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Bøger af Marius Potgieter

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  • af Marius Potgieter
    227,95 kr.

    Der sker, som bekendt, en del i puberteten – også når man har ADHD. Dette er bogen til dig, der vil tage kontrol over dit liv og skabe struktur i din hverdag, så ADHD’en ikke har hovedrollen.Nogle vokser fra ADHD-diagnosen med alderen, men mange har den stadig med sig ind i voksenlivet. Oveni skal man så i teenageårene – som alle andre – håndtere de store spørgsmål om identitet og den hormonelle forvandling, krop og psyke gennemgår. Bogen hjælper på en overskuelig måde med at organisere skole, familie og arbejde og med at tage hånd om pligter og projekter. Og forfatterens fokus er hele tiden på, at man ikke er alene, og at rigtig meget sagtens kan lade sig gøre på trods af ADHD’en. Han kommer bl.a. med gode råd om, hvordan man bedst kan opnå det, man gerne vil, og hvordan man bedst kan lytte til andre. Han giver også gode ideer til, hvordan man kan planlægge frem i tiden, og hvordan man kan bevare fokus på en opgave nu og her.I bogen finder du tjeklister, faktabokse og mange brugbare råd om, hvordan du kan organisere din hverdag.Marius Potgieter er børnelæge og har arbejdet med børn og unge med ADHD og ADD i mere end 30 år. Desuden har han selv ADHD.Bogen er oversat fra engelsk og bearbejdet til danske forhold af Anne Skov Jensen.

  • af Marius Potgieter
    92,95 kr.

  • af Marius Potgieter
    82,95 kr.

    In this book the author describes how to have peace with God and a fulfilling life. It will strengthen the faith of the believer, and help him or her to show others the Way. It contains 100 bible verses as reference. The index is unique as it not only indicates where the verses can be found in the book and in the bible, but also show the first words of the verses to help with memorizing them. The title "Just a Book" makes it easier to give it to anyone who may have an objection to receive or read a book with a Christian-sounding title.

  • af Marius Potgieter
    102,95 kr.

  • af Marius Potgieter
    105,95 kr.

    As a paediatrician, the author assisted with many difficult births, supported the development of the babies and treated them when they became sick, or were harmed by the negligence and inconsiderate actions of adults. In THE WONDER OF THE NEW BIRTH he describes the similarities between natural and Spiritual birth and development. Just as a child may fail to thrive if not properly fed, or be harmed by unwholesome substances from which he should have been protected, Spiritual malnutrition and poisoning are ever-present dangers to those starved of the Word of God or exposed to unGodly spiritual experiences. The Word is living and the strongest medicine able to cure every infirmity Heb 4:12 The world of the Spirit may be invisible to the natural senses, but it is no less real.

  • - A Guide for Teens and Adults
    af Marius Potgieter
    187,95 kr.

    ADHD has three outcomes. About a third of children, (children because it is a condition that starts in childhood) outgrows it largely, especially the hyperactive part (though hyperactive children my turn into restless adults) Another third learns to adjust and cope with the condition, and a third needs ongoing treatment. This book is primarily for the middle group, who will be motivated and learn how to adjust and overcome. It starts with teenagers (Part one), the transition period, (part two), and adults (part three)

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