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  • af Miguel Castro
    572,95 kr.

    The book presents various experiences realised over 20 years in Higher Education, related to the specific didactics of Geography and Environmental Studies at all levels of education, although with a greater focus on Pre-school Education and the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. The second part presents some reflections on the teaching of Geography and the need to give this science the importance and prestige it deserves, as an essential basis for the integral formation of citizens. This is an unpretentious book, but it is an aid to teaching practices for colleagues and readers interested in education and geography.

  • af Miguel Castro
    201,95 kr.

    Some ideas on how to introduce concepts of Geography in the beginning of school years. The landscape and narratives as didactic tools, essential to the formation of children and future citizens. In a era of integration of spaces, the formation and education of children, the school and their professionals can find some clues for reflection and paths to their daily pedagogical practice. The training of teachers seen by themselves starting in Portugal but reflecting a wider reality.

  • af Robbert Van Renesse & Miguel Castro
    570,95 kr.

    The4th InternationalWorkshoponPeer-to-PeerSystemswasheld atCornellon February 24th and 25th 2005.The IPTPS workshopcontinued to bring together researchersand practitioners from a variety of disciplines, including networking, theory,databases,security,andscienti?ccomputing. Theydescribedexperim- tal ?ndings, discussed challenges, and presented novel techniques. We received 123 submissions. Submissions were limited to 6 pages, one page morethanin previousyears.ThesubmissionswerereviewedbyaProgramC- mitteeconsistingof18internationalexpertsfromacademiaandindustry.Aftera bidding process,each committee member was assigned 20 papers to review, g- erating 3 reviews for each paper. Controversial papers were assigned additional reviewers.Thepaperswerethenrankedbasedonoriginality,technicalmerit,and topical relevance,aswell asthe likelihood that the ideas expressedwouldlead to insightful technical discussions at the workshop. The program chairs suggested a program which was extensively discussed and revised by the entire committee to produce the ?nal program. We accepted 24 papers, which were organized into 8 sessions: Security and Incentives, Search, Multicast, Overlay Algorithms, Empirical Studies, and N- work Locality, and two sessions on miscellaneous topics. Authors revised their submissions for a preproceedings distributed at the workshop. After the wo- shop, the authors revised their papers once more for the proceedings before you.

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