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  • af Melissa Smith
    111,95 kr.

    Twelve days of sweet Christmas ideas to make it the best one yet, but will her one true Christmas wish finally come true?Christmas is quickly approaching, and with it comes the gift-giving season meant to share love with those who matter most in your life. It's a time of joy and gratitude and love. Then why does Alexa feel as if there's a gaping hole in her life? Why does this Christmas feel completely hollow? She's secretly wished for the same thing every year since marrying her husband, but she's yet to receive it. Will this be the year, or will it continue to elude her for as long as she lives?Jonah, seeing the internal struggle of his wife, wants nothing more than to cheer her up and give her a happy Christmas. He knows why she's sad, but there isn't much he can do that he hasn't already done besides be there for her in every way. So he devises some fun ideas, innocent and not so much, to entice that smile to light up her face. Despite the pain of the predicament he put them in, can he salvage this Christmas and make it the most memorable yet?*This is a little slice of life novella for a couple that you've loved but never got to see firsthand like this. This short story contains content meant for mature audiences but is otherwise a happy story with a happy ending. If you haven't read this couple before, you'll find them in books 1 & 2 of the series.*

  • af Melissa Smith
    112,95 kr.

    Lives hang in the balance. Death is heavy in the air. Who will be spared? Tavionna's people are hanging on by a thread, her efforts to save them have all failed, and now she's leaning on a last resort. Relocation and revenge all in one. Despite her whole-hearted decision, doubt clouds her mind.Kari's discovered Tavionna's secret, the one that will stop her terrorizing once and for all, but can she get through to the vengeful priestess out for blood? Will she save both of their peoples before it's too late?With Kari distracted and searching for a solution to a more urgent issue, her biggest enemy yet is still in motion, following her every move, searching for weaknesses to exploit. She doesn't have much time to stop this enemy and save the planet she now calls home, but where to begin?*This is book 4 in a series that must be read in order. It is intended for adult audiences due to mentions and/or scenes involving blood, autopsy, medical experiments & procedures, threats, and other stimulating content. Read at your own risk.*

  • af Melissa Smith
    217,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué significan realmente tu signo solar, tu ascendente o tu luna? ¿Quieres descubrir cómo los signos, planetas y casas en tu carta natal pueden revelar aspectos profundos de tu personalidad y destino? Si es así, "Astrología para Principiantes: Descubre los Misterios de los Signos, Planetas y Casas en tu Carta Natal y Conecta con tu Propósito Cósmico" es el libro que has estado buscando. Este libro es tu guía completa para comenzar a comprender la astrología y cómo puede ayudarte a comprender mejor a ti mismo y a los demás. Aprenderás: ¿ Los fundamentos de la astrología, incluyendo los doce signos del zodiaco, los planetas y las casas.¿ Cómo interpretar tu propia carta natal y comprender su significado.¿ Los aspectos planetarios y cómo influyen en tu personalidad y destino.¿ La importancia de tu signo solar, tu ascendente y tu luna en tu carta natal.¿ Cómo descifrar las interacciones y relaciones entre diferentes signos del zodiaco para una mejor comprensión de las dinámicas interpersonales. Independientemente de tu nivel de conocimiento actual, este libro te proporcionará una base sólida en astrología y te ofrecerá una nueva forma de ver el mundo y a ti mismo.

  • af Melissa Smith
    197,95 kr.

    Are you curious about unlocking a new path of self-exploration that integrates the wisdom of age-old tarot with innovative shadow work techniques? Have you ever wondered if there's an untapped potential within you, waiting to be discovered, that could lead to a deeper understanding of your inner self? If you found yourself nodding affirmatively this book is a journey you might just be ready to take. This unique guide melds the enigmatic symbology of the Tarot's Major Arcana with the profound exploration of shadow work, inspiring you to undertake a journey of self-discovery that is deeply transformative. The approach, while anchored in timeless wisdom, brings a novel perspective to the field of self-awareness and personal evolution.Through the pages of this guide, you will: Gain a deep understanding of shadow work and its pivotal role in your transformative journey towards self-improvement Unveil the symbolism and profound significance of each Major Arcana card, connecting their mystic representations with various facets of your shadow self. Master the art of using tarot as a potent tool for introspection, unveiling hidden aspects of your personality and revealing patterns operating beneath your conscious awareness. Engage in a variety of inventive, practical exercises that meld tarot interpretation with shadow work, forming a robust catalyst for self-evolution. Decipher the intricacies of your ego and its connection with the Tarot, leading to a more profound understanding of your conscious and unconscious self. Discover the intricate correlation between your shadow and the Tarot, fostering a unique dialogue that promotes self-acceptance and harmony. Learn to recognize, comprehend, and harmonize your shadow aspects, guiding you towards a more balanced, complete, and integrated sense of self.... and much more! "Tarot Shadow Work" isn't just another book about tarot cards-it's a guide designed to facilitate an intimate conversation with your inner self, a dialogue that can lead to profound personal transformation. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned tarot reader, there are fresh perspectives and hidden truths waiting to be discovered. Are you ready to confront the shadows within you and illuminate them with the light of consciousness? Your exploration begins here.

  • af Melissa Smith
    167,95 kr.

    Terrified. Anxious. Guilt-ridden. Heartbroken.Shannon and Maya feel the same despite being torn apart by light-years.Taken together from Earth by The Reapers years ago, they were sold together as slaves. Unfortunate events saw Shannon returned as Maya became a personal slave to a very evil, rich man.Freed by Charlie and Ethan, Shannon now has the strength and help she needs to rescue Maya and start their life over together.Will Shannon be able to rescue Maya alive and bring her home, or will she be too late? *This book is the 4th in a series that must be read in order. It has mentions of rape and abuse as well as a hostage standoff with weapons, and murder. There are heavy topics of trauma recovery and deep emotional pain in this book as well. Read at your own risk.*

  • - Children Activity Dinosaur Coloring Books for Kids 3-8 Boys Girls & Toddlers
    af Melissa Smith
    87,95 kr.

    Perfect Dinosaur Coloring Books for Kids 3-8 Boys Girls & Toddlers This is adorable filled with variety of dinosaur to color. Good Children Activity Relaxation Coloring Paint Book for Kids Great Dinosaur Books for Kids 3-8 Paint Book for Kids - 45 uniques design which children will love. - Good for kids ages 3 4 5 6 7 8. - Each page has dinosaur information for improving kids knowledge. - Each Page is 8.5 x 11 inches, Single Sided. - Makes a great dinosaur gift. It

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Psychic Tarot and Card Meanings
    af Melissa Smith
    182,95 kr.

    Do you want to discover a an easy and effective way to integrate Tarot reading in your everyday life? Tarot is a tool used for accessing a deep part of the human mind, Tarot cards are used to help people see things in themselves that they may not be aware of and help people change their lives for the better. I know how frustating can be looking for a practical guide that introduce you in this magic world just to end up overwhelmed by a bunch of useless informations. Good news is you are in the right place: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO PSYCHIC TAROT AND CARD MEANINGS is dedicated to providing the easiest way to get started with tarot and develop your psychic abilities with intuitive tarot reading. By the end of the book you will discover: - What are tarot cards and how they work - Card Meanings and Interpretation; Upright and Reversed - Card Layouts and Spreads: Three Cards Layout, The True Love Spread, The Success Spread. - How to improve your reading skills by asking the right question - How to use tarot cards to guide daily decision-making Memories, fears, and beliefs are just a few examples of your subconscious, and it can direct your path without you even realizing it. The Tarot helps you discover your unconscious mind and hidden emotions so that you are able to better navigate through life with the knowledge the universe bestows on you. This also leads to having the ability of being in control of your own path. Once you have discovered your hidden emotions and wandered through the halls of your subconscious, there will be very little you can't control or change. Tarot reading may seem very complicated, that's why I wrote this book: to help you see more clearly and take the first step in this beatiful journey. You don't need a particular set of skill, you just need to be passionate and follow your natural inclinations. Would you like to know more?Scroll up, select the buy now button and start this amazing journey!

  • af Melissa Smith
    172,95 kr.

    Have you ever felt like there's something more to you? Do you have a knack for knowing what people are thinking? Are you always able to sense when something bad is about to happen? Are mediums real and not just myths or legends? What is the process for becoming a psychic? And how does it actually work? Psychic abilities can be a mysterious and feeling-filled realm for many people. But, if you're reading this, you probably already know that there's something about you that makes you feel more connected to your intuition than the average person. This is because having psychic abilities is natural and something most people possess to some extent. However, before you can develop your psychic abilities to the fullest, it's important to know where they come from and how to cultivate them.When people think of someone who is psychic, they often imagine a person who can see into the future, while this is definitely one type of psychic ability, it's not the only one. In fact, there are many different types of psychic abilities, and not all of them involve seeing into the future. Here is just a tiny fraction of what you will discover: - How to develop your Psychic Abilities- Clairvoyance; Clairsentience; Claircognizance- Precognition; Retrocognition; Remote Viewing- Tasseography- How to Develop Telepathy- Aura Reading- Astral Projection- How to Contact the Spirit World- How to protect yourself from psychic attacks with powerful protection spells...and much more! Developing your psychic abilities can be a daunting task, but it can also be inspiring, fun, and rewarding. Give yourself a realistic and positive outlook, and you'll be on your way to developing your abilities. When you learn how to use them, you begin to develop more insights about yourself and others. You start understanding the hidden meanings behind things, the reasons for why things happen, and the connections between people.The development of a psychic ability requires practice, discipline, and patience. And while there are no clear-cut steps that you should follow, there are some general guidelines you can use to develop your power.

  • af Melissa Smith
    217,95 kr.

    Vi sentite persi, bloccati o alla ricerca di un significato più profondo nella vostra vita?Cercate di scoprire lo scopo della vostra anima, di guarire dai traumi del passato o di creare connessioni più autentiche con gli altri?Se avete risposto "sì" a una di queste domande, questo libro fa per voi.Mentre il sole tramonta su una tela infuocata di rossi e arancioni, proiettando lunghe ombre sul terreno, una leggera brezza accarezza le foglie, sussurrando i segreti della vita. Questo è il momento in cui i nostri cuori e le nostre anime si intrecciano con l'arazzo dell'universo, il grande disegno tessuto dai fili dell'amore, del dolore, della gioia e della tristezza. È in questi momenti che intravediamo la profonda verità delle nostre relazioni, dipinta dalle tinte eteree dei contratti d'anima e delle connessioni karmiche, riflesse nello specchio sacro dei Registri Akashici.All'interno di questa guida illuminante, esplorerete:- Le antiche origini e la storia dei Registri Akashici, che rivelano la saggezza senza tempo delle civiltà del passato.- L'energia sottile dell'Akasha e la sua connessione con le filosofie orientali, la fisica quantistica e la coscienza umana.- Tecniche collaudate per accedere ai Registri Akashici, tra cui la meditazione, la visualizzazione, il sogno lucido e la proiezione astrale.- Strategie pratiche per interpretare e applicare le intuizioni raccolte nei Registri per migliorare la vostra crescita personale e spirituale.Vi sentite ancora dubbiosi? Non preoccupatevi: comprendo che il concetto di Registri Akashici possa sembrare astratto o addirittura mistico. Per questo motivo mi sono assicurata di affrontare i cliché e le paure più comuni intorno ai registri, fornendovi gli strumenti necessari per superare lo scetticismo e ottenere chiarezza nel vostro viaggio.Addentrandovi nel mondo dei Registri Akashici, imparerete a..:- Guarire i traumi del passato, liberare gli schemi karmici e liberarsi dai cicli generazionali.- Scoprire la missione della vostra anima, allinearvi con il vostro potenziale più elevato e fare scelte di potere nella vostra vita.- Comprendere i contratti dell'anima, le connessioni karmiche e navigare nella complessità delle relazioni con maggiore empatia e autenticità.... e molto altro ancora!Questa guida è stata meticolosamente realizzata per fornirvi una tabella di marcia completa, passo dopo passo, per accedere, interpretare e utilizzare la Biblioteca Universale di Saggezza per la vostra crescita personale e lo sviluppo spirituale, nonché per entrare in contatto con amori delle vostre vite passate.Siete pronti a intraprendere un viaggio che vi cambierà la vita?Non aspettate oltre: prendete in mano il vostro destino e sfruttate il potenziale illimitato che è in voi.

  • af Melissa Smith
    197,95 kr.

    Hai mai avvertito una connessione così profonda e intensa con qualcuno che sembra quasi divina? Ti sei mai chiesta/o se esista una connessione dell'anima che supera le relazioni comuni? Se la risposta è sì, allora sei pronto per scoprire il mistero delle Fiamme Gemelle e il loro potere trasformativo. Immergiti in questo libro affascinante e scopri: - Il misterioso e affascinante mondo delle Fiamme Gemelle e come può trasformare la tua comprensione dell'amore e delle connessioni spirituali.- La differenza tra Anime Gemelle e Fiamme Gemelle, per capire pienamente la profondità delle tue relazioni.- L'importanza e il ruolo delle Fiamme Gemelle nella coscienza globale, per capire come puoi contribuire all'ascesa della coscienza collettiva.- Tecniche e consigli pratici per riconoscere la tua Fiamma Gemella, gestire l'intensità emotiva e mantenere l'armonia nel tuo viaggio spirituale.- Approfondimenti sulle leggi dell'universo come la Legge di Attrazione e come usarla per attirare e manifestare la tua Fiamma Gemella.- Scopri il potere dell'amore per se stessi nel contesto del viaggio della Fiamma Gemella e apprendi tecniche per coltivare questo amore fondamentale.- Connettiti con le nozioni di risveglio spirituale, ascensione e le lezioni preziose derivanti dalla connessione spirituale.- Esplora il rapporto tra le Fiamme Gemelle e il concetto di vite passate, la reincarnazione e la guarigione dei traumi delle vite passate.- Come riconoscere una FALSA FIAMMA GEMELLA. E molto altro! Non importa dove tu sia nel tuo percorso, questo libro ti guiderà attraverso i vari aspetti del viaggio della Fiamma Gemella, dal primo incontro alla riunione, offrendoti tecniche efficaci e testate per imparare ad amarti e trovare l'amante della tua vita.Avvia il tuo viaggio di scoperta e trasformazione con la tua Fiamma Gemella. Cosa aspetti? Acquista la guida oggi e cambia la tua vita per sempre.

  • af Melissa Smith
    192,95 kr.

    ¿Te sientes perdido, atascado o en busca de un sentido más profundo en tu vida? ¿Buscas descubrir el propósito de tu alma, sanar traumas pasados o forjar conexiones más auténticas con los demás? Si respondiste "sí" a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces este libro es para ti. Dentro de esta guía reveladora, explorarás: ¿ Los orígenes antiguos e historia de los Registros Akáshicos, revelando la sabiduría atemporal de las civilizaciones pasadas.¿ La sutil energía del Akasha y su conexión con las filosofías orientales, la física cuántica y la conciencia humana.¿ Técnicas probadas para acceder a los Registros Akáshicos, incluyendo la meditación, visualización, sueños lúcidos y proyección astral.¿ Estrategias prácticas para interpretar y aplicar las perspectivas obtenidas de los Registros para mejorar tu crecimiento personal y espiritual. ¿Aún te sientes dudoso? No te preocupes; entendemos que el concepto de los Registros Akáshicos puede parecer abstracto o incluso místico. Por eso nos aseguramos de abordar conceptos erróneos comunes y temores, proporcionándote las herramientas que necesitas para superar el escepticismo y obtener claridad en tu camino. Mientras te sumerges en el mundo de los Registros Akáshicos, aprenderás cómo: ¿ Sanar traumas pasados, liberar patrones kármicos y romper con los ciclos generacionales.¿ Descubrir la misión de tu alma, alinearte con tu potencial más elevado y tomar decisiones empoderadas en tu vida.¿ Entender los contratos del alma, las conexiones kármicas y navegar la complejidad de las relaciones con mayor empatía y autenticidad....¡y mucho más! No dejes que la duda te impida descubrir la sabiduría profunda y el poder transformador de los Registros Akáshicos. Esta guía ha sido meticulosamente elaborada para proporcionarte un camino exhaustivo y paso a paso para acceder, interpretar y utilizar la Biblioteca Universal de la Sabiduría para tu crecimiento personal y desarrollo espiritual. Entonces, ¿estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje que cambiará tu vida y desvelar los secretos de los Registros Akáshicos? No esperes más, toma las riendas de tu destino y aprovecha el potencial ilimitado dentro de ti. Haz tu pedido del libro "Registros Akáshicos: Desvelando la Biblioteca Universal de la Sabiduría" hoy mismo y comienza a manifestar la vida que siempre quisiste vivir.

  • af Melissa Smith
    197,95 kr.

    Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure of love, growth, and spiritual transformation? Prepare to be captivated by the compelling world of Twin Flames and discover the profound depths of a connection that transcends all boundaries. In this book, you will be guided through the captivating stages, exhilarating challenges, and incredible growth that awaits you on this soulful path. Get ready to explore: The hidden truths behind Twin Flames and their profound significance in your lifeUnveiling the myths and misconceptions surrounding Twin Flames and gaining a deeper understanding of their unique natureDelving into the fascinating historical and cultural references that shed light on the timeless essence of Twin FlamesUnlocking the scientific perspectives that reveal the intricate dynamics of Twin Flame connections, from psychology to the fascinating realm of quantum entanglementDiscovering the biochemical connections that ignite the fires of passion and spiritual alignment within Twin Flame relationshipsRecognizing the unmistakable signs that signify the presence of your Twin Flame, from the shared energy that binds you together to the awe-inspiring synchronicities that manifest in your livesNavigating the diverse stages of the Twin Flame journey, from the exhilarating initial meeting to the transformative reunion and unificationOvercoming the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way, including the intense emotional intensity, the runner and chaser dynamic, and the longing experienced during periods of separationEmbracing the power of self-love as a catalyst for growth and healing within the Twin Flame connection, with practical techniques to cultivate self-love and nurture your own divine essenceHarnessing the transformative potential of spiritual growth and ascension on the Twin Flame journey, uncovering the profound lessons learned from the spiritual connectionExploring the intriguing realm of past lives and their impact on Twin Flame relationships, with guidance on discovering past life connections and healing deep-seated traumasMastering the delicate art of balancing the Twin Flame connection, harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within, and embracing the transformative power of meditation and mindfulnessUnlocking the secrets of manifestation and the law of attraction in the context of Twin Flames, with practical visualization techniques and mindset shifts to manifest a harmonious reunionNurturing and deepening your connection in a Twin Flame relationship, with guidance on healthy communication, overcoming challenges together, and maintaining lasting harmonyEmbracing the profound impact of Twin Flames on the global consciousness, understanding their role in ascending collective awareness and contributing to the healing of our worldEmbracing the call to dispel common misconceptions and dive into the depth and beauty of Twin Flame connections, guided by a grounded and comprehensive perspective Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey that will challenge, inspire, and transform you. This book is your invitation to unlock the infinite potential of love, growth, and spiritual connection within the realm of Twin Flames.

  • af Melissa Smith
    217,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez has sentido un llamado hacia lo misterioso, una atracción hacia lo desconocido? ¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y despertar mágico? Si es así, "Wicca Para Principiantes: Hechizos Wiccanos, Magia con Hierbas y Brujería: El Camino Hacia el Misterio y el Dominio de lo Desconocido" es el libro que estabas esperando. Descubre un camino lleno de magia y misterio, una guía diseñada para ayudarte a entender y manejar el poder de la magia wiccana, la magia con hierbas y la brujería. En este libro, aprenderás: ¿ Los fundamentos de los hechizos wiccanos y cómo crear tus propios hechizos efectivos.¿ Las propiedades y usos de varias hierbas para realizar magia herbal.¿ El fascinante mundo de la brujería, su historia y su relevancia en el mundo moderno.¿ Técnicas y rituales para canalizar tu energía interior y conectarte con el universo.¿ El camino para entender y dominar lo desconocido, dándote el control y el poder para transformar tu realidad. No importa si eres nuevo en el mundo de la Wicca o si ya tienes experiencia pero deseas profundizar tus conocimientos y habilidades. Este libro está diseñado para ser una herramienta invaluable en tu viaje mágico.

  • af Melissa Smith
    122,95 kr.

    " God isn't far away. It's only a thought or two to reach Him, but it can seem like years and years of trouble keep Him at bay, and even if you've grown up every Sunday of your life going to Church learning the stories of the bible, or even reading it, it can seem like He's a stormy cloud on the horizon, all thunder and dusty sky-fluff. By the time I reached college and was planning to get married, that's where I was at. A lot of stuff had gone under the bridge like so much water - events that I couldn't control, situations where I was completely on my own, even surrounded by supportive family and their friends. I had a huge amount of things I'd prayed to God about and for, but never felt like I received an answer. "This is a short autobiography about a young woman who answered an invitation to marry a fellow across the ocean, to be in a foreign country with a tall bloke by the name of Peter. At the time there were only two options - stay in the states, or follow the dreams of a new life. The invitation came unexpectedly, like a thunderbolt out of a clear blue sky. Who knew God answers prayer so directly? Or that he speaks in dreams and visions and prophecy? It's usually something that happens where you least are ready to see it coming. It's like the GodFather has a sense of humor, and is just waiting for your soul to crack so a snippet of light can shine though. The names and places of the people involved in this story have been changed to protect those involved.

  • af Melissa Smith
    177,95 kr.

    Have you ever imagined stepping into a world where ancient myths and legendary creatures are brought to life through captivating illustrations? 'Japanese Mythology' invites you on a visual and narrative journey into the mystical heart of Japan's most beloved tales and folklore. This beautifully illustrated book features: Stunning artwork that vividly portrays the essence of each myth, enhancing the storytelling experience.In-depth explorations of the Shinto origins, including the creation myth that narrates the birth of the Japanese islands.The radiant story of Amaterasu, the sun goddess, and the enigmatic tales of Tsukuyomi, the moon god.The dramatic saga of Susanoo, showcasing his stormy rivalries and the powerful forces of nature.Captivating accounts of the Tengu and the endearing tale of Momotaro, the peach boy.and much more!

  • - Word Search Books for Kids Ages 4-8
    af Melissa Smith
    107,95 kr.

    Fun Puzzles Word Search Books for Kids Ages 4-8 So plenty of entertainment for your child. 60+ hidden words puzzles which excellent, educational vocabulary word lists suitable for ages 4 5 6 7 8 year old. Great Way to Build Vocabulary, Increase Letter Recognition and Kids Logic Puzzles in a Super Fun Way! You'll find tons of hidden words in this everything kids puzzle book. Puzzle books for Kids Ages 4-8 - This Word find puzzle books for kids - brain games word search book word problems grade 1 2 and kindergarten for children contains 60+ pages of easy, large print word search puzzles which designed for kids ages 4-8. - Lots of words for your kid to find with a variety of themes such as .. school, animal, house, science, clock, occupation, weather, sport, emotion and feeling, country, family, body etc. - 60+ easy puzzles in large print format (8.5"x11") which are good for kids & seniors or anyone who are looking for simple (but fun!!) word seek puzzles. It's a perfect first word search book! This brain games for clever kids puzzles to exercise your mind help improve their vocabulary. Become a word sleuth! Enjoy your game! We also have crossword puzzles for kids ages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 books and word ladders. Check other books in author section.

  • - Black and White Edition
    af Melissa Smith
    97,95 kr.

    'Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest at any time she make thee become a laughing stock to thy enemies, and a by word in the city, and a reproach among the people, and she make thee ashamed before all the multitude. Behold not everybody's beauty and tarry not among women. For from garments cometh a moth, and from a woman the iniquity of a man.' Yeshua Ben Sira, Ch. 42 Verses 11-13 INTRODUCTION Throughout the ages, on every continent, among every people of the Earth infidelity and sex have been at the center of most major travesties that have been the corruptor of people and the destroyer of nations. Infidelity and iniquity partnered together is much like having been diagnosed with a terminal illness for you, your family and love ones. Like the diagnosis given, it is oftentimes received in fear of one's physical mortality and death. Per Webster's 1828 Dictionary, infidelity is defined as the following: INFIDEL'ITY, noun 1. In general, want of faith or belief; a withholding of credit. 2. Disbelief of the inspiration of the Scriptures, or the divine original of christianity; unbelief. 3. Unfaithfulness, particularly in married persons; a violation of the marriage covenant by adultery or lewdness. 4. Breach of trust; treachery; deceit; as the infidelity of a friend or a servant. In this sense, unfaithfulness is most used. The etymology of the word, "infidelity" requires a further examination of "infidel" and it's meaning. From the same dictionary, Webster's 1828 Dictionary, infidel is defined as the following: IN'FIDEL, a. Unbelieving; disbelieving the inspiration of the Scriptures, or the divine institution of christianity. The infidel writer is a great enemy to society. IN'FIDEL, n. One who disbelieves the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the divine origin of christianity. INIQ'UITY, n 1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade. 2. Want of rectitude in principle; as a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author. 3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. 4. Original want of holiness or depravity. Finally, the ending, "ity" requires defining: 'ITY, suffix meaning the character, state or condition of being In this case, the illness is two-fold, "iniquity and infidelity." For many, it is only when the medical condition is known that all avenues of treatment are sought. Success in treatment resulting in a complete cure and remission of the disease does not come to all. The goal of this work is to assist you in recognizing the affects on your personal, physical, financial and spiritual life by the destroyer infidelity and its partner infidelity that they be easily avoided. May your wisdom be increased for the betterment of your life. Rev. Melissa Smith WEAPONS You have been presented with the premise that iniquity partnered with infidelity is an enemy to man in essence, to you. In order to know just how this is so, let us take a look at the definition of the word, "enemy." Again referencing the 1828 Webster's Dictionary, the meaning of enemy: EN'EMY, n. 1. A foe, an adversary. A private enemy is one who hates another and wishes him injury, or attempts to do him injury to gratify his own ill will. A public enemy or foe, is one who belongs to a nation or party, at war with another. 2. One who hates or dislikes. Over 2,000 years ago, in two ancient scrolls collected and hidden from man, the "Gospel of Peace" and the "Gospel of the Holy Twelve" were the instructions and teachings of Christ that included the following commandment: To abstain from any food or drink that "disrupted" your health or senses. Wines, liquors, spirits easily available throughout the Earth all have been created, mixed together and administered to men and women alike with the same end results of promiscuity, fornication, adultery, infidel behavior, violence an

  • af Melissa Smith
    252,95 kr.

    Hai voglia di conoscere un misterioso sistema di divinazione utilizzato da più di 2000 anni dagli antichi popoli del Nord? Vuoi scoprire in che modo è possibile sfruttare la magia delle Rune nella tua vita quotidiana, in maniera moderna e attuale? Sapevi che la runa "Raidho" rappresenta la "nobiltà ottenuta per merito"? Niente in questa vita è gratuito, tutto ciò che pensi l'universo debba darti, devi meritartelo. Devi agire affinché sia tuo. Se tutto questo suscita il tuo interesse, allora continua a leggere. Avere a che fare con un sistema antico e puro come l'Elder Futhark aiuta a fare chiarezza nelle nostre vite e ripulire le giornate dalle influenze e dalle energie negative che costantemente, attraverso la tecnologia ma non solo, appesantiscono il vivere quotidiano. Non sto dicendo che grazie alle Rune la vita cambierà immediatamente ma l'ispirazione positiva e l'apertura mentale che sicuramente porteranno saranno di grande aiuto nel percorso di realizzazione individuale che hai iniziato. Il mio obiettivo è quello di riportare in vita i vecchi metodi di divinazione nordica e guardarli da una prospettiva moderna per superare tutti i blocchi mentali ed energetici presenti nella nostra vita. Non troverai un'infinità di noiose citazioni di testi accademici, soltanto le mie parole, le parole di qualcuno che ha vissuto la propria vita alla ricerca delle radici più profonde della tradizione nordica. Questa è solo una piccola anticipazione di ciò che è presente nel libro: - La storia delle Rune e le origini dell'Antico Futhark- Cosa sono le Rune e in che modo i popoli antichi le utilizzavano- Il significato profondo di ognuna delle 24 rune: da Fehu ad Othala- Come interpretare le Rune in un'ottica moderna e personale- Come effettuare il tuo primo lancio- Rituali magici per rafforzare il tuo collegamento con il tuo set di Rune- Otto tipi di layout differenti per svolgere divinazioni complesse a seconda della tua necessità Il mondo in cui viviamo è basato sulla gratificazione immediata e risposte altrettanto immediate ai quesiti che ci poniamo nei confronti della vita. Tutto questo, non è di alcun aiuto: la gratificazione è momentanea e fugace, le risposte sono spesso sbagliate. Con questo libro imparerai a comprendere meglio ciascuna delle 24 Rune, ti insegnerò a praticare la tua prima lettura e ti darò le basi per migliorare e fare progressi nel tempo. Molto dipenderà dal tuo impegno e dalla routine quotidiana che imposterai, tuttavia, avere una guida accessibile a cui far riferimento ogni volta che ne avrai bisogno ti sarà di grande aiuto.Tutta la conoscenza che cercherò di donarti è stata acquisita con anni di letture ed esperienze pratiche.Utilizzala per sviluppare e costruire il tuo sistema di lettura personale.

  • - Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids
    af Melissa Smith
    87,95 kr.

    Riddles for Kids Age 8-10This is a fun riddle book that contains a lot of riddles and tricky brain teasers of easy to hard difficulty. Make children think and stretch their minds. It is a perfect activity book for kids who like problem-solving. Great for getting fun conversation started at the dinner table!. Teach your kids lateral thinking and thinking "outside of the box"!Great book of Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids with Answer Key insideThese activities can be shared with the whole family. With this book, you will keep your kids and their friends busy and entertained for hours! It's also perfect for families, parties or even youth group events! Adults will enjoy the challenge as much as their kids will! This book is one of the series Riddles, Puzzles, Trick QuestionsThis is kid's books that design to challenge children to think laterally and more creatively. This book offers an experience that you and your family will absolutely enjoy.

  • - A Beginner's Guide to Wiccan Spells, Herbal Magic and Witchcraft
    af Melissa Smith
    147,95 kr.

    If you are reading this, you probably already know that Wiccans are not evil creatures of the night who spread their evil power over the World, but they are just sensitive people living their spiritual life, today, in our real world.Wicca is not an ancient religion, but incorporates knowledge and tradition from old myths and beliefs. For its connection and analogy with pre-Christian pagan religions, the word Wicca often generates misconceptions and stereotypes, preventing many people from getting closer to this positive, happy and nature-loving experience.If you are curious enough to join this wonderful journey without prejudice, this book can give you all the basics you need to find your own spiritual path.Together we will: Understand what Wicca isLook at Wiccan holidays and beliefsOverview the PantheonExplore the benefit of the practiceFind the right path for youUnderstand the meaning of colors, crystals, gemstone, herbs and essential oilsLearn how to deal with others if they don't accept our faithPrepare what is needed for ritualsPerform basic spellsOur spiritual research is often hindered by the established dynamic of our modern world we live in, making it hard sometimes to be able to peacefully head out on this journey. Fortunately, the number of people who raised interest in this aspect of existence is always growing more and more. Our spiritual self, added to the physical one, is vital for us to complete the development as a whole entity, necessary to enjoy a fulfilling life. Whether you are a believer or just curious, the inner journey we are going to do together, could only lead you to an enrichment path.Would you like to know more?Scroll up, select the buy now button and start this amazing journey

  • af Melissa Smith
    162,95 kr.

    How far will a High Priestess go to save her people? As far as it takes.Chief Criido's life is in danger, and by extension, the entire village is at risk. Kari and her crew are attempting to protect against an enemy unlike any they've come across before.Tavionna's people are dying, and she doesn't know why or how to stop it. All she knows is that something needs to be done, and she'll do absolutely whatever it takes to keep her people alive and healthy.Will Kari reaching out to Charlie for help be enough to protect them against Tavionna's threats and attacks?Can Kari find a solution to all their problems before any more lives are lost?*Ngozii's Plight is book 3 in the Among the Cosmos series that must be read in order. Contains adult content, threats, and scenes of medical distress - including blood. This is a romance story containing MF, MM, and MFM relations.*

  • - Go to the Trees
    af Melissa Smith
    342,95 kr.

    Attend Les Arbres "Go to the Trees" By Rev. Melissa Smith Copyright Prohibited 2012 'Dear Brother Tree, may I sojourn with thee perhaps, for one minute, an hour or the entire day? May I rest upon thy trunk, wilt thy embrace me with thy branches? Oh let me never be without thee for within thy embrace is the wellness for my being.' Rev. Melissa Smith Introduction On every continent of the Earth, trees exist. It is difficult to travel anywhere upon the planet without seeing a tree. Trees are necessary and essential to the everyday life of "all" life upon and within Earth. Trees provide shelter to man and small creatures. Trees provide food in the form of fruits and nuts that feed man and the creatures of the Earth. Throughout the planet, tree bark provides wood for the building of homes for shelter and furniture. Trees clean the air and keep the atmosphere free of toxins. The green and blooming flower trees provide visual and physical stimulation that is pleasing to the being of man. Throughout the ages, man realized early the importance of trees to the existence of all that was, is and ever shall be. Over 2,000 years ago, Enoch, Hermes Trismegistus, Yeshu, the Christ plus many other messengers tried to guide man into a harmonious coexistence with trees and nature. The sacred knowledge that they possessed was not a secret and was left behind to endure for all time. However, their words were removed and kept hidden that the seeds of truth of the Prime Creator given unto them were not planted into the hearts of man. Herein, are excerpts from the messages and teachings of: 1. Enoch: The First and Second Books of Enoch 2. Hermes Trismegistus: The Divine Pymander 3. Yeshu, the Christ: The Gospel of Peace Upon the completion of this reading, your inner standing and knowledge of trees will be increased. An, you will know without doubting that the trees are your brothers, that you are ONE and that you cannot exist without them. May your wisdom be increased for the betterment of your life. Rev. Melissa Smith ENOCH First Book of Enoch Chapter 3 Observe and see how in the winter all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes. Chapter 4 And again, observe the days of summer how the sun is above the earth over against it. You seek shade and shelter by reason of the heat of the sun, and the earth also burns with growing heat, so you cannot tread on the earth or on a rock by reason of its heat. Chapter 5 Observe ye how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit wherefore, give heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth forever hath made them so. All His works go on thus from year to year forever, and all the tasks which they accomplish for Him, their tasks change not, but according as YAH hath ordained so is it done. Behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish and change not their tasks from His commandments. 4 But ye, have not been steadfast, nor done the commandments of YAH, but ye have turned away and spoken proud and hard words with your impure mouths against His greatness. Oh, ye hard hearted, ye shall find no peace. Therefore shall ye execrate your days, and the years of your life shall perish, and the years of your destruction shall be multiplied in eternal execration, and ye shall find no mercy. In those days, ye shall make your names an eternal execration unto all the righteous. By you shall all who curse, curse, and all the sinners and YAHless shall imprecate by you, and for you the YAHless, there shall be a curse. Second Book of Enoch Chapter 8 Two springs come out which send forth, honey and milk, and their springs, send forth oil and wine, and they separate, into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the Paradise of Eden, between corruptibility and in corruptibilit

  • af Melissa Smith
    237,95 kr.

    A pictorial journey taken with Olaf Jansen and his father into the Inner Earth. Also included in this title are exclusive Inner Earth shots that have never been seen before. A must have for all Hollow Earth Enthusiasts.

  • - Word Search for Kids Ages 8-10
    af Melissa Smith
    107,95 kr.

    Fun Puzzles Word Search for Kids Ages 8-10So much of fun for your child. 60+ hidden words puzzles which excellent, educational vocabulary word lists suitable for ages 8 9 10 year old. Great Way to Build Vocabulary, Increase Letter Recognition and Kids Logic Puzzles in a Super Fun Way! You'll find tons of hidden words in this everything kids puzzle book. Word Search for Kids Ages 8-10- This Word find puzzle books for kids - brain games word search book word problems grade 3 4 for children contains 60+ pages of easy, large print word search puzzles which designed for kids ages 8 - 10. - Lots of words for your kid to find with a variety of themes such as .. school, animal, house, science, occupation, clock, weather, sport, emotion and feeling, country, family, body etc. - 60+ easy puzzles in large print format (8.5"x11") which are good for kids & seniors or anyone who are looking for simple (but fun!!) word seek puzzles. It's a perfect first word search book! This brain games for clever kids puzzles to exercise your mind help improve their spelling skill grade 3 4. Become a word sleuth! Enjoy your game! We also have crossword puzzles for kids ages 8, 9, 10. books and word ladders. Check other books in author section.

  • - Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids
    af Melissa Smith
    87,95 kr.

    Riddles for Kids Age 9-12This is a fun riddle book that contains a lot of riddles and tricky brain teasers of easy to hard difficulty. Make children think and stretch their minds. It is a perfect activity book for kids who like problem-solving. Great for getting fun conversation started at the dinner table!. Teach your kids lateral thinking and thinking "outside of the box"!Great book of Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids with Answer keyThese activities can be shared with the whole family. With this book, you will keep your kids and their friends busy and entertained for hours! It's also perfect for families, parties or even youth group events! Adults will enjoy the challenge as much as their kids will! This book is one of the series Riddles, Puzzles, Trick QuestionsThis is kid's books that design to challenge children to think laterally and more creatively. This book offers an experience that you and your family will absolutely enjoy.

  • af Melissa Smith
    162,95 kr.

    The Reapers must be stopped, and it's my destiny to make it happen.Zaynt has stood by his friends, helped them, watched them grow and fight this evil for the last two years, but something has to change. Ethan and Charlie can't keep up this pace forever, someone needs to do something.Taking matters into his own hands, Zaynt is determined to rid the universe of the biggest crime bosses ever known. Luckily for him, his friends are there for him as he always has been for them. Together, they'll enter the lion's den to compile the evidence they need.Will they be smart enough to stay under the radar of the smartest criminals in the universe?Will lives be saved once again or will they be lost?*This is the final installment of The New Life series, following our teens on their biggest mission yet. Be warned of mentions to heinous acts and criminal behavior, as well as cursing, medical procedures, threats, knife violence, and other dark themes that go along with these. As always, there will be a happily ever after for our kids, if you're brave enough to keep reading.*

  • - Indie Chicks Anthology
    af Melissa Smith
    97,95 kr.

    Ready for an adventure? Travel along with sixteen women writers as they recount their journeys to locations as diverse as Italy, Africa, Ireland, Central America, North Cyprus, the beaches of Florida and California, the canyons of Arizona, and the mountains of the Colorado Rockies. You will laugh, cringe, nod in understanding, and maybe even wipe away a tear or two. Best of all, you won't have to pack! 100% of the proceeds from all Indie Chicks Anthologies go to charitable organizations. Ebook version available for 99c! Check out all of the Indie Chicks at

  • - Riddles and Jokes Trick Questions for Kids
    af Melissa Smith
    87,95 kr.

    Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids Ages 10-12This book is a fun riddle question that contains a lot of riddles and tricky brain teasers of easy to hard difficulty. Make children think and stretch their minds. It is a perfect activity book for kids who like problem-solving. Great for getting a fun conversation started at the dinner table!. Teach your kids lateral thinking and thinking "outside of the box"!Great book of Riddles and Jokes Trick Questions for KidsThese activities can play with the whole family. With this riddles and jokes for kids book, you will keep your kids and their friends busy and entertained for hours! It's also perfect for families, parties or even youth group events! Adults will enjoy the challenge as much as their kids will! This book is one of the series Brain Quiz for KidsDesign to challenge children to think laterally and more creatively. This book offers an experience that you and your family will enjoy.

  • - Go to the Trees
    af Melissa Smith
    97,95 kr.

    Attend Les Arbres "Go to the Trees" By Rev. Melissa Smith Copyright Prohibited 2012 'Dear Brother Tree, may I sojourn with thee perhaps, for one minute, an hour or the entire day? May I rest upon thy trunk, wilt thy embrace me with thy branches? Oh let me never be without thee for within thy embrace is the wellness for my being.' Rev. Melissa Smith Introduction On every continent of the Earth, trees exist. It is difficult to travel anywhere upon the planet without seeing a tree. Trees are necessary and essential to the everyday life of "all" life upon and within Earth. Trees provide shelter to man and small creatures. Trees provide food in the form of fruits and nuts that feed man and the creatures of the Earth. Throughout the planet, tree bark provides wood for the building of homes for shelter and furniture. Trees clean the air and keep the atmosphere free of toxins. The green and blooming flower trees provide visual and physical stimulation that is pleasing to the being of man. Throughout the ages, man realized early the importance of trees to the existence of all that was, is and ever shall be. Over 2,000 years ago, Enoch, Hermes Trismegistus, Yeshu, the Christ plus many other messengers tried to guide man into a harmonious coexistence with trees and nature. The sacred knowledge that they possessed was not a secret and was left behind to endure for all time. However, their words were removed and kept hidden that the seeds of truth of the Prime Creator given unto them were not planted into the hearts of man. Herein, are excerpts from the messages and teachings of: 1.Enoch: The First and Second Books of Enoch 2.Hermes Trismegistus 3.Yeshu, the Christ Upon the completion of this reading, your inner standing and knowledge of trees will be increased. An, you will know without doubting that the trees are your brothers, that you are ONE and that you cannot exist without them. May your wisdom be increased for the betterment of your life. Rev. Melissa Smith ENOCH First Book of Enoch Chapter 3 Observe and see how in the winter all the trees seem as though they had withered and shed all their leaves, except fourteen trees, which do not lose their foliage but retain the old foliage from two to three years till the new comes. Chapter 4 And again, observe the days of summer how the sun is above the earth over against it. You seek shade and shelter by reason of the heat of the sun, and the earth also burns with growing heat, so you cannot tread on the earth or on a rock by reason of its heat. Chapter 5 Observe ye how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit wherefore, give heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth forever hath made them so. All His works go on thus from year to year forever, and all the tasks which they accomplish for Him, their tasks change not, but according as YAH hath ordained so is it done. Behold how the sea and the rivers in like manner accomplish and change not their tasks from His commandments. But ye, have not been steadfast, nor done the commandments of YAH, but ye have turned away and spoken proud and hard words with your impure mouths against His greatness. Oh, ye hard hearted, ye shall find no peace. Therefore shall ye execrate your days, and the years of your life shall perish, and the years of your destruction shall be multiplied in eternal execration, and ye shall find no mercy. In those days, ye shall make your names an eternal execration unto all the righteous. By you shall all who curse, curse, and all the sinners and YAHless shall imprecate by you, and for you the YAHless, there shall be a curse. Second Book of Enoch Chapter 8 Two springs come out which send forth, honey and milk, and their springs, send forth oil and wine, and they separate, into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the Paradise of Eden, between corruptibility and in corruptibilit

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