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  • af Nilam Pathak
    217,95 kr.

    Tongue twisters serve as instrumental tools for improving speech clarity and enhancing articulation prowess, adaptable across linguistic domains. Embracing diverse tongue twisters from various languages allows enthusiasts to elevate linguistic proficiency, fortifying oral dexterity and expanding speech spectrum. This book contains more than 3000 crazy tongue twisters for practicing to gain speech clarity and command of pronunciation. We have dedicated a few sections to speaking practice with long paragraphs for an uninterrupted experience. The final sections of the book present a large number of tongue twisters to expose you to exciting speaking challenges. This resource extends an invitation to explore the wondrous world of tongue twisters, a world where words become a playground, speech becomes a skill, and clarity and precision reign supreme. Let us embark on this adventure together, embracing challenges, celebrating triumphs, and unlocking the full potential of tongue twisters to transform the way we speak and express ourselves.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    217,95 kr.

    Effortless Tongue Twisters, with more than 5000 fresh tongue twisters, is a powerful resource for gaining speech clarity, better pronunciation, strong control over spoken words, and fun communication activities and exercises. This is an interesting collection of simple and complex phrases of various levels of difficulty to exercise your mind and speaking organs. Whether you're looking to improve your public speaking, reduce an accent, entertain kids, or get a vigorous vocal workout, this book offers a full guide into the world of tongue twisters. The depths of these tricky phrases reach far beyond their silly exterior. With the right techniques and persistence, practicing tongue twisters can lead to transformative improvements in verbal eloquence. The verbal dexterity gained will boost confidence and control in all forms of communication. This book is an invitation to explore the wondrous world of tongue twisters, a world where words become a playground, where speech becomes a skill, and where clarity and precision reign supreme. So, let us embark on this adventure together, embracing the challenges, celebrating the triumphs, and unlocking the full potential of tongue twisters to transform the way we speak and express ourselves.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    87,95 kr.

    This is the work of fiction which depicts the struggles of a young middle class couple and their actions taken to face these struggles. This story emphasizes the importance of understanding in any relationship which requires empathy and care. The main characters of the story are a recently married couple who wants to live a simple and happy life by supporting each other in their tasks. The understanding of the each other's emotions and ambitions are important to build stronger bonds, which lasts a lifetime. Once they start to support each other their team becomes much stronger than the sum of their individual self. The most important aspect of getting success in life is never to lose hope and never to stop trying. In our life almost everyone is faced with complex situations which tend to force people to lose hope and feel negative about life. But that is the time when exactly opposite should be done i.e. to never lose hope and become even more aggressive to move forward. To achieve the required positivity we need to become mentally strong to take challenges, which also means that 'when the going gets tough the tough gets going'. The meaning of this quotation is that the best way to triumph in tough times is to never stop walking forward while aggressively and rationally facing the odds. The objective of this book is to point towards the importance of facing the problems head-on, instead of hiding from them. When we set our stretched goals the path to achieve them is not simple and it may be full of hindrances. The achievers of goals would never lose their focus from destination while taking every possible step to choose the best path to reach the goal. "Never Give up Struggle", is one of the basic rule to achieve goals. It means that once a person is clear about his goals then he must sincerely persevere to achieve them. Any worthwhile goal requires consistent efforts as it would be full of challenges. Only a strong commitment towards it would lead to success and achievement of results. The meaning of this concept is simple that a clear destination needs to be identified by an individual which should be motivating and in accordance with a bigger mission. The focus on this destination provides the necessary drive to move forward. It also means that the efforts must be sincere with necessary intensity. A person who never gives up struggle is consistently focused on his goal and is ready to take every possible path to achieve them. If one path does not lead to the desired results then different paths should be identified and followed to achieve the goals. The required intensity to follow this principle comes from the commitment towards the goal to be achieved. Every goal must have necessary clarity in the mind of the person focusing on it which comes from the bigger picture of the mission or purpose. These goals should make the person enthusiastic for actions and for taking responsibilities. Another important requirement for following this principle is to have belief on self for achieving the goals. A person without self- belief would always be fearful and confused about taking actions. Learning ability is another fundamental requirement to take challenges as it transforms any failure into a learning opportunity. This belief is extremely beneficial as anybody sincerely following this principle becomes a doer, consistently improving a person by enhancing his competencies, skills and capacities. Generally these people achieve results, making them successful. These initial results boost the morale of the person, motivating him to aggressively take up challenges. All these factors contribute to stronger self-belief which is the main source for making a person unstoppable.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    227,95 kr.

    This book is specially designed for readers seeking to play and practice with tongue twisters developed with elevated levels of difficulty. This book contains numerous giant complex tongue twisters intending to put physical and mental strain while practicing or playing with the passages of the book. The objective is to present a formidable challenge for practitioners to enhance their oratory skills. This book is suitable for experienced users who already have command over basic tongue twisters. Beginners should start slow by breaking the passages into individual sentences to practice. Control and command will be achieved over these tongue twisters with perseverance and endurance.To ease the navigation of the book, the tongue twisters are segregated as Consonants and Vowels. These groups are categorized and arranged in alphabetical order to make it easier to use the tongue twisters based on individual requirements. This categorization essentially presents clearly demarcated phrases for exercise without confusion or time wastage, saving precious time and effort.In this book, we have crafted a unique approach to complexity by utilizing combinations of sentences, forming paragraphs and passages that place considerable strain on the tongue and the intricate mechanisms involved in speech. Tongue twisters would try to resist the fluency of the speech through confusion and disturbing synchronization, effectively presenting a challenge to overcome. Beginners should start by practicing with each sentence of the tongue twisters, rather than tackling the entire passages or paragraphs.The body of the book has devoted attention to the cultivation of vocal qualities in a segregated manner. Focusing on a distinct voice within each set of passages, readers can refine their abilities in practicing and mastering particular vocal attributes. This approach provides a targeted framework to plan and practice to attain the command on the spoken words.One notable feature of this book is the inclusion of a dedicated section called "Mixed Tongue Twisters." This segment would present a unique challenge by mixing the tongue twisters, irrespective of the alphabet. Here, you will encounter challenging and free-flowing tongue twisters without following letter-specific rules. This segment aims to push the boundaries of your linguistic capabilities and foster adaptability in tackling various linguistic hurdles.In the final segment of the book, you will find page-length passages, each designed to immerse you in the practice of a specific type of voice. These passages offer an intensive opportunity to refine your skills by focusing on a particular letter. This endeavor aims to provide readers with ample opportunities for intense and unwavering practice, honing their skills in a targeted manner. In this section, prepare yourself for an enriching and fierce practice session that will push your limits and expand your linguistic repertoire.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    197,95 kr.

    We are thrilled to present to you the second edition of "Tongue Twisters Big Book," an enhanced and expanded collection of tongue twisters that will challenge your verbal dexterity while bringing joy and fun to your language practice. In this edition, we have made significant improvements by adding an impressive 1600 new tongue twisters, carefully curated to provide you with a delightful linguistic experience. This brings the total number of tongue twisters in the second edition to 3200. Our primary goal for this book has always been to bring clarity to spoken words while having fun. We believe that tongue twisters serve as an enjoyable and effective tool for improving diction, pronunciation, and linguistic agility. With this new resource, we are confident that you will find endless opportunities to challenge and refine your verbal skills. Another goal for this edition was to maintain an optimum complexity level for each tongue twister. We understand that the true essence of a tongue twister lies in its ability to twist the tongue, challenging you to articulate difficult sounds and combinations of words. We have taken great care in selecting tongue twisters that strike the perfect balance between complexity and playfulness, ensuring that they remain enjoyable while encouraging clarity in spoken words.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    162,95 kr.

    While rhetorical devices may be used to evoke an emotional response in the audience, there are other reasons to use them. The goal of rhetoric is to persuade the subject towards a particular frame of view or a specific course of action, so appropriate rhetorical devices are used to construct sentences designed both to make the audience receptive through emotional changes and to provide a rational argument for a specific perception or direction. There are large numbers of rhetorical devices but only certain rhetorical devices are required for effective communication. These devices are frequently used by politicians in their speeches or business executives in their presentations to persuade the listeners for their case. The master of these devices is able to create a magical influence on the mind of the receiver. This book aims to equip the readers with 63 of these rhetorical devices which can be used to get success in life. The theme of this book is kept extremely simple. For each of the device a brief description is presented, followed by various examples. Readers can understand the concept and should use these devices in their daily communication to get mastery. It is important to understand that the specified rhetorical devices should be used strategically and optimally, as excessive use would blunt their impact.

  • af Nilam Pathak
    117,95 kr.

    New Year's resolution is an overused word, and we have rarely seen success in it. Somehow in our heart we all know that new year is full of possibilities, and it has the potential to bring drastic positive changes in our lives. But we do not know how. Can there be a way to really understand the concept of New Year's resolution? Can someone present a powerful, but simple technique to create the right New Year's resolution? The next big challenge is about the execution. Even if we have created the right New Year's resolution, it is rarely executed. It means that the expected outcomes from the resolutions are not achieved. People after repeated failures either stop making the New Year's resolutions, or make it only for fun. It is a missed opportunity, which has the potential to transform our lives completely. The objective of this book is to create champions in the concept of New Year's resolutions and direct the energy and resources of the readers in the right direction so that they can achieve the expected results from their New Year's resolutions. We have discussed powerful ideas and effective techniques to support people in unleashing the power from their New Year's resolution. We are sure that after completion of this book the readers will have powerful tools at their disposal to bring the desired changes in their lives, to become more successful, satisfied, and happy.

  • af Anshuman Sharma & Nilam Pathak
    149,95 kr.

  • - Power to Everyone
    af Anshuman Sharma & Nilam Pathak
    92,95 kr.

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