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Margaret Atwood

Bøger af Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood er en af Canadas største forfattere, og hendes værker er udgivet i over 45 lande på verdensplan. Atwood er født i Ottawa i 1939 og opvokset i Quebec, Ontario og Toronto, hvor hun har studeret både filosofi og litteratur. Hun har forsket og undervist i litteratur og engelsk på flere universiteter både i Canada og USA. Hendes utrolige viden om og talent inden for litteratur og filosofi afspejler sig også i hendes forfatterskab, som hun har vundet utallige priser for; blandt andet The Franz Kafka International Literary Prize, the PEN Center USA Lifetime Achievement Award og hædersprisen Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Bedst kendt er hendes roman Tjenderindens Fortælling, som også er et af hovedværkerne i Margaret Atwoods forfatterskab. Den moderne klassisker udkom første gang i 1985, og i 2017 adapterede Bruce Miller historien til den storslåede og prisvindende tv-serie “The Handmaid’s Tale”. Efterfølgende har Atwoods bøger opnået en renæssance og er blevet genudgivet på adskillige sprog, hvilket de bestemt også fortjener. Det har også givet forfatteren anledning til at skrive Gileads Døtre, der er den længe ventede forsættelse til Tjenderindens Fortælling.
I alt har Atwood udgivet mere end 50 værker, og hendes forfatterskab spænder bredt fra fiktion, lyrik og graphic novels til kritiske artikler og anmeldelser, der blandt andet er udgivet i anerkendte tidsskrifter som The National Post, The Washington Post, New York Times Book Review og The Harvard Educational Review.
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  • af Margaret Atwood
    119,95 - 208,94 kr.

    Vi befinder os i et diktatursamfund i USA i nær fremtid. Fødselstallet er dalet katastrofalt, og kvinderne i den fødedygtige alder er tvunget til at gøre tjeneste som en slags konkubiner for den mandlige elite. Historien bliver fortalt af en af tjenerinderne. Romanen har solgt millioner af eksemplarer verden over. Opført som opera og filmatiseret.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    138,95 - 208,94 kr.

    "Kære læsere. Alt, hvad I nogen sinde har spurgt mig om Gilead og dets opbygning, er brugt som inspiration til denne bog. Eller næsten alt. Resten er inspireret af den verden, vi lever i." - Margaret Atwood I denne selvstændige fortsættelse til Tjenerindens fortælling svarer den anerkendte forfatter Margaret Atwood på de spørgsmål, som har forundret og pint læsere i årtier. Da bildøren smækkede i på sidste side i Tjenerindens fortælling, anede læserne ikke, hvad det betød for Offreds fremtid - frihed, fængsel eller død. Med Gileads døtre er ventetiden endelig forbi. Her samler Margaret Atwood tråden op, femten år efter at Offred trådte ud i det ukendte, med vidnesbyrd fra tre kvinder inde fra Gilead. Margaret Atwood (f. 1939) er canadisk forfatter, litteraturkritiker og miljøaktivist. Atwood oplever i disse år fornyet opmærksomhed internationalt og nævnes som kandidat til Nobelprisen i litteratur.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    137,95 - 197,95 kr.

    ** THE SUNDAY TIMES NO. 1 BESTSELLER **Discover the dystopian novel behind the award-winning TV series before you read the 2019 Booker Prize-winning sequel The Testaments I believe in the resistance as I believe there can be no light without shadow; or rather, no shadow unless there is also light. Offred is a Handmaid in The Republic of Gilead, a religious totalitarian state in what was formerly known as the United States. She is placed in the household of The Commander, Fred Waterford her assigned name, Offred, means of Fred . She has only one function: to breed. If Offred refuses to enter into sexual servitude to repopulate a devastated world, she will be hanged. Yet even a repressive state cannot eradicate hope and desire. As she recalls her pre-revolution life in flashbacks, Offred must navigate through the terrifying landscape of torture and persecution in the present day, and between two men upon which her future hangs.Masterfully conceived and executed, this haunting vision of the future places Margaret Atwood at the forefront of dystopian fiction.'As relevant today as it was when Atwood wrote it no television event has hit such a nerve Guardian READ THE TESTAMENTS, THE BOOKER PRIZE-WINNING SEQUEL TO THE HANDMAID S TALE, TODAY

    af Margaret Atwood
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    237,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    137,95 - 208,94 kr.

    Af forfatteren til bestselleren TJENERINDENS FORTÆLLING og bogen bag Netflix-serien ALIAS GRACE, som får premiere til november. I 1843 idømmes sekstenårige Grace Marks livsvarigt fængsel for at være medskyldig i mordet på sin arbejdsgiver og dennes husholderske. Grace kan intet huske fra dagen, hvor mordene fandt sted, og mange er af den opfattelse, at hun er ond eller ligefrem sindssyg. Dr. Simon Jordan, specialist i mentale lidelser, opsøger Grace i fængslet, hvor hun fortæller ham sin historie, og han forsøger at hjælpe hende. ALIAS GRACE er baseret på virkelige hændelser og er en gribende historie om usle livsvilkår i Irland og udvandringen til Canada samt en fortælling om den usynlige grænse mellem bevidsthed og ubevidsthed. "Suverænt. Atwoods blanding af fakta og fiktion er enestående." - Jyllands-Posten "Sproglig kraftfuld og psykologisk fængslende." - Berlingske Tidende ?Ganske enkelt en skøn læseoplevelse.? - Politiken

  • af Margaret Atwood
    207,95 - 208,94 kr.

    Tony, Charis og Roz er tre meget forskellige kvinder, der mødes til frokost én gang om måneden. Omdrejningspunktet for deres venskab er mindet om deres nu afdøde rivalinde Zenia, der ikke formåede at føle hverken empati, skyld eller skam, og som manipulerede sig vej ind i deres liv, stjal deres mænd én efter én - og siden forsvandt.Men en dag under frokosten træder den smukke, charmerende - og lyslevende Zenia ind på restauranten, på jagt efter mere.Røverbruden handler om kvinder og om dynamikkerne kvinder imellem. Atwood sætter tingene på spidsen og i perspektiv uden nogen form for politisk korrekthed. Det er både tankevækkende, tidløst og underholdende.?"En genialt tænkt og hudløs ærlig beskrivelse af kvinder, når de er bedst - men nok i højere grad værst." - Alt for Damerne"I Røverbruden spiller Atwood på alle sit talents strenge." - Jyllands-Posten"Humor og ironi drejer fortællingen i retning af det groteske, men uden at sætte den grundige, uddybende persontegning over styr." - Politiken

  • af Margaret Atwood
    208,94 kr.

    ""Ti dage efter krigen sluttede, kørte min søster Laura ud over en bro i en bil."" Sådan begynder Margaret Atwoods rystede roman. Hendes søster Iris Chase Griffin, gift med en velhavende industrimand, er mere optaget af det rette antræk til den journalistdækkede sørgehøjtidlighed end af sin søsters skæbne. Fortællinger udfolder sig i fortællinger i denne roman, som er fyldt med dyb humor og sort drama og har indbragt Atwood Booker-prisen.

  • - The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale
    af Margaret Atwood
    203,95 kr.

  • - Essays and Occasional Pieces 2004-2021
    af Margaret Atwood
    210,95 kr.

    In this funny, erudite, endlessly curious, uncannily prescient collection of essays cultural icon Margaret Atwood asks:- Why do people everywhere, in all cultures, tell stories?- How much of yourself can you give away without evaporating?- How can we live on our planet?- Is it true? And is it fair?- What do zombies have to do with authoritarianism?In over fifty pieces Atwood aims her prodigious intellect and impish humour at our world, and reports back to us on what she finds. The roller-coaster period covered in the collection brought an end to the end of history, a financial crash, the rise of Trump and a pandemic. From debt to tech, the climate crisis to freedom; from when to dispense advice to the young (answer: only when asked) to how to define granola, we have no better questioner of the many and varied mysteries of our human universe.'Brilliant and funny' Joan Didion'She's taken our times and made us wise to them' Ali Smith'All over the reading world, the history books are being opened to the next blank page and Atwood's name is written at the top of it' Anne Enright, Guardian

  • af Margaret Atwood
    95,95 - 215,95 kr.

    The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    142,95 kr.

    From the #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Handmaid's TaleOryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future. Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journeywith the help of the green-eyed Children of Crakethrough the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining.

  • - A Novel
    af Margaret Atwood
    127,95 kr.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    120,95 kr.

    By the author of The Handmaid's Tale and Alias GraceToby, a survivor of the man-made plague that has swept the earth, is telling stories.Stories left over from the old world, and stories that will determine a new one. Listening hard is young Blackbeard, one of the innocent Crakers, the species designed to replace humanity. Their reluctant prophet, Jimmy-the-Snowman, is in a coma, so they've chosen a new hero - Zeb, the street-smart man Toby loves. As clever Pigoons attack their fragile garden and malevolent Painballers scheme, the small band of survivors will need more than stories.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    102,95 kr.

    By the author of THE HANDMAID'S TALE and ALIAS GRACE* Pigs might not fly but they are strangely altered. So, for that matter, are wolves and racoons. A man, once named Jimmy, lives in a tree, wrapped in old bedsheets, now calls himself Snowman. The voice of Oryx, the woman he loved, teasingly haunts him. And the green-eyed Children of Crake are, for some reason, his responsibility. *Praise for Oryx and Crake:'In Jimmy, Atwood has created a great character: a tragic-comic artist of the future, part buffoon, part Orpheus. An adman who's a sad man; a jealous lover who's in perpetual mourning; a fantasist who can only remember the past' -INDEPENDENT'Gripping and remarkably imagined' -LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS

  • - The Play
    af Margaret Atwood
    95,95 kr.

    For Penelope, wife of Odysseus, maintaining a kingdom while her husband was off fighting the Trojan war was not a simple business. Already aggrieved that he had been lured away due to the shocking behaviour of her beautiful cousin Helen, Penelope must bring up her wayward son, face down scandalous rumours and keep over a hundred lustful, greedy and bloodthirsty suitors at bay...And then, when Odysseus finally returns and slaughters the murderous suitors, he brutally hangs Penelope's twelve beloved maids. What were his motives? And what was Penelope really up to? Critically acclaimed when it was first published as part of Canongate's Myth series, and following a very successful adaptation by the RSC, this new edition of The Penelopiad sees Margaret Atwood give Penelope a modern and witty voice to tell her side of the story, and set the record straight for good.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    81,95 - 224,95 kr.

    Felix Phillips er på toppen af sin karriere som kunstnerisk leder af Makeshiweg Theatre Festival. Hans teaterstykker har vakt både begejstring og røre, og nu skal han i gang med sin mest spektakulære opsætning til dato: William Shakespeares Stormen. Men efter et uforudset forræderi må han i stedet se sig forvist til en faldefærdig rønne på landet. Her hjemsøges han af mindet om sin døde datter – og planlægger hævn over dem, der har forrådt ham. Efter tolv år i eksil byder chancen sig. Felix får et job som teaterlærer i et nærliggende fængsel, og endelig kan hans vragede mesterværk blive til virkelighed. Snart er Felix, hans skuespillere og hans publikum viklet ind i en omsiggribende og fængslende opsætning af Shakespeares ultimative skuespil om hævn og overnaturlige kræfter. Men vil hævnen komme, og vil Stormen slippe Felix fri igen? I HEKSEYNGEL, Margaret Atwoods version af William Shakespeares Stormen, er øen blevet et fængsel, men stormen raser stadig. "Sproget fylder, der er humor, kærlighed, drama og menneskelig dybde på højt niveau. Alle figurer er solide og passer som fod i hose til fortællingen. Jeg har grinet, haft en klump halsen, og i det hele taget bare været til stede i dette finurlige univers.(..) Det her, er en af den slags bøger, der bare skal med på efterårets mustread liste." Bognørden, 5 stjerner ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ”At fremragende forfattere også kan skrive videre på [Shakespeares] historier, så de rammer nutidens læser i både hjerte og hjerne, er dette romanprojekt et enestående vidnesbyrd om.” Jyllands-Posten, 5 stjerner ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ”Som læser har man en usædvanlig morsom og tragisk oplevelse i vente.” Litteratursiden ”Margaret Atwood løser opgaven på fornemmeste vis, og Hekseyngel er efter min mening lidt af en genistreg.” Weekendavisen "Med denne roman viser Atwood endnu en gang sit værd og cementerer sin status som en af vor tids største forfattere, så der er ingen undskyldning: Kom i gang med at læse Hekseyngel med det samme."

  • af Margaret Atwood
    177,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Medrivende ny bog af forfatteren til "Tjenerindens fortælling" indeholder femten fortællinger, som alle dykker helt ned i familiedynamik, ægteskab, savn og hukommelse og – ikke mindst – hvad det betyder at leve et helt liv sammen.Centralt i syv af historierne følges Nell og Tig gennem deres årtier lange ægteskab, både de store øjeblikke og de små, som tilsammen danner et helt liv med usædvanlig kærlighed – og det der kommer bagefter.Den canadiske forfatter Margaret Atwood er en af verdens bedst sælgende forfattere, og med HBO-serien ’The Handmaid's Tale’ fra 2017 fik hendes forfatterskab fornyet international opmærksomhed. Hun er en fabelagtig fortæller og hendes store politiske og miljømæssige engagement skinner tydeligt igennem i hendes bøger.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    138,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Margaret Atwoods anden roman fra 1972. En ung, fraskilt kvinde tager sammen med sin elsker og to venner ud i den canadiske ødemark for at lede efter sin far, der er meldt savnet. Hun genoplever dele af sin barndom, og hun konfronteres igen med naturen og de krav den stiller. Krav der er helt forsvundet i vores teknologiske verden, hvor overlevelse er en selvfølge.Hun stikker af fra sine venner og bliver nærmest ét med naturen. Eftersøgningen af hendes far forvandler sig til hendes søgen efter sig selv...Indtil hun vågner af sin trance, sin næsten-galskab, og erkender, at hun må tilbage til civilisationen og bruge den nyvundne bevidsthed om egne kræfter dér.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    138,95 - 247,95 kr.

    I sin nye digtsamling Inderligt, som er Margaret Atwoods første digtsamling i mere end ti år, skriver Atwood om emner som kærlighed, tab, tidens fylde, naturens væsen og - zombier. Hendes nye digte er meget personlige i tonen, men bevæger sig vidt omkring i en stor emnekreds. I digt efter digt kaster hun sin enestående fantasi og sit altid vågne og skarpe blik på det landskab et levet liv udgør.Mange læsere vil være bekendt med Margaret Atwoods romaner - ikke mindst hendes fænomenale bestsellere Tjenerindens fortælling og Gileads døtre - og hun har helt fra starten af sin karriere været en af Canadas mest fremtrædende digtere. Og hun er en af de meget få forfattere, der både mestrer prosa og lyrik. Denne digtsamling er et betagende værk til alle hendes mange læsere. Digtene er oversat af den danske forfatter Caroline Albertine Minor.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    137,95 kr.

    From the #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Handmaid's TaleCat's Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal. Elaine must come to terms with her own identity as a daughter, a lover, an artist, and a womanbut above all she must seek release form her haunting memories. Disturbing, humorous, and compassionateand a finalist for the Booker PrizeCat's Eye is a breathtaking novel of a woman grappling with the tangled knot of her life.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    312,95 kr.

    This beautiful edition of Margaret Atwood's seminal work of speculative fiction features a leatherette cover, gilt edging, and ribbon marker-a perfect gift for book lovers and fans of the Hulu series.The Handmaid's Tale is a novel of such power that the reader will be unable to forget its image and its forecast. Set in the near future, it describes life in what was once the United States and is now called the Republic of Gilead, a monotheocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to, and going beyond, the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans. The Handmaid's Tale is funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing. It is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and a tour de force.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    105,95 kr.

    Winner of the Man Booker PrizeBy the author of The Handmaid's Tale and Alias GraceLaura Chase's older sister Iris, married at eighteen to a politically prominent industrialist but now poor and eighty-two, is living in Port Ticonderoga, a town dominated by their once-prosperous family before the First War. While coping with her unreliable body, Iris reflects on her far from exemplary life, in particular the events surrounding her sister's tragic death. Chief among these was the publication of The Blind Assassin, a novel which earned the dead Laura Chase not only notoriety but also a devoted cult following. Sexually explicit for its time, The Blind Assassin describes a risky affair in the turbulent thirties between a wealthy young woman and a man on the run. During their secret meetings in rented rooms, the lovers concoct a pulp fantasy set on Planet Zycron. As the invented story twists through love and sacrifice and betrayal, so does the real one; while events in both move closer to war and catastrophe. By turns lyrical, outrageous, formidable, compelling and funny, this is a novel filled with deep humour and dark drama.

  • - The Sequel to The Handmaid's Tale
    af Margaret Atwood
    257,95 kr.

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZEThe Testaments is a modern masterpiece, a powerful novel that can be read on its own or as a companion to Margaret Atwood's classic, The Handmaid's Tale.More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid's Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radically different women converge, with potentially explosive results. Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies of these two young women are joined by a third: Aunt Lydia. Her complex past and uncertain future unfold in surprising and pivotal ways. With The Testaments, Margaret Atwood opens up the innermost workings of Gilead, as each woman is forced to come to terms with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    132,95 kr.

    The novel that put the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale on the literary map Margaret Atwood's first novel is both a scathingly funny satire of consumerism and a heady exploration of emotional cannibalism. Marian McAlpin is an "abnormally normal" young woman, according to her friends. A recent university graduate, she crafts consumer surveys for a market research firm, maintains an uneasy truce between her flighty roommate and their prudish landlady, and goes to parties with her solidly dependable boyfriend, Peter. But after Peter proposes marriage, things take a strange turn. Suddenly empathizing with the steak in a restaurant, Marian finds she is unable to eat meat. As the days go by, her feeling of solidarity extends to other categories of food, until there is almost nothing left that she can bring herself to consume. Those around her fail to notice Marian's growing alienation-until it culminates in an act of resistance that is as startling as it is imaginative. Marked by blazingly surreal humor and a colorful cast of eccentric characters, The Edible Woman is a groundbreaking work of fiction.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    114,95 kr.

    From the #1New York Timesbestselling author ofThe Handmaid's TaleSet in the visionary future of Atwood's acclaimed Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood is at once a moving tale of lasting friendship and a landmark work of speculative fiction. In this second book of the MaddAddam trilogy, the long-feared waterless flood has occurred, altering Earth as we know it and obliterating most human life. Among the survivors are Ren, a young trapeze dancer locked inside the high-end sex club Scales and Tails, and Toby, who is barricaded inside a luxurious spa. Amid shadowy, corrupt ruling powers and new, gene-spliced life forms, Ren and Toby will have to decide on their next move, but they can't stay locked away.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    105,95 kr.

    By the author of The Handmaid's Tale and Alias GraceThe sun brightens in the east, reddening the blue-grey haze that marks the distant ocean. The vultures roosting on the hydro poles fan out their wings to dry them. the air smells faintly of burning. The waterless flood - a man-made plague - has ended the world.But two young women have survived: Ren, a young dancer trapped where she worked, in an upmarket sex club (the cleanest dirty girls in town); and Toby, who watches and waits from her rooftop garden. Is anyone else out there?

  • af Margaret Atwood
    120,95 kr.

    It stirs depths that Cat's Eye did not reach, and grants deeper stronger powers to women's friendship in distress' MARINA WARNERAn exceptional novel from the winner of the 2000 Booker Prize

  • af Margaret Atwood
    117,95 kr.

    By the author of The Handmaid's Tale and Alias GraceElaine Risley, a painter, returns to Toronto to find herself overwhelmed by her past. Memories of childhood - unbearable betrayals and cruelties - surface relentlessly, forcing her to confront the spectre of Cordelia, once her best friend and tormentor, who has haunted her for forty years.'Not since Graham Greene has a novelist captured so forcefully the relationship between school bully and victim...Atwood's games are played, exquisitely, by little girls' LISTENERAn exceptional novel from the winner of the 2000 Booker Prize

  • af Margaret Atwood
    183,95 kr.

    One of a series of top-quality fiction for schools, this is the story of Offred, one of the few women in the Republic of Gilead left with functioning ovaries, whose only function it is to breed. If she deviates, she will be hanged as a dissenter. But Offred is determined to find a way out.

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