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Bøger af Sara Spangsberg

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  • - From overthinking to wisdom
    af Sara Spangsberg
    146,95 kr.

    Using herself and her own experiences as a starting point, Sara introduces you to The 3 Principles: an understanding that is gaining momentum across much of the world, describing the fundamental principles behind every human experience. Through this book, you will gain insight into the human psychological design and discover your own inner peace and health.'Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it, and you'll never want to go back to the time before.The book is an introduction to the Principles, that can be read by everyone - experienced and beginners alike. Foreword by Amy Johnson and Mette Louise HollandWhat is a 'bookcast'?As far as we know, the word 'bookcast' was invented for the occasion. It describes what you are holding in your hand right now: a podcast in book form.Sara has been doing the Danish podcast "Sara og de 3P'er" for a long time, and this bookcast is a rewritten, tightened, and expanded version of selected podcast episodes.Sara Spangsberg is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in Vesterbro, Copenhagen. She graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 2006 and worked within the cognitive field. However, it wasn't until she came across The 3 Principles that she found her niche. Sara is passionate about communicating the 3 Principles and gives lectures, organizes 3P events, and has two podcasts - in addition to her work as a practicing psychologist.

  • af Sara Spangsberg
    177,95 kr.

    Livet kan virke svært, men det behøver det slet ikke.Hvis du gerne vil opdage din egen indre sundhed og samtidig bevæbnes med indsigt i menneskets psykiske design, så er “En ny vej i livet – fra overtænkning til visdom” bogen for dig.Bogen er en introduktion til de grundlæggende principper, der ligger bag enhver menneskelig oplevelse – De 3 Principper.Den er en renskrevet, opstrammet udgave af udvalgte afsnit af forfatterens podcast, “Sara og De 3P’er”, krydret med senere indsigter og refleksioner.Sara Spangsberg (der både er bogens forfatter, psykolog, mor og alt muligt andet) tager dig med på en ærlig og befriende useriøs rejse igennem de psykiske processer, der danner grundlaget for den virkelighed, vi alle sammen lever i.Hun bruger sig selv og sine egne oplevelser som udgangspunkt til at illustrere, hvordan vi alle nogle gange farer vild i tilværelsen. Derfra peger hun på, hvordan vi kan finde en ny og nemmere vej gennem livet. En vej, hvor vi lytter til den indre visdom, vi heldigvis alle sammen har. Når først du har set det Sara peger på, kan du ikke af-se det, og du vil aldrig ønske at vende tilbage til tiden før.

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