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  • af Sergio Morais Cavalcante Filho
    422,95 kr.

    Over time, Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) have brought about significant changes in people's daily lives, as we are now experiencing a digital culture. Therefore, education, in the constructivist sense of knowledge, needs to keep pace with the progress of society and individuals, so educational IT is now widespread and reflected upon. This book presents a bibliographical study and research characterised as a survey, carried out with three mathematics degree courses with the aim of investigating how teacher training is taking place, from the point of view of cy(i)berformation and whether the courses have provided for pedagogical practices with ICT in their curricula, thus providing future graduates with technical skills for educational computing.

  • af Sergio Morais Cavalcante Filho
    422,95 kr.

    Nel corso del tempo, le tecnologie digitali dell'informazione e della comunicazione (DICT) hanno apportato cambiamenti significativi nella vita quotidiana delle persone, in quanto stiamo vivendo una cultura digitale. Pertanto, l'educazione, nel senso costruttivista della conoscenza, deve stare al passo con il progresso della società e degli individui, per cui l'informatica educativa è ormai diffusa e oggetto di riflessione. Questo libro presenta uno studio bibliografico e una ricerca caratterizzata da un'indagine, condotta presso tre corsi di laurea in matematica con l'obiettivo di indagare come si svolge la formazione degli insegnanti, dal punto di vista della cy(i)berformazione e se i corsi hanno previsto nei loro curricula pratiche pedagogiche con le TIC, fornendo così ai futuri laureati competenze tecniche per l'informatica didattica.

  • af Sergio Morais Cavalcante Filho
    422,95 kr.

    Au fil du temps, les technologies numériques de l'information et de la communication (TNIC) ont apporté des changements significatifs dans la vie quotidienne des gens, puisque nous vivons aujourd'hui une culture numérique. L'éducation, au sens constructiviste de la connaissance, doit donc suivre l'évolution de la société et des individus, c'est pourquoi les TIC éducatives sont aujourd'hui largement répandues et font l'objet d'une réflexion. Ce livre présente une étude bibliographique et une recherche caractérisée par une enquête, menée auprès de trois filières de mathématiques dans le but d'étudier comment se déroule la formation des enseignants, du point de vue de la cy(i)berformation, et si les filières ont prévu des pratiques pédagogiques avec les TIC dans leurs programmes, fournissant ainsi aux futurs diplômés des compétences techniques pour l'informatique éducative.

  • af Sergio Morais Cavalcante Filho
    692,95 kr.

    This book presents a compilation of texts that invite us to (re)think teacher training based on reflections on the use of digital information and communication technologies to foster the teaching and learning process. The articles deal with different theories and practices, addressing higher education training processes and innovative pedagogical and methodological proposals. In addition, the studies discuss the contributions and limitations of information technology in the training of subjects in the contemporary world and the need for scientific literacy.

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