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  • af Meredith Wild
    122,95 - 127,95 kr.

    Fjerde bog i den erotiske serie om Blake Landon og Erica Hathaway. Blake Landon er en mand, der har det hele – rigdom, et godt udseende og Erica Hathaways kærlighed. Parret har været igennem ild og vand, og når tilværelsen har prøvet at adskille dem, har de fundet sammen igen, stærkere og mere forelskede end før. Erica er mere end klar til sige ja. Men så opdager hun en foruroligende hemmelighed fra Blakes fortid. I sin jagt efter at finde ud af alt om den mand, han var, åbner Erica døren til en verden, hun ikke i sin vildeste fantasi kunne have forestillet sig – en verden, der får hende til at undersøge grænserne for sine egne fantasier. Farer ligger på lur og mørke hemmeligheder kommer frem i lyset – vil fortiden ødelægge deres "for evigt og altid"? Hacker-serien er en sexet tur ind i en forretningsverden fyldt med hemmeligheder, løgne og laster. Til læsere af Fifty Shades og Sylvia.

  • af Meredith Wild
    122,95 - 127,95 kr.

    Blake og Erica er blevet gift, og et par dage efter brylluppet stævner de sammen ud på en romantisk bryllupsrejse. Her oplever de, hvordan båndet mellem dem bliver stærkere, mens fortidens ar langsomt begynder at hele. Men netop som de tror, at de har lagt problemerne bag sig, truer en politisk skandale med at ødelægge deres nyfundne ro. Og da Blake vender hjem, befinder han sig pludselig midt i orkanens øje, hjemsøgt af synderne fra sin mørke hacker-fortid. Erica er opsat på at rense Blakes navn og redde deres fælles fremtid, men da Blake nægter at søge sandheden, begynder deres verden gradvist at smuldre. Vil Blake lade fortiden sejre? Eller kan Erica overbevise ham om, at deres kærlighed er værd at kæmpe for – nu mere end nogensinde?UDLEVET er bind 5 i den sexede Hacker-serie om den stormombruste kærlighed mellem software-mogulen Blake Landon og den stædige Erica Hathaway.

  • af Meredith Wild
    122,95 - 127,95 kr.

    Software-mogulen Blake Landon har mødt sin ligemand i stædige Erica Hathaway. Men selvom hans kontrollerende facon og hendes uafhængige natur skaber problemer, har Blake ikke tænkt sig at lade Erica forsvinde ud af sit liv.Erica er også overbevist om, at de sammen vil kunne overvinde alle problemer, men efterhånden som Blake tester grænserne for hendes kærlighed, opdager hun skjulte og mørkere sider af hans lidenskab. Samtidig er de truet udefra. Da Ericas firma kommer i fare, prøver Blake at beskytte hende fra dem, der vil ødelægge hende for at nå ham. Kan deres forhold overleve, når Blakes fjender går over grænsen og truer mere end blot Ericas forretning?

  • - (The Hacker Series, Book 2)
    af Meredith Wild
    123,95 kr.

    In HARDPRESSED, the highly anticipated second book of the Hacker Series that began with HARDWIRED, Blake and Erica face threats that put both their love and their lives on the line.

  • - (The Hacker Series, Book 1)
    af Meredith Wild
    127,95 kr.

    But when Blake uncovers a dark secret from Erica's past, he threatens not just her trust, but the life she's fought so hard to create. The perfect new addiction for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Sylvia Day's Bared To You series.

  • af Meredith Wild
    122,95 - 127,95 kr.

    Blake og Erica bliver udsat for trusler, der sætter både deres kærlighed og liv på spil.Trods Blake Landons kontrollerende adfærd har den unge og velhavende hacker endelig vundet tillid den kvinde, han elsker. Webshopindehaveren Erica Hathaway har endelig sænket paraderne og åbnet både sit hjerte – og sin virksomhed – for Blake. Erica er klar til et nyt kapitel i sit liv, og er fast besluttet på ikke at lade noget komme imellem dem, selvom det betyder, at hun må give Blake noget af kontrollen tilbage – også den uden for soveværelset. Alt tegner godt, lige indtil spøgelser fra fortiden truer deres fremtid og tvinger Erica til at træffe en beslutning, der kan ændre deres liv for altid.

  • - (The Hacker Series, Book 5)
    af Meredith Wild
    117,95 kr.

    Days after their wedding, Blake and Erica Landon embark on their honeymoon-a journey that deepens their bond and promises to fade the scars of their past. Back home, Blake finds himself at the centre of the controversy, haunted by the transgressions of his hacker past that he has no wish to relive.

  • - (The Hacker Series, Book 3)
    af Meredith Wild
    92,95 kr.

    Software mogul Blake Landon has met his match in headstrong Erica Hathaway. Can their relationship survive when Blake's enemies cross the line and threaten more than her livelihood?The perfect new addiction for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Sylvia Day's Bared To You series.

  • - (The Hacker Series, Book 4)
    af Meredith Wild
    117,95 kr.

    The power couple has been through hell and back, and when life has torn them apart, somehow they have always found their way back to each other, more in love and stronger than ever. Determined to know the man he once was, she opens a door to a world beyond her wildest imagination-a world that has her questioning the limits of her own desires.

  • af Meredith Wild
    58,94 - 91,95 kr.

    Erica er vant til at klare sig selv, så da millionæren og hackeren Blake Landon vil investere i hendes nystartede netshop, er hun stærkt afvisende. Det eneste problem er, at Blake ikke er en mand, man får sin vilje hos. Han er vant til at få, hvad han vil have. Han er desuden temmelig tiltrækkende – og besat af Erica.UDVALGT er en intens forførerisk fortælling om tiltrækningens kamp mod den frie vilje. En klassisk historie om begærets sejr over fornuften, men med en helt ny vinkel: En heltinde, som er mindst lige så stærk som helten.

  • af Meredith Wild
    91,95 kr.

    For two wounded hearts, love is a risk in an emotional novel about family, past regrets, and future hopes by Jillian Liota and #1 New York Times bestselling author Meredith Wild.After nine years in LA, aspiring singer Murphy Hawthorne leaves behind her broken dreams to return to her family's vineyard. But as she helps open the property's new restaurant, she faces a family still bitter about the fact she ever left, and old wounds quickly resurface. The only refreshing note is the handsome head chef, Wesley Hart.Hired to draw more tourists to the Hawthorne vineyard, Wes is a culinary master with a reputation he wishes he could forget. Struggling with regrets and complex family dynamics of his own, he's trying to start over, too. The biggest mistake he could make right now is to act on his attraction to his boss's younger sister. If only he could get her out of his head...Despite all the reasons to keep their distance, Murphy and Wes can't deny the connection that keeps drawing them together. In each other, they find refuge and a sense of belonging neither could have imagined. But to forge a new future together, they must answer one important question: Can they face the past--and forgive it?

  • af Meredith Wild
    121,95 kr.

    They survived the dark. But can they trust the light?Kara Valari and Maximus Kane have been to hell and back, fighting for their love and their lives. But the path back to normal isn't as easy as they hoped. A dormant secret in Kara's blood has been awakened, and she needs the help of a goddess to learn its full potential-but also its hidden dangers.Shielded from the world in the magical enclave of Iremia, the lovers reunite with all the fires of their first passion. But as they bond tighter to each other, Kara learns that the underworld has targeted her family in terrifying ways, and the safe world around them starts to splinter.Unenamored by Iremia's promises of enlightenment, Maximus unravels more of the mysteries-and the powers-that are lurking behind the scenes. But to find his and Kara's true allies, he is forced to seek out his enemies and rewrite his thinking on good and evil.Caught in a web of gods, demons, and magic, Maximus and Kara must build stronger bridges to each other and, as a wave of deeper truths heads their way, have faith that the ramparts of their love will hold.

  • af Meredith Wild
    137,95 kr.

    He's forged from heaven. She's promised to hell.Professor Maximus Kane can no longer deny his passion for his stunning yet mysterious student, Kara Valari. But surrendering to their desires carries more consequences than just violating the Alameda University conduct codes. Kara has defied her destiny. Higher directives have been violated. Now there's hell to pay.It's a crisis for which there seems no solution, until the explosive secrets of Maximus's bloodline are exposed. Despite all his doubts and fears, Maximus has no choice but to accept help from his enigmatic father, which means coming to terms with his heritage and embracing a bizarre new world of gods and demons. Because somewhere in that world-in the strange and sordid secrets surrounding his past-is the key to protecting Kara's future. Nothing has ever meant more to him than saving the treasure of her life and the fire of her heart.While earth's lower realms seek payback for Kara's transgressions, Kara finds a new ally in a surprising place: the Valari matriarch herself. Beneath the scrutiny of the world press, Veronica orchestrates a plan to protect her daughter by doing what she does best-shining the spotlight on her. But by her side, Maximus can't escape the glare of the paparazzi.Can they buy time and blind their enemies with Kara's fame? Or will Hollywood's new "e;it"e; couple and their forbidden love incite more vengeance than they'd ever bargained for?

  • af Meredith Wild
    123,95 kr.

    Bound by love. Torn by fate.Kara and Maximus continue their journey in this dramatic new installment of the Blood of Zeus series.

  • - Blood of Zeus: Book One
    af Meredith Wild & Angel Payne
    127,95 kr.

  • - The Hacker Series #1
    af Meredith Wild
    134,95 kr.

    Devour the addictive #1 NYT series that's sold over a million copies worldwide about a bad boy hacker billionaire and the whip-smart woman he can't resist. Determined to overcome a difficult past, Erica Hathaway learns early on how to make it on her own. Days after her college graduation she finds herself face to face with a panel of investors who will make or break her fledgling startup. The only thing she didn't prepare for was going weak in the knees over an arrogant and gorgeous investor who's seemingly determined to derail her presentation. Billionaire and rumored hacker Blake Landon has already made his fortune in software, and he's used to getting what he wants with very little resistance. Captivated by Erica's drive and unassuming beauty, he's wanted nothing more since she stepped into his boardroom. Determined to win her over, he breaks down her defenses and fights for her trust, even if that means sacrificing a level of control he's grown accustomed to.But when Blake uncovers a dark secret from Erica's past, he threatens not just her trust, but the life she's fought so hard to create.

  • - The Hacker Series #2
    af Meredith Wild
    134,95 kr.

    In HARDPRESSED, the highly anticipated second book of the Hacker Series that began with Hardwired, Blake and Erica face threats that put both their love and their lives on the line. Despite Blake Landon's controlling ways, the young and wealthy hacker finally won the trust of the woman he loves. Internet entrepreneur Erica Hathaway broke down the walls that kept her from opening her heart and her business to Blake. Ready to start this new chapter in her life, Erica is determined not to let anything come between them, even if that means giving Blake back some of the control he craves in and out of the bedroom. But when demons from her past threaten their future, Erica makes a decision that could change their lives forever.

  • af Meredith Wild
    152,95 kr.

    Software mogul Blake Landon has met his match in headstrong Erica Hathaway. While his controlling nature and her independent spirit continue to battle, Blake has no intention of letting her out of his life again. Erica has given Blake her trust and her love, determined that they will conquer any challenges together. But when he demands more and tests the boundaries of her commitment, she is forced to face the dark desires he''s kept hidden. As their bonds grow tighter, their enemies close in. With Erica''s start-up in danger, Blake''s frustration grows as he tries to protect her from those who would ruin her only to get to him. Can their relationship survive when Blake''s enemies cross the line and threaten more than her livelihood?

  • af Meredith Wild
    147,95 kr.

    Determined to overcome a difficult past, Erica Hathaway learns early on how to make it on her own. Days after her college graduation she finds herself face to face with a panel of investors who will make or break her fledgling startup. The only thing she didn''t prepare for was going weak in the knees over an arrogant and gorgeous investor who''s seemingly determined to derail her presentation.Billionaire and rumored hacker Blake Landon has already made his fortune in software, and he''s used to getting what he wants with very little resistance. Captivated by Erica''s drive and unassuming beauty, he''s wanted nothing more since she stepped into his boardroom. Determined to win her over, he breaks down her defenses and fights for her trust, even if that means sacrificing a level of control he''s grown accustomed to.But when Blake uncovers a dark secret from Erica''s past, he threatens not just her trust, but the life she''s fought so hard to create.

  • af Meredith Wild
    152,95 kr.

  • af Meredith Wild
    152,95 kr.

  • - The Red Ledger Parts 7, 8 & 9 (Volume 3)
    af Meredith Wild
    172,95 kr.

    The thrilling next installment in The Red Ledger series by #1 New York Times- and USA Today-bestselling author Wild.

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