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Bøger af Oscar Van Heek

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  • af Oscar Van Heek
    82,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    81,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    82,95 kr.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    157,95 kr.

    Tha inneal-nighe ga sguabadh a-steach air a' chladach. Sreapaidh Bubba na bhroinn agus an ceann mionaid no dhà tha e glacte sa chuairt toinneachaidh ach thig Eachann Eanchainn ga shàbhaladh. An dèidh beagan ùine a' fèileaganaich ris, tha e a' tionndadh an inneil nighe gubhith na Pheata Ròbot dha Bubba. Is e a' chiad shealladh a tha Peata a' faicinn, sùilean gràdhach Bubba a' coimhead air agus tha e a' smaoineachadh gur e Bubba a dhadaidh. Tha Peata an uair sin a' leantainn Bubba don a h-uile àite. Nuair a thèid Bubba a shnàmh, tha Peata a' dol còmhla ris ach theabas a bhàthadh. Tha Bubba a' sàbhaladh Peata a-rithist agus tha an dithis aca a-nis nan caraidean gu bràth.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    142,95 kr.

    Tha TBh ga giùlain a-steach air an làn gu tràigh bhrèagha ghlan nam Bongles. A' cur iongnadh air Bubba Mòr, tha e a' faicinn dealbh de phaidh sùghach blasta a' nochdadh air an sgrion. Tha Bubba Mòr na bhoil 's e a' snòtadh mun cuairt agus an uair sin ag ithe an TBh, agus tha dealbh den phaidh ri fhaicinn na mhionach. Mar a tha e a' casadaich 's a' splutraich, tha A' Chàraid a' feuchainn ri a chuideachadh le bhith ga dhiogaladh. Mu dheireadh thall, gheibh iad fois nuair a nì Bubba casad mòr agus a-mach thig an TBh, an uair sin suidhidh iad uile sìos gus Cupa Cruinne Ball-coise nam Bongles a choimhead air an teilidh ùr aca.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    157,95 kr.

    Tha bogsa-fòn a' tighinn a-steach air an tràigh agus cuiridh Bubba Mòr Bongo fios air a' fòn airson dìnnear bhon chlàr biadh-boise. Tha am biadh ga thoirt thuige ann a' heileacoptar. A' faireachdainn fàileadh cùbhraidh a' bhìdh, tha Uilebheist Mara a' ruith às dèidh nam Bongos agus a' goid a' bhìdh bhuapa. Tòisichidh am fòn air an tràigh a' seirm. Tha A' Chàraid a' freagairt - 's e Uilebheist na Mara a th' ann agus e a' toirt taing dhaibh.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    82,95 kr.

    Scottish Jessie arrives on Bongle Island paddling on a hoover! Brainy soon works out how to convert the hoover into bagpipes. Jessie is delighted and starts to play and in no time has the Bongles marching up and down the beach. But the noise also awakens a monster from the deep. Could it be Nessie?

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    142,95 kr.

    A washing machine washes up on shore. Bubba climbs in and gets stuck on the spin cycle and Brainy comes to the rescue. After endless tinkering, he turns the washing machine into a Pet Robot for Bubba. The first thing Pet sees is the adoring eyes of Bubba and thinks Bubba is his dad. Pet follows Bubba everywhere. When Bubba goes for a swim, Pet joins but nearly downs. Bubba saves Pet and the two have now bonded for life.A washing machine washes up on shore. Bubba climbs in and gets stuck on the spin cycle and Brainy comes to the rescue. After endless tinkering, he turns the washing machine into a Pet Robot for Bubba. The first thing Pet sees is the adoring eyes of Bubba and thinks Bubba is his dad. Pet follows Bubba everywhere. When Bubba goes for a swim, Pet joins but nearly downs. Bubba saves Pet and the two have now bonded for life.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    157,95 kr.

    A phone box washes up onto the beach and Big Bubba Bongo dials for a carry-out dinner from the takeaway menu. The meal is delivered by helicopter. A Sea Monster smelling the delicious food chases after the Bongos until he has stolen the food. The phone on the beach rings, The Twins answer - it is the Sea Monster calling to say thanks.

  • af Oscar Van Heek
    82,95 kr.

    A TV washes up on the shore, Big Bubba gets it to work by hitting it.Big Bubba sniffs then eats the TV with the picture of the cake showing through his tummy. The Twins have to tickle him in order to get the TV laughed out of his tummy.

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