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  • af Kellen Borges
    445,95 kr.

    Soderzhanie ätoj knigi qwlqetsq rezul'tatom issledowatel'skogo proekta, cel' kotorogo - ponqt', kakim obrazom iskusstwo chteniq po ruke priswaiwaetsq w sowremennoj Brazilii. Dlq ätogo neobhodimo bylo predstawit' narratiwy i personalii, sostawlqüschie traektoriü chteniq ruk, proanalizirowat' profil' teh, kto obladaet znaniqmi w oblasti iskusstwa chteniq ruk, i, nakonec, ponqt', kak proishodqt formy priswoeniq ätoj temy. Na perwom ätape issledowaniq, s pomosch'ü bibliograficheskogo obzora, my rassmotreli nekotorye momenty, swqzannye so wselennoj iskusstwa chteniq po ruke, priznawaq, chto äto maloizwestnaq tema, kotoraq takzhe rassmatriwalas' w akademicheskoj sfere. Vo-wtoryh, chtoby ponqt', kakim obrazom znaniq ob iskusstwe chitaüschih ruk woznikaüt w sowremennoj Brazilii, q predstawlqü issledowanie w ego kachestwennom haraktere dlq razrabotki i zawersheniq ätoj raboty. Rezul'taty pokazywaüt, chto znaniq i obuchenie ätomu iskusstwu mozhno poluchit' cherez semejnuü tradiciü, cherez kursy i dazhe cherez koncepcii, pronizywaüschie religioznyj fenomen.

  • af Kellen Borges
    445,95 kr.

    The content of this book comes from a research project that seeks to understand the ways in which the art of reading hands is appropriated in contemporary Brazil. To do this, it was necessary to present the narratives and personalities that make up the trajectory of hand reading, analyze the profile of those who have knowledge in the Art of Hand Reading and, finally, understand how the forms of appropriation of this theme occur. At the first stage of the research, through a bibliographical survey, we looked at some of the points made about the universe of the Art of Reading Hands, recognizing that it is a little-known subject and also one that has been addressed in the academic sphere. In the second moment, in order to understand how knowledge about the Art of Reading Hands occurs in contemporary Brazil, I present the research in its qualitative nature for the development and finalization of this work. The results show that it is possible to obtain knowledge and learning for this Art through family tradition, through courses, and even through conceptions that permeate the religious phenomenon.

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