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  • - Rutina Abdominal para Fortalecer el Centro y para Tener un Abdomen Plano
    af Patrick Barrett
    92,95 kr.

    'Los Mejores Ejercicios Para El Abdomen' no es como cualquier otro libro de ejercicios abdominales. En efecto, la debilidad de muchos rutinas de ejercicios que se dirigen al centro es que muchos de estos ejercicios trabajan el estómago casi en forma aislada. Así no funcionan el abdomen y la espalda baja en la vida real. En una situación de la vida real, los músculos del centro trabajan con otros grupos musculares mayores para proporcionar estabilidad y control para todo el cuerpo. Esto significa que en tus entrenamientos, es importante que el estómago y la espalda trabajen juntos con los otros grupos musculares para obtener resultados óptimos. Eso es lo que hace diferente a 'Los Mejores Ejercicios Para El Abdomen'. Los ejercicios que aprenderás en este libro involucran a los principales grupos de músculos en la parte superior o inferior del cuerpo (o ambos, dependiendo del ejercicio específico) mientras trabajas el centro al mismo tiempo. El resultado es una rutina abdominal más completa y eficaz que quema más grasa, construye más músculo, y realmente te hace más fuerte. Y recuerda un componente vital, un entrenamiento de centro debe comprender no sólo el estómago, sino también la espalda baja. Este libro contiene todo lo que necesitas saber para trabajar y estirar la espalda baja, además de los abdominales, para maximizar la fuerza y minimizar el riesgo de lesiones y el dolor de espalda. Vas a aprender una gran variedad de diferentes ejercicios, con descripciones detalladas e ilustraciones para garantizar la claridad y la buena forma. Estos ejercicios pueden desafiar a cualquiera, desde un mero principiante hasta a un atleta con experiencia. Un buen entrenamiento del centro es absolutamente esencial. Si tu meta es verte mejor, más fuerte, o simplemente estar más saludable en general, los ejercicios abdominales deben tener prioridad. Así que recoge una copia física o digital de 'Los Mejores Ejercicios Para El Abdomen' hoy. Vas a aprender una rutina de ejercicios que podrás seguir utilizando para el resto de la vida.

  • - Bodyweight Training And Exercise Program For One Arm Pull Ups And Chin Ups
    af Patrick Barrett
    92,95 kr.

    The one arm pull up is, to put it simply, impressive. It represents an unusual kind of strength that seems to go beyond what a normal human can accomplish, and crosses into something animal. It's a goal that many people have, but few spend any real time on it because it's hard to know where to start. That difficulty stems from two main reasons: 1) Not many people know how to train for a one arm pull up or chin up, so there aren't a lot of resources out there to help someone who wants to learn the correct exercises. 2) The one arm pull up (and one arm pull up training) requires you to put a lot more strain on your joints and muscles than you would during normal exercise-in other words, if you don't know what you're doing, you can really hurt yourself. The trial-and-error approach to one arm pull up and chin up training can take a long time, and-if you hurt yourself-it can leave you worse off than you were when you started. This book is designed to be the practical resource you need to help you achieve your goal in a way that maximizes your results, and minimizes headaches.

  • - Basic Bodyweight Training and Calisthenics for Strength and Weight-loss
    af Patrick Barrett
    102,95 kr.

    Bodyweight exercise has long been the primary component of the daily training of some of the fittest people on Earth, including military forces, martial artists, and gymnasts. There is no doubt about the benefits you can enjoy from bodyweight exercise and calisthenics, but the important thing is to approach them in the right way--otherwise, you could end up frustrated with exercises that seem too hard, too easy, or for whatever reason just don't seem to be working. "Natural Exercise" will teach you over a dozen time-tested exercises--some you've seen before, and some you probably haven't. These exercises are everything you need for an effective, full-body workout that will get you as strong and fit as you could want to be. Just as importantly, it goes beyond that to teach you about monitoring joint health, executing proper breathing during exercise, and basic nutritional advice so that your body will get what it needs to perform and develop at an optimal level. You'll also learn in detail about scheduling because, after all, knowing how to do an exercise is not very helpful if you don't also know how often to do it, and for how long. This section will help you to develop an understanding of how many reps and sets you should do of a given exercise to get the maximum benefit for your personal situation. You can choose from sample schedules that are provided, or you can learn to build your own schedule to fit your lifestyle. One thing is certain--you need to exercise to stay healthy and become strong. Bodyweight exercise is a great way to stay fit, because you can do it wherever you are--at home or on the road, with no gym membership required. "Natural Exercise" goes beyond teaching the exercises to give you an understanding of how to develop your body intelligently, with maximum results and minimal risk of injury. If you want to follow the best bodyweight training program you can, avoid the trial and error and frustrating plateaus. "Natural Exercise" will give you all the knowledge you need to start developing a stronger, fitter body today.

  • - Grip Strength Workout And Training Routine
    af Patrick Barrett
    97,95 kr.

    Forearm exercises and hand strength training for building a strong grip are important components of a complete workout which are often overlooked. However, there are great benefits for people who take the time to train their hands and make them stronger. Think about it?whether you're playing a sport, working out in the gym, or just fulfilling your day-to-day responsbilities, your hands are what you use to interact with almost everything around you. You can have all the upper body strength in the world, but if your hands and forearms aren't strong enough to deliver that strength to the baseball bat, tennis racket, hockey stick, barbell, or whatever else you're trying to move, it's not worth very much. Strong and healthy hands are also just a wonderful asset to have in your daily life. You'll never stop needing your hands, and taking the time to keep them in great shape is a very smart long-term investment in your body. Hand And Forearm Exercises teaches you a full set of hand strengthening exercises, complete with pictures and detailed descriptions to ensure proper form. These are interesting and effective exercise which are also quite convenient?most require either common household objects or no equipment at all. If your interested in getting to the next level of hand strength for any reason?whether your trying to create an advantage in athletic competition, or just trying to keep your hands healthy and strong?this book will get you there. Pick up a physical or digital copy today, and get started.

  • - Desde los ejercicios básicos hasta las flexiones en parada de manos sin apoyo (Spanish Edition)
    af Patrick Barrett
    97,95 kr.

    "Cómo hacer una parada de manos" es el único recurso que necesitas si tu objetivo es ser capaz de mantener parada de manos, e incluso hacer flexiones en parada de manos, sin apoyarse contra una pared. No importa como lo llames - pararse de manos, hacer el pino, hacer el equilibrio de manos, o hacer el vertical - es un ejercicio excelente que casi cualquier persona puede aprender con las instrucciones adecuadas. El entrenamiento para hacer una parada de manos puede ayudarte a desarrollar una tremenda fuerza del cuerpo superior, así como un gran sentido del equilibrio y conciencia del cuerpo - también ofrece algo que muchos de los ejercicios no pueden, es realmente divertido. Si tu meta es hacer paradas de manos-o llevarlo más allá y hacer unas flexiones en parada de manos- este es el libro para ti. "Cómo hacer una parada de manos" cubre todo lo que necesitas saber para dominar estas habilidades y hacer del entrenamiento una parte de tu rutina regular. Entrenar para esta habilidad puede ser muy gratificante. También puede ser muy frustrante si no haces ningún progreso, si ocurre que no estás muy seguro de qué ejercicios hacer, y cómo hacerlos exactamente. Este libro te enseñará todos los ejercicios y progresiones que necesitas para dominar esta habilidad - incluso si nunca antes en tu vida has intentado hacer una parada de manos. Tendrás explicaciones completas junto con fotos que representan cada ejercicio que realizarás para llegar a tu objetivo. Todo lo que necesitas hacer es recoger una copia física o digital hoy, y comenzar.

  • - Simple Nutritional Advice For Optimal Health In The Modern World
    af Patrick Barrett
    97,95 kr.

    The current landscape of health and nutrition literature is a maze of conflicting advice, contradicting ideas, and flawed premises. "The Natural Diet" is an attempt to cut through all of that as helpfully and succinctly as possible, with an emphasis on what you need to know to be as healthy as you can for the rest of your life. Too often, people who make a good-faith effort to learn more about nutrition end up more confused than they were when they started. Have you ever had that feeling? A magazine, or book, or TV spokesman says "This list of foods is good for you, and this list is bad. Always do this, and never do that." Meanwhile, one person's list looks completely different from someone else's, and what 'everybody' is saying you should eat is different from what 'everybody' said you should eat ten years ago, which is completely different from what was 'in' another ten years before that. On an intuitive level, these diet fads just don't make sense. Some people say milk and dairy are bad for us. How can milk be bad, if we're mammals, and milk is sufficiently nutritious to feed us through the period of our lives when good nutrition is most critical? Other authorities will insist that the only way to be healthy is to eat a more or less flavorless diet. How can a 'healthy' diet be so unpleasant to the senses-in other words, why would our noses and tongues make 'unhealthy' food seem appealing, and 'healthy' food bland and undesirable? Does it really make sense that your body is built to lead you to the wrong foods? Still others will tell you that you must take some supplement or eat some invented superfood for optimal health. How can our bodies 'require' a certain food product that has only been created in recent history? Were human beings never healthy until its invention, and did the human body somehow evolve to require a product that didn't even exist yet? So many of the most common ideas in nutrition just don't hold up if you spend a few minutes thinking about them. Couple this with the fact that there are cultures all around the world who spend practically no time thinking about being fat or thin and enjoy longer lives and better health than most in the developed West do, and it becomes clear that we're missing something important on an intuitive level. "The Natural Diet" seeks to end this confusion once and for all-it's a two-hour read that will change the way you understand food and nutrition forever.

  • - From The Basic Exercises To The Free Standing Handstand Pushup
    af Patrick Barrett
    92,95 kr.

    Handstand training can help you develop tremendous upper body strength, as well as a great sense of balance and body awareness-but it also offers something that a lot of exercises can't. It's actually fun. If you've made it your goal to be able to hold a free handstand-or to take it further, and do free standing handstand pushups-this is the book for you. How To Do A Handstand covers everything you need to know to master these skills and make handstand training a part of your regular routine. Training to do handstands and handstand pushups can be very rewarding. It can also be very frustrating if you don't make any progress because you aren't quite sure which exercises to do, and how exactly to do them. How To Do A Handstand will teach you all the exercises and progressions you need to master this skill-even if you've never attempted a handstand before in your life. You'll have full explanations along with pictures depicting every exercise you'll use to reach your goal. All you need to do is pick up a copy and get started.

  • - Simple Workout Routine For Busy People In The Office, At Home, Or On The Road
    af Patrick Barrett
    97,95 kr.

    Have you been looking for a short, simple exercise routine that you can work into your busy schedule? Do you wish you could enjoy the benefits of regular exercise without rearranging your day around a trip to the gym, and without being forced to skip your workouts because you were just too busy to get it done with work, school, family, and who knows what else? If so, Easy Exercises may be the answer you're looking for. You'll learn a simple, short, stripped-down routine that you can do on a daily basis. You can stick with the core program indefinitely and reap the rewards of daily physical activity, or you can add in some challenging options for better, faster results while still keeping your workouts short and convenient. Can you set aside 3 or 4 minutes each day to exercise? Of course you can, and that means you've got all the time you need to incorporate this simple exercise routine into your life. People like to talk about the "secret" to staying in shape. Well, here it is, free of charge: the secret to staying in shape is not finding the exact, precise exercise or diet that will perform some kind of voodoo and deliver sudden, amazing results. The secret is finding a healthy plan that you can stick to. It can be running, or lifting weights, or bodyweight exercise, or yoga, or dance classes, or a recreational sports league. It can be anything, as long as it means you're being physically active on a regular basis, and as long as you stick to it. You may not see a dramatic transformation in a month, or even in two or three months, but as time passes and you keep it up you will see a big change. You will become one of "those people" who is just in great shape. That's what's so great about the exercise routine you'll learn in this book. It is so simple, so basic that anyone can stick to it. You don't need any special equipment (though there is a variation that uses weights, if you prefer that). But even though it's simple, it's still a full-body routine that's challenging enough to make you stronger, leaner, and healthier if you keep it up. Regular exercise is absolutely crucial to weight-loss and muscle growth. But nowadays it's more important than ever, because modern conveniences allow you to be more sedentary than ever before. Even beyond losing weight and building muscle, exercise and physical activity promote the deep breathing and circulation you need to clean your blood, cells, and organs, and to provide them with the fresh oxygen they need to do their jobs effectively and keep you healthy. Daily physical activity is essential for anyone who hopes to live a long, healthy life--and it's key to promoting your quality of life, too. Easy Exercises will teach you the simple workout program you've been looking for that fits easily into your busy schedule. Pick up a physical or digital copy, and you could be doing you first workout in a few short days, or even as soon as a few hours from now.

  • - An Intense Full Body Workout In A Home Or Gym
    af Patrick Barrett
    92,95 kr.

    Bodyweight exercise is probably the most under-appreciated tool out there for losing weight, building muscle, and staying healthy. Every day, millions of people waste time and money on expensive gym memberships and home workout equipment when there is an easier, more practical solution right under their noses. Don't get me wrong-I'm not saying that you can't get great results from working out at a gym, or from exercising on in-home workout equipment. If you can stick with that kind of program, and you've got the money, the time, and the room, you can do very well. I'm simply saying that for many people, these solutions are impractical, and they end up paying monthly for memberships at fitness centers they don't go to, or paying for weights and equipment that end up collecting dust in storage somewhere. Meanwhile, a tiny fraction of that same investment-if spent learning about bodyweight exercise-could give vastly better results. Many people think that bodyweight exercise is just not challenging enough to give you a good workout-they see it as more of a warm up than anything else. Well, there certainly are easy bodyweight exercises that can be used to warm up. There are also exercises, like muscle ups and one leg squats, that many weight-lifters and other athletes cannot even perform for a single repetition. Don't underestimate the value of this type of training program. Once you know what the more advanced bodyweight exercises can do for you, you'll have a workout routine that you can use conveniently for your entire life-whether you're at home or on the road, whether you've got two hours free to work out, or only 15 minutes. This kind of convenience means that sticking to a schedule is easier and more practical than ever, because you don't have to make time for the gym commute--you only have to make time for the exercise itself. Most people fail to appreciate, when it comes to getting fit (and staying that way), that anyone can build the "perfect" schedule or routine. You know what I'm talking about-the routine that's supposed to transform you into some kind of bodybuilder/super-hero crossed with an Olympic gymnast. Unfortunately, most people cannot plan their lives around such a routine, and if they try, they end up failing, and getting even more discouraged and out of shape. What really counts is not making the perfect plan, but creating a solid plan that you will actually stick to. That's what's so great about bodyweight exercise-unlike so many other options, it's both effective AND practical. If you're brand new to bodyweight exercise, or exercise in general, you may want to try my other book on the subject, Natural Exercise. It's geared more toward beginners. However, if you've already read that book, or you're just ready for more of a challenge, then Advanced Bodyweight Exercises is exactly what you need. You'll learn all the exercises (and variations) you need to build real strength to last a lifetime. So pick up your physical or digital copy of Advanced Bodyweight Exercises, and start exercising right away for less than the cost of a single dumbbell, or one-day gym pass.

  • - Abdominal Workout Routine For Core Strength And A Flat Stomach
    af Patrick Barrett
    97,95 kr.

    Best Ab Exercises is not like most abdominal workout books out there--in fact, it does not contain a single traditional "crunch" or "sit-up" type exercise. Indeed, the weakness in many workout routines that target your core is that a lot of those exercises work your stomach in near isolation. This is nothing like the way your abdomen and lower back operate in real life. In a real-life situation, your core muscles work with other major muscle groups to provide stability and control for your whole body. That means that in your workouts, it's important to have your stomach and your back working together with those other muscle groups for optimal results. That's what makes Best Ab Exercises different. The exercises you will learn in this book engage the major muscle groups in your upper or lower body (or both, depending on the specific exercise) while simultaneously working your core. The result is a more complete and effective ab routine that burns more fat, builds more muscle, and actually makes you stronger. And let's not forget a vital component here-a core workout must involve not only your stomach but also your lower back. This book contains everything you need to know to work and stretch your lower back in addition to your abs, to maximize strength and minimize the risk of injury and lower back pain. You'll learn a full range of different exercises, complete with detailed descriptions and pictures to ensure clarity and good form, that can challenge anyone, from a pure beginner to an experienced athlete. A good core workout is absolutely essential. Whether your goal is to look better, get stronger, or just be healthier in general, effective ab exercises need to be a priority. So pick up a physical or digital copy of Best Ab Exercises today-you'll learn an abdominal exercise routine you can keep using for the rest of your life.

  • - A Beginner's Guide To Kitchen Basics For Healthy, Natural Meals At Home
    af Patrick Barrett
    92,95 kr.

    How To Cook Healthy Recipes is a book designed for people who want to take advantage of the many health benefits of home-cooked meals, but who aren't comfortable enough in the kitchen to pull it off. Many of us lead busy lives, and at the end of the day the temptation to save time by eating prepared foods can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, those prepared foods from restaurants as well as grocery stores are more than likely loaded down with undesirable food additives. Remember that food additives?like artificial colors and flavorings, texture enhancers, and stabilizers?are put into foods not for "food" reasons, but for business reasons. They're designed to make food look more attractive, or last longer on the shelf. These are substances that your body isn't made to handle and doesn't know what to with, and the more you rely on food made by other people, the more likely it is that these undesirable substances are building up in your body on a daily basis. The only way to break this cycle is to take the time to learn to cook meals in your own home. If you can get comfortable in the kitchen making delicious and healthy meals that don't take too long to prepare, you can get into the routine of eating more wholesome food on a regular basis, which means protecting your body from all of those industrial food additives that go along with prepared, pre-seasoned, and packaged foods. How To Cook Healthy Recipes will teach you how to do just that. You'll get an introduction to the basics of the kitchen, including the following information: --Tools you'll need to be able to work efficiently as well as safely --Techniques you'll use to make your meals --More than two dozen simple recipes (with tips on how to tweak them) --Tips on experimenting with new spices and flavors --How to make your own stock (and what kind to buy if you don't want to make it) --Which additives and ingredients to avoid when cooking --How to change any recipe to minimize your food additive intake If you're committed to being as healthy as possible, you need to learn to cook your own meals. This book will teach you all the basics you need to prepare healthy, wholesome, natural meals in your own kitchen on a daily basis. Even if you've never cooked in your life, there's no reason to be intimidated?just pick up a physical or digital copy and get started today.

  • af Patrick Barrett
    157,95 kr.

    The Number One Killer of Teenagers in America is a Traffic Crash Even though we have had driver education for over three generations, that statistic remains unchanged. But, it doesn't have to be that way.In this book, Patrick Barrett traces the history of driver education's failure to produce safer drivers. He identifies it causes for failure and provides a real answer for how we can reduce collisions by 50%. While technology has improved vehicle design and made the roads safer, driver education has not advanced. It continues to use the same outdated formula adopted in 1949 of five hours of classroom instruction for every one hour of in-vehicle training. The so-called stakeholders in driver education have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. As long as the current standards and same agencies continue to rule driver education, you can expect driver education to continue to fail. Mr. Barrett shows how the lack of accountability and the use of a time-based standards and a public school format that emphasizes classroom over in-vehicle training creates a system in which new drivers know just enough to be dangerous.Included in this book are the 7 Deadly Mistakes Parents Make When Choosing Driver Education for their Teen and how parents can avoid these tragic mistakes. In addition, this book contains resources, options for a mastery-based approach, and opportunities for individuals and organizations who want to make a difference in producing safer drivers.

  • - Voices of In-home Care
    af Robin Gauld, Beatrice Hale & Patrick Barrett
    1.081,95 - 1.303,95 kr.

    This book examines the experiences of older people who remain at home with care. It discusses life changes faced by family members who take on a greater care-giving role, and suggests that this constitutes a new stage of life, an Age of Supported Independence.

  • af Beatrice Hale, Patrick Barrett & Mary Butler
    1.199,95 kr.

    It seeks to capture the dynamics of caregiving in a number of common situations: caregiving during infancy, for adults who acquire a disability through accidents or illness, for older people with age-related issues, and caregiving by children and adolescent carers and grandparent carers.

  • af Beatrice Hale, Patrick Barrett & Mary Butler
    1.028,95 kr.

    It seeks to capture the dynamics of caregiving in a number of common situations: caregiving during infancy, for adults who acquire a disability through accidents or illness, for older people with age-related issues, and caregiving by children and adolescent carers and grandparent carers.

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