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Bøger af Sally Betters

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  • af Sally Betters
    137,95 kr.

    Esta es la turbulenta historia de Naomi Parker, una valiente joven que logra superar heroicamente una serie de experiencias devastadoras en su vida. El terrible secreto que guarda en su corazón la acecha continuamente, afecta su manera de pensar e influye negativamente en su proceso de toma de decisiones. Esta verdad escondida, agravada por un trastorno del aprendizaje, afecta su habilidad para procesar la información. Naomi se da cuenta de que tiene un verdadero enemigo que viene pisándole los talones y desea devorarla. Sin embargo, encuentra también una gran esperanza en un Libertador, que la llevará de un lugar de esclavitud y vergüenza, a un espacio de libertad y paz. Naomi demuestra su perseverancia a través del amor a su familia y su creciente fe en Dios. A lo largo de su jornada en busca de sentido, logra un verdadero encuentro con aquellos que están sufriendo circunstancias similares.

  • af Sally Betters
    182,95 kr.

    In this compelling narrative you will find: Who your real enemy is. How to prepare for battle. Where the resources are to overcome your brokenness. What to do if you want intimate connection with others.Discover what arises in the turbulent life of Naomi Parker that takes her from a place of fear and shame to compassion for those in similar circumstances. After finding her purpose, Naomi is able to intimately connect with those who struggle with parallel life-altering issues.This unique journey of perseverance provides hope in the midst of gaping jaws of uncertainty.The author is committed to donating a portion of the proceeds of From Crisis to Compassion directly to organizations challenging human trafficking.

  • af Sally Betters
    287,95 kr.

    This is the turbulent story of Naomi Parker, a courageous young women who valiantly overcomes a series of devastating life experiences. She harbors a looming secret that dominates her thinking and negatively impacts her decision making. It infects her ability to process information and is compounded by a learning disability. Naomi comes to know she has a real enemy nipping at her heals who desires to devour her. She also finds great hope in a Liberator, who brings her from a place of bondage and shame to a place of freedom and peace. Naomi demonstrates perseverance through her love of family and growing faith in God. Through her quest to find her purpose, she is able to intimately connect with those who are struggling with similar issues.

  • af Sally Betters
    117,95 kr.

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