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Bøger af Leslie S. Greenberg

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  • - Metodens oprindelse, teoretiske fundament og udvikling
    af Leslie S. Greenberg
    303,95 - 313,95 kr.

    Emotionsfokuseret terapi er en introduktion til teorien, historien, forskningen og praksis af den emotionscentrerede humanistiske tilgang til psykoterapi.Emotionsfokuseret terapi er en hel teori om den menneskelige funktionsmåde, baseret på emotionernes adaptive rolle og på ideen om, at vedvarende forandring fordrer emotionel udvikling. Terapien lægger vægt på bevidsthed, accept, forståelse og forandring af emotioner og foreslår, at emotioner har et tilpasningspotentiale, der kan aktiveres og derved hjælpe klienters forandring.Emotionsfokuserede terapeuter hjælper klienter med at opleve deres emotioner i terapiens trygge rammer, så de snarere end at undgå eller kontrollere deres følelser kan lære at anvende dem som rettesnor for, hvad der er vigtigt eller nødvendigt i deres tilværelse.Leslie S. Greenberg gennemgår terapiens proces, de primære forandringsmekanismer, empirien for metodens effektivitet og de nyeste udviklinger af EFT.MålgruppeVed at kombinerer forhistorie, teori og udfoldede casehistorier, kan denne grundbog fungere som oplagt materiale for såvel studerende som praktiserende psykologer.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg & Jeanne C. Watson
    753,95 kr.

    A practical manual for the emotion-focused treatment (EFT) of depression, it covers theory, case formulation, treatment, and research in a way to make this complex form of therapy accessible to all readers. The authors discuss the nature of depression and its treatment, examine the role of emotion, and present a schematic model of depression.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg
    559,95 kr.

    This book discusses shame and anger, their relationship with one another, and how to work with each of them to produce therapeutic change.

  • - A Practitioner's Guide
    af Leslie S. Greenberg
    562,95 kr.

    Methods described in this book can help clients to 'arrive at', or fully experience, their painful maladaptive emotions, and then 'leave' these emotions by accessing new, adaptive emotions. These methods include helping clients sit with painful feelings, access bodily felt experience, and articulate the meaning of an emotion.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg
    407,95 kr.

    Emotion-Focused Therapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this emotion-centered, humanistic approach to psychotherapy.

  • af Amy Wenzel, Leslie S. Greenberg & Nancy McWilliams
    482,95 kr.

    Gives readers in-depth analysis of what occurs in therapy as practiced according to three different orientations: cognitive, emotion-focused, and psychoanalytic. The book grants readers access to the authors' insights about how the three approaches work in practice, offering a rare look into the minds of three therapists as they explore and comment on the therapy demonstration sessions.

  • - Perspectives On Emotion In Marital Therapy
    af Susan M. Johnson & Leslie S. Greenberg
    571,95 - 791,95 kr.

    Examines the role of affective processes in intimate relationships from the perspectives of various psychotherapeutic traditions. Uses case examples to demonstrate how therapists can address emotion in cognitive-behavioral, systemic, humanistic, experiential, and dynamic ego-analytic approaches. Di

  • af Susan M. Johnson & Leslie S. Greenberg
    363,95 - 769,95 kr.

    In emotionally focused couples therapy, intrapsychic and interpersonal perspectives are combined, interactional positions are assumed to be maintained by strong, primary, emotional responses and by the way interactions are structured and organized. This book demonstrates the power of emotional experience in relationships.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg
    562,95 kr.

    Investigates the role of emotion in the development and maintenance of psychological problems, and in effecting psychological change. The authors examine emotion as it is conceptualized and used in three of the most widely practiced approaches today - psychodynamic, cognitive behaviour, and emotion-focused psychotherapy.

  • - A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapy
    af Leslie S. Greenberg & Shari Geller
    907,95 kr.

    The therapeutic relationship is essential to positive outcomes of psychotherapy. Here the authors argue that therapeutic presence is the fundamental underlying quality of the therapeutic relationship and, hence, effective therapy, and also provide a therapeutic presence theory of relationship based on research and clinical wisdom.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg & Sandra C. Paivio
    461,95 kr.

    The Centrality of Emotion in Psychotherapy. Part 1: Theoretical Framework. What Is Emotion? Emotion Assessment. Sources of Emotional Disorder. Part 2: Intervention Framework. The Process of Change The Phases of Emotionally Focused Interventions. Part 3: Differential Work with the Emotions. Anger. Sadness and Distress. Fear and Anxiety. Shame. The Pleasant Emotions. Research, Training, and Supervision.

  • af Leslie S. Greenberg
    484,95 kr.

  • - The Moment-by-Moment Process
    af Leslie S. Greenberg
    461,95 kr.

    This book should be of value to practitioners and students of psychotherapy from a range of orientations including cognitive, dynamic and experiential, and to students and teachers of psychotherapy.

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