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  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    329,95 kr.

    "Secrets of A Successful Published Author" is an indispensable guide that unveils the mysteries of the publishing world, offering aspiring authors a comprehensive roadmap to achieve their literary dreams. From demystifying the various publishing options available, including traditional, independent, and self-publishing, to providing practical insights on building an author platform, marketing strategies, and managing costs, this book covers every aspect of the publishing journey. With personal anecdotes and expert advice, readers will gain invaluable knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of the publishing industry and turn their writing aspirations into reality. Whether you're a novice writer or seasoned wordsmith, "Secrets of a Successful Published Author" is your ultimate companion on the path to publishing success.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    195,95 kr.

    "Join Kirby the Koala on her heartwarming journey of discovery in 'Kirby the Koala Finds a Friend', the first installment in an enchanting series by Kim Ruff-Moore. In this delightful tale, young readers will accompany Kirby as she sets out to find a friend to share her adventures in the lush Australian forest. Through Kirby's encounters with various animals, children will learn valuable lessons about diversity, the true meaning of friendship, and the importance of taking on responsibilities. With charming illustrations and engaging storytelling, this book is sure to captivate young minds and leave them eagerly anticipating the next adventure in Kirby's life."

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    259,95 kr.

    The Suzzie Mocha Series continues with"Suzzie Mocha And Her First School Bus Adventure" it is a delightful tale that chronicles the excitement and bravery of young Suzzie Mocha as she embarks on her inaugural school bus ride. Set against the backdrop of a charming little town, the story captures Suzzie's eager anticipation and nervous jitters as she joins her classmates on the journey. With the support of the friendly bus driver and the camaraderie of her peers, Suzzie navigates the twists and turns of the ride, emerging with newfound confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Through its endearing narrative and relatable moments, this enchanting story celebrates the magic of childhood milestones and the resilience of young hearts.

  • - And The Best Circus Trip Ever
    af Kim Ruff-Moore
    158,95 kr.

    Join Suzzie Mocha on her most exciting adventure yet in "Suzzie Mocha and the Best Circus Trip Ever"! In this charming children's book, Suzzie embarks on a magical journey filled with vibrant illustrations and delightful animal friends. From acrobatic elephants to playful monkeys, young readers aged 3 to 6 will be captivated by the whimsical world of the circus.As Suzzie explores the circus grounds, she encounters thrilling performances, heartwarming friendships, and unforgettable moments. With its engaging storyline and colorful characters, "Suzzie Mocha and the Best Circus Trip Ever" is sure to become a beloved favorite among children and parents alike.This enchanting tale is the third installment in the beloved Suzzie Mocha book series, offering young readers yet another opportunity to join Suzzie on her imaginative adventures. Get ready for laughter, excitement, and endless fun in "Suzzie Mocha and the Best Circus Trip Ever"!

  • - And The Perfect New Church Dress
    af Kim Ruff-Moore
    159,95 kr.

    "Suzzie Mocha and the Perfect New Church Dress" is a delightful children's book capturing the heartwarming adventure of young Suzzie as she embarks on a special shopping trip with her mother. Set against the backdrop of anticipation and excitement, Suzzie eagerly explores the aisles of the store in search of the ideal dress for a significant occasion: attending church.With vivid and colorful illustrations adorning each page, readers aged 3 to 7 will be drawn into Suzzie's world, sharing in her joy and enthusiasm as she sifts through racks of dresses, imagining herself in each one. Alongside her patient and loving mother, Suzzie navigates the sea of fabrics and styles, hoping to find that one dress that will make her feel truly special.As the story unfolds, children will witness Suzzie's journey of self-discovery and the cherished bond between mother and daughter. Through tender moments and playful encounters, the book celebrates the magic of finding the perfect attire for a significant occasion and the joy it brings to a young heart."Suzzie Mocha and the Perfect New Church Dress" is not only a charming tale of a memorable shopping excursion but also a testament to the importance of family, faith, and embracing one's individuality. It's a story that will resonate with children and parents alike, leaving them with a warm glow and a renewed appreciation for life's simple pleasures.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    153,95 kr.

    "Rosie's Easter Egg Adventure" is a heartwarming children's book written and illustrated by Kim Ruff-Moore. It follows the charming journey of Rosie the Rabbit as she embarks on an exciting Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday. Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, young readers are transported to a magical meadow filled with colorful eggs and delightful surprises. Along the way, Rosie discovers the joy of friendship and the importance of sharing. With themes of adventure, friendship, and celebration, this delightful tale is perfect for children ages 2 to 7

  • - And The Best Book Fair Ever: And The Best Book Fair Ever
    af Kim Ruff-Moore
    160,95 kr.

    "Join Suzzie Mocha on an enchanting adventure in 'Suzzie Mocha and the Best Book Fair Ever'! In this delightful tale for children ages 3 to 7, Suzzie's excitement bubbles over as she eagerly anticipates the upcoming book fair. With colorful illustrations that leap off the page, readers are invited to share in Suzzie's joy and anticipation.As the big day arrives, Suzzie's eyes widen with wonder as she steps into the bustling fairground, surrounded by rows upon rows of captivating books. But the real magic begins when she stumbles upon a tent tucked away in a corner, where a storyteller weaves tales of enchantment.Spellbound by the storyteller's words, Suzzie is drawn into a world of adventure and imagination as she listens to the tale of a very magical book. From dragons to faraway lands, Suzzie's imagination takes flight as she embarks on a journey through the pages of the story.Filled with warmth, wonder, and the joy of discovery, 'Suzzie Mocha and the Best Book Fair Ever' is the perfect introduction to the lovable Suzzie Mocha and her exciting adventures. This charming book is the first in a series that follows Suzzie as she explores the world around her with her boundless curiosity and vivid imagination. Get ready to join Suzzie on her next thrilling adventure!"

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    237,95 kr.

    The story of my family's battle with cancer was at one time a heavy burden I carried. My mother, grandmother, and aunt all fell victim to this dreadful disease called cancer. Breast and ovarian cancer to be exact and they leave behind a legacy of uncertainty. According to science, I am at a higher risk of facing the same fate. The numbers don't lie, painting a grim picture of my future. Yet, I refuse to let statistics define my destiny. Instead, I cling to hope and faith, believing in something greater than the odds stacked against me. I find comfort in the words of Jeremiah 29:11, trusting in God's plan for my life and holding onto the promise of a brighter tomorrow.I turn to God as my source of healing and strength. I know that true healing can only come from Him.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    238,95 kr.

    When my husband Jeff and I first began our conversations over the phone, he shared with me a profound belief rooted in biblical scripture. He referenced the verse that states, "He who finds a wife obtaineth favor of God." Jeff expressed his conviction that certain challenges I faced would find resolution through our union, and even some illnesses would see improvement or diminishment due to the favor and covering he provided as the head of our household. This belief is deeply rooted in our shared commitment to follow God, with Jeff leading our marriage. As a result, we expected God to release unmerited favor in our relationship. The biblical foundation of our understanding finds resonance in other scriptures that portray marriage as a divine blessing. Jeff's foresight proved accurate; as his wife, I witnessed the cessation of struggles and an overall improvement in various aspects of my life.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    236,95 kr.

    Jealousy has always been a topic close to my heart, something that I've felt compelled to explore and understand. I've seen it rear its ugly head in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings, and it's left me with a burning desire to unravel its mysteries. I find myself constantly confronted with the pervasive presence of envy and jealousy in human interactions. It's like an insidious force lurking beneath the surface, ready to rear its ugly head at any moment. It's a feeling I've dealt with myself at times, and witnessing it in others only amplifies the weariness I feel. I can honestly say, I really don't get jealous often. These emotions seem to serve as catalysts for conflict, as noted in Galatians 5:21, where envy is listed among the works of the flesh. Envy breeds resentment and bitterness, turning friends into enemies and poisoning relationships. It's a mark of unbelievers, according to Romans 1:29, indicating a lack of faith and trust in divine providence.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    227,95 kr.

    This book is about trusting God. Trusting God even when nothing makes sense. It's about holding on when defeat whispers. This book chronicles my life from age eight and the journey of experiencing God as a waymaker. All of my life God has made a way out of no way. He has been faithful. Even after the death of loved ones, experiencing loss, financial instability, disappointments and turmoil. I literally lost everything twice. Even through the hardest times, my faith never wavered. I asked God tough questions, but He welcomes our questions. I trust God with my life, my children, my husband, my marriage, my ministry and my soul. He loves me more than I love myself. This book will show you how to trust God. I will show you how to have faith in God. I cannot make you love God or serve God, but I will show you how to use basic steps to exercise your faith and trust in a God you cannot see. God never left me. He is indeed a constant Waymaker. I realize now that to whom much is given, much is required. Our hardships and obstacles in life are prerequisites for restoration, miracles and mountain top experiences. In other words, you will have to go through some things to make it to your purpose and fulfill your destiny.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    277,95 kr.

    The education system is evolving rapidly, yet the challenges faced by teachers remain constant. In my 15 years of experience within the education system, ranging from High School Alternative School to K12, Music teacher for an after school grant funded program and higher education with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, I have witnessed a significant shift in the dynamics of education. Teachers, our unsung heroes, deal with unprecedented challenges in this ever-changing landscape. In this book I will share my thoughts on why I feel teachers are superheroes and why they should be valued by our communities, parents and students. No one is perfect, so the human side of a teacher will always be present. Overall, to heed the call to teach and all that comes with that mantle takes exceptional quality and exceptional ability. Therefore, I metaphorically say, superheroes teach. I will share stories from my childhood, my experience in the School system as well as the stories of other impeccable superheroes.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    277,95 kr.

    The stories of business moguls like Warren Buffet, Mary Kay Ash and Magic Johnson fascinated me. All of them have a diversified financial portfolio. They inspired me to want more in life. I was unsure how to do it, but the desire was created. Their unparalleled business acumen and the ability to diversify, creating a myriad of revenue streams, inspired me to envision a life beyond the constraints of financial instability. As someone who had long lived paycheck to paycheck, the realization struck hard - I needed to chart a different course if I ever wanted to break free from the cycle of financial uncertainty. This is the story of my journey, a quest for financial independence and a determination to carve out a path that leads to prosperity based on biblical principles. The realization of changing my life hit me like a lightning bolt during a particularly challenging month. I had just paid my car note, utilities, and other necessities, leaving me with a paltry amount that vanished before I could even catch a breath. The fragility of relying on a single income source became glaringly apparent, and I knew I needed to make a change.

  • af Kim Ruff-Moore
    277,95 kr.

    This book was written to inspire and give hope. It was also written to educate. You can find love at any age. I speak directly to widows, widowers and single people in general regarding having courage and faith to love again. My target audience for women would be anyone 35 and older. Specifically, women over 50. Statistics seem to show data that it's harder to find a spouse or love for that matter once you reach a certain age. I am a witness that what God has for you is for you. If he has a spouse for you, it will come to pass. I also speak to the single woman praying for a spouse. I charge you to block out the chatter of society norms and here me please. It does not take long for a man to know if he wants to marry you. Society has duped people into falling for a time frame fallacy. Quite the contrary, men know pretty quickly if you are wifey or not. Every case is different. You should definitely make sure you are certain not to rush into any relationship haphazardly. However, pray and ask God to navigate your path. The bible says He who finds a wife finds a good thing. Women should not pursue men. Women should not be looking for a man, but carry herself in a manner that attracts a quality man. My love story is proof that you should not dismiss a potential soulmate because of the timeframes set by people. I researched the topics and I will share my findings. I will share facts and data as well as biblical scripture and doctrine. I believe in the word of God, so this book will have a strong biblical influence. It's because of God I am married to my soul mate. I know that many people will need more than just the word of God to totally get what I'm trying to convey, so no worries. I will provide that in this book. I chose to title this book "Cuffed '' because it is a term growing in popularity in our culture to mean married, in a relationship, or off the market. Urban dictionary states it means to start an exclusive relationship. People are also referencing "Cuffing Season" as a time when people who are normally single cuff up in the winter. I thought the title would be hip and urban and also an attention grabber for a middle aged fox like myself. I will discuss some pretty heavy things in this book, so being fun and edgy with the title may add balance and interest. I will share a few things in hopes to encourage men and women on this journey of life hoping to be "Cuffed" permanently with their soulmate. I will share my testimony about God sending my Boaz. God blessed me with a wonderful man of God.

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