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  • af Camille Bech, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    56,95 - 90,95 kr.

    ”Hän painaa minua ovea vasten, sydämeni pampattaa, hän vetää farkkuni alas nilkkoihini asti, imee penistäni. Ensimmäisellä tapaamisellamme en ollut tiennyt, että hänestä löytyisi tällainen puoli!”Tämä kiihkeitä kohtaamisia, kiellettyjä paikkoja ja täyttymättömiä eroottisia toiveita sisältävä novellikokoelma tarjoaa kutkuttelevaa ja intohimontäyteistä viihdykettä makuukamarilukemistoksi avaramielisille lukijoille.Tässä kokoelmassa ovat seuraavat eroottiset novellit:Kielletyt paikat: Gynekologi - Eroottinen novelli Pomon tyttäret - eroottinen novelli Pysy luonani – eroottinen novelli Unet - eroottinen novelliViola – eroottinen novelli Sido minut - eroottinen novelliNiin kallis aarre - eroottinen novelli Herääminen - eroottinen novelli Kolmen tanssi - eroottinen novelli Seksiä lääkärin määräyksestä - eroottinen novelliTähän kokoelmaa on koottu esimerkiksi seuraavien LUST-kirjoittajien novelleja: Alicia Luz, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran ja Camille Bech.

  • af Camille Bech, Andrea Hansen, Erika Svensson, mfl.
    90,95 kr.

    Nach der kalten, dunklen Jahreszeit ist der Frühlings in vielerlei Hinsichten immer wie eine Art Neuanfang. Wieso auch nicht das Sexleben auffrischen? Ein überraschend heißes Geburtstagsgeschenk, eine prickelnde Begegnung mit einem Fremden im Urlaub oder ein buchstäblich atemberaubender Start in einen neuen Tag – all diese heißen Erotikgeschichten hauchen uns wieder Leben ein und lassen eventuelle Winterdepressionen in Luft auflösen.Diese Sammlung enthält folgende erotische Kurzgeschichten:Heißer Geburtstag in Norwegen: Erotische Novelle Osterlust: Erotische Novelle Das Osterei: Erotischer Roman Neues Leben, heißes Glück: Erotische NovelleEinzelgänger: Erotische Novelle)Das Erwachen von Alice - Erotische Novelle Unter dem karierten Flanellhemd: Erotische NovelleVerrucht-verführerische Maliwan: Erotische NovelleLUST ist ein Verlag, der Sammlungen von sexy und fantasievollen Erotikgeschichten herausgibt. Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, erotische Literatur zu veröffentlichen, die jede Art von Mensch anspricht, indem sie verschiedene Arten von Lust und Verlangen darstellen, damit wir verstehen, dass es in Ordnung ist, über unsere Sexualität, Sex und das, was uns anmacht, nachzudenken.Diese Zusammenstellung enthält erotische Kurzgeschichten der folgenden LUST-Autoren:Malin Edholm, B.J. Hermansson, Nicolas Lemarin, Lisa Vild, Camille Blech, Andrea Hansen, Erika Svensson

  • af Alexandra Södergran, Reiner Larsen Wiese, Sandra Norrbin, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    “LUST consiglia: Racconti erotici hardcore” è la raccolta perfetta per chi ama spingersi al limite ed esplorare il mondo del BDSM, dove le persone si dividono tra dominatori e sottomessi e dove il piacere, così come il sesso, è sempre estremo.La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:I tirocinanti medici - Breve racconto erotico Ortiche - racconto erotico In balia del mio padrone - Breve racconto eroticoUn desiderio urgente - Breve racconto erotico I pregi di Sophie - vol. 1: Il suono della sua voce - Un racconto erotico I pregi di Sophie vol. 2: I sottomessi - Un racconto erotico I pregi di Sophie vol. 3: Guardami - Un racconto eroticoI pregi di Sophie vol. 4: Il Gusto - Un racconto erotico Il debutto di Alice - Un racconto erotico Il pornodivo - Breve racconto eroticoLussuria nella Russia imperiale - Letteratura eroticaGirando un film - Racconto erotico I racconti contenuti in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da Alicia Luz, Fabien Dumaître, Reiner Larsen Wiese, Sandra Norrbin, Alexandra Södergran, Ashely B. Stone, Nicolas Lemarin e Saga Stigsdotter in collaborazione con Erika Lust.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    31,95 - 49,95 kr.

    "Zodiaken: 10 erotiska noveller för Väduren" handlar om barnförbjudna utmaningar där tävlingsinstinkterna tar över. Om att ta chansen och utforska nya erotiska eskapader. Noveller som bjuder på oavbruten kittlande och het erotik som passar stjärntecknet Vädurens snabba tempo och längtan efter spänning.Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:Förbjudna platser: BiografenEscaperoomUppbunden Sex för gallerietNära till handsSwitchSommarsex 1: BussenSkydiveKarnak: Faroniska viskningarRum 241Bonusnovell: AnställningsintervjunVanessa Salt, Julie Jones, Nicolas Lemarin, Saga Stigsdotter, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest.

  • af Camille Bech, Erika Svensson, Lea Lind, mfl.
    64,95 kr.

    ”Hun klædte sig af og lagde sig ind til ham, hendes læber søgte hans, og denne gang var det hende, der skilte hans med sin tunge. Han bad hende sætte sig på ham, han ville se hendes frodige krop, mens hun bevægede sig på ham.”Henning, du ved godt, at jeg helst vil være nederst.””Ikke i dag, Lise … jeg vil se din dejlige krop.””Henning og Lise kan snart fejre sølvbryllup, men deres sexliv er stort set gået i stå. Da de flytter til et nyt kvarter, bemærker de, at genboen ofte får besøg af forskellige mænd. Hvad er det, der foregår ovre på den anden side af vejen? Og kan det mon være med til at fyre op under Henning og Lises parforhold?Foruden novellen ”Nyforelsket” om Henning og Lise indeholder samlingen roller om seksuelle fantasier og pirrende møder mellem mennesker, som oplever den helt særlige seksuelle gnist, der ikke lader sig slukke igen. Alt fra BDSM til sex i badet og den seksuelle debut er på tapetet i denne hede samling erotiske noveller. Samlingen indeholder novellerne:Alice VågnerNyforelsket Strap-onKalendersexDen første gang MidsommeraftenMaliwan En Polyamorøs JulI bad med Fru Nielsen LUST er et forlag, der udgiver en samling af sexet og fantasifuld erotik. De har en mission om at udgive erotisk litteratur, der appellerer til alle slags mennesker, ved at repræsentere forskellige former for lyst og begær, så vi kan forstå, at det er okay at tænke over sin seksualitet, sex, og hvad man tænder på.Denne samling erotiske noveller er skrevet af følgende LUST-forfattere: B.J. Hermansson, Malin Edholm, Lea Lind, Saga Stigsdotter, Katja Slonawski, Camille Bech og Nicolas Lemarin. Katja Slonawski skriver spændende og erotisk ladede noveller om hverdagsmennesker i uventede situationer. Nicolas Lemarin er uddannet inden for psykologi. Han er ord- og erotikentusiast og har tidligere arbejdet som journalist på maritime blade. Svenske Saga Stigsdotter har gået på Jakobsbergs Folkhögskola. Hun er fascineret af magtdynamik og skriver intimt om normbrydende kærlighed. Med humor og et ønske om at udforske tager hun læseren med til nye og overraskende situationer, den ene frækkere end den anden.

  • af Cecilie Rosdahl, Julie Jones, Lisa Vild, mfl.
    38,95 kr.

    Ce recueil de 11 nouvelles est une invitation à l'exploration de ses désirs les plus profondément enfouis, à faire confiance, à se laisser aller et à céder au plaisir. Aucun interdit ne se met en travers de la route de ces hommes et ces femmes qui se découvrent. Plus ils en apprennent sur eux-mêmes et donnent libre cours à leurs fantasmes, plus ils approfondissent leurs liens avec leurs partenaires et créent une relation durable. Voyeurisme, exhibitionnisme, fétichisme, BDSM et bien d'autres délicieuses surprises se cachent dans les pages de ce recueil.Cette collection de nouvelles érotiques comprend :Voyeur L'Éveil d'Alice Vidéos privées Jeu de mains Le nœud de cravateCamgirl Le Jouet de ma colocataire L'Invitation Peep show Les Internes en médecine Hotel CaliforniaCette collection est publiée en collaboration avec la productrice de films suédoise Erika Lust. Son intention est de dépeindre la nature et la diversité humaines à travers des histoires de passion, d'intimité, de plaisir et d'amour en associant de puissants récits et l'érotisme.Cette compilation contient des nouvelles érotiques écrites par les auteurs suivants : Sarah Skov, Julie Jones, Lea Lind, Lisa Vild, Cecilie Rosdahl, Sandra Norrbin, Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Camille Bech, Erika Svensson, Lisa Vild, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    Una raccolta di racconti erotici perfetti per la stagione primaverile. Ma attenzione: l'ascolto di questa raccolta mentre la fresca brezza vi accarezza la pelle potrebbe provocare violenti brividi di piacere ed eccitazione. Ascoltare con cautela! La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:Il debutto di Alice - Un racconto erotico L’uovo di Pasqua - Breve racconto erotico Il lupo solitario - Breve racconto erotico Pasqua di lussuria - Breve racconto erotico La poetessa - Un racconto erotico Sotto la camicia di flanella a quadri - Racconto erotico La prima volta - Breve racconto erotico I segreti piccanti della postina - Breve racconto erotico Il massaggio - Breve racconto erotico Desiderio 2: Il professore - racconto erotico Maliwan – Racconto erotico I racconti contenuti in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Lisa Vild, Camille Bech, Lea Lind, Britta Bocker, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B. e Saga Stigsdotter; in collaborazione con Erika Lust.

  • af Nicolas Lemarin
    35,95 kr.

    Hannah en Fabrice koesteren hun kostbare, gelukkige privacy. Maar wanneer ze op een warme zomerochtend vanaf hun terras zien hoe de overburen zich met elkaar vermaken, ontdekken ze een onverwacht verlangen om te zien en gezien te worden. Opgewonden overvalt hen een verontrustende verrukking bij het idee van het delen van hun plezier en hun aanrakingen... Een samensmelting op afstand die hun verlangens vertienvoudigt en hun medeplichtigheid nog sterker maakt. Hoe ver zullen ze durven gaan met deze nieuwe fantasie?Nicolas Lemarin heeft een diploma in de psychologie en is een voormalig zeiler. Hij was ook journalist voor nautische tijdschriften.Als liefhebber van woorden en erotiek, en bezitter van een levendige en creatieve geest, ligt het voor de hand dat hij erotische korte verhalen is gaan schrijven.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Sarah Skov & mfl.
    38,95 - 90,95 kr.

    ”Suutelen häntä, ja hänen kirkkaanpunaiset huulensa tuntuvat märiltä ja sileiltä omiani vasten kuin paksut, höyrytetyt sinisimpukat. Annan käteni liukua alas alushousuihini ja voihkaisen kosketuksesta, aivan kuin sitä olisi odotettu pitkään. Suutelen häntä ahnaasti. Puren hänen huultaan, kunnes raudan maku täyttää suuni. Hän hymyilee julkeasti minulle. Hän tarttuu päähäni käsillään ja päästää kiharani täyttämään hänen sormiensa välit. Hän tiukentaa otettaan, ja minä voihkaisen.”Härkä on eittämättä eläinradan nautinnonhaluisin merkki. Hän saattaa uppoutua tuntikausiksi hellyydentäyteisiin kohtaamisiin. Hänen aistikkuutensa pääsee oikeuksiinsa parisuhteessa, jossa on hyvää ja antoisaa seksiä. Seksi onkin tälle merkille suhteessa kaikki kaikessa. Härkä hyödyntää petipuuhissa kaikkia aistejaan ja viettää tämän harrasteen parissa paljon aikaa kelloa katsomatta. Tuttu ja turvallinen parisuhde on tälle merkille hyvän seksin perusta.Tässä kokoelmassa on seuraavat novellit:Syö kanssani - eroottinen novelli Niin makaa kuin petaa – eroottinen novelli Feministimies – eroottinen novelli Kirjaston viettelemä - eroottinen novelli Herääminen - eroottinen novelli Puiden joukossa - eroottinen novelli Pariisissa näin hänen tanssivan - eroottinen novelli Kärsivällisyyttä - eroottinen novelli Rakkauden saari - eroottinen novelliChilillä maustettuna - eroottinen novelliTässä kokoelmassa on eroottisia novelleja seuraavilta LUST-kirjoittajilta: Alexandra Södergran, Julie Jones, Sarah Skov ja Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Sarah Skov & mfl.
    31,95 - 62,95 kr.

    "Zodiaken: 10 erotiska noveller för Oxen" handlar om erotiska lekar, matsex och lustar. Om en bekymmersfri tillvaro där det finns god mat, sol och bad. Erotik där stjärntecknet Oxens alla njutningar står i centrum. Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:Ät med migSom man bäddar får man liggaEn feministisk manFörförd på biblioteketAlices förvandlingBland trädenI Paris såg jag henne dansaTålamodKärleksöarnaMed smak av chilliSarah Skov, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Julie Jones.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Sarah Skov & mfl.
    40,95 kr.

    "He pushes her against the wall in the shower. She lifts her legs over his hips, making him carry her weight. She can feel the bulge in his trousers pressing against her pussy. It's as hard as his flexing biceps." – Seduced in the LibraryPart of an erotic star signs series from LUST, ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Taurus’ is a collection of erotica that aligns with this earth sign. A very sensual sign, a Taurian often finds sex to be one of the most important aspects of a relationship. Intimacy with a Taurus should use all five senses – touch, taste, sight, scent, and sounds – so they’re not afraid to experiment with everything from feathers to food play. Take your sweet time, and enjoy these sexy reads!‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Taurus’ features the stories: ‘Eat with Me’, ‘You have made your bed’, ‘The Feminist Man’, ‘Seduced in the Library’, ‘Alice's Awakening’, ‘Among the Trees’, ‘I Saw Her Dancing in Paris’, ‘Patience’, ‘The Love Islands’ and ‘A Taste of Chili’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Sarah Skov, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, and Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    33,95 - 57,95 kr.

    "Nie miał wyboru, musiał się zgodzić. Nie dlatego, że tego chciała – mógł przecież zanieść ją z powrotem do samochodu, przypiąć pasami i zawieźć do domu – ale dlatego, że on też tego pragnął. Bardzo. Na samą myśl, że za chwilę może zatopić się w jej cieple, poczuł, jak jego penis robi się twardy. A gdy rozpięła płaszcz i zobaczył ją w przepięknej sukience, nic już nie było w stanie go powstrzymać…"Harry szaleje za swoją nową, młodą, oszałamiająco seksowną żoną. Dziewczyna fascynuje go pod każdym względem, ale ma trudny charakter i uwielbia prowokować kłótnie. Tym razem jednak wina leży po jego stronie, bo zapomniał o jej urodzinach. Gdy awantura na środku londyńskiej ulicy wymyka się spod kontroli, Harry jest gotów zrobić wszystko, by uspokoić żonę i wynagrodzić jej swój niewybaczalny błąd. To pełne emocji opowiadanie erotyczne pozwoli czytelnikowi zajrzeć między drzewa Hyde Parku, gdzie czasem dużo się dzieje… (Wśród drzew, Julie Jones)Jesteś „zodiakarą”? Seria „Erotyczny Zodiak” jest w takim razie dla Ciebie! Wydawnictwo LUST przedstawia nowy cykl, który zainteresuje zwłaszcza miłośników/miłośniczki horoskopów i wszystkie osoby, które wierzą w moc znaków. Kolejna część powstała z myślą o Bykach i jest związana z ich miłosną charakterystyką.Osoby spod tego znaku są niesamowicie zmysłowe. Dla nich seks jest jednym z najważniejszych elementów związku. Byki preferują partnera, z którym połączy ich głębsza więź, zarówno duchowa, jak i intelektualna.Intymność z osobami spod tego znaku powinna angażować wszystkie zmysły: wzrok, słuch, smak, dotyk i węch. Dlatego nie bójcie się eksperymentować z różnymi akcesoriami, zaczynając od bielizny i piór, a na jedzeniu kończąc. Niech ten tom dostarczy Wam dreszczyku emocji, zmysłowych doznań i przyjemności równie gorącej co wspomnienie letniego romansu! W skład zbioru wchodzą następujące opowiadania:Zjedz ze mną Jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz Feminista Uwiedziona w bibliotecePrzebudzenie Alicji Wśród drzew Widziałam jak tańczy w Paryżu Warsztaty wyciszenia Wyspy miłości O smaku chili Opowiadania zostały napisane przez następujące autorki i autorów LUST: Sarah Skov, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Sarah Skov & mfl.
    63,94 - 92,95 kr.

    "Bare tanken om at synke dybt ind i hendes varme gjorde ham hård. Og da hun åbnede sin frakke og afslørede den smukke kjole, hun havde på, var der ingen vej tilbage. Han greb fat i hendes ansigt og kyssede hende. Tunge mødte tunge, tænder kolliderede, hendes røde læbestift blev tværet ud om munden på ham. Han skubbede hende baglæns mod træerne og pressede hende op mod træstammen."”Stjernetegn – 10 erotiske noveller til Tyren” er en del af en erotisk stjernetegnsserie fra LUST, og er en samling af erotik, der passer til dette sensuelle jordtegn. For Tyren er sex noget af det vigtigste i et forhold, og Tyren elsker at eksperimentere med sin seksualitet. Alle fem sanser er på spil, når Tyren har sex, og i disse historier prøver elskerne kræfter med alt fra fjer til leg med mad.”Stjernetegn – 10 antal erotiske noveller til Tyren” indeholder historierne:Spis med mig Man ligger, som man har redt Den feministiske mand Forført på biblioteket Alice VågnerMellem træerne Jeg så hende danse i Paris Tålmodighed Kærlighedsøerne Med chilismag LUST er et forlag, der udgiver en samling af sexet og fantasifuld erotik. De har en mission om at udgive erotisk litteratur, der appellerer til alle slags mennesker, ved at repræsentere forskellige former for lyst og begær, så vi kan forstå, at det er okay at tænke over sin seksualitet, sex, og hvad man tænder på.Denne samling erotiske noveller er skrevet af følgende LUST-forfattere:Sarah Skov, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran og Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Cecilie Rosdahl, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    57,95 kr.

    “With his free hand, he loosened the noose around his neck and managed to wriggle the tie over his head. Seconds later the smooth silk loop was wrapped around my wrists and pulled tight. Tighter than handcuffs.” – Tie Me Up ‘Tie Me Up: Erotic Short Stories About Secret Kinks’ is a collection of erotica from LUST authors that delve into your deepest, kinkiest desires. From bondage and domination to taboo public pleasure and letting loose your voyeuristic side, the stories in this collection bring those secret kinks to the surface. This collection includes the stories: ‘The Nymph and the Fauns’, ‘At My Master's Mercy’, ‘Voyeur’, ‘The Urge’, ‘Desire 12: Roleplay’, ‘Alice's Awakening’, ‘Sex Tape’, ‘All About Hands’, ‘Tie Me Up’, ‘Camgirl’, ‘My Roommate's Toy’, ‘The Invite’, ‘Peep Show’, ‘The Medical Interns’, and ‘Hotel California’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Lisa Vild, Olrik, Sarah Skov, Reiner Larsen Wiese, Lea Lind, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B., and Cecilie Rosdahl.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    41,95 kr.

    “Alison can see Chris, the biker guy, and a couple of other men standing along the wall watching her. When the woman goes down on her, she starts kissing all the other bodies around her. She is enjoying being the center of attention. Being fucked in public.” – Desire 4: Pavilion of DesirePart of an erotic star signs series from LUST, ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Aries’ is a collection of erotica that aligns with this fire sign. A hot, flirtatious and passionate lover, Aries love a challenge in bed and they love to be on top so they need a partner and erotica that can match their fast pace. The sign of the Ram craves excitement and these stories with their tales of pleasure in public, bondage and domination, and hardcore fantasies are ready to fulfil your every desire. ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Libra’ features the stories: ‘Forbidden Places: The Cinema’, ‘Desire 4: Pavilion of Desire’, ‘Tie Me Up’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘All About Hands’, ‘The Switch’, ‘Summer Sex 1: The Bus’, ‘Skydive’, ‘Karnak: Pharaonic Whispers’ and ‘Room 241’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B., and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    38,95 - 69,95 kr.

    ”Kiipeän hänen polvelleen ja huokaan, kun elokuvan äänet vaimenevat. Äkkiä kuulen pelkkää tuulen huminaa. Suutelen Maxia niin äänettömästi kuin voin, tutkin hänen kielenkärkeään omallani samalla, kun painan jalkoväliäni alaspäin. Alaspäin. Painan, kunnes tunnen jonkin painautuvan vastaan. Hän vetää minua hiuksista, ja puren hänen alahuultaan.”Kiihkeä oinas rakastaa haasteita, myös makuuhuoneen puolella. Hän on kova flirttailemaan luonnostaan. Häntä on turha yrittää pitää aloillaan, sillä hän on tarttunut toimeen jo, kun muut vasta suunnittelevat. He pitävät mielellään ohjaksista kiinni, myös sänkypuuhissa. He nauttivat älyllisistä kumppaneista, joissa on sopivasti haastetta ja seikkailunhalua. He saattavat pitää useampia rakastajia samaan aikaan, mutta suovat kaikille tasapuolisesti huomiotaan.Tässä kokoelmassa on seuraavat novellit:Kielletyt paikat: Elokuvissa - eroottinen novelli Halu 4: Huvimaja - eroottinen novelli Sido minut - eroottinen novelli Maisema - eroottinen novelli Kaikki käsistä - eroottinen novelli Switch - eroottinen novelli Kesäseksi 1: Bussi Skydive - eroottinen novelli Karnak: Faraon kuiskauksia - eroottinen novelli Huone 241 – eroottinen novelliTässä kokoelmassa on eroottisia novelleja seuraavilta LUST-kirjoittajilta: Alexandra Södergran, Saga Stigsdotter, Julie Jones, Vanessa Salt, Nicolas Lemarin,Christina Tempest ja Malva B.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Sarah Skov, mfl.
    40,95 - 63,95 kr.

    „Och, mieć tego faceta zdanego na jego łaskę. Ta władza była dla Tony’ego jak powietrze w płucach. Uśmiechnął się i postanowił zlitować się nad kochankiem. Pochylił się, jego twarz znalazła się tuż nad kroczem Jacka, i wysunął język. W chwili, gdy dotknął nim wrażliwej skóry, poczuł dreszcz przebiegający po plecach. Powoli przesunął językiem wzdłuż członka w imponującej erekcji. Kilka razy okrążył czubek, pieścił go językiem i czuł słonawy smak kropelek, które już zaczęły się z niego sączyć. Gdy tylko wziął go do ust, poczuł, jak Jack naciska na jego głowę i wpycha go coraz głębiej, aż po nasadę. A potem pozwolił Jackowi zerżnąć się w usta. Pchnięcie po pchnięciu, aż słonawy posmak podpowiedział mu, że Jack jest już blisko. Wtedy przestał. Tony usiadł, spojrzał na wilgotnego, pulsującego, gorącego fiuta przyjaciela i zdecydowanym ruchem sięgnął po tubkę żelu leżącą na szafce przy łóżku.– Odwróć się – zażądał. – Odwróć się, pokażę ci, jaki ze mnie świntuch”. Bohaterowie opowiadania „Friends with benefits: oczami Tony’ego” uwielbiają mocne doznania i nie boją się podejmować ryzykownych eksperymentów. Podobnie jak inni bohaterowie i bohaterki zbioru „H jak hardcore”, ich przygoda pokazuje że przy obustronnej zgodzie ostry seks może stać się przepustką do całkiem nowego świata doznań. Przekrocz granice i odkryj możliwości, jakie daje całkowita utrata kontroli.Friends with benefits: oczami Tony’ego Przebudzenie Alicji Delirium Pamięć o nim Ruiny Majów Zakazane miejsca: Warsztat Nauczycielka pianina Spray: część 1 Spray: część 2 Wejdź Daddy's Girl Opowiadania zostały napisane przez następujących autorów i autorki LUST:Sarah SkovSandra Thorup Mose Vanessa Salt Sandra Norrbin Julie JonesNina Klose Alexandra Södergran Nicolas Lemarin

  • af Cecilie Rosdahl, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    "Hyväilin huuliani etusormella ja ajattelin Lisan punaista suuta, joka juuri sillä hetkellä kosketti jonkun toisen elintä, ei minua. Painoin sormen suljettua suutani vasten ja vaikenin. Lisa voihki kiihkeästi, ja huomasin kihelmöivän tunteen leviävän koko kehooni ja saavan jalkani tärisemään."Kokoelma sisältää peittelemätöntä halua ja hekumaa mitä moninaisimmissa maisemissa ja asennoissa. Tämä kokoelma on täynnä ujostelematonta kiimaa ja halua.Tämä kokoelma sisältää seuraavat novellit: MetsänväkiHerrani vallassaVoyeurViettiHalu 12: Roolipeliä Herääminen Kaikki käsistä Sido minut Camgirl Kämppikseni leikkikalu Kutsu Tirkistelyä Kandit Hotel California Tähän maukkaaseen kokoelmaan on koottu novelleja esimerkiksi seuraavilta taitavilta ja rajoja rikkovilta LUST-kirjoittajilta: Nicolas Lemarin, Olrik, Lisa Vild ja Malva B., Lea Lind ja Reiner Larsen.

  • af Cecilie Rosdahl, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    63,94 kr.

    ”Han fjernede sine hænder fra mine så hurtigt, at jeg næsten mistede balancen. Før jeg kunne nå at reagere, havde han grebet hårdt fat om mine håndled og løftet vores hænder op over vores hoveder. Jeg ved ikke, hvordan han gjorde det, uden at vores arme blev viklet ind i hinanden, men han vendte sig hurtigt og vi stod pludselig ansigt til ansigt.”Hun kan se, at han har besvær med sit slips, og hver gang hans forsøg på at binde det slår fejl, bliver han mere og mere frustreret. Hun har svært ved ikke at le, og hun tilbyder at hjælpe. Men han har andre planer. For selv om det ser ud, som om han ikke ville kunne binde en Windsorknude, selv om han fik en uge til det, har han ingen problemer med at binde hendes hænder over hendes hoved og drive hende til vanvid af rent begær. Nu har han hende præcis hvor han vil. Og hun kan ikke gøre andet end at lade sig rive med…I novellerne i ”Tie me up” hengiver folk sig til deres dybeste fetich om det så er bondage, ekshibitionisme, orgier eller sexlegetøj. Begæret driver ned ad væggene, når først man slipper hæmningerne og overlader sig til sine inderste drifter.Novellerne er udgivet i samarbejde med den svenske filmproducer Erika Lust. Hendes formål er at skildre menneskets natur og mangfoldighed gennem fortællinger om passion, intimitet, kærlighed og lyst i en kombination af stærke historier og erotisk komedie.Samlingen indeholder novellerne: Nymfen og faunerne I min herres vold Voyeur Drift Alice Vågner Alt om hænder Bind mig Camgirl Min roommates legetøj Invitationen Peep-show Lægekandidaterne Hotel California LUST er et forlag, der udgiver en samling af sexet og fantasifuld erotik. De har en mission om at udgive erotisk litteratur, der appellerer til alle slags mennesker, ved at repræsentere forskellige former for lyst og begær, så vi kan forstå, at det er okay at tænke over sin seksualitet, sex, og hvad man tænder på. Denne samling erotiske noveller er skrevet af følgende LUST-forfattere: Lisa Vild, Olrik, Sarah Skov, Reiner Larsen Wiese, Lea Lind, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin og Cecilie Rosdahl. Alexandra Södergran er en anonym svensk novelleforfatter. Hendes tekster behandler ofte tabuiserede emner på en spændende og nytænkende måde. Frem for alt interesserer hun sig for erotik og går til genren på en måde, der både overrasker og underholder læseren. Hun har udgivet godt og vel et dusin erotiske titler. Julie Jones er en anonym forfatter af erotiske historier. Hun skriver fra et feministisk perspektiv og stiller spørgsmålstegn ved sociale normer. Lisa Vild er et pseudonym for en svensk, erotisk forfatter. Hun mener, at sex burde være for alle, og ønsker med sine noveller at normalisere og nuancere billedet af, hvad sex er.

  • af Julie Jones, Erika Svensson, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    90,95 kr.

    "Intimo, Intenso & Inebriante" è una raccolta di racconti perfetta per qualsiasi umore. Se siete tristi, “Intimo” vi potrà confortare come un caldo abbraccio; se vi sentite avventurosi, “Intenso” vi terrà col fiato sospeso; se felici, “Inebriante” vi aiuterà a toccare le vette più alte del piacere.La raccolta contiene i seguenti racconti:[SI-53239] I miei ricordi di te - Breve racconto erotico [SI-62086] Il sogno di Parigi - breve racconto erotico [SI-54553] La prima volta - Breve racconto erotico [SI-58201] Resta con me - Breve racconto erotico [SI-58186] Sentire la sua presenza - Breve racconto erotico [SI-64803] Sauna, ortiche e rametti di bettula - Una storia natalizia in chiave erotica[SI-62700] L’ho vista ballare a Parigi - Breve racconto erotico [SI-63273] Un caldo inverno a Montreal - Racconto erotico [SI-54560] Valentine - Breve racconto erotico [SI-134821] Incompletezza – racconto erotico [SI-54378] Questione di mani - Breve racconto erotico [SI-63316] Il debutto di Alice - Un racconto erotico [SI-67831] Club privé La Cabaña - breve racconto erotico [SI-62708] Estate di sesso 1: L’autobus - Breve racconto erotico [SI-128834] Lamponi – racconto erotico lesbico [SI-122327] La disciplina del sapere – racconto erotico [SI-54565] I tirocinanti medici - Breve racconto erotico [SI-107083] Poli opposti – diari di domina[SI-58212] Luoghi proibiti : L’ascensore – Breve racconto erotico[SI-61918] Strip poker - Breve racconto erotico [SI-55307] Sogno bagnato di una notte di Mezza estate - Breve racconto erotico [SI-62433] Il bagnino - Breve racconto erotico [SI-79692] Happy Cocks - racconto erotico [SI-58179] La stagista - Breve racconto erotico [SI-64830] Video privati - Un racconto erotico [SI-64405] Ortiche - racconto erotico [SI-61990] Il massaggio - Breve racconto erotico [SI-63291] Un viaggio nell’antico Egitto - Racconto erotico [SI-58148] Brunch e orgasmi - Breve racconto erotico [SI-53242] Il ragazzo della piscina - Letteratura erotica I racconti contenuti in questa raccolta sono stati scritti da B. J. Hermansson, Katja Slonawski, Malin Edholm, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Sandra Norrbin, Anita Bang, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Nicole Löv, SheWolf, Victoria Październy, Black Chanterelle e Saga Stigsdotter in collaborazione con Erika Lust.

  • af Sandra Norrbin, Britta Bocker, Alicia Luz, mfl.
    69,95 - 90,95 kr.

    In ‘Digitale geneugten’ wordt een koppel tijdens weer een lockdown van elkaar gescheiden. Ze missen elkaar enorm en gaan op zoek naar moderne manieren om hun seksuele verlangens te uiten. De digitale wereld biedt hier het ultieme podium voor. In ‘Landloper’ gaat een advocate hardlopen in het bos. Het is een warme zomerdag en wanneer ze bezweet in het gras gaat liggen om uit te rusten verschijnt er een knappe, ongeschoren man. Ze kent hem niet, maar één ding is duidelijk: hij wil haar, en zij wil hem. Lees deze en negentien andere korte verhalen (waaronder de prikkelende serie ‘Verlangen’) in deze spannende erotische verhalenbundel. Deze verhalenbundel bevat de volgende titels: Digitale geneugtenDe landloperAphroditische bruiloftenDe coassistentenDe hete geheimen van de juffrouw van het postkantoorDe hete verlangens van de gravinDe nieuwe keukenmeid van de domineeDroom over ParijsVerlangen 1: WittebroodswekenVerlangen 2: De professorVerlangen 3: Uit de kastVerlangen 4: Het lusthuisVerlangen 5: TriootjeVerlangen 6: Horizontale en verticale vriendenVerlangen 7: Rode rozenVerlangen 8: Het uitstapjeVerlangen 9: MoedersVerlangen 10: FuckbuddiesVerlangen 11: De minnaarVerlangen 12: RollenspelIn deze erotische verhalenbundel vind je de spannendste korte verhalen geschreven door enkele van de beste erotica auteurs waaronder Nelly Blanck, Nicolas Lemarin en Alicia Luz.

  • af Alexandra Södergran, Reiner Larsen Wiese, B. J. Hermansson, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    “I flip her over and slap her ass, which reddens. She starts to let out little cries of excitement, but she must keep quiet, she’ll wake up the others.I stuff her thong into her mouth and gag her. I tie up her ankles and bring her knees up to her chest. I encircle her body with a rope so that she stays in his position.” – At Your Service Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘D is for Dark: 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that submits to the pleasure of the forbidden. Whether you have an abduction fantasy or you’re a dom for someone’s awakening, there’s a dark and taboo tale for everyone. If you enjoyed ‘B is for BDSM’ then ‘D is for Dark’ could be your next stop for pleasure. The fourth in this alphabet series, ‘D is for Dark’ features the stories: ‘The Urge’, ‘The Intern’, ‘Skin’, ‘Horny as Hell’, ‘Delirium’, ‘DILF’, ‘Alice’s Awakening’, ‘My Abduction Fantasy’, ‘At Your Service’, and ‘Evening Walk’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Alexandra Södergran, Elena Lund, B. J. Hermansson, Sandra Norrbin, Nicolas Lemarin, Reiner Larsen Wiese, Alicia Luz, and Mila Lipa.

  • af Irse Kræmer, Lea Lind, Sarah Skov, mfl.
    29,95 - 58,95 kr.

    "Harvey sitter i mörkret och observerar hennes koreografi, och han blir helt förtrollad av hennes rörelser. I takt med att musiken blir mer och mer energisk börjar Fiona röra sig allt snabbare. Hon skakar av sig morgonrocken och är nu helt naken på skärmen. Hon trycker upp sitt bröst mot kameran och smeker det, och det är så skönt att hennes andning blir tyngre.""Peeping Tom" är en samling erotiska noveller som handlar om njutningen i att se på när andra människor har passionerat sex. Om att ha full insyn till ett vackert ungt par som har hett sex och inte verkar ha något emot att någon tittar på. En glimt av passionerade och intima möten som får en att upptäcka sina voyeuristiska och expressionistiska sidor ...Denna samling innehåller följande erotiska noveller:Fröken Gunhilds sköna sommarÅtråEn erotisk tunnelbanaresaDen okända i vagnenrör inte konsten, rör vid migSex för gallerietSex tapeModet i hudenTystnad, tagning, sex!Porrstjärnan - erotisk novellInbjudan - erotisk novellBritta Bocker, B. J. Hermansson, Irse Kræmer, Sara Agnès L., Nicolas Lemarin, Chrystelle LeRoy, Fabien Dumaître, Lea Lind.

  • af Morten Brask, Lotte Garbers, Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, mfl.
    40,95 kr.

    “I tried to pull back a little so my breasts weren’t so pressed up against the blonde one, but the music pulled us closer together. His leg slid between mine. It had an unexpected effect. Something opened up and a warm, tickling sensation spread up through my abdomen. I rested my head on his chest and he kissed my hair, saying something in French I couldn’t understand. For the first time that evening, I didn’t think of Felix and even when I did, I didn’t pull away. I knew it was wrong, but I stayed, pressed up against this man I’d barely said a word to, feeling his thigh muscles against my crotch.” – She moves in mysterious ways. Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘Y is for Yes to Everything - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that encourages you to say yes to passion, yes to pleasure, and yes to your sexy fantasies and desires. From taboo relationships that play with power to bondage and voyeurism; say yes to these stories for steamy moments. The twenty-fifth and penultimate collection in this alphabet series, ‘Y is for Yes to Everything’ features the stories: ‘The Medical Interns’, ‘Alice’s Awakening’, ‘Skydive’, ‘Tie Me Up’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘Tip’, ‘She moves in mysterious ways’, ‘8. Arrondissement’, ‘March’, and ‘Snow’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Nicolas Lemarin, Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, Morten Brask, Betty Frank Simonsen, Lotte Garbers, and Kristiane Hauer.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Sarah Skov, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    “He gently pushes me away and looks down on the floor. I lie down on my back, and he throws himself at me. I think he is just as close to cuming as I am. He penetrates me without difficulty and fucks me like Picasso’s woman fucked herself while he watched, but today it is not the painter who is watching.” – Don’t touch the art, touch me‘Inebriante: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Happy’ is a collection of erotica from LUST that will bring you joy in your pleasure. Be on cloud nine with orgasms that will make you drunk with happiness as you enjoy stories and fantasies of horny handymen, steamy sex tapes, and lust-fuelled lifeguards. This collection includes the stories: ‘Don’t touch the art, touch me’, ‘The Lifeguard’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 1’, ‘Handyman Wanted Part 2’, ‘Sex Tape’, ‘Nettles’, ‘Student accommodation’, ‘A Trip to Ancient Egypt’, ‘The Publisher’, and ‘You can leave your hat on’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Chrystelle LeRoy, Sarah Skov, Vanessa Salt, Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Nicolas Lemarin, and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, Vanessa Salt, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    “He continues with alternating blows and caresses, burning yet sweet. Aroused by his firm spanking, an intense heat spreads through my body and grips me. What is happening to me?” – Alice’s Awakening ‘Intenso: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Adventurous’ is a collection of erotica from LUST that will take you on a pleasurable journey of excitement and adventure. From sex on show and steamy skydiving adrenaline kicks to dangerous games and forbidden places, this collection is sure to get your horny heart racing. This collection includes the stories: ‘All About Hands’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘Dangerous Games’, ‘The Spell’, ‘Succubus’, ‘Alice's Awakening’, ‘Skydive’, ‘The Sex Club La Cabaña’, ‘Forbidden Places: The Elevator’, and ‘Coffee’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Marguerite Nousville, Julie Jones, Christina Tempest, and Nicolas Lemarin.

  • af Andrea Hansen, Alexandra Södergran, Anita Bang, mfl.
    40,95 kr.

    “I spread my legs and sink down over her face so she can lick me. She continues sucking and fingering me until I cum so hard my legs shake.” – Lesbian DreamsPart of the erotic alphabet series, ‘P is for Pussy Worship - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that celebrates everything that the vulva and vagina have to offer. The lady garden is your Garden of Paradise in these steamy and sexy stories that slip fingers between a woman’s thighs with orgasms, lesbian desires, and mind-blowing oral. The sixteenth in this alphabet series, ‘P is for Pussy Worship’ features the stories: ‘Being My Own Director’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘Movie Night’, ‘Lesbian Dreams’, ‘Brunch and Orgasms’, ‘Desire 4: Pavilion of Desire’, ‘Desire 7: Red Roses’, ‘The Power Couple’, ‘Stay with Me’, and ‘Pool Boy’.LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Sarah Skov, Beatrice Nielsen, Andrea Hansen, Anita Bang, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Malva B., and Nicole Löv.

  • af Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Vanessa Salt, mfl.
    72,95 kr.

    "Natasha digs beneath the cushions. There has been much digging under the cushions in recent years. That's where she usually hides her dildo when Gustaf is away. Not that any of her piano students have ever been inside her bedroom, which is just off the drawing room with the grand piano. They have never even been able to look inside. She is always very careful about keeping that door shut. Though what if I were to leave it slightly ajar?" – The Piano TeacherPart of the erotic alphabet series, ‘X is for X-rated - 20 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that is packed full of the kind of stories you would only find in the forbidden adult section at the back of a movie store. With explicit sex and steamy scenes including taboo relationships and public places, this anthology of erotica has well and truly earned its X rating. The twenty-fourth in this alphabet series, ‘X is for X-rated’ features the stories: ‘Friends with Benefits: Through Tony's Eyes’, ‘The Medical Interns’, ‘Delirium’, ‘Student accommodation’, ‘The Mayan Ruins’, ‘Nettles’, ‘The Piano Teacher’, ‘Spray, Part 1’, ‘Spray, Part 2’, ‘Come in’, ‘Daddy's Girl’, ‘Alice's Awakening’, ‘Forbidden Places: The Elevator’, ‘Forbidden Places: The Central Station’, ‘Forbidden Places: The Airplane’, ‘The Ice Hotel 1: Lips of Ice’, ‘The Ice Hotel 2: Tongues of Ice’, ‘The Ice Hotel 3: Keys of Ice’, ‘The Ice Hotel 4: Songs of Frost and Steam’, and ‘Karnak: Pharaonic Whispers’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Amanda Backman, Sandra Norrbin, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Sofia Fritzson, Alexandra Södergran, Lisa Vild, mfl.
    56,95 kr.

    "His hands move across her back and up over her shoulder blades before they switch direction. On their way down, his fingers brush against the side of her breasts and a wave of pleasure washes over her. She presses against him and he cups his hands around her breasts as his mouth breaks free from her mouth." – A Passionate Flame ‘Dripping: A Collection of Erotica for a Rainy Autumn Day on the Couch with a Blanket’ is the perfect anthology of sexy stories to keep you occupied on rainy, horny days when the leaves are golden. Whether it's drizzling outside or there’s a full-on thunderstorm in the weather forecast, these erotic stories will get you wet in a good way so why not get down and romantic beneath the blankets? ‘Dripping: A Collection of Erotica for a Rainy Autumn Day on the Couch with a Blanket’ includes the stories: ‘The Waitress’, ‘Sex and Sensibility’, ‘A passionate commute’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The First Time’, ‘A Passionate Flame’, ‘Stay With Me’, ‘Catch Her If You Can’, ‘A Dream of Paris’, and ‘Free Will’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Lisa Vild, Vanessa Salt, Beatrice Nielsen, Lea Lind, Amanda Backman, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, Sofia Fritzson, Nicole Löv, and Saga Stigsdotter.

  • af Andrea Hansen, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, mfl.
    40,95 kr.

    "With his free hand, he loosened the noose around his neck and managed to wriggle the tie over his head. Seconds later the smooth silk loop was wrapped around my wrists and pulled tight. Tighter than handcuffs." – ´Tie Me Up´Part of the erotic alphabet series, ‘R is for Risk - 10 Erotic Short Stories’ is a collection of erotica that takes a walk on the wild side. From ropes and bondage to the potential of getting caught, if risk is your turn-on then this is the collection for you. The eighteenth instalment in the alphabet series, ‘R is for Risk’ features stories such as ‘Tie Me Up’, ‘Sex on Show’, ‘Forbidden Places: The Cinema’, ‘In Line at the Haunted House’, ‘Among the Trees’, and many more! LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. This compilation includes erotic short stories written by the following LUST authors: Vanessa Salt, Andrea Hansen, Julie Jones, Alexandra Södergran, Nicolas Lemarin, and Marie Metso.

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