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  • af Lambo Beguerem
    914,95 kr.

    Die von der Gruppe Jamaat Al-sunna Lil Dawa Wal Jihad anerkannte Bewegung namens Boko Haram, die in die Fußstapfen ihrer Vorgänger getreten ist, hat zwei Jahrzehnte lang Terrorismus in der Sahelzone verbreitet. Dies zeigt eine detaillierte Analyse der Terrorakte, die in den letzten 20 Jahren verübt wurden. Boko Haram wurde 2002 in Maïduguri, Nigeria, gegründet und leitet sich von book = Buch und haram = verboten ab. Im Jahr 2009, nach dem Tod ihres Gründers, begann sie mit dem Dschihad in Nigeria, Kamerun, dem Tschad und Niger. Sein Nachfolger Abubaka Shekau rekrutierte Kämpfer, beschaffte Waffen und verließ die Hochburg, um sich in Serien von Terroranschlägen rund um den Tschadsee zu stürzen. Boko Haram, die einen radikalen Islam predigt, wird 2015 zu einer transnationalen Bewegung. Mit der Idee, ein islamisches Kalifat rund um den Tschadsee zu errichten, wurden Terroranschläge zum Markenzeichen der Bewegung. 2016 entstand die Abspaltung Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), die bis 2023 die tödlichsten Terroranschläge in der Geschichte von Boko Haram verüben sollte.

  • af Lambo Beguerem
    1.032,95 kr.

    Recognized by the Jamaat Al-sunna Lil Dawa Wal Jihad group, the Boko Haram movement, following in the footsteps of its predecessors, has been sowing the seeds of terrorism in the Sahel for two decades. A detailed analysis of the terrorist acts perpetrated over the last twenty years reveals just how much. Founded in 2002 in Maïduguri, Nigeria, Boko Haram derives from book = book and haram = forbidden. In 2009, after the death of its founder, it launched a jihad in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger. His successor, Abubaka Shekau, recruited fighters, procured weapons and left the stronghold to launch a series of terrorist attacks around Lake Chad. By advocating radical Islam, Boko Haram became a transnational movement in 2015. With the idea of creating an Islamic caliphate around Lake Chad, terrorist actions became the hallmark of the movement with the birth of the dissident branch Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) in 2016, which would carry out some of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Boko Haram's history until 2023.

  • af Lambo Beguerem
    597,95 kr.

    Kousséri, uma cidade na zona do Sahel, no extremo norte dos Camarões, faz fronteira com o Chade e a Nigéria, todos membros da Comissão da Bacia do Lago Chade (LCBC). Composta por diferentes povos e populações indígenas, a progressão da seca e a secagem do Lago Chade devido às alterações climáticas tem um grande impacto nas actividades económicas das populações. O desaparecimento de certos pontos de água conduz à competição por recursos naturais escassos e cria tensões e conflitos intercomunitários, que este livro pretende estudar.

  • af Lambo Beguerem
    557,95 kr.

    Kousséri, a town in the Sahelian zone located in the far north of Cameroon, borders Chad and Nigeria, all member countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC). Made up of different peoples and indigenous populations, the progression of drought and the drying up of Lake Chad linked to climate change has a major impact on the economic activities of the populations. The disappearance of certain water points leads to competition for scarce natural resources and creates inter-community tensions and conflicts, which this book aims to study.

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