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Bøger af Simon Sebag Montefiore

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  • - The Biography
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    145,95 kr.

    The epic story of Jerusalem told through the lives of the men and women who created, ruled and inhabited it.

  • - The Court of the Red Tsar
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    145,95 kr.

    The thrilling biography of Stalin - an international bestseller

  • - 1613-1918
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    145,95 kr.

    The epic new history from the bestselling author of JERUSALEM - the intimate story of Russia's imperial dynasty

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    165,95 - 344,95 kr.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    125,95 kr.

    Vital prequel to the internationally bestselling biography STALIN: COURT OF THE RED TSAR

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    247,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er det hele så hemmeligt?” ”Kan du ikke se det? Vi lever i sammensværgelsernes tidsalder. Alting er en sammensværgelse. Selv at tage på skovtur eller at læse digte.” Hvis dine børn blev tvunget til at vidne imod dig, hvilke frygtelige hemmeligheder ville de så afsløre?Moskva 1945. Mens Stalin og hans stab fejrer sejren over Hitler, lyder der skud. På en bro i nærheden ligger en teenagedreng og -pige døde. De to er ikke hvem som helst, men børn af Ruslands magtelite, elever fra en af de mest eksklusive skoler i Moskva. Er det mord? En selvmordspagt? Eller farligst af alt: en sammensværgelse mod staten?Under påbud fra Stalin selv sættes en undersøgelse i gang og en række børn bliver arresteret og afhørt, tvunget til at vidne mod hinanden - og deres forældre. I et regime bygget op om frygt og magtintriger er der ikke råd til at træde ved siden af; alt, hvad børnene siger, kan føre til befrielse eller en dødsdom. Ingen har råd til at afsløre de hemmeligheder, de går og gemmer på.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    138,95 kr.

    Simon Sebag Montefiore har skrevet verdens bedste bog om den mest omstridte, elskede, ombejlede, kontroversielle by - og har gjort det med så stor indlevelse, grundighed og overbevisning, at det er en af de mest roste biografier over en hel by nogensinde. Det gør bogen til et must for alle, der bare er det mindste interesseret i, hvor vores holdninger, overbevisninger, tro (eller mangel på samme) kommer fra, og hvorfor der er så store spændinger mellem kristne, jøder og muslimer i verden i dag."Simon Sebag Montefiore har skrevet en stakåndet og vidunderlig bog om verdens mest omstridte by." *****- Berlingske Tidende"En bog man bliver klogere af." *****- Jyllands-Posten "Et brag af en bog om de seneste tre tusind år i den hellige by." *****- Politiken"En levende og velresearchet bog fra bibelske David og frem til i dag." *****- Ekstra Bladet "Vellykket kæmpeværk med bud til alle, der har interesse i kulturhistorie."- Kristeligt Dagblad

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    117,95 kr.

    Imprisoned in the Gulags for a crime he did not commit, Benya Golden joins a penal battalion made up of Cossacks and convicts to fight the Nazis. He enrols in the Russian cavalry, and on a hot summer day in July 1942, he and his band of brothers are sent on a desperate mission behind enemy lines.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    117,95 kr.

    'An epic adventure story set against the most awful war in history. Ridiculously good' Dan SnowIf your children were forced to testify against you, what terrible secrets would they reveal?Moscow 1945.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    127,95 kr.

    Sashenka's story lies hidden for half a century, until a young historian goes deep into Stalin's private archives and uncovers a heart-breaking story of passion and betrayal, savage cruelty and unexpected heroism - and one woman forced to make an unbearable choice ...

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    138,95 kr.

    "Hvorfor er det hele så hemmeligt?""Kan du ikke se det? Vi lever i sammensværgelsernes tidsalder. Alting er en sammensværgelse. Selv at tage på skovtur eller at læse digte."Hvis dine børn blev tvunget til at vidne imod dig, hvilke frygtelige hemmeligheder ville de så afsløre?Moskva 1945. Mens Stalin og hans stab fejrer sejren over Hitler, lyder der skud. På en bro i nærheden ligger en teenagedreng og -pige døde. De to er ikke hvem som helst, men børn af Ruslands magtelite, elever fra en af de mest eksklusive skoler i Moskva. Er det mord? En selvmordspagt? Eller farligst af alt: en sammensværgelse mod staten?Under påbud fra Stalin selv sættes en undersøgelse i gang og en række børn bliver arresteret og afhørt, tvunget til at vidne mod hinanden - og deres forældre. I et regime bygget op om frygt og magtintriger er der ikke råd til at træde ved siden af; alt, hvad børnene siger, kan føre til befrielse eller en dødsdom. Ingen har råd til at afsløre de hemmeligheder, de går og gemmer på.LEKTØRUDTALELSE"Den fremragende roman henvender sig primært til interesserede i russisk historie, men også til alle, der godt kan lide en velskrevet og rørende historisk roman (...) Romanen udfolder sig som en Matrjosjka-dukke: Der fjernes lag og historien tager nye drejninger. Forfatteren formår på fornemste vis at holde de mange bolde i luften og der er en fin vekslen mellem historie, politik, satire, kærlighed og spænding. Sproget er både detaljeret, morsomt og sanseligt (...) Fremragende roman, med fine anmeldelser fra udlandet, bør stå på alle landets folkebiblioteker."PRESSEN SKREV "I sjældne tilfælde får man det hele i en spændingsroman: underholdning, indsigt, velskriv. 'En vinternat' .. er et af disse tilfælde." - Politiken"En af den slags velkomponerede og velskrevne romaner, hvor man faktisk har det lidt skidt ved at være så godt underholdt." - Jyllands-Posten"... velskrevet og veldrejet" - Weekendavisen"En gang i mellem er man så heldig at få en bog mellem hænderne, hvor siderne bare suger én ind. Sådan er det med En vinternat. Jeg læste de knap 500 sider på otte timer, stort set uden at lægge den fra mig. Fantastisk underholdning, store følelser og smerte, tragedie og lykke klemt ned i fortællingen fra sommeren i Moskva i 1945." - bogblogger.dkSimon Sebag Montefiore (f. 1965) er britisk historiker og ph.d i filosofi fra Cambridge University. Han har skrevet de kritikerroste romaner Red Sky at Noon, Sasjenka (Borgens Forlag) og En vinternat (Gads Forlag), som vandt prisen for bedste politiske roman i Storbritannien. Montefiore har desuden skrevet fem historiske BBC-programmer om Istanbul, Jerusalem, Rom, Spanien og Wien, og samt en række prisvindende historiske bestsellere, der er udkommet på mere end 45 sprog.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    197,95 kr.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    437,95 kr.

    Hace unos 950.000 años, una familia de cinco personas caminó por una playa y dejó las huellas familiares más antiguas jamás descubiertas. Para Simon Sebag Montefiore estos fósiles sirven como inspiración para una nueva historia mundial, una que es genuinamente global a la vez que íntima, que abarca siglos, continentes y culturas y se centra en los lazos familiares que nos conectan a cada uno de nosotros. Traza una crónica de las grandes dinastías que han dado forma a nuestro mundo a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad a través de intrigas palaciegas, asuntos amorosos y vidas familiares, vinculando los grandes temas --la guerra, la migración, la peste, la religión o la tecnología-- con las personas que están en el corazón de la historia.Un rico elenco de complejos personajes forman el corazón palpitante de la historia. Veremos desfilar los Médici y a los Incas, los otomanos y los mogoles, los Bonapartes, los Habsburgo y los Zulúes, los Rothschild, los Rockefeller y los Krupp, los Churchill, los Kennedy, los Castro, los Nehrus, los Pahlavis y los Kenyattas, los Saudíes, los Kim y los Assad. Algunos son líderes conocidos --desde Alejandro Magno, Atila, Iván el Terrible y Gengis Kan hasta Hitler, Thatcher, Obama o Putin--, otros fueron genios creativos, desde Sócrates, Miguel Ángel y Shakespeare hasta Newton, Mozart, Balzac, Freud, Bowie y Tim Berners-Lee. Pero a esta nómina se suman personajes menos conocidos, como Hongwu, que empezó como mendigo y fundó la dinastía Ming; Kamehameha, conquistador de Hawai; Zenobia, emperatriz árabe que desafió a Roma; o Sayyida al-Hurra, reina pirata marroquí. Aquí no solo hay conquistadores y reinas, sino también profetas, charlatanes, actores, gángsters, artistas, científicos, médicos, magnates, amantes, esposas, maridos e hijos.Las poderosas dinastías que desfilan por este libro representan la escala de la ambición humana, fusionando sangrientas guerras de sucesión, complots traicioneros y a veces asombrosa megalomanía con una floreciente cultura o romances apasionados. Tan fascinante como la ficción, El Mundo captura toda la historia de la humanidad con toda su alegría, dolor, romance, ingenio y crueldad en una innovadora y magistral narración que cambiará para siempre los límites de lo que la historia puede lograr.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONA magisterial world history unlike any other, that tells the story of humanity through the one thing we all have in common: families. Around 950,000 years ago, a family of five walked along the beach and left behind the oldest family footprints ever discovered. For Sebag Montefiore, these poignant fossils serve as an inspiration for a new kind of world history, one that is genuinely global and focuses on the family ties that connect every one of us. In this epic, ever-surprising book, Montefiore chronicles the world's great dynasties across human history through palace intrigues, love affairs, and family lives, linking grand themes of war, migration, plague, religion, and technology to the people at the heart of the human drama. It features a cast of extraordinary diversity: in addition to rulers and conquerors, there are priests, charlatans, artists, scientists, tycoons, gangsters, lovers, husbands, wives, and children. Dazzling, and as spellbinding as fiction, El mundo captures the whole human story in a single, masterful narrative.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    87,95 kr.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    247,95 kr.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    182,95 kr.

    Sashenka launches the critically acclaimed "Moscow Trilogy," where the love and intrigue, betrayal and fear, war, revolution and terror of twentieth century Russia are brought to life in these compelling stories and unforgettable characters. Winter 1916: St. Petersburg, Russia, is on the brink of revolution. Outside the Smolny Institute for Noble Girls, an English governess is waiting for her young charge to be released from school. But so are the Tsar's secret police...Beautiful and headstrong, Sashenka Zeitlin is just sixteen. As her mother parties with Rasputin and their dissolute friends, Sashenka slips into the frozen night to play her part in a dangerous game of conspiracy and seduction.Twenty years later, Sashenka is married to a powerful, rising Soviet leader with whom she has two children. Around her people are disappearing, while in the secret world of the elite her own family is safe. But she's about to embark on a forbidden love affair that will have devastating consequences.Sashenka's story lies hidden for half a century, until a young historian goes deep into Stalin's private archives and uncovers a heartbreaking tale of betrayal and redemption, savage cruelty and unexpected heroism—and one woman forced to make an unbearable choice.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    182,95 kr.

    Inspired by a true story, New York Times bestselling author Simon Sebag Montefiore explores the consequences of forbidden love in this heartbreaking epic childhood, danger, and betrayal that unfolds during the bleak days after WWII. As Moscow celebrates the motherland's glorious victory over the Nazis, shots ring out on the crowded streets. On a nearby bridge, a teenage boy and girl—dressed in traditional nineteenth-century costumes—lie dead. But this is no ordinary tragedy, because these are no ordinary teenagers. They were the children of high-ranking Soviet officials. Was it an accident, or murder? Is it a conspiracy against Stalin, or one of his own terrifying intrigues?On Stalin's instructions, a ruthless investigation begins into what becomes known as the Children's Case. Youth across the city are arrested and forced to testify against their friends and their parents. As families are ripped apart, all kinds of secrets come spilling out. Trapped at the center of this witch-hunt are two pairs of illicit lovers, who learn that matters of the heart exact a terrible price.By turns a darkly sophisticated political thriller, a rich historical saga, and a deeply human love story, Montefiore's masterful novel powerfully portrays the terror and drama of Stalin's Russia.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    87,95 kr.

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    247,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - From the national bestselling author of Stalin: An "epic history on the grandest scale" (Financial Times) about the most successful dynasty of modern times, a family who created the world's greatest empire--and then lost it all. "An essential addition to the library of anyone interested in Russian history." --The New York Times Book Review The Romanovs ruled a sixth of the world's surface for three centuries. How did one family turn a war-ruined principality intoc the world's greatest empire? And how did they lose it all? This is the intimate story of twenty tsars and tsarinas, some touched by genius, some by madness, but all inspired by holy autocracy and imperial ambition. Simon Sebag Montefiore's gripping chronicle reveals their secret world of unlimited power and ruthless empire-building, overshadowed by palace conspiracy, family rivalries, sexual decadence, and wild extravagance. Drawing on new archival research, Montefiore delivers an enthralling epic of triumph and tragedy, love and murder, that is both a universal study of power and a portrait of empire that helps define Russia today.

  • - The Imperial Love Affair
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    145,95 kr.

    The epic bestselling biography of Catherine the Great and Prince Potemkin, her outrageous lover and co-ruler

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    197,95 kr.

    Crack open the spine of this gloriously illustrated book to discover a breathtaking history of the city that has changed the course of history. Because Jerusalem's story is the history of the world - and its most recognisable, powerful, flamboyant (and sometimes malevolent) characters: King Herod, the Emperors Nero and Caesar, Cleopatra, Nebuchadnezzar and Catherine the Great to Lawrence of Arabia, Winston Churchill and even Barack Obama. The history of Jerusalem is the ultimate epic story of battling kings, scheming empresses, lying politicians, love, faith, families and feuds. This beautifully illustrated retelling of historian Simon Sebag Montefiore's seminal classic Jerusalem: A Biography is masterful: its stories reveal in a balanced and measured way Jerusalem's political, religious and ethnic rivalries - past and present - that readers will find easier to understand through the context of its 3,000-year history. In doing so, it becomes an essential guide to understanding today's world.

  • - Speeches that Changed the World
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    102,95 kr.

    A collection of history's greatest speeches, with commentary from internationally bestselling historian Simon Sebag Montefiore

  • - Letters that Changed the World
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    102,95 kr.

    A collection of the greatest letters in history, charting world-shaping events and revealing the unique personalities of some of history's most famous figures

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    92,95 kr.

    The Royal Rabbits are hopping into action again in this NEW book in the bestselling series!

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    82,95 kr.

    The Royal Rabbits are hopping into action again in this NEW book in the bestselling series!

  • af Simon Sebag Montefiore & Santa Montefiore
    92,95 kr.

    The second in this exciting new series for younger readers from the international bestselling authors Santa and Sebag Montefiore, illustrated by sought-after illustrator Kate Hindley.

  • - The Giants Who Made Our World
    af Simon Sebag Montefiore
    145,95 kr.

    The history of the world told through the entertaining, horrifying and inspiring characters that everyone should know

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