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Bøger af Tatiana De Rosnay

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  • - forfatteren til Sarahs Nøgle, Mokka og Boomerang
    af Tatiana De Rosnay
    127,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Juli 1942: Sarah, en 10-årig jødisk pige, gemmer sin yngre bror i garderobeskabet, lige inden familien brutalt bliver hentet af det franske politi i den berygtede massearrestation af jødiske familier, Vel d´Hiv. Hun låser skabet og kommer nøglen i lommen, overbevist om, at hun vil komme tilbage om nogle timer og låse ham ud. Men der venter en anden skæbne for dem begge… Maj 2002: På 60-års dagen for Vel d´Hiv bliver Julia Jarmond bedt om at skrive en artikel om denne sorte dag i Frankrigs historie. Under sin research snubler hun over Sarahs fortiede hemmelighed. Julia føler sig kaldet til at skrive om pigens skæbne, og undervejs i sin efterforskning af det fortrængte og fortiede begynder hun at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved sit eget liv. "Mesterlig og fængslende. Det her er ikke noget, som læserne glemmer lige med det samme. Anbefales på det varmeste"- Library Journal. Citat fra en læser (Boghandler Birgitte Pedersen fra Stenløse): ”Jeg læste bogen, da den udkom, og det var en fantastisk bog. Det er to historier, man følger bogen igennem. Journalisten, der får til opgave at skrive om et af Frankrigs sorteste kapitler under 2. verdenskrig, jødeopsamlingen i 1942, samtidig med, at man læser om Sarah, der sendes i fangelejr. Bogen er skrevet så intens, så troværdigt, så gribende, at man glemmer tid og sted. Læs bogen. Tatiana de Rosnay er født i 1961, har engelsk, russisk og fransk baggrund og bor i dag i Paris. Ved siden af sit virke som forfatter, har hun arbejdet som redaktør for Vanity Fair og som journalist for Elle. Sarahs nøgle er hendes niende roman. Bogen er blevet varmt modtaget i Frankrig, hvor den er solgt i over 20.000 eksemplarer.· Har solgt over 2.000.000 eksemplarer på verdensplan og er oversat til 32 sprog· Den tredjebedst sælgende forfatter i Europa (efter Stieg Larsson og Dan Brown)

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    104,95 kr.

    París, década de 1860. La ciudad está en pleno proceso de cambio, abandonando el París medieval para dar paso al París moderno y urbano. El barón Haussmann, prefecto de la ciudad, por encargo del emperador Napoleón III llevará a cabo las grandes ideas y estrategias de esta radical reforma. Cuando Rose se casó con Armand Bazelet sabía que se unía al hombre de su vida. Su larga unión fue algo hermoso e inquebrantable. Pero hace diez años que Armand ya no está. Y a Rose tan solo le queda la casa, la casa donde nació Armand, y su padre, y el padre de su padre. La casa de la calle Childebert, antigua y robusta, solo habitada por generaciones de Bazelet, que ha albergado mucha felicidad y también tristezas, y un terrible secreto jamás confesado. Y le quedan sus vecinos, entre ellos la joven Alexandrine, capaz de aturdir y reavivar a Rose con su fuerte personalidad, sus maneras modernas y rotundas y su sincero afecto. Por eso, cuando una carta con remite "Prefectura de París. Ayuntamiento" le anuncia que su casa y todas las de la calle serán expropiadas y derribadas para continuar la prolongación del bulevar Saint-Germain, siguiendo los planes de remodelación de la ciudad de París del barón Haussmann, Rose solo sabe una cosa: tal como prometió a su marido, jamás abandonará la casa. Con el telón de fondo de la convulsa Francia del siglo XIX, Tatiana de Rosnay desarrolla un delicioso y conmovedor retrato de un mundo que ya no existe, de calles a la medida del hombre que albergan a personas que se relacionan, que desempeñan sus oficios unos cerca de otros, que se enfrentan y que se apoyan. Un libro inestimable que hace reflexionar sobre lo que la modernidad, en su necesario avance de progreso y mejoras, arrolla y relega al olvido. Poco estaremos avanzando si, en el camino, ignoramos el alma de las cosas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Paris, 1860's. By order of Emperor Napoleon III, Baron Haussman has set into motion a series of large-scale renovations that will permanently alter the face of old Paris. In the midst of the tumult, Rose Bazelet is determined to fight against the destruction of her family home until the very end; as others flee, she stakes her claim in the basement of the old house on rue Childebert, ignoring the sounds of change that come closer and closer each day. The House I Loved is both a poignant story of one woman's indelible strength, and an ode to Paris, where houses harbor the joys and sorrows of their inhabitants, and secrets endure in the very walls...

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    217,95 kr.

    From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah's Key comes Tatiana de Rosnay's Flowers of Darkness, a riveting and emotionally intense novel, set in a near future Paris, where a woman confronts past betrayal and present mysteryAuthor Clarissa Katsef is struggling to write her next book. She's just snagged a brand new artist residency in an ultra-modern apartment, with a view of all of Paris, a dream for any novelist in search of tranquility. But since moving in, she has had the feeling of being watched. Is there reason to be paranoid? Or is her distraction and discomfort the result of her husband's recent shocking betrayal? Or is that her beloved Paris lies altered outside her windows? A city that will never be quite the same, a city with a scar at its center?Stuck inside, in the midst of a sweltering heat wave, Clarissa enlists her beloved granddaughter in her investigation of the mysterious, high tech building even as she finds herself drawn back into the orbit of her first husband who is still the one who knows her most intimately, who shares the past grief that she has never quite let go.Staying true to her favorite themes-the imprint of the place, the weight of secrets-de Rosnay weaves an intrigue of thrilling suspense and emotional power.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    382,95 kr.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    143,95 kr.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    117,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old girl, is brutally arrested with her family by the French police in the Vel' d'Hiv' roundup, but not before she locks her younger brother in a cupboard in the family's apartment, thinking that she will be back within a few hours.Paris, May 2002: On Vel' d'Hiv's 60th anniversary, journalist Julia Jarmond is asked to write an article about this black day in France's past. Through her contemporary investigation, she stumbles onto a trail of long-hidden family secrets that connect her to Sarah. Julia finds herself compelled to retrace the girl's ordeal, from that terrible term in the Vel d'Hiv', to the camps, and beyond. As she probes into Sarah's past, she begins to question her own place in France, and to reevaluate her marriage and her life. Tatiana de Rosnay offers us a brilliantly subtle, compelling portrait of France under occupation and reveals the taboos and silence that surround this painful episode.

  • - A Novel
    af Tatiana De Rosnay
    237,95 kr.

    This stunning new novel from Tatiana de Rosnay, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Sarah's Key, plumbs the depths of complex family relationships and the power of a past secret to change everything in the present.It all began with a simple seaside vacation, a brother and sister recapturing their childhood. Antoine Rey thought he had the perfect surprise for his sister Melanie's birthday: a weekend by the sea at Noirmoutier Island, where the pair spent many happy childhood summers playing on the beach. It had been too long, Antoine thought, since they'd returned to the island-over thirty years, since their mother died and the family holidays ceased. But the island's haunting beauty triggers more than happy memories; it reminds Melanie of something unexpected and deeply disturbing about their last island summer. When, on the drive home to Paris, she finally summons the courage to reveal what she knows to Antoine, her emotions overcome her and she loses control of the car.Recovering from the accident in a nearby hospital, Melanie tries to recall what caused her to crash. Antoine encounters an unexpected ally: sexy, streetwise Angele, a mortician who will teach him new meanings for the words life, love and death. Suddenly, however, the past comes swinging back at both siblings, burdened with a dark truth about their mother, Clarisse. Trapped in the wake of a shocking family secret shrouded by taboo, Antoine must confront his past and also his troubled relationships with his own children. How well does he really know his mother, his children, even himself? Suddenly fragile on all fronts as a son, a husband, a brother and a father, Antoine Rey will learn the truth about his family and himself the hard way.By turns thrilling, seductive and destructive, with a lingering effect that is bittersweet and redeeming, A Secret Kept is the story of a modern family, the invisible ties that hold it together, and the impact it has throughout life.A film is now in production, to star Melanie Laurent (Inglourious Basterds, Now You See Me), Laurent Lafitte (The Crimson Rivers, Little White Lies), and Audrey Dana (Roman de Gare, The Clink of Ice) and will begin shooting in April!

  • - The Life of Daphne du Maurier
    af Tatiana De Rosnay
    125,95 kr.

    An enthralling biography of Daphne du Maurier, the legendary author of novels including Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    165,95 kr.

    It all began with a simple seaside vacation, a brother and sister recapturing their childhood. Antoine thought he had the perfect surprise for his sister Melanie's birthday: a weekend by the sea at Noirmoutier Island, where the pair spent many happy childhood summers playing on the beach. But the island's haunting beauty triggers more than happy memories; it reminds Melanie of something unexpected and deeply disturbing about their last island summer. When, on the drive home to Paris, she finally summons the courage to reveal what she knows to Antoine, her emotions overcome her and she loses control of the car. Alone, waiting for news of Melanie, Antoine reflects on his life: his wife has left him, his teenage children are strangers to him, his job bores him, and his father is an ageing tyrant who still poisons every aspect of his life. How did he end up here? And, more importantly, what was the secret that his sister wanted to tell him? A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay plumbs the depths of complex family relationships and the power of a past secret to change everything in the present.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    157,95 kr.

    Elle s’appelait Sarah raconte deux histoires. D’un côté l’histoire de Sarah, une petite fille juive  arrêtée avec ses parents lors de la rafle du Vél d’Hiv en juillet 1942 ; de l’autre, l’histoire de Julia, une journaliste américaine qui habite à Paris avec sa  famille et qui doit écrire un article à l’occasion des 60 ans de ce triste évènement. En faisant ses recherches, son chemin va croiser celui de Sarah et Julia va découvrir un terrible  secret qui lie les deux familles et qui va changer sa vie pour toujours. Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    91,95 kr.

    Ein Roman von ungeheurer SogkraftParis, 2002: Julia, eine amerikanische Journalistin, die mit ihrem französischen Mann in Paris lebt, entdeckt, dass die Familie ihres Mannes jahrzehntelang in einer Wohnung gelebt hat, die vor 1942 Juden gehörte. Als sie sich auf die Suche nach der jüdischen Familie macht, ahnt sie nicht, dass dies ihr Leben radikal verändern wird.Ihre Recherche führt sie zurück in den Sommer 1942, zu Sarah, einem zehnjährigen jüdischen Mädchen, das mit ihren Eltern von der französischen Polizei deportiert wurde. Getrieben von dem Wunsch, ihren kleinen Bruder zu retten, der zu Hause versteckt in einem Wandschrank wartet, gelingt ihr die Flucht. Den Schlüssel zum Schrank hält sie in der Hand...Tatiana de Rosnay wuchs in Paris und Boston auf und verbrachte mehrere Jahre in England. Seit 1984 lebt sie wieder in Paris. Sie arbeitet für verschiedene Zeitschriften, unter anderem ELLE und Psychologies, und hat mehrere Romane veröffentlicht.

  • af Tatiana De Rosnay
    182,95 kr.

    The first new novel in four years from the beloved superstar author of Sarah's Key, a heartbreaking and uplifting story of family secrets and devastating disaster, set against a Paris backdrop, fraught with revelations, and resolutions."Hypnotic, passionate, ominous and tender-unforgettable." -Jenna Blum, New York Times and internationally bestselling author of Those Who Save UsLinden Malegarde has come home to Paris from the United States. It has been years since the whole family was all together. Now the Malegarde family is gathering for Paul, Linden's father's 70th birthday.Each member of the Malegarde family is on edge, holding their breath, afraid one wrong move will shatter their delicate harmony. Paul, the quiet patriarch, an internationally-renowned arborist obsessed with his trees and little else, has always had an uneasy relationship with his son. Lauren, his American wife, is determined that the weekend celebration will be a success. Tilia, Linden's blunt older sister, projects an air of false fulfillment. And Linden himself, the youngest, uncomfortable in his own skin, never quite at home no matter where he lives-an American in France and a Frenchman in the U.S.-still fears that, despite his hard-won success as a celebrated photographer, he will always be a disappointment to his parents.Their hidden fears and secrets slowly unravel as the City of Light undergoes a stunning natural disaster, and the Seine bursts its banks and floods the city. All members of the family will have to fight to keep their unity against tragic circumstances. In this profound and intense novel of love and redemption, de Rosnay demonstrates all of her writer's skills both as an incredible storyteller but also as a soul seeker.

  • - A Novel
    af Tatiana De Rosnay
    189,95 kr.

    The first new novel in four years from the beloved superstar author of Sarah's Key, a heartbreaking and uplifting story of family secrets and devastating disaster, in the tradition of THE NEST.

  • - From Paris to Auschwitz, one girl's journey to find her brother
    af Tatiana De Rosnay
    104,95 kr.

    The moving and compelling novel that is loved by book groups and inspired the movie starring Kirstin Scott Thomas.

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