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  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    484,95 kr.

    In an era where sustainability is of paramount importance, a remarkable transition is taking place worldwide. Seaports, train stations, and bus terminals are embracing innovative technologies and becoming vibrant hubs powered entirely by new sources of energy. This article explores how these crucial transport nodes are leading the charge towards a greener future, showcasing the potential for significant environmental benefits. Witness as these once-polluting gateways evolve into beacons of energy efficiency, revolutionizing the way we travel and transport goods while contributing to a cleaner planet.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    484,95 kr.

    . As the world embraces renewable energy, the sports industry has not lagged behind in pioneering sustainable practices. This article delves into the revolutionary trend of stadiums and sports complexes solely powered by new energy sources. From solar panels and wind turbines to advanced energy storage solutions, these innovative venues are transforming the way we experience sports while championing environmental conservation. Discover how cutting-edge technology, strategic partnerships, and forward-thinking design are propelling the sports world towards a greener future.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    495,95 kr.

    . Mentre il mondo abbraccia l'energia rinnovabile, l'industria dello sport non è rimasta indietro nelle pratiche sostenibili. Questo articolo approfondisce la tendenza rivoluzionaria degli stadi e dei complessi sportivi alimentati esclusivamente da nuove fonti di energia. Dai pannelli solari alle turbine eoliche, fino alle soluzioni avanzate di stoccaggio dell'energia, questi impianti innovativi stanno trasformando il modo in cui viviamo lo sport, sostenendo al contempo la conservazione dell'ambiente. Scoprite come la tecnologia all'avanguardia, le partnership strategiche e il design lungimirante stanno spingendo il mondo dello sport verso un futuro più verde.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    495,95 kr.

    . À medida que o mundo adere às energias renováveis, a indústria desportiva não fica atrás no que diz respeito a práticas sustentáveis pioneiras. Este artigo analisa a tendência revolucionária dos estádios e complexos desportivos alimentados exclusivamente por novas fontes de energia. Desde painéis solares e turbinas eólicas a soluções avançadas de armazenamento de energia, estes recintos inovadores estão a transformar a forma como vivemos o desporto, ao mesmo tempo que defendem a conservação do ambiente. Descubra como a tecnologia de ponta, as parcerias estratégicas e o design com visão de futuro estão a impulsionar o mundo do desporto para um futuro mais verde.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    495,95 kr.

    . Alors que le monde adopte les énergies renouvelables, l'industrie du sport n'est pas en reste pour ce qui est des pratiques durables. Cet article se penche sur la tendance révolutionnaire des stades et des complexes sportifs alimentés uniquement par de nouvelles sources d'énergie. Qu'il s'agisse de panneaux solaires, de turbines éoliennes ou de solutions avancées de stockage de l'énergie, ces sites innovants transforment la façon dont nous vivons le sport tout en défendant la conservation de l'environnement. Découvrez comment les technologies de pointe, les partenariats stratégiques et la conception avant-gardiste propulsent le monde du sport vers un avenir plus vert.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    495,95 kr.

    . Während die Welt auf erneuerbare Energien setzt, hat die Sportindustrie bei der Entwicklung nachhaltiger Praktiken nicht hinterhergehinkt. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem revolutionären Trend zu Stadien und Sportkomplexen, die ausschließlich durch neue Energiequellen betrieben werden. Von Sonnenkollektoren und Windturbinen bis hin zu fortschrittlichen Energiespeicherlösungen - diese innovativen Sportstätten verändern die Art und Weise, wie wir Sport erleben, und setzen sich gleichzeitig für den Umweltschutz ein. Entdecken Sie, wie Spitzentechnologie, strategische Partnerschaften und zukunftsweisendes Design die Sportwelt in eine grünere Zukunft führen.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    346,95 kr.

    Shaping a future that aligns with eco-consciousness, this book delves into the remarkable advancements in industrial infrastructure, highlighting manufacturing plants, refineries, power plants, and water and sewage treatment facilities that have transitioned to operating exclusively with transformative and renewable energy sources. Witness the resolute efforts to forge a sustainable world while ensuring uninterrupted productivity, and explore how these innovative solutions pave the way for a cleaner and greener tomorrow.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.017,95 kr.

    Sinceramente, acho que o ateísmo é inconsistente com o método científico. O que quero dizer com isto é o que é o ateísmo? É uma afirmação, uma afirmação categórica que expressa a crença na não-crença. "Não acredito, apesar de não ter provas a favor ou contra, simplesmente não acredito." Ponto final. É uma declaração. Mas na ciência não fazemos declarações. Dizemos: "Está bem, podes ter uma hipótese, mas tens de ter alguma prova contra ou a favor". Por isso, um agnóstico diria: "Olha, não tenho provas de Deus ou de qualquer tipo de deus (que deus, antes de mais? Os deuses Maori, ou o Deus judeu, cristão ou muçulmano? Que deus é esse?) Mas, por outro lado, um agnóstico não reconheceria o direito de fazer uma declaração final sobre algo que desconhece. "A ausência de provas não é prova de ausência", e tudo isso. Isto posiciona-me muito contra todos os "Novos Ateus" - embora eu queira que a minha mensagem respeite as crenças e os raciocínios das pessoas, que podem ser baseados na comunidade, na dignidade, etc. E penso que, obviamente, a Fundação Templeton gosta de tudo isto, porque faz parte de uma conversa emergente.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    912,95 kr.

    Bem-vindo à publicação atempada deste livro. A energia renovável é a energia que é recolhida a partir de recursos renováveis que são naturalmente reabastecidos numa escala temporal humana. Inclui fontes como a luz solar, o vento, a chuva, as marés, as ondas e o calor geotérmico. A energia renovável contrasta com os combustíveis fósseis, que estão a ser utilizados muito mais rapidamente do que são reabastecidos. Embora a maioria das fontes de energia renováveis seja sustentável, algumas não o são. As energias renováveis fornecem frequentemente energia em quatro áreas importantes: produção de eletricidade, aquecimento/arrefecimento do ar e da água, transportes e serviços energéticos rurais (fora da rede). O facto de ter cerca de 660 citações, todas elas bem e completamente abordadas no final do livro, mostra a minha meticulosidade e exatidão na utilização de todas as fontes importantes para escrever este livro. Espero que gostem deste livro. De facto, deveríamos ouvir a proposta do Ministro da Energia saudita nos anos 70, que disse"A Idade da Pedra não acabou porque a pedra se esgotou.A idade do petróleo deve acabar muito mais cedo do que o petróleo se esgota".Senhoras e senhores!Bem-vindos à era da nova energia.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    912,95 kr.

    Bienvenue à la publication opportune de cet ouvrage. L'énergie renouvelable est l'énergie provenant de ressources renouvelables qui se renouvellent naturellement à l'échelle humaine. Elles comprennent des sources telles que le soleil, le vent, la pluie, les marées, les vagues et la chaleur géothermique. Les énergies renouvelables s'opposent aux combustibles fossiles, qui sont utilisés bien plus rapidement qu'ils ne se reconstituent. Bien que la plupart des sources d'énergie renouvelables soient durables, certaines ne le sont pas. Les énergies renouvelables fournissent souvent de l'énergie dans quatre domaines importants : la production d'électricité, le chauffage et la climatisation de l'air et de l'eau, les transports et les services énergétiques ruraux (hors réseau). La présence de quelque 660 citations, toutes traitées de manière exhaustive à la fin de l'ouvrage, témoigne de la méticulosité et de la précision avec lesquelles j'ai utilisé toutes les sources importantes pour rédiger ce livre. J'espère que vous aimerez ce livre. En fait, nous devrions écouter la proposition du ministre saoudien de l'énergie dans les années 1970, qui a déclaréL'âge de pierre n'a pas pris fin parce que la pierre s'est épuisée.L'âge du pétrole doit se terminer bien plus tôt que le pétrole ne s'épuise."Mesdames et Messieurs !Bienvenue dans l'ère des nouvelles énergies.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.022,95 kr.

    Ich bin ehrlich gesagt der Meinung, dass der Atheismus nicht mit der wissenschaftlichen Methode vereinbar ist. Was ich damit meine, ist: Was ist Atheismus? Es ist eine Aussage, eine kategorische Aussage, die den Glauben an den Nichtglauben ausdrückt. "Ich glaube nicht, obwohl ich keine Beweise dafür oder dagegen habe, ich glaube einfach nicht". Punkt. Das ist eine Erklärung. Aber in der Wissenschaft machen wir nicht wirklich Erklärungen. Wir sagen: "Okay, du kannst eine Hypothese haben, aber du musst Beweise dafür oder dagegen haben." Ein Agnostiker würde also sagen: "Ich habe keine Beweise für Gott oder irgendeine Art von Gott (Welcher Gott, zuallererst? Die Götter der Maori oder der jüdische, christliche oder muslimische Gott? Welcher Gott ist das?) Aber andererseits würde ein Agnostiker kein Recht anerkennen, eine endgültige Aussage über etwas zu machen, das er oder sie nicht kennt. "Die Abwesenheit von Beweisen ist kein Beweis für die Abwesenheit" und so weiter. Damit stehe ich den "Neuen Atheisten" sehr ablehnend gegenüber - auch wenn ich möchte, dass meine Botschaft die Überzeugungen und Argumente der Menschen respektiert, die vielleicht auf der Gemeinschaft oder der Würde basieren und so weiter. Und ich denke, dass all dies der Templeton Foundation offensichtlich gefällt, weil dies Teil einer sich entwickelnden Diskussion ist.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.397,95 kr.

    Erdöl, auch bekannt als Rohöl und Öl, ist eine natürlich vorkommende, gelblich-schwarze Flüssigkeit, die in geologischen Formationen vorkommt. Es wird in der Regel zu verschiedenen Kraftstoffen und Chemikalien raffiniert. Die Bestandteile des Erdöls werden durch Destillation getrennt. Erdöl besteht hauptsächlich aus Kohlenwasserstoffen sowie aus Spuren anderer organischer Verbindungen. Die Bezeichnung Erdöl umfasst sowohl natürlich vorkommendes, unverarbeitetes Rohöl als auch Erdölprodukte, die aus raffiniertem Rohöl hergestellt werden. Erdöl ist ein fossiler Brennstoff, der sich bildet, wenn große Mengen toter Organismen, vor allem Zooplankton und Algen, unter Sedimentgestein begraben werden und sowohl anhaltender Hitze als auch Druck ausgesetzt sind.Erdöl wird meist durch Ölbohrungen gewonnen. Die Bohrungen werden nach Studien zur Strukturgeologie, zur Analyse der Sedimentbecken und zur Charakterisierung der Lagerstätten durchgeführt. Jüngste technologische Entwicklungen haben auch zur Ausbeutung anderer unkonventioneller Reserven wie Ölsand und Ölschiefer geführt. Nach der Gewinnung wird das Öl raffiniert und getrennt, am einfachsten durch Destillation, in zahlreiche Produkte für den direkten Gebrauch oder die Verwendung in der Industrie, wie Benzin, Diesel und Kerosin, Asphalt und chemische Reagenzien für die Herstellung von Erdöl.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.022,95 kr.

    Die Industrieökonomie gibt auch Einblicke in die Organisation von Unternehmen und in deren Motivation. In vielen Mikrokursen wird die Gewinnmaximierung als gegeben vorausgesetzt, aber in vielen Kursen der Industrieökonomie werden auch alternative Ziele untersucht, wie z. B. der Versuch, den Marktanteil zu vergrößern. Während in der Industrieökonomie also häufiger Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse aus Mikrokursen zum Einsatz kommen, werden manchmal auch makroökonomische Konzepte verwendet.Eine der wichtigsten Fragen in der Industrieökonomie ist die Beurteilung, ob ein Markt wettbewerbsfähig ist. Wettbewerbsfähige Märkte sind in der Regel gut für die Verbraucher (auch wenn sie nicht immer durchführbar sind), so dass die meisten Studiengänge der Industrieökonomie eine Analyse darüber beinhalten, wie das Ausmaß des Wettbewerbs auf den Märkten gemessen werden kann. Anschließend wird untersucht, ob eine Regulierung erforderlich ist und wenn ja, in welcher Form sie erfolgen sollte. Auch hier gibt es eine internationale Dimension, da Unternehmen, die in mehr als einem Land tätig sind, mit unterschiedlichen Regulierungssystemen konfrontiert sind.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.017,95 kr.

    A Economia Internacional preocupa-se com os efeitos sobre a atividade económica das diferenças internacionais nos recursos produtivos e nas preferências dos consumidores, bem como com as instituições internacionais que os afectam. Procura explicar os padrões e as consequências das transacções e interacções entre os habitantes de diferentes países, incluindo o comércio, o investimento e as transacções.O comércio internacional estuda os fluxos de bens e serviços através das fronteiras internacionais a partir de factores como a oferta e a procura, a integração económica, os movimentos internacionais de factores e as variáveis políticas, tais como as taxas pautais e as quotas comerciais.As finanças internacionais estudam o fluxo de capitais nos mercados financeiros internacionais e os efeitos destes movimentos nas taxas de câmbio.A economia monetária internacional e a macroeconomia internacional estudam os fluxos de dinheiro entre países e os efeitos resultantes nas suas economias como um todo.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.017,95 kr.

    L'economia internazionale si occupa degli effetti sull'attività economica delle differenze internazionali nelle risorse produttive e nelle preferenze dei consumatori e delle istituzioni internazionali che le influenzano. Cerca di spiegare i modelli e le conseguenze delle transazioni e delle interazioni tra gli abitanti di diversi Paesi, compresi il commercio, gli investimenti e le transazioni.Il commercio internazionale studia i flussi di beni e servizi attraverso i confini internazionali a partire da fattori quali la domanda e l'offerta, l'integrazione economica, i movimenti internazionali dei fattori e le variabili politiche come le tariffe e le quote commerciali.La finanza internazionale studia il flusso di capitali attraverso i mercati finanziari internazionali e gli effetti di questi movimenti sui tassi di cambio.L'economia monetaria internazionale e la macroeconomia internazionale studiano i flussi di denaro tra i Paesi e gli effetti che ne derivano sulle loro economie nel loro complesso.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    692,95 kr.

    Die ökonomische Theorie des internationalen Handels unterscheidet sich von der übrigen Wirtschaftstheorie vor allem durch die vergleichsweise geringe internationale Mobilität von Kapital und Arbeit. In dieser Hinsicht scheint er sich eher im Ausmaß als im Prinzip vom Handel zwischen entlegenen Regionen eines Landes zu unterscheiden. Somit unterscheidet sich die Methodik der internationalen Handelsökonomie kaum von derjenigen der übrigen Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Die Richtung der akademischen Forschung zu diesem Thema wurde jedoch durch die Tatsache beeinflusst, dass die Regierungen oft versucht haben, dem internationalen Handel Beschränkungen aufzuerlegen, und das Motiv für die Entwicklung der Handelstheorie war oft der Wunsch, die Folgen solcher Beschränkungen zu bestimmen. Der Zweig der Handelstheorie, der üblicherweise als "klassisch" eingestuft wird, besteht hauptsächlich aus der Anwendung der deduktiven Logik, die mit Ricardos Theorie des komparativen Vorteils begann und sich zu einer Reihe von Theoremen entwickelte, deren praktischer Wert vom Realismus ihrer Postulate abhängt. Die "moderne" Handelsanalyse hingegen stützt sich hauptsächlich auf empirische Analysen.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    1.022,95 kr.

    Die internationale Wirtschaftswissenschaft befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen internationaler Unterschiede bei Produktionsmitteln und Verbraucherpräferenzen auf die Wirtschaftstätigkeit sowie mit den internationalen Institutionen, die diese beeinflussen. Sie versucht, die Muster und Folgen von Transaktionen und Interaktionen zwischen den Einwohnern verschiedener Länder zu erklären, einschließlich Handel, Investitionen und Transaktionen.Der internationale Handel untersucht die Waren- und Dienstleistungsströme über internationale Grenzen hinweg anhand von Angebots- und Nachfragefaktoren, wirtschaftlicher Integration, internationalen Faktorbewegungen und politischen Variablen wie Zollsätzen und Handelsquoten.Das internationale Finanzwesen untersucht die Kapitalströme auf den internationalen Finanzmärkten und die Auswirkungen dieser Bewegungen auf die Wechselkurse.Die internationale Geldwirtschaft und die internationale Makroökonomie untersuchen die Geldströme zwischen den Ländern und die sich daraus ergebenden Auswirkungen auf die Volkswirtschaften der Länder insgesamt.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    469,95 kr.

    Welcome to the timely publication of this book. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy stands in contrast to fossil fuels, which are being used far more quickly than they are being replenished. Although most renewable energy sources are sustainable, some are not. For example, some biomass sources are considered unsustainable at current rates of exploitation.Renewable energy often provides energy in four important areas: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services. Having about 660 citations, all of which are well and completely addressed at the end of the book, shows my meticulousness and accuracy in using all the important sources in writing this book. I hope you like this book.In fact, we should listen to the proposal of the Saudi Minister of Energy in the 1970s, who said:"The Stone Age did not end because the stone ran out.The age of oil must end much sooner than the oil runs out."Ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to the age of new Energy

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    494,95 kr.

    An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in intensity, from those that are so weak that they cannot be felt, to those violent enough to propel objects and people into the air, damage critical infrastructure, and wreak destruction across entire cities. The seismic activity of an area is the frequency, type, and size of earthquakes experienced over a particular time. The seismicity at a particular location in the Earth is the average rate of seismic energy release per unit volume. The word tremor is also used for non-earthquake seismic rumbling.At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and displacing or disrupting the ground. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    527,95 kr.

    International Economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences and the international institutions that affect them. It seeks to explain the patterns and consequences of transactions and interactions between the inhabitants of different countries, including trade, investment and transaction. International trade studies goods and services flows across international boundaries from supply-and-demand factors, economic integration, international factor movements, and policy variables such as tariff rates and trade quotas.International finance studies the flow of capital across international financial markets, and the effects of these movements on exchange rates. International monetary economics and international macroeconomics study flows of money across countries and the resulting effects on their economies as a whole.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    527,95 kr.

    I honestly think atheism is inconsistent with the scientific method. What I mean by that is, what is atheism? It¿s a statement, a categorical statement that expresses belief in nonbelief. ¿I don¿t believe even though I have no evidence for or against, simply I don¿t believe.¿ Period. It¿s a declaration. But in science we don¿t really do declarations. We say, ¿Okay, you can have a hypothesis, you have to have some evidence against or for that.¿ And so an agnostic would say, look, I have no evidence for God or any kind of god (What god, first of all? The Maori gods, or the Jewish or Christian or Muslim God? Which god is that?) But on the other hand, an agnostic would acknowledge no right to make a final statement about something he or she doesn¿t know about. ¿The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,¿ and all that. This positions me very much against all of the ¿New Atheist¿ guys¿even though I want my message to be respectful of people¿s beliefs and reasoning, which might be community-based, or dignity-based, and so on. And I think obviously the Templeton Foundation likes all of this, because this is part of an emerging conversation.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    730,95 kr.

    Petroleum, also known as crude oil and oil, is a naturally occurring, yellowish-black liquid found in geological formations. It is commonly refined into various fuels and chemicals. Components of petroleum are separated by means of distillation. Petroleum mainly consists of hydrocarbons as well as traces of other organic compounds. The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, mostly zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both prolonged heat and pressure.Petroleum has mostly been recovered by oil drilling. Drilling is carried out after studies of structural geology, sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterization. Recent developments in technologies have also led to exploitation of other unconventional reserves such as oil sands and oil shale.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    527,95 kr.

    Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. Atomic physics typically refers to the study of atomic structure and the interaction between atoms. It is primarily concerned with the way in which electrons are arranged around the nucleus and the processes by which these arrangements change. This comprises ions, neutral atoms and, unless otherwise stated, it can be assumed that the term atom includes ions.The term atomic physics can be associated with nuclear power and nuclear weapons, due to the synonymous use of atomic and nuclear in Standard English. Physicists distinguish between atomic physics -which deals with the atom as a system consisting of a nucleus and electrons- and nuclear physics, which studies nuclear reactions and special properties of atomic nuclei.As with many scientific fields, strict delineation can be highly contrived and atomic physics is often considered in the wider context of atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    346,95 kr.

    The economic theory of international trade differs from the remainder of economic theory mainly because of the comparatively limited international mobility of the capital and labor. In that respect, it would appear to differ in degree rather than in principle from the trade between remote regions in one country. Thus the methodology of international trade economics differs little from that of the remainder of economics. However, the direction of academic research on the subject has been influenced by the fact that governments have often sought to impose restrictions upon international trade, and the motive for the development of trade theory has often been a wish to determine the consequences of such restrictions. The branch of trade theory which is conventionally categorized as "classical" consists mainly of the application of deductive logic, originating with Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage and developing into a range of theorems that depend for their practical value upon the realism of their postulates. "Modern" trade analysis, on the other hand, depends mainly upon empirical analysis.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    527,95 kr.

    Industrial Economics also gives insights into how firms organize their activities, as well as considering their motivation. In many micro courses, profit maximization is taken as given, but many industrial economics courses examine alternative objectives, such as trying to grow market share.There is also an international dimension ¿ firms have the option to source inputs (or outsource production) overseas. As such, while industrial economics more frequently uses skills and knowledge from micro courses, macroeconomic concepts are sometimes employed.One of the key issues in industrial economics is assessing whether a market is competitive. Competitive markets are normally good for consumers (although they might not always be feasible) so most industrial economics courses include analysis of how to measure the extent of competition in markets. It then considers whether regulation is needed, and if so the form it should take. There is again an international dimension to this, as firms that operate in more than one country will face different regulatory regimes.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    469,95 kr.

    Energy economics is a broad scientific subject area which includes topics related to supply and use of energy in societies. Considering the cost of energy services and associated value gives economic meaning to the efficiency at which energy can be produced. Energy services can be defined as functions that generate and provide energy to the ¿desired end services or states¿. The efficiency of energy services is dependent on the engineered technology used to produce and supply energy. The goal is to minimize energy input required (e.g. kWh, mJ, see Units of Energy) to produce the energy service, such as lighting (lumens), heating (temperature) and fuel (natural gas). The main sectors considered in energy economics are transportation and building, although it is relevant to a broad scale of human activities, including households and businesses at a microeconomic level and resource management and environmental impacts at a macroeconomic level. Due to diversity of issues and methods applied and shared with a number of academic disciplines, energy economics does not present itself as a self-contained academic discipline, but it is an applied sub discipline of economics.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    572,95 kr.

    En résumé, cette étude donne un aperçu complet de la manière dont l'IA a progressé dans divers domaines de la chimie et vise à donner un aperçu de ses orientations futures pour les publics universitaires.Maintenant que la théorie des jeux a été suffisamment expliquée, je voudrais dire simplement qu'il est possible de produire des composés chimiques en utilisant l'intelligence artificielle et de bonnes stratégies telles que la théorie des jeux et la théorie de la sélection. Plus facile et plus rapide.La principale chose à noter est qu'avec cette méthode, il est beaucoup plus simple, plus précis et plus rapide de parvenir à la réponse finale, en particulier dans la production de produits pharmaceutiques.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    572,95 kr.

    Em suma, esta análise fornece uma visão global da forma como a IA tem progredido em vários domínios da química e tem como objetivo fornecer uma perspetiva das suas futuras direcções para o público académico.Agora que finalmente já foi explicado o suficiente sobre a teoria dos jogos, quero afirmar em palavras simples que é realmente possível produzir compostos químicos utilizando inteligência artificial e boas estratégias como a teoria dos jogos e a teoria da seleção. Mais fácil e mais rápido.A principal coisa que deve ser notada é que com este método, chegar à resposta final, especialmente na produção de produtos farmacêuticos, é muito mais simples, mais preciso e mais rápido.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    572,95 kr.

    In sintesi, questa rassegna fornisce una panoramica completa dei progressi dell'IA in vari campi della chimica e mira a fornire una visione delle sue direzioni future per un pubblico di studiosi.Ora che finalmente è stato spiegato abbastanza sulla teoria dei giochi, voglio affermare con parole semplici che è effettivamente possibile produrre composti chimici utilizzando l'intelligenza artificiale e buone strategie come la teoria dei giochi e la teoria della selezione. Più facile e più veloce.La cosa principale da notare è che con questo metodo, raggiungere la risposta finale, soprattutto nella produzione di prodotti farmaceutici, è molto più semplice, preciso e veloce.

  • af Pourya Zarshenas
    572,95 kr.

    Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass diese Übersicht einen umfassenden Überblick über die Fortschritte der künstlichen Intelligenz in verschiedenen Bereichen der Chemie bietet und dem wissenschaftlichen Publikum einen Einblick in ihre zukünftigen Richtungen geben soll.Nachdem nun endlich genug über die Spieltheorie erklärt wurde, möchte ich mit einfachen Worten feststellen, dass es tatsächlich möglich ist, chemische Verbindungen mithilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz und guten Strategien wie der Spieltheorie und der Selektionstheorie herzustellen. Einfacher und schneller.Das Wichtigste ist, dass man mit dieser Methode viel einfacher, genauer und schneller zu einer endgültigen Antwort kommt, insbesondere bei der Herstellung von pharmazeutischen Produkten.

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