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  • af Robert Harris
    132,95 kr.

    " incredibly propulsive narrative..." - Naomi Gibbs, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt"...expertly crafted..." - Liz Farrell, ICM Partners"...perfect pace..." - Sydney Rogers, SourcebooksThe Möbius Incident is a fast-paced thriller in which Adam Welch, an American working in Munich, finds himself drawn into a baffling mystery involving the theft of three paintings and a subsequent murder. Although Welch long ago abandoned the world of intrigue, his curiosity gets the best of him and he instinctively tries to solve the riddle.His skills are rusty but serviceable. And he's still haunted by the events that led to his career change eight years earlier. Nevertheless he begins to put the pieces together. But each answer leads to another question, adding more brushstrokes to a composition that becomes increasingly impressionistic as events unfold.***Robert Harris is a writer, inventor, and puzzle constructor with a background in Art and Cognitive Psychology. He is the author of more than 40 books, including 101 Things NOT to Do Before You Die, The Jesus Perspective, When Good People Write Bad Sentences, How Big is the Sky?, and the Claude Monet, Private Eye mysteries, all of which are available at Robert's website is

  • af Robert Harris
    317,95 kr.

    This anniversary edition which has stood the test of time as a runaway best-seller provides a practical, straight-forward guide to achieving security throughout computer networks. No theory, no math, no fiction of what should be working but isn't, just the facts. Known as the master of cryptography, Schneier uses his extensive field experience with his own clients to dispel the myths that often mislead IT managers as they try to build secure systems. A much-touted section.

  • - Another 1001 Thoughts, Ideas, Observations, Musings Reflections, and Comments On Whatever Comes to Mind
    af Robert Harris
    122,95 kr.

    Glimmerings I included 1001 "thoughts, ideas, observations, musings, reflections, and comments on whatever comes to mind." Glimmerings II contains 1001 additional thoughts, written over a period of more than thirty years, from the author's age 31 to 63. Readers who enjoyed Glimmerings I or Marcus Aurelius' Meditations or Blaise Pascal's Pensees will enjoy this book also.

  • af Robert Harris
    327,95 kr.

    The E-Privacy Imperative is especially designed to help Web site owners and operators protect themselves, their customers, and their businesses through careful technology practices and responsible information handling. Readers will: Understand the key arguments of privacy advocates, including major threats to privacy and federal regulations concerning privacy. Learn to avoid both purposeful and accidental or negligent invasions of privacy Communicate security and privacy policies to customers and potential customers to assuage their fears and keep them coming back for more.

  • af Robert Harris
    187,95 kr.

    What's a rookie manager to do? Faced with new responsibilities, and in need of quick, dependable guidance, novice managers can't afford to learn by trial and error. The First-Time Manager is the answer, dispensing the bottom-line wisdom they need to succeed. A true management classic, the book covers essential topics such as hiring and firing, leadership, motivation, managing time, dealing with superiors, and much more.

  • af Robert Harris
    347,95 kr.

    Stedet er Rom og tiden er år 63 f.Kr. Syv mænd kæmper om magten i republikken: Cicero er konsul, Cæsar hans ubarmhjertige unge rival, Pompejus er republikkens mægtigste general, Crassus dens rigeste mand, Cato er politisk fanatiker, Catilina psykopaten og Clodius en ambitiøs playboy.Historierne om disse virkelige historiske figurer – deres alliancer og forræderi, deres grusomheder og forførelser, deres storslåethed og deres forbrydelser – det hele er flettet sammen i denne farverige roman. Fortælleren er Tiro, som er Ciceros betroede sekretær, og han kender alle sin herres hemmeligheder, noget der bringer ham i en vanskelig og til tider livsfarlig position.Beskrivelser af bl.a. fundet af et lemlæstet barnelig, henrettelser, en skandaløs retssag og den romerske mafias hærgen gør Lustrum til et fascinerende studium af magtens anatomi, dens evigt tillokkende karakter og dens enorme rædsler.Robert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen Fædrelandet i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner, bl.a. Pompeji og Imperium og den politiske thriller Skyggen. Harris har bl.a. abejdet for BBC og the Observer som politisk kommentator.

  • af Robert Harris
    117,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Robert Harris
    107,95 kr.

    Act of Oblivion is a gripping novel from the acclaimed author, Robert Harris. Published by Random House UK Ltd in 2023, this book is a must-read for all fans of the genre. The story unfolds with a sense of mystery and suspense that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat from the first page to the last. Harris' storytelling prowess is on full display in this book, as he weaves a tale that is both captivating and thought-provoking. Whether you're a long-time fan of Robert Harris or new to his work, Act of Oblivion is a book that you won't want to miss. So, pick up your copy today and dive into the world of Act of Oblivion, another masterpiece from the house of Random House UK Ltd.

  • af Robert Harris
    517,95 kr.

    Stedet er Rom, og tiden er cirka år 60 f.Kr. Forskellige magtfulde mænd kæmper om magten i republikken. Dette er historien om virkelige historiske personer, deres alliancer og forræderi, deres grusomheder og forbrydelser. I en alder af 48 sidder Cicero, politiker, konsul og sin tids største taler, i eksil. Ved at love at støtte Cæsar - hans unge, ubarmhjertige rival - får han lov til at vende tilbage til Rom. Derfra kæmper han sig vej tilbage til indflydelse; først i retssalene, så i Senatet og siden i sine magtfulde skriverier, indtil han for en kort, men glorværdig stund er den mest fremtrædende statsmand i byen. Men ingen offentlig person, uanset hvor klog eller snu han er, kan se sig fri for at blive berørt af andres skruppelløse ambitioner og konspirationer. DIKTATOR beskriver på indlevende og spændende vis nogle af de mest skelsættende begivenheder i gammel tid: det romerske imperiums kollaps, den efterfølgende borgerkrig og mordet på Julius Cæsar. Men det evige dilemma forbliver dette: hvordan holder man politisk frihed adskilt fra personlige ambitioner, udefrakommende interesser og den altødelæggende effekt af fremmede krige. I Robert Harris’ portræt forsøger Cicero at besvare dette spørgsmål i både tanke og handling og bliver en helt i både sin egen og vor tid. Afslutningen på trilogien efter IMPERIUM og LUSTRUM. idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlRobert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen Fædrelandet i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner, bl.a. Pompeji og Imperium og den politiske thriller Skyggen. Harris har bl.a. abejdet for BBC og the Observer som politisk kommentator.

  • af Robert Harris
    182,95 kr.

    "Hugh Legat is a rising star of the British diplomatic service, serving at 10 Downing Street as a private secretary to the prime minister, Neville Chamberlain. Paul von Hartmann is on the staff of the German Foreign Office--and secretly a member of the anti-Hitler resistance. Years before, the two men were friends at Oxford. Now war is on the horizon and Chamberlain is desperately trying to maintain the peace. When Hugh is given a set of top secret German documents from an anonymous source, it is clear Hartmann is trying to get back in touch. As a result, Hugh is ordered to accompany Chamberlain to Munich. Meanwhile, Hartmann travels on Hitler's overnight train from Berlin. Their meeting in Munich will change the course of the world affairs in ways that reverberate for years to come. Once again, Robert Harris gives us actual events of historical importance--here are Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, Daladier--at the heart of an electrifying, unputdownable novel."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Robert Harris
    232,95 kr.

    En una sociedad donde la fe y el dogma han desterrado la razón y la ciencia, un sacerdote investiga la muerte de un vicario rural. Gran Bretaña, año 1468. El sacerdote Christopher Fairfax llega a una aldea remota enviado por el obispo de Exeter para celebrar el funeral del vicario que acababa de fallecer. El difunto, apasionado coleccionista de artefactos de otras épocas, murió accidentalmente mientras excavaba en los alrededores. Fairfaix se aloja en la vicaría y en los aposentos del religioso fallecido descubre una colección de objetos considerados heréticos, y textos de especialistas en el pasado que sugieren una verdad distinta a la doctrina de la Iglesia, que afirma que el hombre fue castigado con las cuatro plagas: epidemias, guerra, hambruna y muerte tras haberse rendido a la ciencia y a la tecnología. Solo la vuelta a la fe en Cristo salvó in extremis a la humanidad. Fairfax descubre que la torre junto a la que murió el vicario guarda numerosos vestigios de la civilización perdida, y todas las pruebas apuntan a que alguien los depositó allí pensando en un futuro donde fuera posible reconstruirla. La lectura de los libros heréticos que ponen en duda el poder omnipotente de Dios y las causas del Apocalipsis, junto con las investigaciones que le sumergen en esa comunidad aislada harán tambalear la fe y las creencias del joven sacerdote. Todas las civilizaciones se creen invulnerables. La Historia nos advierte de que ninguna lo es.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION From the bestselling author of Fatherland and the Cicero Trilogy--a chilling and dark new thriller unlike anything Robert Harris has done before. When a local parson of a remote village dies under mysterious circumstances, Christopher Fairfax, a young English priest, is dispatched on horseback from the cathedral city to conduct his burial. His orders are to give the sermon and leave as quickly as possible. But when he arrives in this distant hamlet, haunting questions arise. Why did the parson possess heretical texts? How did he come to own banned ancient relics? Did these possessions lead to his death? Until this moment, Fairfax has never known doubt. His faith in the Church and its teachings has always been unquestioning. But over the next six days, everything he believes and everything we believe--about his faith and the very history of the world--will be tested. An unnerving and enthralling story about a distant time, The Second Sleep is a cautionary tale for today.

  • af Robert Harris
    132,95 kr.

  • af Robert Harris
    122,95 kr.

    When doing for others, it is best if you are ready, willing and able. This is the formula to use to make it better for you. If any other of three are missing, considering to not help this time should be the option. If someone needs help you are ready, they didn't catch you at a bad time. When someone needs help, you are willing, you don't mind doing for them. Last, and most important, you are able. This book is written out of a need to help someone understand if OPP is in their life, there is a possible answer.

  • af Robert Harris
    185,95 kr.

    Harris's acclaimed Roman trilogy continues with a historical saga in which the future of democracy is decided, and revenge is the coin of the realm.

  • af Robert Harris
    413,95 kr.

    The Definitive Guide to SWT and JFace, 2nd edition should continue to build upon the moderate success of the reputable first edition. The second edition addresses all updates to the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) and its abstraction layer tool, JFace.The updates will reflect those made and available in latest Eclipse Callisto platform release(s). SWT/JFace are still the most widely used and popular graphical user interface (GUI) set of plug-ins that Eclipse users use for building client side applications in the presentation tier. And as you well know, Eclipse is still the number one market leading open source Java IDE platform.This second edition will likely be the first and probably only book on SWT and JFace that accounts for the new Eclipse Callisto as other publishers seem to be focusing elsewhere.

  • af Robert Harris
    307,95 kr.

  • af Robert Harris
    347,95 kr.

    En kold novembermorgen år 79 f. Kr. banker en mand på den romerske senator Ciceros dør. Han er kommet til Rom for at bede den dygtige jurist om hjælp mod Siciliens guvenør, Verres, som nådesløst udplyndrer befolkningen.Da Cicero hører hans historie, ser han en mulighed for at bruge en retssag mod den korrupte guvenør til at markere sig selv i offentligheden og dermed tage det første skridt på vejen mod sin store ambition: at opnå imperium - statsmagten.Men Cæsar, Pompejus og Crassus drømmer også om at komme til at regere verdens eneste supermagt, og snart opdager Cicero, at han er blevet midtpunkt i en magtkamp, hvor der bruges midler, han aldrig havde forestillet sig.For hans tre konkurrenter er ikke bang for at benytte sig af den fundamentale regel i politik til alle tider: Alle kneb gælder.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlRobert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen Fædrelandet i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner, bl.a. Pompeji og Imperium og den politiske thriller Skyggen. Harris har bl.a. abejdet for BBC og the Observer som politisk kommentator.

  • af Robert Harris
    175,95 kr.

  • af Robert Harris
    192,95 kr.

    A number one bestselling Roman thriller from the award-winning master of the literary and historical thriller genre: Robert Harris. A thrilling depiction of one of the most famous natural disasters in human history: the explosion of Mount Vesuvius.A sweltering week in late August. Where better to enjoy the last days of summer than on the beautiful Bay of Naples? But even as Rome's richest citizens relax in their villas around Pompeii and Herculaneum, there are ominous warnings that something is going wrong. Wells and springs are failing, a man has disappeared, and now the greatest aqueduct in the world - the mighty Aqua Augusta - has suddenly ceased to flow. Through the eyes of four characters - a young engineer, an adolescent girl, a corrupt millionaire and an elderly scientist - Robert Harris brilliantly recreates a luxurious world on the brink of destruction.

  • af Robert Harris
    157,95 kr.

  • af Robert Harris
    347,95 kr.

    I en sø i udkanten af Berlin finder man det nøgne lig af en gammel mand. Måneden er april. Der er en uge til Adolf Hitlers 75 års fødselsdag, og den amerikanske præsident Joseph P. Kennedy er på vej til økonomisk topmøde med lederne af Det Tredje Rige.Berlin er den tyske superstats magtcenter, den nazistiske triumf i arkitektur, og en moderne storby med 10 millioner indbyggere. Blandt dem enspænderen Xavier March fra KRIPO, kriminalpolitiets drabsafdeling.Det er March, der ved en fejl får overdraget sagen med manden i søen. Det bringer ham i kontakt med en livsfarlig gruppe af modstandere og med den amerikanske journalist Charlotte Maguire i et nervepirrende opgør om Fædrelandets mørkeste hemmeligheder og usikre fremtid."Fædrelandet" er en opsigtsvækkende thriller om Europa, som det aldrig blev. En fremtidsroman fra fortiden med omfattende historisk indsigt og konstant spænding.Robert Harris (f.1957) debuterede med romanen "Fædrelandet" i 1992 og har siden skrevet en række romaner heriblandt "Pompeji" og "Imperium" samt den politiske thriller "Skyggen". Robert Harris har bl.a. arbejdet for BBC og The Observer som politisk kommentator.

  • af Robert Harris
    1.220,95 kr.

    Provides step-by-step guidance on evaluating and implementing creative problem solving solutions.

  • - With a Chapter on Scales, and an Introduction to Graphic Statics
    af Robert Harris
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • - A gripping race-against-time financial thriller, from the award-winning master of the literary thriller genre
    af Robert Harris
    107,95 kr.

    Meet Alex Hoffmann: among the secretive inner circle of the ultra-rich, he is something of a legend. In the early hours of one morning, while he lies asleep, a sinister intruder breaches the elaborate security of his lakeside home. So begins a waking nightmare of paranoia and violence as Hoffmann attempts to discover who is trying to destroy him.

  • af Robert Harris
    271,95 kr.

  • - the Sunday Times bestselling World War II thriller
    af Robert Harris
    117,95 kr.

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