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Bøger af Rico T. Scimasass

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  • af Rico T. Scimasass & Jack a.k.a. Barranger
    127,95 kr.

    Welcome to Rico's Bible Studies. We're glad you showed up. Sit down, be quiet and open your Bible. Your teacher will be Rico T. Scimassas. When he enters the room and begins his job it will become clear that he is the undisputed wrestling champion of Bible error, who will waste no time in body slamming you with factual evidence that will leave many students with the inability to breath. Welcome brothers and sisters - we love you. Rico only wants you to have the truth because the truth will set you free: free from misconceptions, contradictions, and strict dogmatic forms of thought that now have your mind so tightly entangled that you really don't know what to believe. All that will be over soon, if you have the vision to get this book and use it. Blessings may abound thereafter.

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