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  • af Robert N. Jacobs
    137,95 kr.

    "Standing Out" - it's not just a phrase, but an ethos that calls for distinguishing oneself from the crowd. Yet, true distinction goes far beyond the superficial aspects like eccentric hairstyles or bold fashion choices. It is anchored in the depth of your character, the strength of your values, and how these are mirrored in your actions.In the journey of life, standing out for the right reasons is synonymous with upholding high moral standards and values. In a world where such virtues are seemingly diminishing, preserving them becomes your beacon of strength. It's about being remembered for the right reasons, leaving a lasting impression of integrity and excellence in your wake. Whether it's a job interview or a first date, making a positive, lasting impression can be a game-changer.Your conduct, your demeanour, and most importantly, your ethical principles frame the way others perceive you. Your reputation, intrinsically tied to your name, is moulded by these impressions. The intriguing aspect of reputation is its extensive influence; it can precede you, shaping perceptions even among those who haven't met you.Are you prepared to Stand Out? Not just on the surface, but in a deeply significant manner that aligns with your high standards and moral values? In a time of moral erosion, standing out for the right reasons doesn't only fuel your professional success, it also enhances your personal life. Allow this book to steer you on this transformative journey, empowering you to leave a lasting mark on the world.

  • af Robert N. Jacobs
    149,95 kr.

    Teaching children the importance of an abundant mindset is essential in raising a generation of successful and confident individuals. An abundance mindset involves the understanding that there are countless opportunities and resources available to help reach success. It encourages an attitude of gratitude, seeing the positive attributes in each and every situation. Even when faced with adversity, an abundant mindset can help us cope with challenges by finding creative solutions. As parents, we can instill this valuable lesson in our children so that they grow up feeling empowered to create their own paths to success. The stories in this book were created to help children (and adults) develop an abundant mindset while also enjoying a great story.

  • af Robert N. Jacobs
    149,95 kr.

    This is an equal opportunities book - it doesn't matter whether you're male or female, you can still read it - but as the father of a young curious girl - when I was writing this book, I was thinking mostly of girls and young woman., because it's girls and young woman who have the greatest need of the information in these pages. We live today in a world of immense opportunity. There are probably more opportunities for more people today that there have ever been in the past. Whatever goal you have, you can get there. You can become the very best version of YOU it's possible to dream of. If you go about it the right way. And if you believe. Because that's what this book has to tell you. You can get anything you want, be anyone you want, and overcome any obstacle you want. But only if you believe you can. This book is here to tell you, and to reinforce those beliefs until they are absolutely and unshakably part of you.

  • af Robert N. Jacobs
    282,95 kr.

  • af Robert N. Jacobs
    132,95 kr.

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