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Bøger af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith

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  • af W. Doyle Gentry & Gill Bloxham
    185,95 - 217,95 kr.

    A recent YouGov survey has revealed that 1 in 4 people worries about how angry they sometimes feel, or has a close friend or family member who has trouble controlling their anger. The UK is angrier than ever- we're the top road rage country in Europe and 1 in 2 Londoners experiences pavement rage on a daily basis.

  • af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    217,95 kr.

    Vermuten Sie, dass jemand in Ihrem Leben ein Narzisst ist, und möchten mehr darüber erfahren, wie Narzissten ticken? Möchten Sie lernen, wie Sie mit am besten mit Narzissten umgehen, sich abgrenzen und Ihren eigenen Selbstwert bewahren können? In diesem Buch finden Sie alles, was Sie über Narzissmus wissen müssen einschließlich handfester, praktischer Vorschläge, wie Sie sich vor Narzissten schützen können.

  • af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    217,95 kr.

    Recognize narcissists in your life and set healthy boundaries to start healing todayNarcissism For Dummies pulls back the curtain on a growing and misunderstood personality. This book digs into dimensions of narcissism, grandiosity, malignancy, and vulnerability, giving you the knowledge and perspective you need to identify narcissists in your life and set limits on unacceptable behavior. It also takes a look at how society plays a part in fostering narcissism, for example through social media. You'll walk away from Narcissism For Dummies with a clearer sense of the personality trait, as well as necessary coping mechanisms and tools to deal with the narcissists in your life.* Deal with narcissistic parents, bosses, coworkers, relatives, romantic partners, and beyond* Discover tactics and exercises for identifying, disarming, and protecting yourself from narcissists* Set limits, establish healthy boundaries, and rebuild your self-confidence* Understand narcissistic personality in all its manifestationsAnyone whose life has been touched by narcissism will find this book helpful, whether you're coming to terms with a loved one's diagnosis, dealing with a narcissist in the workplace, or working to move forward after leaving a narcissistic relationship.

  • af LL Smith
    228,95 kr.

  • af Laura L. Smith, Elaine Iljon Foreman & Charles H. Elliot
    155,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Anxiety and depression affect over 10% of the population. They can become debilitating conditions if not managed carefully so there are thousands of people looking for advice on how to keep their symptoms under control.

  • af Laura L. Smith & Charles H. Elliott
    186,95 kr.

  • af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    212,95 kr.

    Sie sind bereit, mit dem Rauchen oder Vapen aufzuhören? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Laura Smith und Charles Elliott unterstützen Sie dabei. Nicht mit erhobenem Zeigefinger, sondern mit handfesten Tipps, wie Sie Ihren ganz persönlichen Ausstiegsplan zusammenstellen können, wie Sie Ihre Motivation aufrecht erhalten, wie Sie am Ball bleiben und wie Sie auch mit Rückschlägen umgehen. Falls Sie Angst haben zuzunehmenmm, zeigen Ihnen die Autoren, wie Sie mit ein wenig Achtsamkeit bei der Ernährung Ihr Gewicht im Zaum halten können. Dieses Buch macht Ihnen Mut, rauchfrei zu werden und zu bleiben.

  • af Laura L. Smith & Charles H. Elliott
    247,95 kr.

    Depression is a very real problem. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that, on any given day, 121 million people worldwide suffer from depression. This book presents facts on depression and explains the options for dealing with it. It covers the various types of depression; detecting and diagnosing depression; seeking help; and more.

  • af Charles H. (Fielding Graduate Institute) Elliott & Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    247,95 kr.

    Take control of your anxiety--and start living your lifeFeel like your life is spinning out of control? Not sure how to handle what seems like constant change and chaos? You're not alone--the world has taken some pretty crazy turns recently--but if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you're likely suffering far more than you need to. Anxiety is our natural reaction to unfamiliar, stressful, and dangerous situations, but for some of us this reaction can become all-consuming and ultimately debilitating. Anxiety For Dummies has the antidote to this, showing you how to manage feelings of uneasiness, distress, and dread--and take back control of your life.In a straightforward and friendly style, clinical psychologists Charles H. Elliot and Laura L. Smith show you how to pinpoint your triggers, use proven techniques and therapies, improve health and eating habits, and make other practical changes to your lifestyle that will have you feeling better fast.* Understand what makes you anxious and learn to let go* Change your thinking to "right-size" your worry* Evaluate self-help as an adjunct to professional therapy* Explore healthy lifestyles and medication optionsIncluding updates to the clinical literature and discussions of the impacts of world events--such as COVID-19--this book has everything you need to manage your worries and put you, not them, in charge of your life.

  • af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    212,95 kr.

    Zwangsstörungen sind verbreiteter als man meinen sollte. Wenn Sie glauben, entsprechende Symptome bei sich beobachtet zu haben oder befürchten, dass jemand, der Ihnen am Herzen liegt, unter Zwangsstörungen leidet, ist dies das richtige Buch für Sie. Es erklärt, was eine Zwangserkrankung ausmacht und welche typischen Symptome und Formen es gibt. Außerdem stellt es verschiedene Behandlungsansätze vor, darunter die Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, Exposition mit Reaktionsmanagement und die medikamentöse Therapie. Vor allem aber zeigt es Betroffenen und Angehörigen, wie sie Unterstützung finden und ihre Situation verbessern können.

  • af Laura L. (Presbyterian Medical Group) Smith
    217,95 kr.

    An essential guide for parents, teachers and caregivers, this book provides an informational guide to cognitive development at every stage of a child's life, as well as how to diagnose, treat and overcome the cognitive barriers that impede learning and development.

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