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Bøger af Lindsey Agness

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  • - La poderosa forma de mejorar tu vida
    af Lindsey Agness
    142,95 kr.

    Frente a ti hay un futuro más brillante... y empieza justo aquí, justo ahora. No importa cómo haya sido tu vida hasta este momento. No importa lo que haya ocurrido en el pasado, todo lo que importa es hoy. El cambio puede ocurrir en un instante; hacer cambios, incluso los realmente grandes, puede ser mucho menos aterrador de lo que te imaginas, todo lo que necesitas es modificar tu pensamiento, y este libro te explica cómo. Cambia tu vida con PNL utiliza poderosas herramientas y técnicas el campo probado y comprobado de la programación neurolingüística para revelarte cómo llegaste a donde estás y qué puede estar impidiendo que avances. Puedes usar la PNL para: - Determinar lo que quieres en la vida - Encontrar la pareja o la carrera perfecta - Aumentar la confianza en ti mismo - Aumentar tu felicidad - Eliminar la ansiedad - Acabar con los malos hábitos - Perder peso y mantenerte estable - Salir de deudas - Mejorar tus relaciones con todo el mundo Y mucho, mucho más. De hecho, una vez que entiendes lo que pasa en tu mente inconsciente y hayas cambiado tu pensamiento, ¡todas las áreas de tu vida empezarán a beneficiarse!

  • - The Powerful Way to Make Your Whole Life Better
    af Lindsey Agness
    105,95 kr.

    There is a brighter future ahead of you and it starts right here, right now.It doesnt matter how your life has been so far. It doesnt matter whats happened in the past. All that matters is now. Change can happen in an instant and making changes, even really big ones, can be much less scary than you might imagine. All you need is to change your thinking - and this book explains how. Change Your Life with NLP uses powerful tools and techniques from the tried and tested field of neuro linguistic programming to reveal how youve got to where you are and what might be holding you back or stopping good things happening. You can use NLP to:- determine what you want in life- find the perfect partner or career- boost your confidence- increase your happiness- banish anxiety - drop bad habits- lose weight (and keep it off)- get out of debt- improve your relationships with everybody and much, much more. In fact, once you understand whats going on in your unconscious mind, and have shifted your thinking, every area of your life will start to benefit!This new edition includes three brand new chapters on using NLP for influence and persuasion, becoming more self-aware and identifying and understanding your priorities.

  • - Powerful tools to improve your organisation's performance and get results
    af Lindsey Agness
    145,95 kr.

    Transform the way your business works. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques can be applied to all business challenges. As a leader or manager in either the public or private sectors, whatever your industry or size of organisation, you can use NLP to improve your business by changing the mindsets of everyone you work with.

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