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Bøger af Robert Biswas-Diener

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  • - viden og værktøj til professionelle
    af Robert Biswas-Diener
    157,95 - 183,94 kr.

    Positiv psykologi er det videnskabelige studie af menneskelig trivsel og en metode til at kunne fungere optimalt. I løbet af de sidste ti år har forskning i positiv psykologi frembragt mange nye – og ofte kontraintuitive – indsigter i og et stærkt empirisk belæg for, at et øget fokus på løsningsmuligheder og styrker faktisk fungerer. Denne bog introducerer til de grundlæggende studier af positiv psykologi samt de nyeste teorier og behandlingsformer, og kommer bl.a. ind på:• Kraften i positive følelser• Empirisk afprøvede interventioner• Styrkefokus – herunder de 24 tværkulturelle karakterstyrker og deres kerneegenskaber samt beskrivelse af, hvordan de identificeres og anvendes• Begrundelse for håb og optimisme – herunder håb-teori og liste over håb-spørgsmålBogens klare sprog og de mange arbejdsspecifikke øvelser, refleksionsbokse og gode oversigter, gør den umiddelbart brugbar for professionelle såsom undervisere, terapeuter, coaches og mellemledere og personalechefer.

  • - The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science
    af Robert Biswas-Diener
    252,95 kr.

    Affordable education. Transparent science. Accessible scholarship. These ideals are slowly becoming a reality thanks to the open education, open science, and open access movements. Running separate-if parallel-courses, they all share a philosophy of equity, progress, and justice. This book shares the stories, motives, insights, and practical tips from global leaders in the open movement.

  • af Robert Biswas-Diener
    255,95 kr.

    "Positive Psychologist and coach challenges conventional coaching wisdom to help you bring your practice to the next level. Positive Provocation is a series of 25 short provocations aimed at engaging coaches in reflection about their own practice. Each provocation is approximately three to five pages long and addresses tropes, sacred cows, and other familiar aspects of coaching proactive. Each includes attention to research, the introduction of fresh concepts, and suggestions for applying these to coaching. These meditations are on-brand for Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener, who is widely known for both his thought leadership in coaching and his challenging style of training and coaching. Robert refers to his fresh perspective as a "90-degree view." If each person looks at life from a zero-degree view-everybody has immediate access to their own thoughts, memories, feelings, and perceptions-than the most challenging opposition comes from a 180-degree view. As a coach and educator, Dr. Biswas-Diener prefers a 90-degree angle; one that is just provocative enough to feel fresh and to get people to sit up and take notice but not so challenging that it makes people defensive or leaves them feeling invalidated. The promise of Positive Provocation is the promise of coaching itself: a chance to have new questions asked of the reader, an opportunity to reflect, and an emphasis on practical application"--

  • - Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth
    af Robert Biswas-Diener & Ed Diener
    370,95 kr.

    [Back cover] Is being happy beneficial to your health, wealth, and social relationships? Is there an optimal level of happiness for obtaining your goals? Is there a happiness set-point, and can it change? Do you know your level of psychological wealth? Utilizing his groundbreaking development of the field of subjective well-being, Dr.

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