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Bøger af Lars Tegl Rasmussen

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  • af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    215,95 - 332,95 kr.

    Dette er en håndbog i hvordan man arbejder smartere – opnår samme resultat ved brug af færre ressourcer. Håndbogen præsenterer en række værktøjer til at arbejde smartere. Disse værktøjer er udviklet af folk på gulvet, så det kræver så få ressourcer som muligt at fabrikere en bil. I Vesten kalder vi det for Lean.Håndbogen er resultat af over 15 års undervisning i Lean. Alle de væsentligste værktøjer er med og præsenteret med øvelser. Det er en ideel ”Gør det selv bog”. Man kan bruge den på arbejde, derhjemme eller til udvikling af gode ideer. Mulighederne er mange.Håndbogen kan læses fra start til slut, men kan også – eventuelt efterfølgende – bruges som opslagsværk til – ”hvordan er det nu lige man gør!”.

  • - Policy Deployment i praksis
    af Lars Tegl Rasmussen & Kurt Ottesen
    44,95 kr.

    Policy Deployment er en enkel og gennemskuelig måde at etablerer og implementere strategisk planlægning i en organisation. Denne bog beskriver hvorledes man gør det i praksis.Policy Deployment styrke er, at den hjælper topledelsen med at skabe retning, sikre fokus og ikke mindst resultater. Dette sker i en ramme der er præget af transparens, dialog og løbende opfølgning.Bogen er den første samlede beskrivelse af Policy Deployment på dansk. Den er bygget op omkring faserne i Policy Deployment processen. De enkelte faser forklares og sættes i et ledelsesmæssigt perspektiv. Endelig beskrives i bogen 3 danske virksomheders brug af modellen.

  • af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    168,95 kr.

    This is a Guide on how to work smarter and achieve the same results using fewer resources. The Guide presents several tools for working smarter. These tools are developed by people on the floor, so manufacturing a car takes as few resources as possible. In the West, we call it Lean. The Guide is the result of teaching lean for over 15 years. All the main tools are included and presented with exercises. It is an ideal "do it yourself book". You can use it at work, at home or for developing good ideas. The possibilities are endless. The guide can be read from start to finish but can also be kept after reading and used as a reference for "how to do things". This Guide introduces the Lean method and thinking. It is a manual for those who wish to start utilizing Lean. The Guide is a c guide you can carry under your arm during a walk through a Lean project. It begins with a section on the philosophy and principles behind Lean. Lean must be understood on its own terms. Unlike other management methods, Lean is developed over time, based on solving very specific challenges. The first part of the Guide primarily follows the phases of a traditional Lean project. Specifically, it describes how to map workflows and find the areas where action can be taken to reduce waste. The Guide describes tools that can be used to eliminate waste and provides tools to increase flow. The cornerstone of Lean is continuous improvements. The Guide shows how work on this can be organized using a number of individual tools and how it may be anchored in board meetings. In the field of innovation, Lean has meant a pioneering end to the traditional linear, closed perception of innovation processes. Therefore, the Guide contains a detailed description of Toyota's innovation method and of derived Western variants such as Lean Start-up and Scrum. Lean focuses on methodical work with improvements. On the strategic level, a method called Hoshin Kanri, or Policy Deployment, has been developed to ensure organizational focus on activities involving change. The method is discussed in detail. Lean can be implemented in different ways, both organizationally and from a design perspective. In this Guide, we review the main forms while considering pros and cons, so that one can choose the best the given situation. Working with Lean also requires that you focus more on the specifics. In this Guide, we look at the challenges involved with this. Working with Lean is working with the culture. Therefore, you mustinvolve all the employees in an organization. The Guide discusses some tools to create ownership, both on an individual level and among the group. Some would call it the world's fastest course in coaching. The Guide ends with a conceptual explanation in which all the main Lean concepts are explained with references to the relevant locations inthe Guide. Finally, there is an extensive literature list for further inspiration. The Guide contains small exercises that are specific to each Lean Tool mentioned.

  • af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    158,95 kr.

    This is a Guide on how to work smarter and achieve the same results using fewer resources. The Guide presents several tools for working smarter. These tools are developed by people on the floor, so manufacturing a car takes as few resources as possible. In the West, we call it Lean. The Guide is the result of teaching lean for over 15 years. All the main tools are included and presented with exercises. It is an ideal “do it yourself book”. You can use it at work, at home or for developing good ideas. The possibilities are endless. The guide can be read from start to finish but can also be kept after reading and used as a reference for “how to do things”.This Guide introduces the Lean method and thinking. It is a manual for those who wish to start utilizing Lean. The Guide is a c guide you can carry under your arm during a walk through a Lean project. It begins with a section on the philosophy and principles behind Lean. Lean must be understood on its own terms. Unlike other management methods, Lean is developed over time, based on solving very specific challenges.The first part of the Guide primarily follows the phases of a traditional Lean project. Specifically, it describes how to map workflows and find the areas where action can be taken to reduce waste. The Guide describes tools that can be used to eliminate waste and provides tools to increase flow. The cornerstone of Lean is continuous improvements. The Guide shows how work on this can be organized using a number of individual tools and how it may be anchored in board meetings. In the field of innovation, Lean has meant a pioneering end to the traditional linear, closed perception of innovation processes. Therefore, the Guide contains a detailed description of Toyota's innovation method and of derived Western variants such as Lean Start-up and Scrum. Lean focuses on methodical work with improvements. On the strategic level, a method called Hoshin Kanri, or Policy Deployment, has been developed to ensure organizational focus on activities involving change. The method is discussed in detail.Lean can be implemented in different ways, both organizationally and from a design perspective. In this Guide, we review the main forms while considering pros and cons, so that one can choose the best the given situation. Working with Lean also requires that you focus more on the specifics. In this Guide, we look at the challenges involved with this. Working with Lean is working with the culture. Therefore, you mustinvolve all the employees in an organization. The Guide discusses some tools to create ownership, both on an individual level and among the group. Some would call it the world's fastest course in coaching.The Guide ends with a conceptual explanation in which all the main Lean concepts are explained with references to the relevant locations inthe Guide. Finally, there is an extensive literature list for further inspiration.The Guide contains small exercises that are specific to each Lean Tool mentioned.

  • af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    358,95 kr.

    This is a handbook on how to work smarter and achieve the same results using fewer resources. The handbook presents a number of tools for working smarter. These tools are developed by people on the floor, so manufacturing a car takes as few resources as possible. In the West, we call it Lean. The handbook is the result of teaching lean for over 15 years. All the main tools are included and presented with exercises. It is an ideal “do it yourself book”. You can use it at work, at home or for developing good ideas. The possibilities are endless. The handbook can be read from start to finish but can also be kept after reading and used as a reference for “how to do things”.

  • af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    228,95 kr.

  • - En praktisk guide i forbedringsarbejdet
    af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    144,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Denne håndbog er skrevet som en hjælp til de, der arbejder med at skabe forbedringer gennem tavlemøder. Tavler er det mest anvendte værktøj til procesforbedringer i Danmark. Tavlen er let at tage i brug og taler til vores kultur med inddragelse og diskussion. Desværre har det vist sig, at man mange steder har måtte stoppe, fordi det ikke gav resultater.Denne håndbog indeholder råd om, hvorledes man får tavlemøder i gang og holder dem i gang. Det overordnede budskab er enkelt: Koncentrer jer om at optimere jeres egne arbejdsprocesser og skab kontinuerlige resultater. Det skal gøre en forskel, at man står ved tavlen!Bogen indledes med, at scenen sættes for tavlemøder: Hvad vil det sige at arbejde med kontinuerlige forbedringer? Derefter præsenteres nogle hovedtyper af tavler, således at man vil være i stand til at designe en tavle, som rammer i solar plexus på det aktuelle behov. Videre drøftes, hvilke regler der skal være omkring tavlemøder, hvem styrer, hvilke forventninger osv. Når man således har fået tavlemøderne i gang, vil der typisk komme nogle bump på vejen. De typiske udfordringer omtales, og der gives forslag til, hvorledes man kan tackle dem.Nogle tror at arbejdet med tavlemøder kun foregår omkring tavlen. Det er imidlertid ikke her resultaterne skabes, det sker nemlig i arbejdet mellem tavlemøderne. Håndbogen omtaler de organisatoriske- og processuelle rammer for dette samt ledelses- og medarbejderrollerne.Tavlemøder kan foregå i forskellige udviklingsstadier. I håndbogen opstilles en udviklingsmodel, som kan anvendes til at vælge fokuspunkter for forbedringer, så man videreudvikler eget tavlemøde.Endelig til slut sammenfattes håndbogen i 10 bud for tavlemøder.

  • - Policy Deployment in daily Management
    af Lars Tegl Rasmussen & Kurt Ottesen
    44,95 kr.

    The book is an operational step by step description of Policy Deployment. Policy Deployment is a simple and easy to use way to establish and implement strategic planning and execution.We have written the booklet especially for senior management. We think that senior management can use the method to guide the strategic development in the right direction with the right focus and ensuring results. At the same time, Policy Deployment will ensure a transparent process with follow up and dialog throughout the organization.The booklet has been built up according to the steps in the Policy Deployment process. The activities for each of the steps have been explained both from the operational perspective and also from the management perspective. Finally 3 case stories from Danish companies, working with Policy Deployment, are described.

  • - Brugerdreven innovation med Lean- værktøjer.
    af Lars Tegl Rasmussen
    44,95 kr.

    Det kan lyde som en selvmodsigelse at koble innovation og Lean. Innovation står jo for den lidt krøllede hjerne, som på ganske uforudsigelig vis, kommer med noget, ingen har tænkt på før. Lean derimod står for mange som udtryk for lineær tænkning med fokus på analyse, optimering og standarder. Når det alligevel giver mening, er det fordi det virker.Denne bog henvender sig til de der interesserer sig for eller arbejder med at udvikle nye produkter og service ydelser såvel i det private som det offentlige. Bogen indeholder en indføring i brug af Lean værktøjer i brugerdrevne innovationsprocesser. Bogen falder i 2 dele. Dels en gennemgang af værktøjer til brug i selve innovationsprocessen, dels en gennemgang af værktøjer til at sikre at den interne organisering af innovationsprocessen er optimal.Bogen er krydret med eksempler på anvendelsen af værktøjerne, ligesom man kan afprøve sin viden. Til bogen er koblet en E-learning site, hvor der dels er uddybende materiale, dels en test så man kan få certifikat på sin viden.

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