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Bøger af Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman

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  • - Poesia e Dipinti
    af Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
    242,95 kr.

    La Prof.ssa Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman, israeliana, è pedagoga vocale, docente, poetessa e pittrice con un vasto curriculum artistico. Recentemente ha fondato "L'Accademia per lo sviluppo della Voce, Torah e Kabalah" a Reggio Calabria, dove vive. E' stata insignita da numerosi riconoscimenti mondiali nel suo campo di pedagogia vocale, per la sua poesia ed Arte come il Premio Internazionale 'Virdimura' in 2016 (Università di Catania) con un riconoscimento speciale per il suo lavoro nei campi della pedagogia vocale, umanitari e contro l'antisemitismo dalla "Società Italiana della Medicina", tra molti altri. La sua attività filantropica sul dialogo inter-religioso e per la pace del mondo sono sue priorità vitali.Prof. Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman, from Israel, is a vocal pedagogue, teacher, poet and painter with a vast artistic curriculum. Recently he founded "The Academy for the development of the Voice, Torah and Kabalah" in Reggio Calabria, where he lives. She has been honored with numerous worldwide awards in her field of vocal pedagogy, for her poetry and art as the International Prize 'Virdimura' in 2016 (University of Catania) with a special recognition for her work in the fields of vocal pedagogy, humanitarian and against anti-Antisemitism by the "Italian Society of Medicine", among many others. His philanthropic activity on inter-religious dialogue and for world peace are his vital priorities.

  • - A Plausible Cause, A Feasible Cure - An Alternative Viewpoint
    af Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
    122,95 kr.

    The information contained in this book is life changing...From birth to death, involving every epoch of our existence. Here are options! Here are possibilities and here is an enormous potential for astounding changes that can be gleaned. You must dare to be extraordinary!!! You must take hold of your unborn child's life, from the DAY BEFORE its birth. Demand your rights! Demand health! Demand truth!!! Here are the tools!!! Whether or not you chose to comprehend this information and listen, is always up to you. The decision of either accepting it, or shoving this knowledge under the carpet, is of course yours. You have tried so many things; have chased so many possibilities to give your child/parent the opportunity for a better, healthier and more meaningful life. In so many instances, you have failed. So much hurt and disappointment- Not because of you, but because of precious data withheld. This way is simple yet daring, incredibly logical yet unknown to the general public. This, until now has been kept covert - perhaps because it is politically incorrect, perhaps because no one has put it all together, perhaps because it does not generate millions, perhaps because the time is NOW!.... Now you have the way to make changes - in your life, that of a loved one and the world as a whole. Life can be beautiful again - at any age! Help yourself and help the world!!!

  • - The Secret Codes of the Voice in the Zohar
    af Miriam Jaskierowicz Arman
    297,95 kr.

    The Source for the 'Secret Codes' of the Voice is the 'Zohar', written by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the Thirteenth Century. His work of Kabbalah is Sacred, The Voice is Sacred; The mission is Sacred! Technically, all has already been brought to light in my previous books (4) "The Voice: A Spiritual Approach to Singing, Speaking and Communicating- The Kabbalah of the Voice", however in none of them, the specific 'Source' Document was elaborated on - Nine years ago the source was revealed and the Zohar is the only SOURCE of my Pedagogy of the Voice. Everything that I have been teaching for the past 40 years had already been ¿brought down¿ by the 'Rashbi ' (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai). The CODE, using the physical parameters of my work, creates a Unification between the Sacred and the Mundane, bringing heaven down to earth - 'As Above - So Below'. However, the work has also been read by many non-Jewish readers who feel deeply and unequivocally that this work must be shared with all Religions, with all Peoples who are willing and desirous of learning the root, the spirituality and the depth of the Vocal Instrument, so to be able to use their own instruments to the fullest potential¿

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