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  • af Rowen Griggs
    1.537,95 kr.

    The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located below the rib cage. Each kidney is roughly the size of a fist. If the kidneys lose their function, waste products may accumulate and can potentially lead to life-threatening risks. The most frequent reason for requiring a kidney transplant is loss of kidney function, which causes kidney failure or end-stage chronic kidney disease. A kidney transplant is a type of surgery in which a diseased kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney. The kidney can be taken from either a living donor or deceased organ donor. There are some complications associated with kidney transplants, such as infection, temporary kidney failure, blockage of the blood vessels that supply the new kidney, and inappropriate functioning of the newly replaced kidney. After the transplant, medicines should be consumed to convince the immune system to not attack the transplant and accept it. This book contains some path-breaking studies on kidney transplantation. It provides significant information to help develop a good understanding of the medical complications associated with this medical procedure. Researchers and students in this field will be assisted by this book.

  • af Rowen Griggs
    1.557,95 kr.

    A kidney transplant refers to a type of surgical procedure that involves implanting a healthy kidney from a deceased or living donor into an individual whose kidneys are no longer functioning appropriately. A kidney transplant can help patients feel better and live longer lives by treating end-stage renal disease or chronic kidney disease. There are serious risks associated with kidney transplant surgery, such as rejection or failure of the donated kidney, blood clots, and infections. The management of a kidney transplant includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes proper exercise and diet, and taking anti-rejection medications regularly, in appropriate doses and at the appropriate intervals. This book provides comprehensive insights on kidney transplants. It is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about its clinical management. The readers would gain knowledge that would broaden their perspective in this area.

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