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  • af Ken Blanchard
    117,95 kr.

    Durante mas de diez anos, miles de managers de alto nivel y companias de la lista de Fortune 500 en todo el pais, han seguido la metodologia de este libro logrando asi aumentar la productividad, la satisfaccion laboral y la prosperidad personal. Estos resultados concretos se lograron mediante el aprendizaje de metodos directivos que se traducen en ganancias para la organizacion y sus empleados, razon por la cual se considera que son la respuesta a la Teoria Z del Japon.El Manager al Minuto es una historia concisa y facil de leer que demuestra tres metodos directivos muy practicos. El desenlace de la historia revela estudios llevados a cabo en el campo de la medicina y de las ciencias del comportamiento humano. Explican claramente por que estos metodos, aparentemente sencillos, funcionan de forma tan eficaz para tantas personas. Al terminar de leer libro usted sabra como aplicarlos a su propia situacion.Es por eso que El Manager al Minuto se ha convertido en uno de los libros sobre metodos directivos de mas venta en Estados Unidos y ha causado sensacion a nivel nacional. La revista People, the Today show, The Merv Griffin Show, y otros programas de television han presentado segmentos informativos sobre este libro.Miles de personas en cientos de organizaciones en Estados Unidos se estan beneficiando de El Manager al Minuto, entre ellos, hombres y mujeres en: Chase Manhattan Bank, el gobierno de la ciudad de Pittsburgh, Holiday Inn, American Can, Harvard University, Cornell University, Monsanto, Georgia Pacific, Johnson & Johnson, 20th Century-Fox Video, Kentucky Fried Chicken, ARA Services, Hewlett-Packard, Pepsi-Cola Bottling, Apple Computers, Texaco, Lockheed, Hickory Frams, AT&T y muchas otras organizaciones menores.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    212,95 kr.

    Target Higher Performance and Achieve It! In the bestselling tradition of The One Minute ManagerR, Zap the Gaps combines a fast-moving business parable with step-by-step instructions for implementing the GAPS approach to problem solving.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    172,95 kr.

    High Five! combines the spellbinding charm of a timeless parable with cutting-edge information about why teams are important and what individuals and organizations can do to build successful ones.Through the story of Alan Foster, a workplace one-man band, High Five! identifies the four key ingredients of winning teams. Although Alan is an effective producer, he is unwilling to share the spotlight by partnering on projects and is fired because, as his boss puts it, "Alan, we need good producers who are good team players, too." It is a bitter pill for him to swallow.While mulling over his disappointment, he takes his son to his grade-five hockey practice, where it is clear that his son's team, the Riverbend Warriors, knows nothing about teamwork, either. When the team's two overworked coaches learn of Alan's plight, they persuade him to join their ranks, and he finds himself charged with teaching himself and the players the meaning of teamwork. With the help of a woman friend-a former girls' basketball coach who has "won more high school basketball championships than anyone"-Alan and the Warriors learn the magic of teamwork and that "none of us is as smart as all of us."With its simple style and easy-to-follow techniques, High Five! is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn the value and power of teamwork.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    212,95 kr.

    With Big Bucks! bestselling authors Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles unlock the secrets of making serious money for both you and your company. Through a series of easy-to-follow steps and powerful strategies, Blanchard and Bowles show how anyone can create lasting wealth. By focusing on concepts like commitment, intensity, purpose, and even fun, the authors have crafted a totally new--and irresistible--paradigm for unlimited success. Written in the parable style of their previous books, Raving Fans and Gung Ho!., which were Business Week, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal business bestsellers, Big Bucks! introduces Len, who doesn't just want more money--he wants to be a millionaire. Under the direction and guidance of a group of mentors, Len must overcome three challenges on his way to attaining more wealth than he ever dreamed possible. Len learns that these three tests can be undertaken by any individual or organization in the pusuit of big bucks. And he also sees that while making big money, he can accomplish even more valuable achievements by being generous with his time, talents, and prosperity.Packed with practical advice, Big Bucks! is a must-read for any individual or business professional seeking wealth. It's destined to become one of the major money books in the twenty-first century.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    212,95 kr.

    In today's changing business world, leaders face more challenges than ever before, whether from increased competition, new ways of reaching customers, or motivating people. Leadership by the Book is an exceptional new book, brimming with insights, ideas, tools, and tactics for becoming a successful leader. Written in the parable format of Ken Blanchard's bestselling The One Minute Manager. and Raving Fans, it tells the story of a professor and a minister who school a young professional in management skills and ethics. Citing Jesus as a source for practical lessons in effective leadership, the authors explore the concept of "servant leadership" and offer simple strategies for bringing vision and values to any organization. Individuals will learn how to:Achieve goals without sacrificing character or faithInspire and sustain commitment and others to give their bestBuild teamwork and celebrate successesFind personal passion and meaning in workSure to be required reading for managers and employees, Leadership by the Book can also be applied in day-to-day life by parents, coaches, entrepreneurs, and community leaders everywhere.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    172,95 kr.

    This is the story of a One Minute Manager who was so successful in every way that he forgot one important thing: He forgot to stay physically fit. He was so much in demand that he ate on the run, didn't take time to exercise, and all the while saw his weight balloon and his breath grow shorter. He soon discovered success in business was endangering his health. His life was out of balance.For all those busy, achieving people with overcrowded schedules, here is a useful blueprint that shows how to manage stress and make a lifetime commitment to fitness and well-being. By following four important strategies for balancing a complicated life, everyone can get their bodies back into shape and their lives into proper perspective. The One Minute Manager Balances Work and Life offers a way to achieve not only a new, healthier style of living but increased productivity as well. For the millions of readers of Ken Blanchard's bestselling books--including Raving Fans and Gung Ho!--here's invaluable advice for getting the most out of life.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    192,95 kr.

    Here are the highly successful training techniques used at one of the top golfing schools in America--the Golf University in San Diego. It was founded by Ken Blanchard, coauthor of the bestselling books The One Minute Manager, Raving Fans, and Gung Ho! In this brilliant book, Blanchard applies his management wisdom to the game of golf. He explains how you can take the same methods that are highly effective in business and adapt them with astonishing success to your golf game. Using training techniques that have been tested with pupils from beginners to low handicappers, The One Minute Golfer offers a long-overdue program for playing and enjoying golf, while improving your game.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    231,95 kr.

    The co-author of the phenomenal New York Times bestselling classic The One Minute Manager® explores the skills needed to become an effective self leader in this essential work, now updated throughout.Just as Ken Blanchard's phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager gives leaders the three secrets to managing others, so this follow-up book gives people the three secrets to managing themselves. In Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, readers will learn that accepting personal responsibility for their own success leads to power, freedom, and autonomy.Through a captivating business parable, Ken Blanchard and coauthors Susan Fowler and Laurence Hawkins show readers how to apply the world-renowned Situational Leadership® II method to their own development. The story centers on Steve, a young advertising executive who is about to lose his job. Through a series of talks with a One Minute Manager protégé named Cayla, Steve learns the three secrets of self leadership. His newfound skills not only empower Steve to keep his job, but also show him how to ditch his victim mentality to continue growing, learning, and achieving. For decades, millions of managers in Fortune 500 companies and small businesses around the world have followed Ken Blanchard's management methods to increase productivity, job satisfaction, and personal prosperity. Now, this newly revised edition of Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager empowers people at every level of the organization to achieve success.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    118,95 kr.

    "Dirige tu vida y la empresa con base en ¡VALORES!" describe una nueva medida de éxito organizacional, gracias a la cual propietarios, accionistas, empleados y clientes por igual ganan en función de su compromiso con un propósito común y un conjunto de valores que se aplican a todos para lograr llegar a la lista de los "500 Afortunados".En este audiolibro los autores te brindan:-Un plan de juego claro y práctico que comunica y alinea los procesos de la organización en todos los niveles y en todas las áreas, con un conjunto definido y funcional de valores.-Proporcionan una metodología clara para definir e implementar dichos valores para lograr objetivos organizacionales, grupales, de equipo e individuales.-Abordan el vacío y el desafío inherente al proceso de convertirse en uno de los pocos "afortunados" en el mundo empresarial actual.-Remodelan drásticamente una nueva generación de organizaciones, propietarios, gerentes y empleados.-El secreto de cómo te puedes convertir en uno de los "500 Afortunados".Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoKen Blanchard es un autor, conferencista y consultor empresarial de renombre mundial. "Dirige tu vida y tu empresa con base en ¡Valores!" encarna toda su filosofía de liderazgo y gestión. Como conferencista, Blanchard ha recibido el mayor reconocimiento posible: el codiciado premio Golden Gavel y el premio a la Excelencia de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores.Michael O´Connor es fundador del Centro de Administración con base en Valores y creador del proceso "Dirige tu vida y la empresa con base en ¡Valores!", que es la culminación de más de veinticinco años de investigación. Su experiencia en las áreas de comportamiento personal, grupal y organizacional es muy amplia.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    205,95 kr.

    Leadership legend and bestselling author Ken Blanchard and trust expert and thought leader Randy Conley present this carefully curated collection of fifty-two essential leadership principles that are easy to implement and practice.Effective leadership is an influence process where leaders implement everyday, commonsense approaches that help people and organizations thrive. Yet somehow, many of these fundamental principles are still missing from most workplaces. In Simple Truths of Leadership, legendary servant leadership expert Ken Blanchard, whose books have sold millions of copies worldwide, and his colleague Randy Conley, known and recognized for his many years of thought leadership and expertise in the field of trust, share fifty-two Simple Truths about leadership that will help leaders everywhere make commonsense leadership common practice.Readers will discover profound, memorable, and in some cases counterintuitive leadership wisdom such as* Who should make the first move to extend trust* What role a successful apology plays in building trust * When to use different strokes (leadership styles) for different folksand for the same folks* Where the most important part of leadership happens* How to create autonomy through boundaries* Why the key to developing people is catching them doing something right A fun, easy read that will make a positive difference in leadership and organizational success, Simple Truths of Leadership will show readers how to incorporate simple but essential practices into their leadership style, build trust through servant leadership, and enhance their own lives and the lives of everyone around them.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    116,95 kr.

    Ken Blanchard.- Es un destacado autor, orador y asesor comercial muy querido. Sus amigos, colegas y clientes lo tienen como una de las personas más perspicaces, poderosas y compasivas del mundo empresarial actual. Su fenomenal libro, en coautoría con Spencer Johnson, El Nuevo mánager al minuto ha vendido más de trece millones de copias y continúa en las listas de los libros más vendidos. También es coautor de destacados profesionales, por lo que ha tenido un gran alcance y un extraordinario impacto como escritor y orador. Jesse Lyn Stoner .- Es coautora de varios libros acerca del éxito empresarial. Durante los últimos veintidós años, ha trabajado estrechamente con líderes en organizaciones de todo el mundo como consultora comercial y entrenadora ejecutiva de grandes corporaciones, pequeñas empresas, agencias gubernamentales y empresas sin fines de lucro. Las lecciones de este audiolibro están narradas en forma coloquial y sencilla. A medida que lo vayas escuchando, te va a sorprender. Si eres humilde y tienes un deseo genuino de mejorar tu vida, comenzarás a seguir sus consejos para trasformar tanto tu vida familiar, como tu vida laboral. Una de sus preguntas te invita a plantearte: "¿Qué tipo de persona soy?". Si escuchas con valentía y sabiduría te convertirás en un líder visionario, que es precisamente lo que nuestro mundo necesita con desesperación.Este audiolibro está narrado en español latinoKen Blanchard es un destacado autor, orador y asesor comercial. Sus amigos, colegas y clientes lo tienen como una de las personas más perspicaces, poderosas y compasivas del mundo empresarial actual.Jesse Lyn Stoner es coautora de varios libros acerca del éxito empresarial. Durante los últimos veintidós años ha trabajado estrechamente con líderes en organizaciones de todo el mundo como consultora comercial y entrenadora ejecutiva de grandes corporaciones, pequeñas empresas, agencias gubernamentales y empresas sin fines de lucro.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    197,95 kr.

  • af Ken Blanchard, John Christensen, Stephen C. Lundin & mfl.
    233,95 kr.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    299,95 kr.

    From bestselling author Ken Blanchard, whose books have sold more than 18 million copies worldwide Offers a foolproof method for putting your knowledge into practice Written in the entertaining fable format Blanchard made famous Attempting to better themselves - learn new skills, break bad habits, realize their potential - people read books, attend seminars, take training courses. And companies pitch in too, spending billions of dollars every year on professional development programs aimed at helping their employees become more effective. But in spite of what people sincerely believe are their best efforts, all too often their behavior doesn't change. The fact that it seems to be so hard to make new learning stick is an endless source of frustration for both individuals and organizations. For years Ken Blanchard has been troubled by the gap between what people know - all the good advice they've digested intellectually - and what they actually do. In this new book he and his coauthors, Paul J. Meyer and Dick Ruhe, use the fable format Blanchard made famous to lay out a straightforward method for learning more, learning better, and making sure you actually use what you learn. This engaging story identifies three key reasons people don't make the leap from knowing to doing and then moves on to the solution. It teaches you how to avoid information overload by learning ''less more, not more less. ''You'll find out how to adjust your brain's filtering system to learn many, many times more than ever before, ignite your creativity and resourcefulness with Green Light Thinking, master what you've learned using spaced repetition, and more. At last, an answer to the question, ''Why don't I do what I know I should do?''Read this book and you will!

  • af Ken Blanchard
    231,95 kr.

  • - Gain the Mindset and Skillset for Getting What You Need to Succeed
    af Ken Blanchard
    117,95 kr.

    Twenty years after creating the phenomenal bestselling classic The One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard returns to its roots with the most powerful and essential title in the series as he explores the skills needed to empower yourself to success.

  • - How to Find and Work with a Mentor - and Why You'Ll Benefit from Being One
    af Ken Blanchard
    107,95 kr.

    The bestselling co-author of the legendary The One Minute Manager (R) and a former Twitter executive join forces to create the ultimate guide to creating powerful mentoring relationships.

  • - A Parable of Second Chances
    af Ken Blanchard & Wally Armstrong
    137,95 kr.

    Everyone Needs a Second Chance on the Course and In LifePaul McAllister was a driven man. Ivy League educated and the founder of a multimillion dollar business, Paul was a success in everything but life-and golf. It only took one Pro-Am afternoon, one short putt, and one airborne putter to send his world flying in a different direction: a mulligan! Golf's gracious do-over, a mulligan is the beginning of Paul's own second chance. Guided by the wisdom and advice of an Old Pro, Paul learns about priorities, about self-confidence, and about playing a good game both on and off the course. Written in the appealing "e;parable"e; style of other best-selling books such as Who Moved My Cheese?, Gungo Ho! , and Whale Done! , golf pro Wally Armstrong and author Ken Blanchard condense decades of practical know-how into a simple book with an amazing message. The Mulligan is a second chance to change it all, and improve both your life and your game!

  • - Discover the Joy of Giving Your Time, Talent, and Treasure
    af Ken Blanchard
    127,95 kr.

    In the tradition of the bestselling book The One Minute Manager(R), authors Ken Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy, entrepreneur and founder of Chic-fil-A(R) restaurants, present this Ebook of The Generosity Factor(TM)-a parable that demonstrates the virtues of generosity.It's the story of a meeting between the Broker-a young man on his way up the corporate ladder who has the illusion of success, yet deep inside feels insignificant-and the Executive-the CEO of a very large and successful company who claims the greatest joy in his life is his ability to give to others.Thinking he might get a competitive edge by meeting with the Executive, the Broker's worldview is turned upside down as he talks to the Executive and hears the principles that form his life. He calls it The Generosity Factor(TM)-a way to give time, talent, treasure, and touch to those in need.Providing a unique twist on what it means to thrive in business, at home, and in life, this story will forever change your definition of success.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    235,95 kr.

    Written in the parable style of The One Minute Manager by its co-author, Raving Fans uses a brilliantly simple and charming story to teach how to define a vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make stunning customer service a constant feature--not just another program of the month.

  • af Morton Shaevitz
    318,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • - Becoming a Leader for Life (16pt Large Print Edition)
    af Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller
    334,95 kr.

    By the bestselling authors of The Secret (over 350,000 copies sold): the legendary Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller, a top executive at one of the most successful restaurant chains in the country.Identifies the specific ways leaders must grow - on the job and off - to remain inspiring and effective.Written for both established leaders looking to ensure their continued effectiveness and those who aspire to leadership.Successful leaders don't rest on their laurels. Leadership must be a living process, not a title on a business card, and life means growth. As Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller write in the introduction, ''the path to increased influence, impact, and leadership effectiveness is paved with personal growth. Our capacity to grow determines our capacity to lead. It's really that simple.'' Great Leaders Grow shows leaders and aspiring leaders precisely which areas to focus on so they can remain effective throughout their lives.As the book opens, Debbie Brewster, an accomplished leader herself, becomes a mentor to Blake, her late mentor's son, as he begins his career. Debbie tells Blake, ''How well you and I serve will be determined by the decision to grow or not. Will you be a leader who is always ready to face the next challenge? Or will you be a leader who tries to apply yesterday's solutions to today's problems? The latter will ultimately fail. The difference: the decision to grow. And not a short-term decision but a decision to grow throughout your career and throughout your life. This single decision is a game changer for leaders.''Over the next several weeks Debbie reveals what this means in practical terms. She and Blake explore four ways that leaders must continue to grow, both on the job and off, because who you are as a leader is inextricably connected to who you are as a person. Whether you're a CEO or an entry-level employee, you'll be inspired to reflect on your own life and to design your own unique long-term growth plan, leading to not only continuing professional success but personal fulfillment as well.

  • - What Great Leaders Know and Do (Third Edition) (16pt Large Print Edition)
    af Ken Blanchard & Mark Miller
    334,95 kr.

    In this new edition of their classic business fable, Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller get at the heart of what makes a leader successful. Newly promoted but struggling young executive Debbie Brewster asks her mentor the one question she desperately needs answered: ''What is the secret of great leaders?'' His reply - ''great leaders serve'' - flummoxes her, but over time he reveals the five fundamental ways that leaders succeed through service. Along the way she learns: â¿¢ Why great leaders seem preoccupied with the future â¿¢ How people on the team ultimately determine your success or failure â¿¢ What three arenas require continuous improvement â¿¢ Why true success in leadership has two essential components â¿¢ How to knowingly strengthen - or unwittingly destroy - leadership credibility. The tenth anniversary edition includes a leadership self - assessment so readers can measure to what extent they lead by serving and where they can improve. The authors also have added answers to the most frequently asked questions about how to apply the SERVE model in the real world. As practical as it is uplifting, The Secret shares Blanchard's and Miller's wisdom about leadership in a form that anyone can easily understand and implement. This book will benefit not only those who read it but also the people who look to them for guidance and the organizations they serve.

  • - Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations
    af Ken Blanchard
    294,95 kr.

    Now, in this fully updated 3rd Edition of Leading at a Higher Level, Blanchard and his colleagues bring together all theyGÇÖve learned about world-class leadership, including brand new chapters on building a high-trust workplace, collaborating for high performance, driving success through mentoring, and leading at the organisational level. YouGÇÖll discover how to create targets and visions based on the GÇ£quadruple bottom lineGÇ¥ and make sure people know who you are, where youGÇÖre going, and the values that will guide your journey. Leading at a Higher Level presents the definitive discussion about using SLII-«GÇôthe most widely used leadership model in the worldGÇôto lead yourself, individuals, teams, and entire organisations. More important, youGÇÖll learn how to dig deep within, discover the personal GÇ£leadership point of viewGÇ¥ all great leaders possess, and apply it throughout your entire life. This book will guide you, inspire you, provoke you, and be your touchstone. Discover how to: Go beyond the short term and zero in on the right target and vision Eliminate the gap between your companyGÇÖs stated values and actual behaviour Deliver legendary, maniacal customer service and earn raving fans Truly empower your people and unleash their incredible potential Create a coaching culture that boosts performance at every level Ground your leadership in humility and focus on the greater good

  • - A Modern Day Parable for the Church
    af Ken Blanchard & Phil Hodges
    162,95 kr.

    The Most Loving Place in Town is the story of two men, a disillusioned church elder and a gifted young pastor, who recognize that their church has lost sight of its number one priority: loving God and each other. They begin a search, independently at first, to recapture their lost love and then together lead their fellowship in a successful discovery of the secret to becoming a beacon of love in their community.

  • - Lecciones del mejor modelo a seguir del liderazgo de todos los tiempos
    af Ken Blanchard
    139,95 kr.

    El liderazgo eficaz, sea en el trabajo, la comunidad, la iglesia o el hogar comienza internamente.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    250,95 kr.

    Collaboration Begins with You Everyone knows collaboration creates high performing teams and organizations—and with today’s diverse, globalized workforce it’s absolutely crucial. Yet it often doesn’t happen because people and groups typically believe that the problem is always outside: the other team member, the other department, the other company. Bestselling author Ken Blanchard and his coauthors use Blanchard’s signature business parable style to show that, in fact, if collaboration is to succeed it must begin with you. This book teaches people at all levels—from new associates to top executives—that it’s up to each of us to help promote and preserve a winning culture of collaboration. The authors show that busting silos and bringing people together is an inside-out process that involves the heart (your character and intentions), the head (your beliefs and attitudes), and the hands (your actions and behaviors). Working with this three-part approach, Collaboration Begins with You helps readers develop a collaborative culture that uses differences to spur contribution and creativity; provides a safe and trusting environment; involves everyone in creating a clear sense of purpose, values, and goals; encourages people to share information; and turns everyone into an empowered self-leader. None of us is as smart as all of us. When people recognize their own erroneous beliefs regarding collaboration and work to change them, silos are broken down, failures are turned into successes, and breakthrough results are achieved at every level.

  • - A Modern Day Parable for the Church
    af Ken Blanchard
    197,95 kr.

    Lead Like Jesus for Churches is the story of two men, a disillusioned church elder and a gifted young pastor, who recognize that their church has lost sight of its number one priority: loving God and each other. Together they lead their fellowship in a successful discovery of the secret to becoming a beacon of love in their community.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    262,95 kr.

    In The Secret, Debbie, a struggling leader finds herself about to lose her job due to poor performance. In a desperate attempt to save her career, she enrolls in a new mentoring program offered by her company. Much to her surprise, Debbie finds her mentor is the president of the company (Jeff Brown). Debbie decides that all she needs is the answer to one question: "What is the secret of great leaders?" She is convinced that if Jeff will tell her, she can apply the secret in her leadership. Over the next 18 months Jeff explains to Debbie that the secret is rooted in an attitude. He tells her that she must be willing to become a serving leader rather than a self-serving leader. The secret is that all great leaders SERVE.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    262,95 kr.

    The Secret introduced people around the world to a profound yet seemingly contradictory concept: to lead is to serve. With that as the foundation Great Leaders Grow takes the next step, showing leaders how to ensure that they'll be able to effectively serve throughout their careers. The Secret's protagonist, Debbie Brewster, now an accomplished leader herself, becomes a mentor to Blake, her former mentor's son. She teaches him not just how to lead, but emphasizes the critical importance of continually learning and developing his leadership abilities throughout his career. She identifies four areas in which every leader must continue to GROW - Gain Knowledge (of themselves, others, their industry and the field of leadership); Reach Out to Others, both formally and informally; Open their World, at work and outside of work; and Walk toward Wisdom (through self-evaluation, feedback, counsel and over time). This book is for any leader in any organization that needs more and better leaders faster. Its blueprint for culture transformation is a simple yet revolutionary path to sustainable achievement.

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