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Ray Bradbury

Bøger af Ray Bradbury

Ray Douglas Bradbury, (Ray Bradbury), er født d. 22 august, 1920, Waukegan, Illinois, USA. Den amerikanske science-fiction forfatter er bedst kendt for hans yderst fantasifulde ‘short stories’, og novelle som blander en bestemt poetisk stil, nostalgi for barndommen og social kriticisme. Hans værker består af komplekse og vidunderlige, oftest uroligende lagre af menneskets eksistens. Derudover består de også af det ubegrænsede univers, og dets planet kaldet Jorden.

Gennem hans bidrag til den litterære verden, og takket være menneskets uendelige fantasi, gjorde det ham til en af tidernes bedste forfattere. Hans fortæller-egenskab, gjorde ham unik, og er anset som en mester af den kreative frihed, space-age visionary og beskytter af det menneskelige hjerte. Han er anerkendt af millioner af mennesker gennem generationer i vor tid. Find f. eks Ray Bradburys bedste værk ‘Fahrenheit 451’ her.

Foto af Evening Standard/Getty
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  • - And Other Conversations
    af Ray Bradbury
    137,95 kr.

    Ray Bradbury was long the most influential sci-fi writer in the world, the poetic and visionary author of such classics as Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, and The Illustrated ManBut he also lived a fascinating life outside the parameters of sci-fi, and was a masterful raconteur of his own story, as he reveals in his wide-ranging and in-depth final interview with his acclaimed biographer, Sam Weller. After moving to Los Angeles, he became an inveterate fanboy of movie stars, spending hours waiting at studio gates to get autographs. He would later get to know many of Hollywood's most powerful figures when he became a major screenwriter, and he details here what it was like to work for legendary directors such as John Huston and Alfred Hitchcock. And then there are all the celebrities-from heads of state like Mikhail Gorbachev to rock stars like David Bowie and the members of Kiss-who went out of their way to arrange encounters with Bradbury.But throughout that last talk, as well as the interviews collected here from earlier in his career, Bradbury constantly twists the elements of his life into a discussion of the influences and creative processes behind his remarkable developments and inventions for the literary form he mastered. Mixed with cheerful gossiping about his travels and the characters of his life, it makes for a rich reading experience and a revealing collection of interviews.

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