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  • af Swapnadip De
    567,95 kr.

    Neste livro, as técnicas de engenharia de canal e engenharia de porta são combinadas para formar novas estruturas de dispositivos propostas como MOSFETs de porta de material duplo de halo único (SHDMG) e de porta de material duplo de halo duplo (DHDMG). Os MOSFET avançados são dopados de forma não uniforme em resultado de um fluxo de processo complexo. Por conseguinte, um dos factores-chave para modelar com precisão os parâmetros característicos é modelar o seu perfil de dopagem não uniforme. O livro apresenta também um modelo analítico do potencial de superfície sublimiar, da tensão limiar, da corrente de drenagem baseada na teoria da deriva-difusão e da transcondutância para SHDMG e DHDMG n-MOSFETs lineares e de perfil gaussiano que funcionam até ao regime de 40 nm. É também proposto um modelo analítico de corrente de drenagem sub-limiar baseado no potencial quasi-Fermi para transístores SHDMG e DHDMG MOS lineares e de perfil gaussiano, incorporando os campos de franja nas duas extremidades do dispositivo.

  • af Swapnadip De
    567,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre, les techniques d'ingénierie de canal et d'ingénierie de grille sont combinées pour former de nouvelles structures de dispositifs proposées en tant que MOSFETs à grille simple-halo à double matériau (SHDMG) et à grille double-halo à double matériau (DHDMG). Les MOSFETs avancés sont dopés de manière non uniforme en raison d'un processus complexe. Par conséquent, l'un des facteurs clés pour modéliser les paramètres caractéristiques avec précision est de modéliser son profil de dopage non uniforme. Le livre présente également un potentiel de surface sous seuil analytique, une tension de seuil, un courant de drain basé sur la théorie de la dérive-diffusion et un modèle de transconductance pour les n-MOSFETs SHDMG et DHDMG linéaires et à profil gaussien fonctionnant jusqu'au régime de 40nm. Un modèle analytique de courant de drain sous seuil basé sur le potentiel quasi-Fermi pour les transistors MOS SHDMG et DHDMG linéaires et à profil gaussien, incorporant les champs frangeants aux deux extrémités du dispositif, est également proposé.

  • af Swapnadip De
    346,95 kr.

    In this book the main focus has been on the modeling and the influence of depletion layers around the source and the drain regions on the sub-threshold characteristics of a short channel MOS transistor with uniformly-doped channel. An analytical model for sub-threshold surface potential in a short channel MOS transistor has been developed by solving the pseduo-2D Poisson¿s equation, formulated by applying Gauss¿s law to a rectangular box in the channel covering the entire depletion layer depth. The model has been able to predict an increased influence of the junction depletion regions for smaller channel length and/or higher drain/source bias voltages due to increased charge sharing. The same model is applied to find the sub threshold surface potential for Double Halo MOSFETs. The shrinking of device dimension leads to reduction of gate oxide thickness. As a result of this the undesirable hot electron effect and the gate tunneling current is increased. In order to overcome this drawback high-k material are used instead of silicon dioxide as the insulating material underneath the gate. These modeling will prove to be beneficial and help in further research work in the future.

  • af Swapnadip De
    346,95 kr.

    In this book, the channel engineering and the gate engineering techniques are combined to form novel device structures proposed as Single-halo Dual Material Gate(SHDMG) and Double-halo Dual Material gate(DHDMG) MOSFETs. Advanced MOSFETs are non-uniformly doped as a result of complex process flow. Therefore, one of the key factors to model the characteristic parameters accurately is to model its non uniform doping profile. The book also presents an analytical sub threshold surface potential, threshold voltage, drift-diffusion theory based drain current and transconductance model for linear and Gaussian profile based SHDMG and DHDMG n-MOSFETs operating up to 40nm regime. A quasi-Fermi potential based analytical sub threshold drain current model for linear as well as Gaussian profile based SHDMG and DHDMG MOS transistor, incorporating the fringing fields at the two ends of the device is also proposed.

  • af Swapnadip De
    563,95 kr.

    The book gives an insight into scaling and short channel effects in MOSFETs. Also the brief idea of non conventional MOSFET structures can be obtained from the text. Beginners can go through the book to acquire knowledge on the device physics behind short channel MOSFETs.The researchers can go through the book to obtain in depth idea on developing models of novel device structures which can suppress short channel effects more effectively.

  • af Swapnadip De
    288,95 kr.

  • - Fundamentals
    af Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Angsuman Sarkar, Swapnadip De & mfl.
    2.401,95 kr.

    This book teaches basic and advanced concepts, new methodologies and recent developments in VLSI technology with a focus on low power design. It provides insight on how to use Tanner Spice, Cadence tools, Xilinx tools, VHDL programming and Synopsis to design simple and complex circuits using latest state-of-the art technologies. Emphasis is placed on fundamental transistor circuit-level design concepts.

  • af Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Swapnadip De & Manash Chanda
    470,95 kr.

  • af Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Swapnadip De & Debarati Das
    344,95 kr.

  • af Swapnadip De
    459,95 kr.

  • af Swapnadip De
    460,95 kr.

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