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Bøger af Mats Alvesson

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  • - interview, observationer og dokumenter
    af Peter Dahler-Larsen, Dorthe Staunæs, Nanna Mik-Meyer, mfl.
    357,95 kr.

    Brugen af kvalitative metoder inden for sociologien og beslægtede fag har i løbet af de sidste ti år gennemgået en markant udvikling. Strømninger som konstruktivisme og interaktionisme, der fremstiller sandhed og mening som sociale konstruktioner, stiller forskeren over for nye udfordringer. Nye spørgsmål trænger sig på:· Hvordan påvirker intervieweren de svar, han eller hun får?· Hvilke muligheder og begrænsninger giver det interaktionistiske perspektiv på observationsstudier?· Hvilke konsekvenser får det, at et dokument ikke anskues som noget []i sig selv[], men først får betydning, når det indgår i en social situation?[]Kvalitative metoder i et interaktionistisk perspektiv[] undersøger, hvad det betyder, når forskeren selv bliver en medspiller i meningsproduktionen, og den virkelighed, der skal beskrives, ikke længere er et stabilt fænomen.Antologien retter sig mod studerende og undervisere på universiteter og andre højere læreanstalter. Margaretha Järvinen er professor ved Sociologisk Institut på Københavns Universitet og Socialforskningsinstituttet. Nanna Mik-Meyer er adjunkt ved Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi på Copenhagen Business School.

  • - The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work
    af Mats Alvesson
    127,95 kr.

    Why are smart people encouraged to act dumb at work - and beyond? Welcome to the idea of functional stupidity: how to recognise it, why it's attractive and how to guard against it.

  • - New Vistas for Qualitative Research
    af Mats Alvesson & Kaj Skoldberg
    672,95 - 2.026,95 kr.

    Building on the acclaimed and successful previous editions, the Third Edition provides further critical updates and illustrations of the applications of reflexive methodology in formulating research strategies.

  • af Hanne Foss Hansen, Kurt Klaudi Klausen, Lotte Bøgh Andersen, mfl.
    367,95 kr.

    God ledelse er relevant for ledere, der ønsker at udvikle, undersøge og understøtte ledelse. Som leder må man forholde sig til, hvad der er god ledelse i den kontekst, hvor man er leder. Alle organisationer og virksomheder, både i den private og offentlige sektor, efterspørger god ledelse.God ledelse er den første danske antologi om god ledelse. Her giver anerkendte professorer og lektorer deres bud, på hvad god ledelse kan være. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i teoretiske og filosofiske perspektiver på ledelse. Et særskilt tema er ledelse i den offentlige sektor.God ledelse henvender sig til alle, der beskæftiger sig med ledelse i praksis såvel som i forsknings- og uddannelsesverdenen.

  • - Cultural Change Work in Progress
    af Mats Alvesson & Stefan Sveningsson
    547,95 - 2.137,95 kr.

  • - Organising in an imperfect world
    af Mats Alvesson, Stefan Sveningsson & Martin Blom
    473,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

    Making a case for a reflexive approach to leadership that is informed by in-depth studies of managers. The book aims to facilitate reflexivity in terms of challenging one's position - understanding of leadership - and considering alternatives.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    612,95 - 1.796,95 kr.

    The new edition of this groundbreaking text in Organizational Studies has been revised and updated to keep apace with developments within Organizational Culture.

  • - Doing Interesting Research
    af Mats Alvesson & Jorgen Sandberg
    400,95 - 1.575,95 kr.

    The authors develop a methodology for identifying and challenging assumptions underlying existing theories and generating research questions, using examples from across the social sciences.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    421,95 - 1.327,95 kr.

  • - Conventional and Alternative Metaphors
    af Mats Alvesson & Jorgen Sandberg
    455,95 - 1.325,95 kr.

    This book offers a unique solution to the shortage of more imaginative and engaging research by re-imagining the core elements of the research process.

  • af Mats Alvesson & Stanley Deetz
    568,95 - 1.748,95 kr.

    Based on the seminal text from the beginning of the Twenty-first Century, Doing Critical Management Research (SAGE, 2000), Alvesson and Deetz have broadened their focus to provide an authoritative and insightful framework for navigating critical theories and methods across all of the social sciences.

  • - Rationality, Ideology and Quality of Work
    af Mats Alvesson
    1.577,95 kr.

  • - Consumption, Higher Education, and Work Organization
    af Mats Alvesson
    485,95 kr.

    The book views the contemporary economy as an economy of persuasion, where firms and institutions assign resources to rhetoric, image, and reputation rather than production of goods and services. It examines critically phenomena such as the knowledge society, consumption, higher education, organizational change, professionalization, and leadership.

  • - Mystery as Method
    af Dan Kärreman & Mats Alvesson
    536,95 - 1.712,95 kr.

    Encouraging readers to take a critical approach to empirical data, the authors provide an account that helps social science researchers to develop new and interesting theories.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    503,95 kr.

    Using eight original metaphors, this text presents a critique of interviewing methods and practices and encourages researchers to think about the issues surrounding their interview method.

  • - A Critical Introduction
    af Mats Alvesson & Hugh Willmott
    559,95 - 1.569,95 kr.

    The landmark contribution to critical management studies has been fully revised and updated to reflect developments in the field of management.

  • af Yvonne Due Billing & Mats Alvesson
    657,95 - 2.028,95 kr.

    Updated version of the influential text that shows us 'organizational relations in all their gendered richness and diversity' from the leading lights on the topic.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    850,95 - 2.287,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical understanding of some basic aspects of knowledge-intensive work and organizations. The author adopts a social constructivist approach and explores the management and analytical challenges of knowledge-intensive firms. It will be key reading for academics, researchers, and advanced students in organization studies, knowledge management, and innovation.

  • af Yvonne Due Billing & Mats Alvesson
    1.577,95 kr.

  • - Leadership and Identity in an Imperfect World
    af Mats Alvesson & Stefan Sveningsson
    375,95 - 963,95 kr.

    Organizations are often complex and unwieldy, and many managers have difficulty in combining ideals and positive identities with the complexities and imperfections of life. They are expected to be strategic and competent, while at the same time human and empathetic. This engaging book takes a fresh look at managerial work as experienced and understood by managers. It examines the central tenets of managerial life, such as the work expectations that managers have, the significance they assign to different activities, and the difficulties that they face. It also takes a wider view of working life by looking at subordination in the managerial context. The theoretical material is supported by in-depth interviews with thirteen managers from different organizations. This book will appeal to those with an interest in management, and in leadership and identity questions in modern working life.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    1.997,95 kr.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    1.212,95 kr.

  • - An Overview
    af Mats Alvesson & Per O. Berg
    1.577,95 kr.

  • af Mats Alvesson
    566,95 kr.

    Offers an overview of postmodern themes, evaluates the possibilities and dangers of postmodernist thinking and develops ideas on how a selective, sceptical incorporation of postmodernism can make social research more conscious about problems and pitfalls, and more creative in working with empirical material.

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