardinería en camas elevadas hará que sus cultivos sean más saludables, mejorará la condición de su suelo y le dará una ventaja sobre las molestas malezas y plagas terrestres que, sin duda, vendrán después de sus verduras y frutas.Ten miedo. Cultivar su propia comida puede ser relativamente fácil si presta mucha atención al proceso de la naturaleza. ¡Diviértete cultivando y disfruta de tus productos orgánicos y sostenibles! ¡No te arrepentirás de probar un sistema de jardinería de camas elevadas! ¡Tome su copia hoy y comience su viaje hacia el cultivo de alimentos orgánicos y saludables justo afuera de su puerta!

  • - Guía Completa de Deliciosas Recetas Fermentadas para Verduras y Hierbas
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    ¿Eres un entusiasta de la fermentación? ¿Siempre tienes comida fermentada como kimchi y chucrut como alimento básico en tu despensa? ¿Has pensado alguna vez en fermentar tu comida en casa? Si es así, no busques más. Este libro está repleto de información que lo convertirá en un profesional fermentador en poco tiempo. Te enseñará todo sobre la fermentación desde cero. Tendrás muchas recetas para probar que van desde principiantes hasta un nivel avanzado.En este libro, descubrirás ...- Cómo fermentar casi cualquier tipo de vegetales y hierbas- Las herramientas y el equipo necesarios para fermentar verduras.- Todo sobre los cultivos iniciadores y cómo estos afectan el proceso de fermentación- La importancia de elegir el tipo correcto de cultivo iniciador- Una explicación de cómo funciona la fermentación- Cómo preparar salmuera para fermentación- Cómo las diferentes condiciones climáticas y ambientales afectan la fermentación- Formas de utilizar sus verduras y hierbas fermentadas- Todo lo que necesita saber para almacenar sus verduras fermentadas- Recetas que brindan una descripción detallada para fermentar diferentes tipos de vegetales- Subcategorías de varios alimentos fermentados y cómo hacerlos- Cómo elegir sus verduras según el clima y los requisitos de fermentación- La forma correcta de preparar y cortar sus verduras para lograr el máximo sabor y textura- Técnicas para inventar tus propias recetas fermentadasEste libro cubre todo lo que necesita saber sobre la fermentación de verduras y hierbas: las herramientas y el equipo necesarios, la preparación de las verduras y las hierbas para la fermentación, los cultivos iniciadores, la preparación de la salmuera y un método paso a paso para fermentar casi cualquier vegetal. En otras palabras, este libro tiene toda la información que necesita para convertir a cada novato fermentador en un profesional.¡Toma tu copia ahora para aprender todo sobre la fermentación y conviértete en un experto en fermentación hoy!

  • - 3 en 1 La guía definitiva para principiantes + Consejos para construir un jardín próspero y sostenible en cualquier lugar + Guía avanzada
    af Kathy Smith
    567,95 kr.

    Tómese un segundo para imaginar cómo se sentirá una vez que construya su propio lecho de jardín elevado y cultive plantas en él, y cómo reaccionarán su familia y amigos cuando vean su exuberante jardín y sus frescas cosechas.La creación de canteros elevados es una experiencia divertida y gratificante, por lo que si tiene un deseo ardiente de ser el dueño de un excelente jardín de canteros elevados, disfrutar de productos frescos y saludables y hermosas flores, entonces compre este libro.Con este libro, podrá construir su propio y hermoso jardín desde cero. Todo lo que te queda es que abras la primera página. Tome su copia hoy y aprenda a construir un hermoso jardín con comida sabrosa y saludable.Este libro lo guiará con una explicación detallada de por qué debe comenzar a hacer sus propios canteros elevados para su jardín, de inmediato. Aquí, también aprenderá sobre los tipos de cultivos que puede tener, cómo plantarlos y cosecharlos, cómo puede realizar una plantación complementaria y cómo puede mejorar la salud de su suelo al plantar de manera inteligente.La jardinería se ve a menudo como algo inalcanzable y difícil. Pero solo se percibe así porque estamos perdiendo contacto con nuestras raíces, y casi parece que nos hemos olvidado de cómo vivían nuestros antepasados hace apenas un par de décadas.En ese entonces, era costumbre que las personas tuvieran un huerto, que generalmente estaba escondido en su patio trasero. Hoy en día es normal, de hecho, incluso es recomendable utilizar todo el espacio disponible para optimizar tanto el espacio como tus rendimientos.Puedo garantizar que su vida cambiará después de leer este libro porque comprenderá cómo funciona la naturaleza, pero, lo que es más importante, aprenderá cómo debe trabajar para cultivar alimentos saludables y orgánicos.¿Estás listo para comenzar tu nueva vida? ¿Está consciente de que este es el primer paso que debe dar hacia una renovación completa de su vida? ¿Estás emocionado de ver los resultados? Si es así, comience a cultivar un huerto en camas elevadas utilizando las técnicas y consejos que encontrará en este libro.En este libro descubrirás ...Cómo crear una cama elevadaCómo optimizar el espacio y el rendimientoDónde colocar tus jardinesCómo crear el mejor suelo para plantas saludablesLas mejores cosechas para cada temporadaErrores comunesPreguntas frecuentes¡¡Y mucho más !!Incluso si no tiene suficiente espacio (o cree que no tiene suficiente), aún puede leer este libro y llenar su cabeza con formas creativas y efectivas de cultivar su propia comida. La jardinería en camas elevadas hará que sus cultivos sean más saludables, mejorará la condición de su suelo y le dará una ventaja sobre las molestas malezas y plagas terrestres que, sin duda, vendrán después de sus verduras y frutas.

  • - A Tool for Use When Making a Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility Decision (Senior's Resource Hub)
    af Kathy Smith
    287,95 kr.

    It can be a time sensitive, difficult and emotional time when it comes to making a decision on a Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing Facility for yourself or a loved one. Most people have never been a part of that experience and don't know where to begin or the most important questions to ask. The senior's quality of life depends on the quality of information obtained for the subsequent housing decision. The Seniors Resource Hub(TM) - Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facility Comparison Checklist has direct questions and suggested actions which will provide important information for the fact-based Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Home decision making process. When comparing options and making a decision, don't rely on your memory alone and risk the possibility of confusing one option or facility with another. Additionally, using the checklist helps eliminate emotional or impulse decisions and allows for a happier and smoother transition. Once you or your senior has made the move, you don't want to regret your decision. We've organized this checklist into logical categories: General Information, Nursing Home/ Skilled Nursing Facility Services, Management and Staffing, Communication, Resident Satisfaction, References, Contract and Fees and a Glossary. A detailed question set that examines critical aspects of the services and operations of the Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facilities An easy to use structure to record answers A straight forward summary to review and compare Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing Facilities With the resulting information well organized, you will be able to make a knowledgeable versus an emotional decision for you or a loved one's continuing care. Take the checklist with you to complete as you are evaluating the Nursing Home/Skilled Nursing Facilities. Since Nursing Home and Skilled Nursing Facility can be used interchangeably, to keep things simple from this point forward in the checklist, the facility will be referred to as "Nursing Home". For more tools and information to aid with your senior healthcare needs visit

  • - Speak To Me Collection
    af Kathy Smith
    112,95 kr.

    It's Your Time to Soar A collection of writings that will bless you as well as impact your life, causing you to glimpse back on the past only to see just how far you have left it behind; evaluate where you are now; and to encourage you to focus on a bright and beautiful future.

  • - 3in 1- The Ultimate Beginner's Guide+ Tips To Build Sustainable and Thriving Garden Anywhere+ Advanced Guide for Growing Fruits and Vegetables
    af Kathy Smith
    567,95 kr.

    Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you build your own raised garden bed and grow plants on it, and how your family and friends will react when they see your lush garden and its fresh yields.Creating raised beds is a fun and rewarding experience so if you have a burning desire to be the owner of an outstanding raised-bed garden, enjoy fresh and healthy produce, and beautiful flowers, then go ahead and buy this book.With this book, you'll be able to build your own unique beautiful garden from scratch. All that's left is for you to open the first page. Grab your copy today and learn to build a beautiful garden with tasty, healthy food.This book will guide you with a detailed explanation of why you should start making your own raised beds for your garden, immediately. Here, you will also learn about the types of crops you can have, how to plant and harvest them, how you can do companion planting, and how you can improve your soil's health by planting intelligently.Gardening is often seen as something unattainable and difficult. But it is only perceived this way because we are losing touch with our roots, and it almost seems like we have forgotten how our ancestors used to live just a couple of decades ago.Back then, it was customary for people to have a vegetable garden, which was usually hidden in their backyard. Nowadays, it is normal, actually, it is even advisable to use all the available space you have to optimize both space and your yields.I can guarantee your life will change after reading this book because you will understand how nature works, but, most importantly, you will learn how you need to work to grow healthy and organic food.Are you ready to start your new life? Are you conscious that this is the first step you must take towards a complete life overhaul? Are you excited to see the results? If you are, start your raised bed gardening using the techniques and tips you will find in this book.In this book you'll discover...How to create a raised bedHow to optimize space and yieldWhere to place your gardensHow to create the best soil for healthy plantsThe best crops for each seasonCommon mistakesFrequently asked questionsAnd lots more!!Even if you don't have enough space (or you think you don't have enough), you can still read this book and fill your head with creative and effective ways of growing your own food. Raised bed gardening will make your crops healthier, it will improve your soil's condition, and it will give you an advantage over annoying weeds and land pests that will, undoubtedly, come after your veggies and fruits!Do be afraid. Growing your own food can be relatively easy if you pay close attention to nature's process. Have fun growing and enjoy your sustainable and organic produce! You will not regret trying a raised bed gardening system! Grab your copy today and start your journey to growing healthy, organic food right outside your door!

  • - Consejos para construir un jardín sostenible y próspero en cualquier lugar
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Hay muchos procesos y procedimientos que los lectores pueden adoptar para ayudar a navegar la experiencia de jardinería, especialmente en las etapas iniciales. Este libro cubrirá algunas de las mejores prácticas y planes, incluidos los tipos de plantas que puede cultivar en un jardín de camas elevadas y cómo cuidarlas.Mejores prácticasEn este libro, los lectores aprenderán consejos y trucos para construir un jardín de camas elevadas próspero en cualquier parte del mundo. Estos consejos se aplican a cualquier tipo de jardín y son fáciles de seguir.La jardinería es más que un simple pasatiempo, es una medicina increíble tanto para el cuerpo como para la mente. Ofrece los beneficios eternos de la jardinería además de ser apto para principiantes. Si desea obtener estos beneficios, o incluso si todavía está indeciso sobre si comenzar o no a trabajar en el jardín, este libro es el lugar adecuado para comenzar.Con este libro, podrá construir su propio y hermoso jardín desde cero. Todo lo que te queda es que abras la primera página. Tome su copia hoy y aprenda a construir un hermoso jardín con comida sabrosa y saludable.

  • - Tips To Build Sustainable and Thriving Garden Anywhere
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Gardening is considered by medical experts to be one of the most therapeutic activities you can participate in. Not only is gardening relaxing, it has also been proven to offer many health benefits such as improved memory, anxiety reduction and strength building. Raised bed gardening is a perfect gateway for those who want to start gardening and enjoy its numerous benefits. Raised bed gardening is easy to understand, and with the aid of this book, it'll be even easier to get started. This book not only covers the basics of raised bed gardening, but readers will also be guided through the best practices and tips to ensure a beautiful and flourishing garden. This book is beginner-friendly for readers who want to begin gardening, particularly raised bed gardening, as a hobby or even as a small business. It is also detailed enough to be very handy for those who are already into gardening and want to expand their horizons.Here is a preview of what you'll learn...Overall Benefits of Gardening Before going into the specifics of raised bed gardening, this book will cover the many advantages of gardening. Readers will be introduced to the beautiful, eco-friendly world of gardening.The Advantages of a Raised Bed GardenThere are many kinds of gardening, and among them, raised bed gardening is something anyone can do, no matter where you live. It offers many benefits over other forms of gardening including aesthetics, durability, and versatility.Common Rookie Mistakes in Raised Bed GardeningIt's not uncommon for beginners to make mistakes. That's why in this book, we'll be covering many of the common mistakes that people who are new to raised bed gardening often make. By knowing about these mistakes beforehand, readers can easily avoid them and grow a better, more beautiful garden.Types of Raised Bed GardeningTo fully tap into the benefits of Raised Bed Gardening, we'll be providing our readers with the different types gardens available to purchase and to build. Get creative! Each type has its own added benefits and can be considered a preference over the other types depending your goals and crops.Building A Raised Bed GardenNot only does this book cover what Raised Bed Gardening is about, by the end of this book, readers will also be able to build one. This book will cover the details about the different materials that can be used and how to build a safe and effective garden.Raised Bed Gardening vs. Other Types of GardeningDifferences and similarities between Raised Bed Gardening and other types of gardening will be covered in this book. Readers will be able to compare and contrast different kinds of gardening and understand the essential features of Raised Bed Gardening that set it apart.Planning and PlantingThere are many processes and procedures readers can adopt to help navigate the gardening experience, especially in the beginning stages. This book will cover some of the best practices and plans, including what kinds of plants you can grow in a Raised Bed Garden and how to care for them.Best PracticesIn this book, readers will learn tips and tricks to building a thriving Raised Bed Garden anywhere in the world. These tips apply to any kind of garden and are easy to follow.Gardening is more than just a hobby, it an amazing medicine for both the body and mind. It offers everlasting benefits of gardening in addition to being beginner-friendly. If you want to reap these benefits, or even if you're still on the fence about whether or not to start gardening, this book is just the right place for you to get started.With this book, you'll be able to build your own unique beautiful garden from scratch. All that's left is for you to open the first page. Grab your copy today and learn to build a beautiful garden with tasty, healthy food.

  • - Guía de recetas de fermentación de productos cárnicos, kimchi y masa madre
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    ¿Siempre has querido probar a fermentar en casa? ¿Siempre quisiste fermentar carne en casa? ¿O hacer kimchi y masa madre? Bueno, si respondió afirmativamente a las preguntas, entonces ha venido al lugar correcto. Este libro es un tesoro de recetas que puede utilizar para fermentar carne, kimchi y masa madre.El mundo ha conocido diferentes tipos de alimentos a través del proceso de fermentación. Ahora que puedes fermentar alimentos en casa, ¡puedes preparar deliciosos alimentos probióticos en tu cocina! Este libro le ofrece una breve descripción general del proceso de fermentación y le ofrece consejos que puede utilizar mientras experimenta con la fermentación en casa. A lo largo del libro, recopilará información sobre: ● Fermentación y proceso● Beneficios de la fermentación● Consejos para ayudarlo a fermentar kimchi, carne y masa madre● Recetas sencillas y deliciosas, incluidas recetas para fermentar carne y verduras● Recetas de masa madre para el desayuno, bocadillos y postres, y mucho más.Los consejos mencionados en el libro lo ayudarán a comenzar con el proceso de fermentación y también lo ayudarán a superar algunos problemas comunes que enfrentan las personas durante la fermentación. Es importante tener en cuenta que el proceso de fermentación solo tiene los mejores resultados si sigues las instrucciones.Debes usar los ingredientes correctos, las proporciones correctas y también dejar los ingredientes en la habitación a la temperatura adecuada. De lo contrario, terminará con un producto estropeado. Existe la posibilidad de que los ingredientes liberen toxinas si el proceso de fermentación no se realiza correctamente y esto puede provocar una intoxicación alimentaria.Este libro es una guía invaluable y lo ayudará a disfrutar de los sabores y beneficios de la carne, las verduras y el pan fermentados, y a dar rienda suelta a sus habilidades de fermentación. ¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Obtenga una copia de este libro ahora!

  • - A Tool for Use When Making an Assisted Living Decision
    af Kathy Smith
    287,95 kr.

    It can be overwhelming deciding to move to Assisted Living if you don't know the right questions to ask, have a way to consolidate and organize your answers and compare your options. The Seniors Resource Hub(TM) - Assisted Living Comparison Checklist has direct questions and suggested actions which will provide important information for the fact-based Assisted Living decision making process. When it's time to compare options and make a decision, it can be risky to rely on your memory alone and possibly confuse one option or facility with another. Additionally, using the checklist helps eliminate emotional or impulse decisions and allows for a happier and smoother transition. Once you or your senior has made the move, you don't want to regret your decision. We've organized this checklist into logical categories to assist with the decision making process: General Information, Assisted Living Services, Management and Staffing, Communication, Resident Satisfaction, References, Contract and Fees and a Glossary. For more tools and information to aid with your senior healthcare needs visit

  • - 3 in 1- Guide to Delicious Fermenting Recipes for Vegetables and Herbs+ Fermenting Recipes of Meat Products, Kimchi and Sourdough+ Fermenting Recipes of Fruits and Beverages
    af Kathy Smith
    567,95 kr.

    This book covers everything you need to know about fermenting vegetables and herbs - the tools and equipment needed, preparing your veggies and herbs for fermentation, starter cultures, preparing the brine, and a step by step method to ferment almost any vegetable. In other words, this book has all the information you need to turn every fermenting novice into a professional.The tips mentioned in the book will help you get started with the process of fermentation, and also help you overcome some common problems people face during fermentation. It is important to bear in mind that the process of fermentation only has the best results when you stick to the instructions.You must use the right ingredients, the correct proportions, and also leave the ingredients in the room at the right temperature. Otherwise, you will end up with a spoiled product. There is a possibility that the ingredients may release toxins if the fermentation process does not happen correctly, and this can lead to food poisoning.This book is an invaluable guide and will help you enjoy the flavors and benefits of fermented meat, vegetables, and bread, and unleash your fermenting skills. So, what are you waiting for? People all over the world are looking for different ways to improve their health through food. One of the best ways to do this is to eat fermented food. Most people find the process of fermenting quite easy, but most beginners know they cannot do it in the blink of an eye. When you ferment food, you must carefully plan the ingredients you are going to use. It is important for you to do your research and know what fermentation is. You also need to know about the benefits of the process.In this book you will be introduced to the concept of fermentation and also the benefits of it. You will discover...What fermentation isThe benefits of fermentationWhat prebiotics and probiotics areThe side effectsTipsAmazing recipes with the fermentation time and necessary ingredientsFermentation must be done correct for the best outcome. When you do not stick to the right temperature or choose the wrong ingredients, you will spoil the end product. The food can also harmful. Make sure to stick to the fermentation time, quantity of ingredients and the steps mentioned in the book.So, if you are keen on learning more about fermenting and enjoying some simple recipes, then click the Buy Now button to get started!

  • - A Guide of Succulent Fermenting Recipes of Meat Products, Kimchi and Sourdough
    af Kathy Smith
    227,95 kr.

    Have you always wanted to try fermenting at home? Did you always want to ferment meat at home? Or make kimchi and sourdough? Well, if you answered yes to the questions, then you have come to the right place. This book is a treasure trove of recipes you can use to ferment meat, kimchi, and sourdough. The world has been introduced to different types of food through the process of fermentation. Now that you can ferment food at home, you can make delicious probiotic food in your kitchen! This book gives you a brief overview of the process of fermentation and leaves you with tips you can use while you experiment with fermentation at home. Over the course of the book, you will gather information about: ● Fermentation and the process● Benefits of fermentation● Tips to help you ferment kimchi, meat, and sourdough ● Mouthwatering and simple recipes, including recipes to ferment meat and vegetables ● Sourdough breakfast, snack and dessert recipes, and so much more. The tips mentioned in the book will help you get started with the process of fermentation, and also help you overcome some common problems people face during fermentation. It is important to bear in mind that the process of fermentation only has the best results when you stick to the instructions. You must use the right ingredients, the correct proportions, and also leave the ingredients in the room at the right temperature. Otherwise, you will end up with a spoiled product. There is a possibility that the ingredients may release toxins if the fermentation process does not happen correctly, and this can lead to food poisoning. This book is an invaluable guide and will help you enjoy the flavors and benefits of fermented meat, vegetables, and bread, and unleash your fermenting skills. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of this book now

  • af Kathy Smith
    87,95 kr.

  • af Kathy Smith
    167,95 kr.

  • af Kathy Smith
    185,95 kr.

    From America's Leading Fitness Expert comes Kathy Smith's Lift Weights To Lose Weight, a 12-week guide to boosting metabolism, toning & sculpting the body, building stronger bones, & getting the body you want.

  • - My Story
    af Kathy Smith
    87,95 kr.

  • - A Guide for Bunny Parents
    af Kathy Smith
    192,95 kr.

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