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  • af Narinder Singh
    362,95 kr.

    The word 'composite' refers to a macroscopic combination of two or more different materials that result in a new material having much improved and new characteristics. Nanocomposites are the composites consisting of multiphase materials in which at least one of the phases lies in the nanometric size domain (Inm-I00 nm). The Hybrid Nanocomposites (HNCs) are the multi-component compounds in which at least one of the constituents (organic or inorganic) has dimensions in the nanometre range with some interaction between them. The diverse and advanced technological applications of organic and inorganic materials are restricted owing to poor conductivity, lesser stability and solubility of organic materials and complicated processability and high-temperature operation of inorganic materials. However, in HNCs, the guest-host chemistry may help to overcome their particular limitations due to synergetic effects that lead to emerging research in the area of advanced functional materials. In HNCs, the interactions at the molecular and supra-molecular level result in modulation of mechanical, optical, electrical, catalytic and electrochemical properties at interface. Owing to diverse morphologies and interfacial interactions, the HNCs show excellent and unique properties that are absent in their constituents

  • af Narinder Singh
    288,95 kr.

    Diabetes can be an overwhelming Disease. Patients with diabetes must screen their eating regimen their action level their plasma glucose and practically no matter what they should take drugs until the end of time.Type 1 diabetes can't be avoided or (viably) cured; it must be overseen. Be that as it may, with honest exertion patients can defer the onset as well as moderate the movement and seriousness of the difficulties of the illness. Type 2 diabetes can in many occurrences, be forestalled. It has unmistakably been demonstrated that way of life changes, for example, eating routine, exercise and weight reduction particularly weight reduction can keep the improvement of Type 2 diabetes; tragically, it is notable that many individuals find starting and keeping up an activity and get-healthy plan exceptionally troublesome. Oral hypoglycemic specialists have an imperative clinical effect on treating Type 2 diabetes. Many difficulties improve if the disease is not cured early sufficient and with the suitable pharmacological agents. The clinical advantages of every single pharmacological agents turn out to be more entire when went with non¿pharmacological treatments.

  • af Narinder Singh
    317,95 kr.

    Fly ash is typically finer than Portland cement and lime. Fly ash consists of silt-sized particles which are generally spherical; typically ranging in size between 10 and 100 micron These small glass spheres improve the fluidity and workability of fresh concrete. Fineness is one of the important properties contributing to the pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash. Under a microscope, they look like tiny bubbles of various sizes. The annual generation of fly ash has increased from about 1 million tonnes in 1947 to about 40 million tonnes during 1994 and to about 112 million tonnes at present. As per an estimate of FAUP, TIFAC, the annual ash generation figures are expected to reach about 170 million tonnes by 2012 and 225 million tonnes by 2017. Over a period of the last ten years, the image of fly ash has completely been changed from a ¿Polluting Waste¿ to ¿Resource Material¿. The economic worth of fly ash has been understood by the people Use of Fly ash for Road Embankment Fly ash Roads and it has now become a ¿sought after material¿.

  • af Narinder Singh
    717,95 kr.

  • af Narinder Singh
    717,95 kr.

    Ksi¿¿ka przedstawia znaczenie konkurencji w codziennym ¿yciu, poniewä jest ona wsz¿dzie w takiej czy innej formie. Zaczyna si¿ to jeszcze przed narodzinami, kiedy plemniki rywalizuj¿ ze sob¿ o przenikni¿cie do komórki jajowej, aby zainicjowä ¿ycie. To jest prawo natury, ¿e najlepszy z nich przetrwa najwi¿cej. Poczucie konkurencji istnieje w kädej dziedzinie, w tym politycznej, gospodarczej, edukacyjnej i sportowej. Istnieje nieko¿cz¿ca si¿ walka o jedzenie, schronienie i zasoby. Kädy chce uzyskä maksymaln¿ kontrol¿ nad dost¿pnymi zasobami. Konkurencyjno¿¿ ma zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne konsekwencje. Poprawia czujno¿¿ i ukierunkowuje uwag¿ na ¿cie¿k¿ post¿pu. Zwyci¿stwo jest postrzegane jako nagroda, motywacja i satysfakcja. Käda strona zaangäowana w konkurencj¿ ma silne pragnienie zwyci¿stwa. Jednak rywalizacja ma swoje dwie strony, tj. wygran¿ i przegran¿. Przegrana to powäna sprawa. Powoduje frustracj¿ i poczucie nieadekwatno¿ci. Ostra konkurencja prowadzi do niecierpliwo¿ci, zazdro¿ci, rywalizacji, agresji, nadmiernego my¿lenia i brutalnych sk¿onno¿ci. Nie ma nic z¿ego w posiadaniu zdrowej konkurencji, która jest dobra dla obu stron. Ta ksi¿¿ka odzwierciedla szerokie spojrzenie na to istotne zagadnienie.

  • af Narinder Singh
    717,95 kr.

  • af Narinder Singh
    515,95 kr.

  • af Narinder Singh
    1.055,95 kr.

    I am indebted to my thesis advisor, Michael Genesereth, for his guidance, inspiration, and support which has made this research possible. This research was supported by Schlumberger Palo Alto Research (previously Fairchild Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence).

  • af Narinder Singh
    1.443,95 kr.

    I am indebted to my thesis advisor, Michael Genesereth, for his guidance, inspiration, and support which has made this research possible. This research was supported by Schlumberger Palo Alto Research (previously Fairchild Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence).

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