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Bøger af Steven Pressfield

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  • - Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way
    af Steven Pressfield
    98,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    122,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    127,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    112,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER • “An incredibly gripping, moving, and literate work of art, rarely does an author manage to re-create a moment in history with such mastery, authority, and psychological insight.”—Nelson DeMilleAt Thermopylae, a rocky mountain pass in northern Greece, the feared and admired Spartan soldiers stood three hundred strong. Theirs was a suicide mission, to hold the pass against the invading millions of the mighty Persian army.Day after bloody day they withstood the terrible onslaught, buying time for the Greeks to rally their forces. Born into a cult of spiritual courage, physical endurance, and unmatched battle skill, the Spartans would be remembered for the greatest military stand in history—one that would not end until the rocks were awash with blood, leaving only one gravely injured Spartan squire to tell the tale. . . .“A novel that is intricate and arresting and, once begun, almost impossible to put down.”—Daily News “A timeless epic of man and war . . . Pressfield has created a new classic deserving a place beside the very best of the old.”—Stephen Coonts

  • af Steven Pressfield
    155,95 kr.

    Set on a Georgia golf course in 1931, a caddie uses his mysterious powers to affect the game and the fate of the players. This is the film tie-in edition of "Bagger Vance", from the Director of "The Horse Whisperer" and starring Will Smith, Matt Damon, Jack Lemmon and Charlize Theron.

  • - slaget ved Thermopylæ
    af Steven Pressfield
    103,95 kr.

    I et snævert pas, langt nord for Athen, stod tre hundrede udvalgte spartanere for 2500 år siden, i 480 f. Kr., overfor Kong Xerxes´ armé fra Persien. En massiv styrke, der forlød at være på en million krigere. Spartanernes ordrer var simple: At forsinke fjenden så længe som muligt, mens hovedstyrken af den græske hær mobiliserede sig.De gav tappert deres liv i frihedens og demokratiets navn. I seks dage holdt spartanerne stand mod de invaderende. I de sidste timer, da deres skjolde knækkede og deres sværd og spyd knustes, kæmpede de videre med de bare hænder og tænder, før de blev nedkæmpet. Det var et slag, der blev symbolet på enestående mod, heroisme og selvopofrelse. Dets navn var Thermopylæ.I Flammernes Porte er fortælleren den eneste overlevende fra dette dramatiske slag, en væbner i Spartas legendariske hær, der blev fundet døende under en stridsvogn og taget til fange. Det er en fortrinlig beskrivelse af et menneskes indvielse i den spartanske måde at leve og dø på og af de legendariske mænd og kvinder, der har skænket denne kultur udødeligheden.Med højdepunktet, det episke slag, væver Flammernes Porte historie, mystik og tragisk kærlighed i et litterært værk, der bringer den Homeriske tradition ind i det enogtyvende århundrede.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    110,95 kr.

    Ano 338-323 a.C. Varado en la India ante el enemigo, Alejandro y sus tropas no consiguen prosperar en su avance de la conquista asiatica. Este decide entonces contar sus recuerdos a uno de sus hombres y dejar asi registro escrito para la posteridad. Comienza entonces el relato de su infancia en Macedonia, cuando ya acompanaba a su padre a ver el entrenamiento de sus ejercitos, educado por Aristoteles, cuando mas tarde ya se convertiria el mismo en soldado, luchando bajo el mando de su padre que logro devolver el honor a la tierra de Macedonia, convirtiendose en un guerrero temido y respetado, llamado a superar las hazanas de su padre. Siendo todavia muy joven, su padre es asesinado y el se hace cargo del mandato del reino, demostrando su capacidad de liderazgo y militar, sometiendo a ejercitos mas poderosos que el suyo, enfrentandose a reyes y emperadores y extendiendo su conquista a las tierras de Oriente Medio, sometiendo uno a uno a los pueblos de Palestina, Egipto, y pronto empezaria a ser considerado un Dios. En Mesopotamia se enfrenta al primer problema enfrentandose a un ejercito superior al suyo, un millon de hombres, pero aun asi cayo Babilonia. Alejandro se instalo alli y su ejercito empezo a ablandarse, los soldados a convertirse en cortesanos, hasta que comprendio que debia seguir avanzando, hacer lo que mejor sabia: conquistar. A continuacion cayo Persepolis, luego en Afganistan tuvo que enfrentar un nuevo enemigo y una manera distinta de hacer la guerra, y tras tres anos de campana termino comprando la fidelidad de las tribus afganas. Avanzando siempre hacia el Este, hasta la India, y alli sus hombres comprendieron que ya no podian dar mas de si, que el fin del mundo por el Este quedaba muy lejos y le pidieron que detuviera su conquista y regresar a casa. Alejandro se opuso en un principio pero al final comprendio que llevaban razon y ordeno el regreso. Habian pasado ocho anos desde que salieran de Macedonia. Durante el regreso Alejandro cae enfermo y muere rodeado de sus hombres. Una entretenida epopeya belica, con un protagonista que toma el cariz de heroe y casi Dios, y que rinde un retrato completo del guerrero avido de gloria y del hombre."

  • af Steven Pressfield
    182,95 kr.

  • - First Deployment
    af Steven Pressfield
    147,95 kr.

    With a brutal Gulf War pedigree, and in uniform as LAPD patrol officers, Harrington and Vendetti navigate the city's sprawling terrain, encountering the desperate, the depraved, and the empty. What follows is a series of gruesome occurrences with no apparent logic to them. Allowed to witness their hate and vengeance, it appears they merely cause mayhem for mayhem's sake. They steal, use, and sell drugs, but that's only when they're not mutilating corpses or driving people to suicide. Theirs is a filthy and misogynistic world ruled by whores, drugs, and retribution. There is nobody in this world to cheer for, yet even in the deeply flawed there is a hint of a soul. The actions of these sociopathic, dead-eyed men hint, ironically, where it lies. With every new soon-to-be-terrorized individual these predators' darkly comical, and vicious nature is revealed. And, as it often is in their world, there is the clinging and perverse fascination that nothing is ever truly resolved. Whether in a drug lord's crosshairs or a pending Internal Affairs investigation, it isn't so much about dying as it is about fueling their existence. White Dwarf is a twisted reflection of life that is as beautiful as it is horrifying.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    182,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    412,95 kr.

    THE DAILY PRESSFIELD is 365 days (plus a bonus week) of motivation, inspiration, and encouragement. Are you starting a new book/album/business venture? Open to page one of THE DAILY PRESSFIELD and start rolling. Each chapter begins with a picked quote from THE WAR OF ART, GATES OF FIRE, Pressfield's Writing Wednesdays blog, and other P-field sources. The second half of each chapter is Steve's commentary on that passage. THE DAILY PRESSFIELD is a year's worth of kicks-in-the-butt and pats-on-the-back, structured to counsel, support, and guide you-day-by-day-from the start of your project to its successful completion.THE DAILY PRESSFIELD is illustrated (one pic a week) by award-winning illustrator Victor Juhasz, whose work you've seen in Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, the New York Times, and many other books, shows, and publications. To see more of Vic's work check out his website at

  • af Steven Pressfield
    212,95 kr.

    WARS CHANGE, WARRIORS DON'TWe are all warriors. Each of us struggles every day to define and defend our sense of purpose and integrity, to justify our existence on the planet and to understand, if only within our own hearts, who we are and what we believe in. Do we fight by a code? If so, what is it? What is the Warrior Ethos? Where did it come from? What form does it take today? How do we (and how can we) use it and be true to it in our internal and external lives?The Warrior Ethos is intended not only for men and women in uniform, but artists, entrepreneurs and other warriors in other walks of life. The book examines the evolution of the warrior code of honor and "mental toughness." It goes back to the ancient Spartans and Athenians, to Caesar's Romans, Alexander's Macedonians and the Persians of Cyrus the Great (not excluding the Garden of Eden and the primitive hunting band). Sources include Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarch, Xenophon, Vegetius, Arrian and Curtius--and on down to Gen. George Patton, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, and Israeli Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    162,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    162,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    162,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    257,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    142,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    197,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • - A Writer Confronts His Own Exile and Identity
    af Steven Pressfield
    137,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    367,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    165,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    212,95 kr.

    "I have a theory about the Hero's Journey. We all have one. We have many, in fact. But our primary hero's journey is the passage we live out, in real life, before we find our calling. The hero's journey ends when, like Odysseus, we return home to Ithaca, to the place from which we started. What then? The passage that comes next is The Artist's Journey. On our artist's journey, we move past Resistance and past self-sabotage. We discover our true selves and our authentic calling, and we produce the works we were born to create. You are an artist too-whether you realize it or not, whether you like it or not-and you have an artist's journey. Will you live it out? Will you follow your Muse and do the work you were born to do? Ready or not, you are called."--Back cover.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    212,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    212,95 kr.

  • af Steven Pressfield
    192,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLER • "An incredibly gripping, moving, and literate work of art, rarely does an author manage to re-create a moment in history with such mastery, authority, and psychological insight."-Nelson DeMilleAt Thermopylae, a rocky mountain pass in northern Greece, the feared and admired Spartan soldiers stood three hundred strong. Theirs was a suicide mission, to hold the pass against the invading millions of the mighty Persian army.Day after bloody day they withstood the terrible onslaught, buying time for the Greeks to rally their forces. Born into a cult of spiritual courage, physical endurance, and unmatched battle skill, the Spartans would be remembered for the greatest military stand in history-one that would not end until the rocks were awash with blood, leaving only one gravely injured Spartan squire to tell the tale. . . ."A novel that is intricate and arresting and, once begun, almost impossible to put down."-Daily News "A timeless epic of man and war . . . Pressfield has created a new classic deserving a place beside the very best of the old."-Stephen Coonts

  • af Steven Pressfield
    182,95 kr.

    I have always been a soldier. I have known no other life. So begins Alexander's extraordinary confession on the eve of his greatest crisis of leadership. By turns heroic and calculating, compassionate and utterly merciless, Alexander recounts with a warrior's unflinching eye for detail the blood, the terror, and the tactics of his greatest battlefield victories. Whether surviving his father's brutal assassination, presiding over a massacre, or weeping at the death of a beloved comrade-in-arms, Alexander never denies the hard realities of the code by which he lives: the virtues of war. But as much as he was feared by his enemies, he was loved and revered by his friends, his generals, and the men who followed him into battle. Often outnumbered, never outfought, Alexander conquered every enemy the world stood against him-but the one he never saw coming. . . .

  • af Steven Pressfield
    197,95 kr.

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