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Bøger af Maria Papachristos

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  • af Maria Papachristos
    92,95 kr.

  • af Maria Papachristos
    97,95 kr.

    A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts from the primordial Deities passing through the Titans, the Giants, the Cyclops, the Gods of Olympus and the Underworld, to arrive, through the Semidèis, the Muses, the Nymphs and all the other mythological figures, until more known and not legends of ancient Greece.In this third volume we talk about: The Muses: -Clio-Euterpe-Talia-Melpomene-Terpsichore-Erato-Polyimnia-Urania-CalliopeThe Moire or ParcheThe Erinni or FuriesThe CabiriThe GorgonsThe Hours or SeasonsThe Nymphs: -Alseadi-Oreadi-Napee-Auloniadi-Menadi-Dryads-Amadriadi-Meliadi-Epimelids-Dafnaie-Naiads-Nereids-Oceanine-Pleiades-Iadi-Eliadi-HesperidesOther Gods: -Night-Apate-Eris-Geras-Hypnos-Ker-Momo-Moros-Nemesis-Tanato-Achlys-Oneiroi

  • af Maria Papachristos
    119,95 kr.

    A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts from the primordial Deities passing through the Titans, the Giants, the Cyclops, the Gods of Olympus and the gods of the Underworld, to arrive, through the Semidèis, the Muses, the Nymphs and all the other mythological figures, up to the most known, and not, legends of ancient Greece.In this first volume we talk about: Greek mythologyThe myth of creationThe primordial deitiesThe TitansThe EcatonchirsThe CyclopsThe GiantsThe Gods of Olympus: -Aphrodite - Venus-Apollo-Ares - Mars-Artemide - Diana-Athena - Minerva-Demeter - Ceres-Hephaestus - Vulcan-Era - Juno-Hermes - Mercury-Estia - Vesta-Dionysus - Bacchus-Poseidon - Neptune-Zeus - JupiterThe Gods of the Underworld

  • af Maria Papachristos
    92,95 kr.

  • af Maria Papachristos
    92,95 kr.

    Nuova edizione aggiornata.Un'opera completa, unica nel suo genere, in cui i miti e le leggende dell'antica Grecia vengono esaminati e illustrati con precisione e accuratezza. Un'accurata analisi che parte dalle Divinità primordiali passando per i Titani, i Giganti, i Ciclopi, gli Dèi dell'Olimpo e degli Inferi, per arrivare, attraverso i Semidèi, le Muse, le Ninfe e tutte le altre figure mitologiche, fino alle più conosciute e non leggende dell'antica Grecia.In questo sesto volume parliamo dei figli dei Titani: AdeAnchialeAsteriaAstreoAtlanteCalipsoPleiadiIadiEsperidiDemetraEosEpimeteoEraEstiaHeliosLeto o LatonaMenezioOceaninePallantePersePoseidonePrometeoSeleneZeus

  • af Maria Papachristos
    92,95 kr.

  • af Maria Papachristos
    92,95 kr.

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