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Bøger af Roger Corea

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  • - There Is So Much More To Fishing Than Catching Fish
    af Roger Corea
    177,95 kr.

    The award winning novel, Scarback, tells the story of a critical time in the life of man who suffers from Down's Syndrome. It is truly a transformational story of love and friendship. It is humorous, often heart wrenching, and always very entertaining. You will love Dominic and you will love this story! Back in the 1950's when people were less kind to physically and mentally challenged individuals; my father befriended a victim of Down's Syndrome by the name of Dominic. He became part of our fishing "relationship" for the next 50 years. Dominic was such an amazing person, I was compelled to collect the most significant events from those 50 years of fishing with him, and write this novel to preserve his memory forever. I guarantee you will laugh and cry and be totally moved by someone with a heart bigger than life itself. (Scarback was a finalist in the Literary Trifecta, a contest sponsored by When Words Counts Retreat. It was judged by a publisher, literary agent, and publicist from New York City) Greater detail available at:

  • af Roger Corea
    122,95 kr.

    The Man Who Fell Too Far is not only a psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end, but a story about the emotional abuse of a child and his mother that will pull at your heart. A tangled web of destruction of a successful business man, the murder of the woman he loves, and his attempt to save his best friend from self-destruction are all wrapped up into one gripping thriller.

  • af Roger Corea
    144,95 kr.

  • - The Fine Art of Personal and Organizational Effectiveness
    af Roger Corea & Michael Keys
    192,95 kr.

    Why Should You Buy This Book? As you weigh the pros and cons of buying this book, you are probably asking yourself, "Why should I buy it? What do I hope to gain from reading it?" The answer might be, "Perhaps I may gain some new insights into myself, my organization, or on how I can lead others more effectively.Our hope is that you gain so much more! Through this learning experience, we hope you will achieve a positive transformation in your life. Why? Because transformation is so much greater than simple change. Transformation is life altering. That's a tall order for a book, but one we know is possible. We know because we have seen it happen with the many people we have led and trained.Helping others transform their lives is our mission. We define that transformation as significant positive change that leads to greater success, fulfillment and happiness. Yes, change is difficult for most people. Sadly, for most people, it rarely happens, and when it does, it is usually driven by pain or fear. Think about it. 62 percent of Americans stay in jobs with bosses they hate until the pain of staying exceeds the pain of leaving. Most never leave. How tragic.Fear is the other punishing motivator. If I can't pay my mortgage, I may have to take on a second job. Or my boss may place me on a performance improvement plan (also known as a keep your job or else plan). He knows full well that over half of all action plans result in termination. Or how about the person who quits smoking after a close friend dies of cancer. Or the person who finally decides to eat right after their heart attack. This is not the kind of motivation that leads to a better life and is often too little too late.There is a better way. Significant change is driven by clarifying what you really want and developing the right mindset and habits to get there. It is understanding the obstacles to change and how to manage them as well as learning how to leverage your strengths and overcome your weaknesses. It means discovering new more effective ways to interact with subordinates, colleagues, and management.We are not proposing hypothetical ideas but teaching proven systems for enhancing personal effectiveness. We will drill down to the details with clear instruction and exercises.Yes, there is a better way to live your life. There is a better way to affect significant positive change in your life as well as those around you. We want nothing less than to support you as you discover new behaviors and habits that will transform your life. We are excited about the journey ahead of you and hope you will use this book for years to come.Our best to you, Roger Corea & Michael Keys

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