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  • af Rodrigo Quezada
    92,95 kr.

    A continuación la traducción de la reseña que acompañó la publicación de la versión original en inglés de este intrigante y sorprendente libro, que fuera publicado en octubre de 2018: Si uno siguiera los eventos en Estados Unidos a través de alguno de los canales de las principales cadenas de noticias, inevitablemente concluiría que todos están en contra del Presidente Trump y que el mundo entero detesta todo lo que él representa.Si éste fuese el caso, entonces, ¿cómo es que él se las ingenió para ser electo y con qué propósito?¿Cuál sería su reacción ante la insinuación de que fue el mismo Dios quien ungió a Donald Trump como presidente de Estados Unidos aún antes de que él anunciara su intención de postular su candidatura.Si hubiera algo de verdad en la narrativa que de manera incansable presentan los canales de "Fake News" (noticias falsas), entonces, los americanos habrían elegido como su presidente a una persona que entre otras cosas es un blanco supremacista, un enfermo misógino y un lunático patán.¿Es así?¿Quién es Estados Unidos en el contexto de la comunidad internacional?¿Qué países se han posicionado del lado correcto de la historia y cuáles lo han hecho del equivocado, y por qué? ¿Quedó la Guerra Fría en el pasado, o aún continúa?¿Se justifica la construcción de un muro en la frontera que divide a Estados Unidos de México?¿Existe una manera realista de financiar su construcción y que sea México quien la pague?¿Debería el Presidente Trump ordenar la invasión militar de Venezuela?¿Quién inició la "Guerra Comercial" y quién va a resultar el ganador de la misma?El Presidente Trump ha prometido que hará que América Sea Estupenda de Nuevo; ¿"de nuevo" como cuándo?Éstas y muchas otras preguntas son abordadas y factual y elocuentemente respondidas a lo largo de este muy especial libro.Leerlo es obligatorio si usted es un ciudadano americano próximo a emitir su voto en las elecciones de mitad de período que se llevarán a cabo el próximo 6 de noviembre de 2018, dado que contiene un mensaje de parte de Dios que usted necesita recibir y entender antes de hacerlo.

  • af Rodrigo Quezada
    277,95 kr.

    By watching the news at any mainstream media outlet you'll have no choice but to assume that everyone is against President Trump and the entire world hates all he stands for.If that were to be the case, how did he manage to get elected and for what purpose?How would you react to the insinuation that God actually anointed Donald Trump as President of the United States before he even announced his intention of running for office?If the narrative so relentlessly presented by the Fake News were to be true, then Americans got themselves a president that happens to be a white supremacist bigot, a misogynous pig and a rude lunatic, to say the least.Is that's so?Evidence just happens to point in the exact opposite direction: Surely, President Trump has a very unorthodox way of addressing both political and non-political issues, with total candor and without paying much attention to what the establishment considers to be 'politically correct', but it's undeniable that he's not only a very effective negotiator but has proven to be a great leader by way of achieving amazing results in a very short period of time.His campaign promise of Making America Great Again now seems very realistic and attainable.He is for sure controversial! You either love him or hate him; there is no way of having a middle-ground position with regards to this unique, once-in-a-generation character.Do you care finding out what a Guatemalan middle-age business consultant (who actually lives in Guatemala), with no political background whatsoever and who has never lived in the United States has to say about Donald Trump?Likely, you don't right now, but you certainly will -more than you could ever imagine- once you finish reading his remarkable and compelling narrative defending President Trump's even most controversial decisions, actions and his harshest words towards Latin American countries and people.Being a conservative Christian, Rodrigo Quezada, praises President Trump's stance on Israel, his meticulous and wise selection of his so far two nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court, and explains from a biblical perspective why the currently developing events are of special significance for the future of the United States.Perhaps the biggest surprise awaiting readers are the arguments he presents supporting President Trump's approach towards illegal immigration, including his controversial Wall, which he totally supports and even presents a proposal for its funding.Who is the United States within the context of the international community?Which countries have positioned themselves on the right side of history and which ones are on the wrong one, and why?Is the Cold War over?Should President Trump order the military invasion of Venezuela?Who started the "Trade War" and who is going to win it?President Trump says that he's going to Make America Great Again; "Great Again" as in when? These and many other questions are addressed, and factually and eloquently answered throughout this very special book.Reading it is a "must" if you are an American citizen about to cast a vote in the midterm elections to be held on November 6 2018, as it contains a very strong and compelling message from God that you need to receive and understand before you do so.

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