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  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    43,94 - 219,95 kr.

    Siden Fyrsten blev udgivet 1532 (tyve år efter den blev skrevet), har værket været ombrust af stærkt følelsesladet debat, dybt forkætret og højt beundret, i lige grad til inspiration for Shakespeare som for Hitler.Fyrsten er en lærebog i statsmandskunst, skrevet i en pessimistisk krisetid, og med opskrift på hvordan krisen kan løses. I bogen fremfører Machiavelli sin berømte og berygtede tanke om, at målet helliger midlerne, at f.eks. vold kan være berettiget til at opnå magt i en given situation.Problemstillingen har levet siden, hvad historien kun taler sit alt for tydelige sprog om, og Fyrsten er stadig et at de mest kontroversielle værker i verdenshistorien.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    227,95 kr.

    Forlaget HELIKON hædretFor sine udgivelser af Giambattista Vico Den nye Videnskab, Niccolò Machiavelli Fyrsten og Niccolò Machiavelli Drøftelser af Livius er Forlaget HELIKON blevet tildelt: Det Italienske Udenrigsministeriums oversætterpris 2005 på Euro 10.000,00.Fyrsten - den politiske klassiker nr. 1!Den, der læser Fyrsten af Machiavelli, vil her finde en brutal, logisk verden, baseret på studiet af mennesket og af livet. Mennesket er her, som natur, i sin handlen underordnet uforanderlige love, ikke opstillede efter moralske kriterier, men efter logiske. Det, som man må spørge mennesket om, er ikke, om det, det gør, er godt og smukt, men om det er fornuftigt og logisk, om der er sammenhæng mellem midlerne og målet.Fyrsten er på én gang et politisk manifest, en håndbog i at udøve magt - lige væsentlig for den moderne politiker som for den moderne manager - og det første eksempel på et værk, der behandler politik som en objektiv realitet.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) kan betragtes som grundlæggeren af den politiske videnskab og leverer gennem sine dybtgående analyser indsigt i fundamentale problemstillinger som spørgsmålet om politikkens mål og forholdet mellem politik og moral.Fyrsten har siden sin fremkomst for over 500 år siden været et kontroversielt skrift, som stadig vækker modstand og debat - et sikkert tegn på, at Machiavellis tænkning også i dag er levende og aktuel."Konsekvent!En fantastisk bog! Her er alt, hvad du bør vide om at føre krig, regere et land, hvordan du skal behandle venner og især fjender. Alt om fasthed og konsekvens. En rigtig klassiker!” Lars Madsen, net-anmeldelse. ”En autoritativ dansk udgave af Fyrsten foreligger nu i Fritz Wolders uforkortede oversættelse… Med denne udgivelse kan man trygt begynde vandringen ind i Niccolò Machiavellis forunderlige, begavede og af mange så misforståede tankeverden... Såfremt reolen mangler Machiavellis værk, og det bør ingen ordentlig reol, er tiden inde til at lukke hullet”. Georg Metz i Information, 12. juni 1998. ”Machiavellis analyse af den politiske magt er forbavsende aktuel. Det er chokerende læsning… I Fyrsten mærkes det historiske gys, og i Fritz Wolders uforkortede nyoversættelse – fra italiensk til dansk – fortælles der om Machiavellis liv som en smuk optakt til Fyrsten”. Lene Rikke Bresson i Berlingske Tidende, 16. juli 1998. "For at forberede mig til forhandlingerne med Mogens Lykketoft har jeg genlæst Fyrsten af Machiavelli". Anders Fogh Rasmussen i Jyllands-Posten, 13. august 1998. Andre italienske renæssance-klassikere fra Forlaget HELIKON: Niccolò Machiavelli Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004) Niccolò Machiavelli Krigskunsten (2020)Francesco Guicciardini Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018)

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    125,95 kr.

    Born in 1469, Niccolo Machiavelli undertook diplomatic missions to various courts, before his imprisonment and exile. To quote his own words, this book discusses "what a principality is, what kinds there are, how they can be acquired, how they can be kept and why they are lost".

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    137,95 kr.

    With simple prose and straightforward logic, this book offers lessons for managers and business leaders. It is suitable reading for anyone in the realm of business or politics.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    52,95 kr.

    Classic, Renaissance-era guide to acquiring and maintaining political power. Today, nearly 500 years after it was written, this calculating prescription for autocratic rule continues to be much read and studied.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    237,95 kr.

    "Så kom det endelig. Machiavellis hovedværk, som desværre nok må siges at være forholdsvis ukendt i dansk sammenhæng. De fleste forbinder i realiteten florentineren Niccolò di Bernardo Machiavelli (1469–1527) med et helt andet klassisk værk, nemlig Fyrsten, men ret beset er det det foreliggende værk, som er hans reelle politiske testamente".Claus E. Andersen i Militært Tidsskrift, nr. 3, september 2005. ”Drøftelser er… et hovedværk i de politiske ideers historie, som fortjener fornyet opmærksomhed og granskning… Fritz Wolders fine oversættelse giver nu de fleste muligheden for denne fornyede opmærksomhed og granskning, hvorfor vi må være ham yderst taknemmelige. Han har desuden udstyret sin oversættelse med en forbemærkning, der veloplagt sætter Drøftelser på plads i forhold til Machiavellis øvrige forfatterskab og historisk-biografiske kontekst... Helt uden forbehold må det anbefales, at man straks - hvis de politiske ideers historie og aktualitet overhovedet interesserer én - gakker ud i den nærmeste bogcafé og køber sig et eksemplar. Gør klar til granskning!” Paw Hedegaard Amdisen i Semikolon, nr. 10, 2005.Alle Machiavelli-oversættelser udgivet af Forlaget HELIKON: Fyrsten (1998/2020) Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004) Krigskunsten (2012/2020) Krig og diplomati. De mindre skrifter (2020)Private breve (2023)Om Machiavelli:C. Paludan-Müller: Undersøgelse af Machiavelli som skribent (2021)Frederik den Store: Anti-Machiavel (2022) Købes ofte sammen medFrancesco Guicciardini: Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018) Fritz Wolder: Magtens manual (2001/2018)

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    97,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    81,95 kr.

    Machiavelli's highly influential treatise on political power 'It is far safer to be feared than loved...' The Prince shocked Europe on publication with its advocacy of ruthless tactics for gaining absolute power and its abandonment of conventional morality.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    427,95 kr.

    Machiavelli draws on his historical knowledge and experience as a statesman to examine the reasons that Kings, Emperors, Dukes and governments have thrived or crumbled while highlighting the principles that guided them.

  • - Second Edition
    af Niccolo Machiavelli
    157,95 - 339,95 kr.

    Initially denounced as a collection of sinister maxims and a recommendation of tyranny, this text has more recently been defended as the first scientific treatment of politics, challenging the traditions of ancient and medieval thought and morality.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    97,95 - 107,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    248,95 - 358,95 kr.

    To help readers better appreciate Art of War, Lynch provides an insightful introduction and a substantial interpretive essay discussing the military, political, and philosophical aspects of the work, in addition to maps, an index of names, and a glossary.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    177,95 kr.

    The Prince is a timeless and polarizing exploration of political strategy and leadership. Written in the 16th century, this classic work offers shrewd insights into power, cunning diplomacy, and the ruthless pursuit of success. Machiavelli's pragmatic approach to leadership, which emphasizes manipulation and ruthlessness, is based on amoral counsel of which today's leaders should be both aware and wary. This Renaissance philosopher's work continues to challenge conventional ethics in the intricate game of politics.

  • - De mindre skrifter
    af Niccolo Machiavelli
    197,95 kr.

    Machiavellis såkaldt ”mindre politiske skrifter” fortjener særlig opmærksomhed, fordi de giver os et indblik i udviklingen af hans politiske tænkning. Mens denne tænkning er kommet til fuldt flor i hans store politisk-militære værker viser hans mindre politiske skrifter os nogle vigtige etaper på vejen dertil. De uddyber og nuancerer billedet af den berømte florentiner og bringer os tæt på hans daglige virke som diplomat, militærkyndig og sekretær for republikken Firenze. I nærværende udvalg er medtaget Castruccio Castracani fra Luccas levnedsbeskrivelse, som mere koncentreret end nogen anden Machiavelli-tekst fører os ind i hans tankeverden. Skriftet – en slags historisk novelle – beretter om, hvordan hovedpersonen takket være sin virtù formår at hæve sig op til fyrstestand, men på sin triumfs højdepunkt rammes af den ubarmhjertige Fortuna og dør af – en virusinfektion! Ingen af Machiavellis mindre skrifter har tidligere foreligget på dansk.Alle Machiavelli-oversættelser udgivet af Forlaget HELIKON: Fyrsten (1998/2020) Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004) Krigskunsten (2012/2020) Krig og diplomati. De mindre skrifter (2020)Private breve (2023) Om Machiavelli:C. Paludan-Müller: Undersøgelse af Machiavelli som skribent (2021)Frederik den Store: Anti-Machiavel (2022)Købes ofte sammen med: Francesco Guicciardini: Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018) Fritz Wolder: Magtens manual (2001/2018)

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    62,95 kr.

    Translated by C.E.Detmold. With an Introduction by Lucille Margaret Kekewich.Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince is a handbook on ruling and the exercise of power. It remains as relevant today as it was in the sixteenth century. Widely quoted in the Press and in academic publications, The Prince has direct relevance to the issues of business and corporate governance confronting global corporations as they enter a new millennium.Much of what Machiavelli wrote has become the common currency of realpolitik, yet still his ideas retain the power to shock and annoy. In the words of Norman Stone, The Prince is 'a manual of man-management that would suit a great many parts of the modern world'.

  • - Machiavelli's Discourses and Guicciardini's Considerations
    af Niccolo Machiavelli & Francesco Guicciardini
    542,95 - 632,95 kr.

    This volume contains two works by Renaissance writers: Machiavelli's "Discourses on the First Decade of Livy" and Guicciardini's "History of Italy". Reflecting on Ancient Rome, both thinkers refined their conceptions of government with an eye to the political turmoil of their own Florence.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    237,95 kr.

    Krigskunsten (L’arte della guerra, 1521) er det eneste af Machiavellis store politisk-militære værker, der udkom, mens han endnu levede. I Fyrsten og Drøftelserne beskæftiger han sig indgående med militære anliggender, men overvejende negativt som en kritik af de italienske staters måde at føre krig på. I Krigskunsten derimod fremlægger han en række positive forslag til reformer, der skal sætte disse stater i stand til at genvinde noget af den ”virtù” og militære kunnen, der havde givet det gamle Rom verdensherredømmet. Machiavelli er den første, som betragter statskunst og krigskunst som to sider af samme sag og drager konsekvenserne heraf. Han er også den første, der viser, at krigen kan gøres til genstand for teoretiske overvejelser og systematiske studier. Krigskunsten blev 1500-tallets autoritative militære grundtraktat og er blevet gransket af nogle af eftertidens største feltherrer og militære tænkere som Frederik den Store, Napoleon og Karl von Clausewitz. Den anerkendte britiske militærhistoriker John Keegan kalder bogen ”et revolutionerende skrift”, og den er endnu i dag en væsentlig tekst for enhver, som forsker i militær historie og teori. Alle Machiavelli-oversættelser udgivet af Forlaget HELIKON: Fyrsten (1998/2020) Drøftelser af Livius (Discorsi) (2004) Krigskunsten (2012/2020) Krig og diplomati. De mindre skrifter (2020)Private breve (2023)Om Machiavelli:C. Paludan-Müller: Undersøgelse af Machiavelli som skribent (2021)Frederik den Store: Anti-Machiavel (2022) Købes ofte sammen med: Francesco Guicciardini: Råd og refleksioner (Ricordi) (2018) Fritz Wolder: Magtens manual (2001/2018)

  • af Niccolo (Lancaster University) Machiavelli
    137,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    77,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    189,95 - 444,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    215,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    83,95 kr.

    The Prince is a mere tabulation of types of government and rulers, and of methods of maintaining them. It is this and no more.--Isaiah Berlin Credited with taking the ethics out of politics and hailed as the father of realpolitik, Machiavelli's name became synonymous with a form of politics that privileged expediency at the expense of morality. Whilst assuming the guise of a traditional 'Mirror of Princes' handbook, The Prince subverts the classical and renaissance conventions of such moralizing tracts. By exploiting the distance between ruler and ruled, Machiavelli encourages his Price to present an image of virtue when necessity dictates he act immorally. the results is a handbook dedicated to a new Price, espousing a politics of necessity with scant concern for justice and Christian morality when the security of the Price's rule is threatened. Set in the context of his earlier political writings, this edition shows how Machiavelli's advice was conditioned by the prevailing political and social culture of Renaissance Italy. His clinical analysis of the dynamics of power, however, is as chilling now as it was then.

  • - Istorie Fiorentine
    af Niccolo Machiavelli
    311,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    301,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: ++++ Opere, Volume 7; Opere; Giovanni Battista Baldelli Boni NiccolO Machiavelli, Giovanni Battista Baldelli Boni Soc. Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, 1805

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    327,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    240,95 - 330,95 kr.

  • - con giunta di un nuova indice generale delle cose notabili
    af Niccolo Machiavelli
    310,95 - 340,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    147,95 - 317,95 kr.

    History of Florence and Of the Affairs Of Italy is a historical account by Niccolò Machiavelli, first published in 1532. By an unknown English translator published in 1847 in Bohn's Standard Library.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    319,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.

  • af Niccolo Machiavelli
    338,95 - 352,95 kr.

    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: ++++ Oeuvres De Machiavel Niccolò Machiavelli aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1743 History; Europe; Italy; History / Europe / Italy; Political Science / History & Theory

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